Happy Friday!
Today’s extra special edition of Friday Photos features Zenyatta and her new Medaglia d’Oro filly photographed by Alys Emson.
We’re on our way to Lane’s End to meet this adorable girl—and to share more photos and video footage with you.
-Team Z

Dianne Marroletti
Zenyatta has THE most beautiful f oals! Did she catch everyone a little off guard this year? Didn’t see the usual foal watch news. Thankful to God that both are healthy!
As well intended as it was, the hooplah of the foal watch and everything else around Zenyatta last year could have been a contributing factor to the tragedy with the War Front colt.
Better that they left things low key and gave Zenyatta space and serenity in the last weeks of her pregnancy for a safe foaling.
Now that Z17 is here and healthy, let the photos and hooplah ramp on up!
Totally agree with you. This year was the best approach. A mare needs to be left alone.
Like the look of this filly. Very nice shoulders. She appears to have it all together already.
Nobody is ever perfect. ;)
But they’ll have that left front foot straightened out by the time she’s weaned, I have faith!
Didn’t Z have that hoof issue too? Agree that LE will effectively deal with it.
marianne montgomery
thank you thank you thank you etc. such wonderful pictures. thank you for sharing with us all. now lets send tranquil thoughts their way
donna lupich
Tank you soo much for all the pic just to awesome of mom and baby girl just sooo Awesome to see the 2 of them sooo cute and moma looks sooo happy Happy Friday to all of you
Just lovely. Spectacular looking filly. Zenyatta looks so happy!
Cindi Garringer
Thank you!! They are beautiful!! My day is made ?
Cutest little girl ever!
She is just a gift like her mom. Absolutely adorable. Zenyatta is such a wonderful mom. So happy for her!! This is such an answer to prayer and I am crying tears of joy!! Congratulations to Ann, Jerry and all her connections. Big thank yous to all who care for The Queen.
Alexandra Bowdoin
THANK YOU! What wonderful photos of Z and her little girl. HUGS
Karen Marx
Pictures of perfection. What a beautiful thing to see! Just as it should be. Zenny and her baby girl, sunning, grazing, and playing in the green grass of Kentucky. Happy Mother’s Day Zenyatta, Ann, and all of teamZ. The world can be a beautiful place!
Alison Williams
Thank you for sharing these. This made my day!
James Antinora
What a great lady Zenyatta is that beautiful little girl has a lot to live up to, but with Zen’s blood running through her she will be something special. As a horse player I’ve had horses that I taught so much for,(I’m the kind of horse player that would rather through my tickets on the ground then have any horse hurt and I’ve been playing for over 50 yrs) but the Zen is the one I loved the most.She has such a huge heart, take
good care of our girls.
donna lupich
Happy Mothers Day to all the Mothers out ther and thank you for all the great pictures
Jeanne Sutton
Ann Maree / Tennessee
So wonderful and a beautiful filly/foal, I just can’t stop grinning and I am so happy for all connections, and for all Zenny’s fans! Thank you all at Lane’s End for sharing mom and filly…. Looking forward to more pix and some videos!
Darla Burton
Oh wow! How beautiful you both are! Annie d’ Oro is my choice for a name! Love her and thank you Zenyatta & Medaglia d’ Oro!
Sharon Peck
too precious and adorable for words!
Deana Dameron
Oh my, what a beautiful little girl. You can already see that she has a playful personality. Congratulations to all of Team Z for this beautiful filly, she is a great combination of both parents. Thanks so much for sharing with all of us.
Debbie Trujillo
What a precious baby!! She’s got mom’s ears!!
Happy Mother’s Day Zenny! She’s a cracker!
<3 <3 <3
Judith Ochs
Lovely pictures. Z is a wonderful mom. Really good to see some happiness with this foal.
Judith Ochs
Lovely pictures. Good to see Z looking contented…
Paula Higgins
I was hopinhoping to see these! She is just gorgeous, like her mom. Thank you!
LoriW (So.Cal)
Thank you so much for these wonderful photos! Warms my heart…Zenny & her precious little girl are simply gorgeous :) Can’t wait to see more!!
Marilyn Braudrick
Thank God all is well wth Dam and little girl foal. Zenny looks so happy so does baby Z!! Hooray!!! Hallelujah!! Our wonderful Zenyatta seems perfectly fulfilled!! What shall we call the baby????
Mama Z looks absolute fabulous….BabyZ is just too adorable for words….
Wendy Treadaway
Beautiful! Alys, you take the BEST pictures!
Janine L Gober
Have you ever seen a more loving momma? Not only is she smart and personable she personifies motherhood!
What a beautiful baby. And mother, of course. Lovely to see them in the pasture. May God keep them both safe so this precious one will grow up and follow in her mother’s hoofsteps.
She’s gorgeous. And zenny looks so gorgeous and extremely protective. They love each other very much they needed one another. I think the baby is a mix of COZ and ZICONIC. Good health and luck to all. LOVE YOU ZENNY and your new special little girl. She looks like a bit of a handful..ZENNY IS THE BEST MOMMA. ???
Zenyatta looks so healthy and content.
What a beautiful filly with her copper coat, white socks, black mane and tail.