Today is Zilkha’s “official” birthday and she is beginning her new year in John Shirreffs’s barn as she moves from the Mayberry’s farm into the next phase of her life. Welcomed and already adored by John, Mario and Carmen who were also her Mama’s trainer, groom and hot walker. In John’s words “She is a perfect height, well proportioned and extremely athletic” May all the stars align for her and that she enjoys many celebrations!!!

Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
There’s a new blog post up today folks. Go Coz!!!
Sally Blank
You are awesome Zilkha and I want the best for you!! You have the best mom and you will be able to do anything. Love Z and all of you
Auntie Sally B
Delrene Sims
Haven’t checked in for some time. Always love all the news about Z and her babies. Hope you are doing well Queen Z.
Roy Decker
What’s the latest on zillkia will she ever race?
‘What’s THAT? Oh, it’s a foot…’