Dear Fans,
We hope this finds you enjoying the Fall/Winter weather and the beginnings of the holiday spirit – another year that’s racing by!
We have some very exciting news to share…
With Ziconic retiring from racing this past June, one of our visions and dreams is for him to be an Off The Track Thoroughbred (OTTB) Ambassador for the West Coast and beyond. We believe Ziconic can be a great inspiration as well as demonstrate the possibilities for Thoroughbreds in a post-racing career. Supporting special venues that hold our same values is central to Ziconic’s OTTB ambassadorship; From Racehorse to Sporthorse.

Ziconic in Collaboration with Templeton Farms & Sarah Pollock Sporthorses
Featuring Ziconic’s New Logos (Left).
As our 1st OTTB Ambassador opportunity, we have found the perfect venue for Ziconic to champion and at the perfect time of year. In collaboration with Templeton Farms (Ziconic’s Home) and Sarah Pollock Sporthorses (Ziconic’s Trainer), we are delighted to support CARMA with The Thoroughbred Holiday Classic Horse Show, December7th & 8that the LA Equestrian Center. Our “Holiday Trifecta”!
We are honored to help promote this wonderful event and debut some of Ziconic’s new branding. These images will be featured on a jump we are sponsoring in the jumping court and will also be one of the jumps in the Trainer & Jockey Calcutta, held on Saturday evening, December 8th, where Trainers and Jockeys compete in jumping rounds on OTTBs. Such Fun!
If you are in the Southern California area, we hope you can attend. Here is additional information about the Show and the Trainer & Jockey Calcutta event Saturday evening:

(Photo Courtesy of The Thoroughbred Holiday Classic Horse Show)
You can also learn more about Thoroughbred Holiday Classic Horseshow Trainer & Jockey Calcutta on the event page, which also features a great video narrated by Lucinda Mandella, Executive Director, CARMA.
And find out more about CARMA, dedicated to providing funding for the rehabilitation, retraining and/or retirement of California-raced Thoroughbred horses.
Just like his Mom, Zenyatta, Ziconic does things on his own time. While Ziconic will not be attending the Thoroughbred Holiday Classic Horse Show this year, we could not be happier with his transition to date with Sarah at Templeton Farms – we are so proud of him and what they are starting to demonstrate in the jumping court. We are already looking forward to 2020 and great things to come!
Barbara Brayton
That is awesome. Best of luck to everyone at the show.
Also, wishing everyone a happy Thanksgiving.
Especially Horses
Thank you for giving Ziconic a platform at The Thoroughbred Holiday Classic Horse Show. I’ve supported CARMA and have sponsored the retirement of an OTTB. All worthy Organizations.
Great pic of ZICONIC ?
I’ve attended this event. I hope there’s a great turn out this year.
Happy Thanksgiving to you, Queen Z, and to COZ, ZICONIC and ZELLDA. May you all stay happy and healthy.
Love, Auntie Judy ?
Ziconic will be a great ambassador for OTTB’s
sue werner
Judy Berube
Dear Team Z:
This is wonderful news and a great way to showcase ZI and all OTTBs. Wish I was closer so I could attend, but I will follow ZI as he moves along in his new career. Looks like a natural in that photo with Sarah. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you. Love and Hugs, JB
Mary M
Congratulations! Always speculated Ziconic would love being a power/speed jumper. Thank You to Team Z for their continued support of their horses.
Judy Berube
My Dear Z Family, Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL and DC:
Wishing all of you a Happy T Day tomorrow.
Stay comfy and cozy Beauties and Happy Dreams. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
Hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving Day, too
All the best, always.
Happy Thanksgiving to all the wonderful folks on this great blog site! I am very grateful for you.
Hugs and Love
Judy Berube
Dear Sheena:
Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM and all the Sweeties
Wishing Ziconic well in his new career.He looks a natural.Good to see him happy.Thank you for sharing.His Mama is proud too.Love and hugs.
Wishing all who post here a very Happy Thanksgiving with your familiesX
Dear Judy.Continued prayers for Charlie and all at the farm.Bei-Bei is settling down well in ChinaHe slept and ate through the long journey.Goodnight God bless you and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
Loyal Zenyatta Supporter
What wonderful news about Ziconic being an OTTB Ambassador. Of course, I’m not at all surprised. Just love the photo of him and Sarah jumping! I keep up on his FB page, too. This just gives me another reason to be grateful this Thanksgiving Team Z, thank you. May everyone have a Happy Thanksgiving.
Zauey Starr
Happy Thanksgiving to all humans and all horses. How exciting to hear about Ziconic’s new job. I know he will be fabulous.
Jane W
We love going to this show and especially the jockey and trainer Calcutta! Looking forward to this years show! ???
Marshall (NC Broad)
Looking good, Ziconic and Sarah!
Dear Team Z,
Thanks for this update and the great news about CARMA and Ziconic’s OTTB ambassador job. He looks engaged and happy. Love and Best Wishes to Ziconic and Sarah in 2020!
Happy Thanksgiving to Zenyatta, all of her family, equine and human!
Hugs and Love
Mary M
I always pictured Ziconic being a power & speed jumper; so much fun! He looks eager! Heard Zellda had a pretty quick first breeze. I can picture Mike asking her “do you want to run like your mom and stay back until the homestretch or do you want to stay with the crowd?”
Karen has posted photos of the operation.This photo is after Hovis came round and asks mum’What on earth???
I hear you’re having a lot of weather in the US.Stay warm and safeX
Beautiful picture of our Prince. He sure does learn fast. Be safe him and all the horses.
Please, those of you who are going to the show, post some pics for us.
Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving to you all.
How wonderful to see Ziconic looking so great and doing so well in new career. Have a beautiful Thanksgiving, everyone!
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Great to see that Ziconic is moving ahead in his off-track career! Hope the show is super successful! Thanks for sharing the great pictures.

Happy Thanksgiving to all Z fans, Team Z, and everyone at Lane’s End. Thank you for the loving care you give to our precious Zenny and her offspring
Elsie Martus
Such wonderful news ! I reside in LA area & am “thankful “ this equestrian event will be performing in Burbank . With news of California Chromes departing to his home in Japan has left me feeling so depressed . This is just what I need , a shot of horse scent filling the air & watching beautiful equestrian horses @ a Holiday Classic Horse Show !! Happy Thanksgiving? to everyone and bunches of fresh carrots ?? for my beautiful Queen of
‘s ? Zenyatta . ???.
Mary Darden McLeod
Three whinnies & high hooves to our Ziconic!!!! I love his new logos!!!! Wish I could be there. Hope there will be some photos!
Happy Thanksgiving & blessings to ALL,
Mary in Boone
Judy Berube
Dear Sheena:
RIP the victims of the London Bridge attack today and condolences to the families. Prayers for the injured and their families.
So senseless.
Prayers for our Hovis. Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM and all the Sweeties
Dear Judy.Thank you yet another sad day on the Bridge.It could have been much worse if members out the public had’nt tackled him.
Hovis is doing quite well the hole is clean and free of infection.
RIP the innocents. Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT and all the sweeties.Hope you and Lola had a wonderful Thanksgiving.Love and hugs SheenaX
Judy Berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL and DC:
Goodnight and Happy Dreams. Love You. Hugs, JB
Dee in the Hudson Valley
Thank you, Team Z, for these updates on our handsome boy.
Congratulations to everyone who is working so hard for our beloved thoroughbreds leaving the racing scene.
Sadly I can’t attend the event, but I am forwarding this to my friends and family in L.A.!
Mary Margaret
Keep up the great work Carma. Best of luck Ziconic on your new journey. Your time has come.
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Another Kentucky Derby winner leaving the US. Super Saver to join Bodemeister, Victory Gallop, Trappe Shot and Daredevil in Turkey.
Goodbye Saver; love you. Hope you have a long, healthy, happy life. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Forgot to link the article. Here it is. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Thanks, Judy.
Hope all of these fine stallions will be happy, healthy, safe and well-loved in Turkey. I am sorry to see them leave home. That’s a great photo of Super Saver!
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
Me too. Hope they come back home some day. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Here’s an independent little guy who likes his “cuppa”. Too cute! Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy.This has been trending on social media.He loves a lot of sugar in his tea.Jake retires next year.He will be 21.Love and hugs.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
Thank you for posting this. Jake is a very handsome fellow! This is SO cute.
A fifteen year career — that’s quite an accomplishment. Obviously, tea is good for you!
Thanks for the smiles. ?
Hugs and Love
Dear Judy,
He is SO ADORABLE! Thanks so much for posting!
Hugs, Kathy
judy berube
Dear Sheena, Marshall and Kathy:
Jakes just melts your heart. Happy Retirement beautiful boy. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Sheena:
Glad the Blog is back up. Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM and all the Sweeties
Marshall (NC Broad)
That’s a big Me Too, Judy!! ?
We feel so cut-off when the Z Blog is inaccessible. Hope things are sorted out now.
Missed you all!
Hope you enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving, Zenny! Love and Best wishes to you and your family — all of them! Always and forever.
Big Hugs and Lots of Love
judy berube
Dear Z COZ, ZI, ZEL and DC:
Have a restful evening and Happy Dreams. Love all of you so much. Hugs, JB