Dear fans,
Ziconic is scheduled to make his fourth start this Sunday, June 5. He is entered in Race 2 at Santa Anita Park, a 1 1/16 mile maiden special weight. Victor Espinoza will be riding.
Post time is approximately 2:30 PM Pacific. Watch online at calracing.com (free account required).
Sophia Gates
Nuts. He didn’t have his stuff today.
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Beautiful Z, COZ, ZI and DC:
Love all of you so much. Goodnight. Hugs, JB
Z Princess, Dubai, Baby Z, will always love you.
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Goodnight. ZI will get ’em next time. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Frank, Bentley and all the Sweeties
Faithful Zenyatta Supporter
Poor Zi, same pattern each time. Feel bad for The Mosses, so much hope and expense put into their efforts. Would hate to see Zi have the same fate as Eblouissante who spent years in training with no real results.
There’s always the next one…
Love you, Zi.
Elsie Martus
I keep ” hopin & wishin ” .
Dear Judy.I have just heard about Ziconic.He’ll get the hang of it one day!It’s been pretty warm today 82F in Porthmadog (North Wales)Minding may go for the fillies triple crown.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Cap Hercules Frank Bentley and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Yes, our beautiful Princes can do it. Love them win or lose. Oh, Godspeed Minding. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Frank, Bentley and all the Sweeties
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Ziconic,
Have a good night, and don’t worry, your day will come. Be happy!
Love you, your big brother and your amazing mother, as well as Team Z.
Sweet dreams to you all!
Hugs and Love
shirlee cook
He is a puzzle to me. If he just didn’t get so far behind and have so much ground to cover. Perhaps he and Coz need to go back to Kentucky and spend some time just running around and being horses. I am so sorry for Ann and Jerry. Especially Ann since she loves him so much. Hate to say it, but perhaps another trainer????
No matter what, I love him and will never give up.
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Shirlee:
Yes, a quicker break which will put him in with the front runners will be a huge benefit to him. Next time. Love and Hugs, JB
Check out Ziconic’s dad winning the Wood. He’s last at the beginning but he starts his run early to pick them off. He even looks at the stands. Strong finish. Tapit is alpha for sure.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Thanks, Max.
Great run from last with super strong finish. He definitely was looking at the stands as if to say, “watch me now”. Tapit in charge!
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
ZI’s conformation reminds me a lot of his Daddy. Wow, what a run by Tapit. As you said, he started his move early on and had plenty of speed to surge to the finish line. ZI will do it! I hope we see COZ with another chance soon too. Love and Hugs, JB
shirlee cook
Looks like he gets that come from behind gene from both parents.
If you look at Tapit’s other races, he was up front or mid field more often. He broke his maiden on the lead. So far, Ziconic is more like Zenyatta in his running style, although it may be too soon to call it a style. He has the desire. He just needs to learn how to win. Frankly, I’m enjoying watching him run as often as he does. He’s a looker on and off the track.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Wow! I never saw Tapit run before! Thanks, Max!
Bluegrass Girl
Ziconic finished 4th beaten by 13 lengths, on June 5, 2016,
at SANTA ANITA PARK in Race 2.
Source: Equibase
Zowie Starr
PATIENCE! PATIENCE! PATIENCE! Ziconic is truly his mama’s boy. He runs just like her. Just remember the universe is unfolding as its supposed to and his day will come. The same goes for Coz. In the meantime, let’s keep our eyes and ears open in order to find out if Mama Z will be giving the older boys a new sibling come spring.
Ingrid Arnone
Ziconic, no worries, is always tomorrow.
I love youuuuu !!!
Big hugs Ingrid.
Dee in the Hudson Valley
Always a thrill to watch Ziconic! He’s obviously got his mother’s talent… He’s just taking his time deciding to use it! John has got the patience of a saint… Sooner or later he will find Ziconic’s sweet spot!
Just watched all 4 of Ziconic’s races back-to-back, and I don’t know when I’ve seen a more obvious pattern. I agree that they shouldn’t be keeping him back so far. He doesn’t seem to have the end kick needed to overcome such gaps.
We love you Ziconic win or not! You do it your way just like Mom! Listen to John. He did your Mom proud just like you will someday.

Keep trying Big Boy! Here’s to a dynamite career as a 4 year old!
Linda B
Ziconic will blossom in 6 months. He so much like his Mother a late starter. John should of waited to race him.
I personally don’t think John had a CHANCE to start late with this one after Coz and how “things” turned out. Trainers generally get a paycheck signed by the owners the way I understand it.
As much as I love them both, I think we ALL expect too much out of Coz and out of Ziconic. Few mares EVER even come CLOSE to replicating themselves and because Zenyatta was SO outstanding we tend to forget that.
She was a freak of nature, a once in a lifetime horse. There isn’t a Moss, a Shirreff or and Ingordo that is ever going to have another like her and we all were (and still are) blessed to be such a close part of her life.
sue and tony
Delores Baker
I love Zenyatta’s boys. They are both just babies and late bloomers. I was at Santa Anita today and watched Zi run. He may not be a come from behind like his moma. I love the Mosses and Team Z. Like to know where Cosmic One is and how he is doing. Maybe John needs to train him to run in the pack and not from behind like his Mom. My heart breaks for the Mosses, they r loving people and do the best for Zenyatta and her boys. I will never stop loving them no matter how they run. Hugs and kisses to Zenyatta and her boys. Thank you so much Team Z for keeping us up to date on our Zenyatta and her boys. I know Zenyatta will always love them no matter how they run, I know I do. Xoxoxo.
Kat in Cali
Thought for sure that today was Ziconic’s day. Boohoo I noticed that he looked over to the left right at the second the gates opened which I’m sure didn’t help with his pattern of a slow start. I think Victor rushed him up more than in the previous races and this time Ziconic did not have that late kick. And the pace was slow which also didn’t help. Waiting to hear Victor’s opinion. Still thinking he has it in him to run further to give him more time to get his motor running! Fingers crossed for next time!
Love you no matter what dear Zi :-)
KJ Bailey
Ziconic isn’t his mom, for sure. Time will tell what his future holds. Meanwhile, I’ll just plan to watch and cheer for him, and Coz, whenever he comes back. Stay safe, all. Hope Queen Z is carrying a new foal for next year.
It looks to me as if Ziconic runs to his works. Think he needs some speed sharpening and perhaps a return to 7f. Don’t think slow works and two turn races are doing him any good at this stage of his career.
Zi i like you, in such hot i was afraid of result dont finish, hope all horses are well after your race, lil smile :-) like usually tell Coz, odds looking pretty good, then healthy quietly breeze back after slowing, not my race, i will qick em in next race :-) , always is tomorrow, Zi if all is well with health and legs song for your race google ” Lisa McHugh live in kildare concert 2 ” , :-) congratulations to Tapit and mom Zenny :-) , Zi would weather be cool rainy and course sloppy, you would to breeze like Strong Mandate in race with Tapiture, Zi i like you, say hello to Coz Tug and stable mates :-)
Coz and Zi sleep in deep soft straw, slowly drink clean not cold water, eat green light hay apples, lil lower amount of oats some days after quick breeze, pears sweet potato carrot juice, walk on air with Mario, have bath, quietly and not quickly care of neck back legs hooves health, wait more convenient cool rainy weather with sloppy course more safe for legs of horses, beautyfull Zenny do all quietly and not quickly, walk on air with Vixana, eat apples care of health, beautyfull Zenny Zi Coz and mates kiss your soft noses, lil 16z, lil 14z filly Dubai im remembering you
June 6 Cherokee Devotional
Nothing can humble like hearing E lis i, grandmother, say, “Remember, pretty is as pretty does.” It takes an older person to see the foolishness of pride. Nothing good comes of it, and there’s the continual pressure of having to keep it up. Pride never allows us to relax and be ourselves. Instead, it strains us beyond the breaking point.
Someone said that the small have a pride that is infinitely great. But pride can be brought down to earth by memories of very meager beginnings and a good dose of humor. We can be glad, we can be forever grateful, but we need always remember that pride walks pretty and falls flat.
Is it wrong for me to love my own?
-Sitting Bull, Sioux
Barbara Wood
Ziconic, you are beyond beautiful. We so enjoy watching you grow and mature. I was watching as you loaded into the gate yesterday like a pro. Hoping for all the best things for you.
I was cheering you on yesterday! When I saw your burst of speed and you started passing the horses in front of you, I was so excited!! It brought back great memories of watching your Mom race. She nearly gave me heart failure when she’d get so far behind but what a thrill to watch her cross the finish line. Just keep trying, son! I know you will cross the finish line FIRST very soon. I have faith in you and your team.
Thank you for an exciting race. I really thought you were going to win. Next time, sweetheart!
Dear Kathy. Wonderful devotional as always.Another “Goldilocks” day over here and Monty caught 29 fish last week for his growing family!Baby “bob” is slowly losing his baby floof!Everyone has their own views about Ziconic and I never interfere in US racing but maybe a break would do the boys good or have they ever thought of turf?
I voted for all in the Fibbaway and we will know who won on fursday.Saturday disappeared for the ratties.We are getting to see more of Boo’s human sister but Dolly has been having problems with the internet.I hadn’t realised it was national hug your cat day yesterday someone was reminding Felix’s colleagues.Samwise is arriving today there will be huge adventures for him and Tom.I don’t think he realises what a lucky dog he is.I did enjoy the French open final yesterday despite Novak beating Andy the first male to hold all 4 majors in a year since Rod Laver and at last they had some sunshine there.Lovely video of Zoe.Have a great Monday too hot for socks now but remember to turtle.Love and hugs to you,Kisses for Angel Holly,Nikko and Sugar.Sheena.Great photo on FB of The ‘Fly’ with one of his owners George Creighton.I can’t share it though. Un de Sceaux is entered in the French Champion hurdle .Worried.
RIP Ortensia the Australian mare who won the Nunthorpe in 2012.She has,sadly,died aged 10.Keeping in my thoughts and prayers all those caught up in the severe storms on the East Coast of Australia.Stay safe.Sheena
A very happy 60th birthday to the ice cold swede Bjorn Borg today.I well remember Borg mania at Wimbledon in the 70’s and that unforgettable final in 1980 against John McEnroe in 1980.Sheena.
The Longest Day 1944.Lest we Forget those brave men and women who gave their lives for us.RIP and my undying gratitude.Sheena
Marshall (NC Broad)
Amen, Sheena.
Well said! We will certainly never see their like again, and we must never forget.
Hugs and Love
Dear Sheena,
Wow! 29 fish? Monty is quite the fisherman! Poor Ziconic, because of who Mom is, we like to imagine him winning time and time again in grand fashion. Someone even mentioned a new trainer. That’s Jerry and Ann’s call, of course. John knows his business, obviously. It’s tricky finding the key to make everything fall into place for any given thoroughbred. We just have to love Ziconic and pray for safe and sound trips and just enjoy the beautiful individual that he is. Good point about the turf. Funny ratties. I like the idea of yesterday being Saturday! Today would be Sunday and I would be off! lol I’m looking forward to seeing Boo’s human sister’s face. We could be waiting awhile! Poor Dolly and her internet woes. Very exciting news about Samwise. He and Tom will have great adventures. Poor Andy losing to Novak. Another day…That was a nice video of Zoe. I will go over and look for The Fly’s photo. Best wishes, Un de Sceaux. I wish you a nice Monday as well. Love and hugs from me, kisses from Angel Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy XOXO