Dear fans,
Ziconic is set to run on Saturday at Santa Anita. He’s entered in Race 8, going 1 1/16 on the dirt. He is post 10 of 11 in the field, with Victor Espinoza riding. Post time is approximately 5:30 p.m. PT.
Ziconic has been schooling with his pal Mario, and Dottie sent us these photos. Go Ziconic!
We’d also like to congratulate the winner of our Walk of Champions Gala giveaway, Catherine Simmons of Boonville, IN. See you at the gala, Catherine!
Team Z

Ryan Moore confirmed his reputation as the world’s big race jockey by winning the German 2000 guineas just 24hrs after winning the French equivalent.Knife Edge was trained by Marco Botti.Sheena
Bluegrass Girl
For Max & Sheena and all our Mad Moose fans, here is an update!
Racing Rogues: Mad Moose chilled out but not completely reformed
By Lewis Porteous Racing Post 16 MAY 2016
In the first of a week-long series on racing’s equine characters, we look at Mad Moose and what life now holds
Marshall (NC Broad)
Thanks, BGG. Great to get the update on Mad Moose. I like what Sophie Burkin says: “He is what he is and will always be the same. . .”. She says that he is happy, too.
Hugs and Love
Dear BGG.I read this earlier.I follow Moose on his FB.It’s great to hear about his new life and know he has lost none of his”old habits”.I really miss him on the racecourse but am glad to see him enjoying himself.Hugs Sheena
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear BGG:
Thanks for this article on Moosie. Love him and his attitude. Love and Hugs, JB
So happy he is okay and somewhere he will be loved and cared for.
Bluegrass Girl
History of Gainsway and it owners. Includes Tapit footage. 8 mins. long
Gainesway Farm – Fox 56 Spirit of the Derby
WDKYFOX56 Published on Apr 27, 2016
Feature on Gainesway Farm for the 2016 Fox 56 Spirit of the Derby special.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear BGG,
Another very interesting video/interview giving lots of history and information on Gainesway Farm. Great to see Tapit, too!
Thank you for the link.
Hugs and Love
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear BGG:
Thanks for this. Great find. Love and Hugs, JB
Sue Noel in Sun Valley,ID
@Margaret Braudrick–That you SO much for the wonderful posts on Zi’s race day !! It made me feel as though I were there !! I tried to thank you right after your post came up, but,it went to moderation and never made it through. I was so excited to hear how much he loved his experience and how much fan support he got !! I have felt since he was born that he was destined to be one of the greats and I truly believe it is going to happen. I just adore him and you really helped me to visualize the day.
The whole team must be just over the moon at his performance and be so excited about what is in store. We are all in for another historic “ride” ourselves,watching this magnificent boy do his thing !! It will surely be interesting to see who will end up as his regular jockey–as I said the other day, so far he’s had the best of the best–true racing royalty. They are certainly MY favorite 3 jockeys !! He’s surely blessed to have all of them in his corner.
Zenny, did you get to see the race on TV? If not, maybe your Ann will show you a replay on her iPad next time she visits !! Your boy is going to be GREAT–just like his Mama !!
Marilyn Braudrick
Thankyou Sue for the complimentary message about my post. You and everyone who commented on it made me feel that i should keep on writing. Also, just want you to know that my name is Marilyn Braudrick. My aunt Margaret would have been tickled at my being called Margaret. She wanted my Mom to call me Margaret.
Thankyou all!!
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
I’m way behind here, but I went back and found your post. Thank you for sharing your “up close and personal” look at Ziconic with all of us. It was almost like being there ?You saw things that we didn’t see on TV – that’s for sure! Can’t wait til next time.
Hurricane Fly and his friends modelling their new winter coats,We are still waiting for summer to arrive!Sheena
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Fly and his Buds look great in their blankets. Just read So Mi Dar has pulled up lame and is out of the Investec. Poor baby. Wishing her all the best. Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Frank, Bentley and all the Sweeties
Lori Stein
He ran well!!!!! I guess the longer, the better :)))
Ann NC
A quick hello to all Z fans.
So proud of you, Zi, handsome boy!
Happy Preakness Week! Crab cakes and Blackeyed Susans…yippeeeee!
Love to all.
Dear Ann.Good to see a post from you.Hugs Sheena
Sally Blank (cherishes Z and her foals)
Hi Ann NC!! I am glad to see your name!!
hugs, Sally B
Marshall (NC Broad)
Me, too!
Have missed you, Ann NC.
Mmmm, yum! Crab cakes sound good.
Take care.
Hugs and Love
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Ann:
Great to see a post from you. Take care dear heart. Love and Hugs, JB
Bobbie --- Elkhorn WI
Tomorrow is pregnancy check day. May 2 + 15 days. Hopeful that all is well!
Marshall (NC Broad)
Fingers crossed!!
I hope all is well, too. Positive thoughts and prayers in abundance.
Hugs and Love
Karen Gogue has posted several videos of Ziconic and his race on her FB. She has him before and after the race. He behaved very well in the paddock and going into the gate. It is almost like being there.
Sally Blank (cherishes Z and her foals)
Hope I can watch on Karen G’s face book. Would not want to miss it.
hugs, Sally B
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Shirlee:
Thanks for this info. Will try to access. Love and Hugs, JB
Sue Noel in Sun Valley,ID
So sorry Marilyn !! I had been telling people here and on the phone for days about your post and how exciting it was and I DID have it right then–don’t know why I spaced and called you Margaret–silly me ! I do apologize..
He is SO gorgeous–can’t wait to see him in person. He reminds me a lot of my other favorite stallion–our buddy, Chromie !! They both have such confidence,yet sweetness
in their expressions.
Dear Judy.Summer did quite well in the show despite being restless.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Cap Hercules Frank Bentley and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
She’s such a beauty. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Frank, Bentley and all the Sweeties
Sally Blank (cherishes Z and her foals)
Zenyatta I wish for a lazy night for you as well as for Ziconic
Thinking of my sweet handsome boy Coz
Love you with kisses and all of your babies..
loving dear Sir
Auntie Sally B
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Beautiful Z, COZ, ZI and DC:
Goodnight. Peaceful rest and happy dreams. Love you. Hugs, JB
Z Princess, Dubai, Baby Z, will always love you.
May 17 Cherokee Devotional
These are the days when purple violets cluster on damp creek banks and wild strawberries put out runners for new plants. This is the time when you can look into a huge green tree and see leaves that have never before existed. Everything is smothered in green, everything is blooming in yellow, purple, pink, and rose. All this will pass you by if you don’t look at it. Stand still and see. If you cannot feel better after looking, you have some things to settle. Stop the resentment, stand away from the pitiful self, and rise out of the ashes. Look at the hills covered with sunshine, see the misty curtain that swallows the valley. It is spring and life is as fresh as the newborn calf or the colt that frolics in the field. Stop the fretting and enjoy simply for the sake of your mind and body. Primroses are blooming in the fields and life is good if you will let it be good.
A big man gives away what he has and shares with others.
-New Guinea Elder
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Kathy:
Beautiful. Love and Hugs, JB
Texas Red out until next year with an ankle injury. Per Keith, no surgery necessary.
Exaggerator arrived at Pimlico yesterday. Swipe, runner up to Nyquist in the BC arrived with him.
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Shirlee:
Beautiful TR has had a lot of bad luck. Hoping he recovers fully and comes back strong next year. The Preakness is shaping up nicely. Love and Hugs, JB
monica in CA
ziconic ran well and was really moving towards the wire – his win is coming soon – such a handsome guy – it was fun to root for him – always will – for his big brother too – cannot wait to see them both run again – we will be cheering for them – hoping their momma is doing really well – sending positive thoughts and prayers to our zenyatta, her boys and her team – love always….. m
Dear Kathy.Such a great devotional.My mother loved the poem about “A poor life this if full of care we have no time to stand and stare”.I wonder when we will get news of Zenyatta?Ziconic is definitely getting darker.Such a sad story about those dead ponies/horses at a live auction just thrown out with the trash!We had a programme about a couple selling puppies last night(BBC went undercover)they were filming them receiving puppies out a van from a Northern Ireland puppy farm.Then about 4 or 5 puppies were found dead at the side of the road.When I think of all those who need rescuing why not go there and help a dog.
Weather seems to be going crazy in the US according to Zoe 82F somewhere in Alaska and snow in Maine and then that man killing the family dog because he didn’t like the colour of his daughter’s shirt huh????
It was great to visit Marty and hear about the treats to get you fru a Monday!I hope Mr Fibbs is bisiting Kentucky today I am sure Zenyatta would love to meet him.Mattie was a bit of a naughty girl according to Mango.Lovely video of a dog in a cart taking his blind and deaf friend for a ride.He loves the wind blowing in his face.Noa is visiting the vet today she was very anxious when she came off the roof but has settled down now.Hope she will find her forever home soon.Love Ray’s floofy tail.Monty has been doing his fair share of incubating Blue 5F is incubating at Glaslyn too Aran has been a naughty boy.Sinead O’Connor has gone off on one of her rants on FB I told her not to use such bad language!!!Have a great day.Love and hugs to you,Kisses for Angel Holly,Nikko and Sugar.SheenaXOXO
Dear Sheena,
I had never heard the poem you mother loved. Sounds nice! We should be hearing about Zenyatta soon. Ziconic is gorgeous no matter what color, but I sure liked the beautiful chestnut color that he was for a while. The story about the dead ponies and horses was just horrible. Disturbing puppy story, too! I agree, we should always rescue animals. Heard an awful story on the news just now. A family was afraid a buffalo calf was too cold, loaded him into their van and took him to a ranger’s station. They tried to reintroduce him to the herd and the poor baby was rejected, They had to euthanize him. Stupid, stupid people! Yes, the weather here has been crazy. And what an awful story about the man killing the dog because of his daughter’s skirt. So sad. Many are going crazy apparently. Bless Marty…treats are always good, especially the ones that will get us through Mondays! Good to know for when we have to come out of our socks! I know Zenyatta’s sweet nature would probably extend to rats, too. I’ll have to check up on Mattie. That was a wonderful video of the dog taking his blind and deaf friend around in the cart. Glad to hear Noa is better. She really needs a good forever home. They post some great pics on Ray’s page. Thumbs up for Monty and Blue 5F. Shape up, Aran and Sinead! Have a wonderful Tuesday. Love and hugs from me, kisses from Angel Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy XOXO
A very Happy Birthday to Trina.I miss your posts and hope life is treating you kindly.Enjoy your special day.Love and hugs SheenaX
Judy B from Rhode Island
My Dear Trina:
Wishing you the Happiest of Birthdays; lovely lady.
Thanks Sheena for reminding us. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena, Max and Z Fans:
Sheena, you may have already seen this. Z’s half sister’s boy, Long Island Sound (War Front) won again. He’s gorgeous (see video). Love and Hugs, JB
Judy B from Rhode Island
PS: When I read this, I couldn’t help thinking again what could have been the potential racing success of Z Princess and Baby Z, as well as what gorgeous babies come from the Z/WF match. Love and Hugs, JB
Thanks for that link Judy.I hadn’t seen the race.Good win for him.Love and hugs Sheena
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
You’re so welcome. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Trina N.,
Sending lots of good wishes for a ? HAPPY BIRTHDAY? and many, many more! ??
We miss you here and hope you are doing well. Have a lovely day! ❤️
Hugs and Love
I do hope this link comes A lovely video of Cirrus des Aigles and his beloved Corinne.Sheena
Gosh, he’s so gorgeous! Thanks, Sheena!
Thank you Sheena Wonderful video
Dear Judy.I heard Zenyatta’s 3/4 sister Naples Parade had her first official workout.She’s out of Treasure Trail.It’s a joy to see the bond between CDA and Corinne.She intends to visit him every week!Promises rain for the Preakness.It’s pouring over here tonight.The chicks at Manton Bay are already growing and being fed so well by dad.He is an exceptional partner babysat while mum had a bath.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Cap Hercules Frank Bentley and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Thank you. Wonderful video of CDA. He is so well loved. Godspeed to Naples Parade (Street Cry). Well, may be a muddy or sloppy track at Pimlico; off tracks have been no problem for Nyquist or Exaggerator. Glad the chicks are flourishing. Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Frank, Bentley and all the Sweeties
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Z, COZ, ZI and DC:
Judy B from Rhode Island
Stay comfy and cozy. Happy Dreams. Love and Hugs, JB
Z Princess, Dubai, Baby Z, will always love you.
May 18 Cherokee Devotional
Too much emphasis has been placed on getting ahead, and too little attention has been directed to what is right. Have we told our children and ourselves to trust in a Loving Father because he can take care of us? We have no reason to boast of our brains and authority. If we have them, they show. If we ever say to ourselves and our families. “Just get by,” we have planted bad seed. Getting by is a form of laziness. We are not supposed to be lazy. Trying to take someone else for a fool is being one ourselves. So pay attention to what is right and good, and the Spirit will take care of the rest.
Look at me. I may be poor and needy, but I am the Chief of a nation.
-Red Cloud, Sioux
Dear Kathy.Lovely devotional.I am running late as usual.I was busy opening parliament this morning lol!I have posted a link on FB.Her Majesty had to use the lift for the first time the stairs are too difficult for her now.The ceremony hasn’t changed since the middle ages!I love all the tradition and seeing the MP’s troop from the commons to the House of Lords.Jeremy Corbyn hardly spoke a word to David Cameron.I remember Ed Milliband and Tony Blair used to be very chatty.
We had heavy overnight rain I couldn’t help thinking of Glesni incubating.There are many young intruder ospreys now but very difficult to identify them 2 yr olds making their first journey home.The ratties were annoyed their offices were cleaned they were already tidy.Zoe had a fascinating story about meeting the military man who was one of the Iranian hostages back in 79′.I remember we had the Iranian embassy siege in 1980 and recall watching events unfold on TV.Tom has asked people to donate in memory of Atticus to the Conway Humane Society.He talked of their last night together and how Atticus laid his head and paw on Tom’s chest something he had never done before.He quoted Helen Keller.”I would rather walk with a friend in the dark than alone in the light”.Corinne and Cirrus’s special bond is so easy to see in the video.I loved the way he was nodding in agreement.Sprinter was voted 2 mile champion chaser in the Anglo-Irish classifications and Don Cossack champion jumper.Mullins is sending Un De Sceaux to France this weekend hurdling.Hope he stays safe and sound.Have a wonderful Wednesday.Love and hugs to you,Kisses for Angel Holly,Nikko and Sugar.SheenaXOXO
Dear Sheena,
I will check for your post about the opening of Parliament. Sad to hear Her Majesty needed to use the lift. What can you expect at her age, though? It’s hard to see the years catching up…Sorry the ospreys are having to deal with difficult weather. I imagine it would be a challenge keeping a house smelling fresh with 3 rats living there. I wonder what products they use? Yes, loved Zoe’s report of meeting Colonel Thomas Schaeffer. She sure meets a lot of important people! I hope many will donate in Atticus’ memory. Tom’s reflections are very touching. Loved the video of Corinne and Cirrus. Their bond is special, indeed! Congratulations Sprinter and Don Cossack! Best wishes, Un De Sceaux. You have a wonderful Hump Day as well. Love and hugs from me, kisses from Angel Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy XOXO
P.S. I can actually feel Holly’s spirit with me still, Sheena. I was her favorite. She HATED being separated from me. Have you ever experienced this???
Dear Kathy.I have often felt Katie is still with me especially when I mislay something I ask her to help her “aged mama” and I find it straight away.I often sense her with her head on my shoulder.Imagination?No I think not.We both adored our girls and they will always remain at our sides.Love and hugs Sheena