Dear fans,
Ziconic is set to run on Saturday at Santa Anita. He’s entered in Race 8, going 1 1/16 on the dirt. He is post 10 of 11 in the field, with Victor Espinoza riding. Post time is approximately 5:30 p.m. PT.
Ziconic has been schooling with his pal Mario, and Dottie sent us these photos. Go Ziconic!
We’d also like to congratulate the winner of our Walk of Champions Gala giveaway, Catherine Simmons of Boonville, IN. See you at the gala, Catherine!
Team Z

Dear Kathy.Women are the superior race!!!I have just heard the sad news that Atticus crossed the bridge at 7pm last night in Tom’s arms.He had a brain tumour and,as the vet said,had waited for Tom to return home before he left this world.Beautiful photo on his FB.It’s all kicking off at Glaslyn.No one understands why the Glaslyn pair are undisturbed by Clarach’s presence.They were just looking on when she tucked into the trout last night.Peaceful there now with Mrs G incubating.Try and have a good day at work.Love and hugs to you,kisses for Angel Holly,Nikko and Sugar.SheenaXOXO
Sally Blank (cherishes Z and her foals)
Sheena; just so sad to hear. RIP dear Atticus.
hugs, Sally B
Judy B from Rhode Island
RIP Atticus and Areen. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Rest in Peace, Atticus. Very sad for Tom, but I am glad he got to hold Atticus and say farewell when he set off for the Rainbow Bridge. Condolences to Tom and all friends.
RIP Areen. Much too young to leave this world, beautiful boy. Condolences to all connections.
Hugs and Love
Mary Margaret in Georgia
RIP Areen. Devastating loss, too young, too soon. Run free beautiful boy, you gave your all.
Belardo wins the Lockinge for Roger Varian with Andrea Atzeni aboard.Log out Island put in a Frankelesque performance to win his race.He will meet Acapulco at RA.
Wishing Shorty a very Happy Birthday and good luck on Nichols Canyon in Tennessee today.All quiet at the Dyfi.Sheena
Judy B from Rhode Island
Congrats Belardo! Love and Hugs, JB
Zi dont stumble in gate, keep safe distance to horses in herd, on back stretch breeze in right side of herd, keep quiet mooving in second turn, see how you feel your all four legs and health, Zi your length of stride is lower than length of stride of Chromy, you are lil horse, if all is well ,, lil lil ,, increase speed like in first race, if something, even lil, is not well, dont wait, glidely decrease speed,, Zi all race keep long free space in front of your nose,, on dry hard course dont make quick lil turns on full gallop speed, dont change lead legs often,, increase and decrease speed very glidely,, after race along two hour dont drink water, walk with Mario and simply wait when you will be not hot, say to mates too
Why do they even allow people to comment on these blogs?
How hard is it to stay on topic on these blog posts, people? Isn’t this small talk meant to go on the forums? Isn’t that why they made a forum, to keep this blog posts relevant?
I never bother with reading blog responses here anymore because everyone is more interested in talking about themselves rather than the actual blog post.
You must be reading some of them, since you’re complaining. Skip what doesn’t interest you. This blog conversation has been going on since before Zenyatta retired, so yeah, it tends to drift a bit. If you don’t like it, try the forum side. You can find more targeted conversations. And remember, no one is forcing you to read anything.
Faithful Zenyatta Supporter
Well, trying not to bite my nails for Ziconic. He certainly has a large cheering section for sure! Just do your best and just be safe. Love you handsome big boy.
Coz and Zi i saw your video in stable in letters to Zenny page on fb april29, 2016,, i like how Zi walk, Coz feel himself like big strong horse, he care of his legs and lightly eat groom :-) , one horse in right side look in open door of barn, sniff clean air, move his her head to up to low, push hay bag to video operator, move straw in stall by his her foreleg, he she want on air lil to walk :-) , Zi breeze carefully keep long free space in front of your nose increase and decrease speed very glidely, Coz have bath, quietly and not quickly recover your tired legs in time when no workouts, Zenny walk on air with Vixana, have bath, eat apples, care of health, beautyfull Zenny Zi Coz and mates stay comfy and cozy have bath eat apples kiss your soft noses, lil 16z, lil 14z filly Dubai im remembering you, Zenny from your post :-) Zi stay safe and wave your beautyfull red tail like a flag when you fly hind of other horses, like you :-)
Sally Blank (cherishes Z and her foals)
Andrej….NICE post!
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear andrej:
Lovely post. Love and Hugs, JB
Donna Carlson
Looking forward to seeing Ziconic today. He has always been a beauty but now he really looks to be thriving and has the look of a happy horse. He has also had some nice works coming into this race so I really think we are going to see a lot of improvement with this start. So as always prayers for a safe trip and good luck, hope we get to see everyone in the winner’s circle today.
Janet Newman
Will be thinking of you today Zi as you run your race. Run well and get home safe and sound. Same to all the horses running everywhere today.
Mary M
I would have expected posts here to be in keeping with the post the Moderators have given information about. Several of these comments belong only in personal emails or ‘get your own blog’ and take your off topic commentators with you! This is SO disrespectful of the host of the blog and forums!!!! And so annoying to the people who come here to hear about Team Z!!!!!!!
Marshall (NC Broad)
I am very sorry that you are disappointed with us here, but most of us have been members of this community since the very beginning and are huge fans of Zenyatta, Team Z and Lane’s End. I assure you that we are not being disrespectful when other topics come up.
If you have a problem with some entries, simply skip over them. No one expects you to read them all. Lighten up, please.
The essence of Zenyatta is kindness and inclusivity, IMHO. ?
Sally Blank (cherishes Z and her foals)
Marshall, yes many of us have been here since Dec 2010 I think. It is just like home with Zenyatta when I come here.
hugs, Sally B
Well said, Marshall. I too have this wonderful button on my computer that allows me to scroll down past anything I really don’t want to read. This Blog has been a joy to so many of us for years. Love the fact that we can share our good news and troubles with each other.
Well said Marshall. We are one big family and Zenyatta is our central figure. We all love Zenyatta. She has been our hero for many years now. Some of these people are so knowledgeable and are quick to come up with an answer for any question we might have no matter how silly it might be. And they are so patient. I have always loved horses but never had the pleasure of owning one so I was a little naïve about horse racing and horses in general. I watched horse racing on tv since I was in grade school but really knew nothing about the sport. Keep up the good work everyone on keeping us up on everything horsey. Pam
Saturday, May 14
Hi there to my “Redhead” and to Team Z, Zensters, Zenny & Coz:
Well, Redhead, I’m excited to see you race later on today.
Just try your hardest and come home safe!
Love & hugs to all, kisses to Zenny & her boys. Love forever to Z Princess and baby boy.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Godspeed, Ziconic!
Safe and sound all the way, and may you have wings on your hooves. Prayers for your maiden win, too. Love you no matter what, little Red! Love to your Mama, as always.
Hugs and Love forever
Harmoni Hodges
omg Victor Espinoza in our Baby Z’s saddle! I was left in awe of Ziconic’s debut and with a jockey like Espinoza, we might see a win here. I’ll be rooting for you guys!
Sophia Gates
Getting excited here! Wish I could see Zi & Victor in person:)
Denise in STL
Team Z is amazing and everyone on this site should respect it. Mary has the right to speak up and should receive the same respect that you deserve as well. She is just asking people to think about their content and how much is appropriate. We all love Queen Z !! Team Z has been beyond gracious to allow us into her life after her racing career!! Just think we should all follow Team Z and be kind & thoughtful to all on Queen Z’s website.
Sally Blank (cherishes Z and her foals)
Cross your hooves Zenyatta and I’ll cross my fingers for Ziconic to be No 1 in this race!There is so much pressure for Zi being out of Z!! Victor will know what to do; above all stay safe Zi and Victor.
Love with kisses Zenyatta and Zi (goodluck!)
Paula Higgins
Good luck buddy!!!!!!!!!! Love the picture of him going by his mom’s statue. Also very glad he is in Mario’s good hands.
Roberta Gonzalez
I’m so glad I tuned in to check out the site, and found out Ziconic is racing today! I love this site, and it is wonderful that the Mosses have kept the site up, so that her fans can still be a part of her life, and to educate and support racing. I do have to say, in the past, I have been worried, that instead of posting on subjects to do with racing, rescues, and retraining of race horses, anything to do with horses, or even animals in general, and too many people making it a personal posting page, that this site might be taken down, feeling that interest had waned. It would be terrible for that to happen! I also feel that people feel like family, and have been here for a long time, so if someone is sick, or had something tragic happen in there life, then we would want to know, and be supportive. However, to post time after time like you are using the site as a private email page (if too many people did it) could backfire, and we could lose this beautiful site. The farm, the Mosses, and team Zenyatta spend considerable time, effort, and money to keep the site up, we don’t want to lose it, or look unappreciative. That’s my only concern. Ziconic, race good and strong, stay safe and have fun; remember your mom’s lesion, and God Bless!!
Congratulations to Shaneshill and Nichol’s Canyon for getting 2nd and 3rd respectively in Iroquois tonight Well done Team Mullins.
Congratulations to the Ukraine for winning the Eurovision song contest just now.Austra lia were robbed a magnificent song and, yes, Australia has moved to Europe.Go Ziconic!Sheena
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Race 6 at SA coming up in ten minutes. Needles and pins. Godspeed ZI. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Race 7 going off now; then ZI’s race. Godspeed ZI; go get ’em. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy.It’s nearly 1.30 am here I will look in before I go to bed.Much quieter at Glaslyn today just watched the video of Clarach taking the fish from Aran.The Mullins duo did well in Tennessee.Hope Ziconic does well.Goodnight God bless you.LM PC HT Cap Hercules Frank Willow Bentley and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
ZI showed a really great closing kick just like Mama. I see Mr. Mullins charges did very well. Glad things are quiet at Glaslyn. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Frank, Bentley and allt he Sweeties.
Doing well just doesn’t cut it this time. Mullins sent in those runners for one reason. He had to win that race to be eligible for the bonus which comes of winning the US Iroquois and the UK Ryanair. Now only the US horse can win. His owner from Maryland said after the race that Rawnaq will go to the UK next spring and take their money. Great comment. This winning horse was trained in Ireland before settling in the US. He ran a super race against the Irish raiders, and has a good chance at that bonus. This is great for US jump racing.
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Congrats to Rawnaq and to all of them. Glad there were no mishaps. Rawnaq must be very special, indeed, to have won against these talented Irish jumpers. I guess his background made him up to the task. Good luck to him. Love and Hugs, JB
Rawnaq is 9 years old and has really only come into his own since he moved to the US. His owner Irvin Naylor is a former steeplechase jockey who was very seriously injured in a fall from his horse, Emerald Action, back in 1999. He owns a lot of steeplechasers in Maryland.
Mullins thinks that the season was just a little too long for his horses. Also they had a lengthy flight over and quarantine, and they were not used to the left handed track. Rawnaq being in top form however sealed it. At the end he was not letting any horse go past him.
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Yes, I do believe that travel and quarantine and change of routine definitely plays a part in performance. Wow, Rawnaq is nine years old; even more impressive. Will be rooting for him next Spring. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
ZI looks cool, calm and collected in the post parade. Mario walked him right on to the track and almost looked reluctant to say goodbye to his “baby”. He let go of the lead rope and and glanced back at ZI. Too cute. Safe and sound Red Prince. Love and Hugs, JB
Sally Blank (cherishes Z and her foals)
Judy B. What you said is too cute as well.
love n hugs, Sally B
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Sally:
Love and Hugs, JB
Mary M
Just warming up on the track and Ziconic looks phenomenal!
Mary M
In reference to inclusivity as written above, I too have been here since day one, and I don’t like having to peruse through personal posts not related to team Z.
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Oh, ZI ran well. He really had a great closing kick for third. Our Red Prince is getting the hang of it. He broke well too. Congrats ZI; good try. Love You. Hugs, JB
Mary M
What a little power engine! I do not think he understands yet that he is not to “catch the crowd” but rather to pass the crowd and be in first place, is the object of the game.
Marilyn Doyle
Just watched Ziconic race. He has some real talent. Victor Espinoza rode him well. Looking forward to his next race! Go Ziconic…
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Z, COZ, ZI and DC:
Z, your Red Prince ran a good third today in your closing style. Love all of you so much. Goodnight. Hugs, JB
Z Princess, Dubai, Baby Z, will always love you.
Good job Ziconic !!! Xoxoxo