Dear fans,
Ziconic is set to run on Saturday at Santa Anita. He’s entered in Race 8, going 1 1/16 on the dirt. He is post 10 of 11 in the field, with Victor Espinoza riding. Post time is approximately 5:30 p.m. PT.
Ziconic has been schooling with his pal Mario, and Dottie sent us these photos. Go Ziconic!
We’d also like to congratulate the winner of our Walk of Champions Gala giveaway, Catherine Simmons of Boonville, IN. See you at the gala, Catherine!
Team Z

Wow such a great start for Frankel’s first born at Newbury.Despite needing 2 handlers and behaving very coltish he wins He broke his maiden very impressively!The dream lives on….Cunco is the living image of his famous dad in looks and behaviour.Hope they have told Frankel!Sheena
Alexandra Bowdoin
I read he won while here at work. Looking forward to seeing the youtube of his race! Does he look like Frankel? I will have to google Mom to remember what she looks like. She is a Lovely Mare in her own right!! 2 handlers, ha ha, bet Sir Henry was smiling!! I hope his connections try to work with Cunco like they did with Frankel keeping him calm and learning to be patient.
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Congrats to Cunco, Frankel and all their connections. Great way to start the Legacy. Love and Hugs, JB
Donna H
GO Ziconic!!! May the wind be at your back. We love you and pray for a safe and successful trip. You are absolutely gorgeous!
Dear Kathy.Best not to look back on past errors really we ALL have regrets and no one is perfect.Everyone is so excited about Frankel’s boy Cunco Robert Havlin had the honour of steering him to victory.He did waste a lot of energy pre-parade very fizzy like his dad.There was a horrific incident at York yesterday when Areen collapsed and died during a sprint only 3yrs old Danny Tudhope has been in hospital overnight but is alright.One of the saddest incidents on the flat in a long while.A story spreading last night was about some Irish greyhounds being flown to China either to be raced to death or as food!If for racing they are kept in appalling conditions.Very sad.Karen is taking part in one of the mud races tomorrow.Great to have Hovis back.We do get a lot of weather in the UK!Lovely here today again but promises cooler this weekend.Blue is still decorating her new home but no more eggs thank goodness!Lovely photo of Mr Fibbs and also by his mum too.He’s well on the way to the White House.Some great pics of Ray and Jack O up this week.Zoe was surrounded by her froggies and some have crossed the bridge because they mysteriously lost their leggies!Have a great day.Love and hugs to you,Kisses for Angel Holly,Nikko and Sugar.SheenaXOXO
Thank you Team Z for the beautiful photos of Ziconic. Fly like the wind and most of all come home safely.
Dear Sheena,
Congratulations to Cunco! Devastating to hear about poor Areen. That greyhound story makes me cringe. Just horrible. Hope the mud races go well for Karen. Absolutely great to have Hovis back. I’ve missed him! Poor Blue. Your heart has to go out to her. Love the pics of Fibbs. A very photogenic rat! Did you see the adorable pic of Ray walking himself when he was a puppy? SO cute! Very nice pics of Zoe with her froggie friends. Maybe my Holly has met some of Zoe’s frog friends who have crossed the Bridge. TGIF and enjoy your weekend ahead. Love and hugs from me, kisses from Angel Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy XOXOXOXO
Kalar Walters
So exciting!
The picture of him with his mom’s statue in the background is fabulous!!
Susan from Fl
Go Ziconic! Nice pictures, Thank you! Peace & Happiness
Sue Noel in Sun Valley,ID
Oh, beautiful red Zi–I am as excited about your race as I was for the Derby !! (Of course, I had been telling people for three years that you were going to WIN the Derby this year!! )
I just KNOW that great things are ahead for you–you have had nothing but true racing royalty on your back in each of your races–the very best of the best!! Methinks your John and your dad,Jerry, know just how truly special and gifted you are, and, just what great potential you have and are going to do EVERYTHING it takes to allow you reach racing’s greatest heights.
May you always run swift, run happy, and, above all, safe! May you use all the secrets your loving mom whispered to you when you were growing up at Lane’s End , and, may you show all the other horses on the track a really good view of your tremendous “engine” as you go flying by !!
Victor Espinoza is riding Ziconic! That’ll be a great match! Victor is a great jockey I hope he does good for Ziconic
Mary McLeod
Thank you for the lovely photos, Dottie! Ziconic is as shiny as a new copper penny. I was especially happy to see Our Queen watching over her son!!! Ziconic, run like Zenyatta, have as much fun as she did in running down the competition, and stay safe just like Your Mama!!
Congratulations, Catherine! I am just like Scarlett: pea-green with envy!
Love to ALL,
Mary in Boone
Okay! Run Zic Run. For me any race Zic comes out of safe and sound is great and for him to win it will be as good as a Kentucky Derby! Love for our boys comes not from the wins but from the heart.
Clarach has landed on the Glaslyn nest and Mrs G seems quite happy.Monty incubating.The ever popular Clever Cookie won the Yorkshire Cup with grit and determination.Owned and trained by former jumps jockey Peter Niven he is gaining quite a fan club.Looked as bright as a button post race.Sheena
Crystal Harrison
I just hope there is no bird flying in front of him when the gate opens like last time! Poor Ziconic and Mike Smith :(
Stay safe, do your best and come back sound. I know that you have what it takes Ziconic. May you break your maiden tomorrow but no matter what we all love you!
The Kennedys in San Diego
Vivere, Ziconic!
While searching for news of horses in Fort Mac, I found this article on a horse rescued from a pool elsewhere. Take a look. It will make you smile. This is one tough mare.
As for Fort Mac, the RCMP have located horses who were turned out when their owners were ordered to leave. Some were found grazing in backyards. Naturally one is a feisty chestnut. Some were found in a grocery store. They might have been getting in supplies. You cannot make this stuff up.
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
My God, 33 years old. What a brave, feisty girl she is. Gold bless her and her rescuers. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy B. My fav part was her owner looking her in the eye and immediately knowing that she would be okay. That blanket which she was wearing after getting up looked a little like a BCC blanket. Good on her. Also the firefighters for getting the job done.
Mary Margaret in Georgia
Thanks for sharing Max. Blessings for this precious life. Eyes are the window to your soul.
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Yes, Mr. Arsenault knows his girl well. She deserves a BCC blanket after that ordeal. Love and Hugs, JB
T. Curry
See you tomorrow Ziconic! Make your momma proud!
Above all, run fast and run safe! Thank you TeamZ! ?
Dear Judy.I am glad Hovis made you laugh today.His mum will covered in mud tomorrow bless her!An unidentified male called at the Dyfi and Blue got very excited but he was just passing through.I wonder what will happen at Glaslyn tomorrow??Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Cap Hercules Frank Bentley Willow and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Love Hovis and really enjoy his Blog. Poor Blue. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Frank, Bentley and all the Sweeties
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Z, COZ, ZI and DC:
Stay comfy and cozy and Happy Dreams. ZI, Godspeed, good racing luck and safe and sound tomorrow. Love all of you so much. Hugs, JB
Z Princess, Dubai, Baby Z, will always love you.
Sally Blank (cherishes Z and her foals)
Thinking of your son Ziconic in tomorrows race Zenyatta with prayers
Z love you with kisses & to all your babies (once a mom, always a mom)
loving my dear Sir too
Auntie Sally B
Donna Z
Good luck, Ziconic! Maybe the third time will be the charm. I wish Mike or Gary were riding you & I hope that Victor does not over use the whip like he has been prone to do.
Stay safe & wave your beautiful red tail like a flag as you fly past the other horses. I know you will make us all proud.
I will be watching you on the NY Racing OTB channel & cheering you on.
Donna Z
I’ll be there watching Ziconic run. How exciting!
I’ll be there tomorrow watching Ziconic run!
Elizabeth in New Mexico
How exciting, Rosie! Hope you have a wonderful time watching the Red Prince run. Go
Ziconic! with love, Elizabeth
Julie Hertz
Pedro Cervesa
Don’t any of you know….that using the words G___ L___ on the Racetrack is the Kiss of Death? Wish people a “Good Ride” but never G___ L____ never, never, never use “G___ L___ with Thoroughbred Race Horses. It’s as old as Astrides….and that’s old.
Marshall (NC Broad)
More good luck wishes to Ziconic for Saturday’s race! We love you no matter what, but I know you can do this so run your race and be safe, sound and successful. Remember all you have learned from John’s training and of course, all wonderful Mama Z taught you.
Love you!
Hugs and Love
Love the picture of Ziconic and Mario. Our boy has the look of eagles in his eyes and Mario has a big smile. I know he is delighted to be with the Queen’s boys.
Elizabeth in New Mexico
Go Ziconic! Wishing you a great run today! with love, Elizabeth
Gary Stevens is riding at Churchill today.
May 14 Cherokee Devotional
If you are a mother or a stand-in mother, you wonder how you are performing this important job. What are the children doing, what are they thinking, what words are they using? The best we can do is teach, pray, and trust. We recall vividly what our mothers taught us. Mine taught with humor and sometimes a switch. The love was certain and sure-not just for one child but with all children. She could take the sting out of hurt and take away our fear. Mother had a practical view of things. When the kitchen curtains caught on fire, she said not to call the fire department, they would just mess up the kitchen. She wouldn’t let us throw water on the hot stove because it would warp. She simply took a blanket and pressed it against the burning curtains after she turned off the source of the fire. It was over in minutes. The curtains never made a comeback, but Mom did. She always did.
It is well to be good to women in the strength of our manhood because we must sit under their hands at both ends of our lives.
-He Dog, Oglala
Dear Sheena,
Working today. Hope you have a fabulous Saturday. The FB furbabies I’ve visited are doing well. GO ZICONIC! Love and hugs from me, kisses from Angel Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy XOXO