In the stable area, on the way to the receiving barn. Photo by Cynthia Holt.
Ziconic made his third career start at Santa Anita Park last Saturday, May 14. He finished third in a field of eleven. These photos by Cynthia Holt tell the story.
Approaching the receiving barn. Photo by Cynthia Holt.
At horseshoe identification stop. Photo by Cynthia Holt.
En route to the saddling barn. Photo by Cynthia Holt.
In the saddling barn. Photo by Cynthia Holt.
In the paddock. Photo by Cynthia Holt.
In the paddock. Photo by Cynthia Holt.
In the paddock. Photo by Cynthia Holt.
In the paddock. Photo by Cynthia Holt.
Post parade. Photo by Cynthia Holt.
A good break from the gate. Photo by Cynthia Holt.
Just got back from my grand daughters soccer game so did not get to read posts. (Team lost 3-2) They all played great but..lost
Wishing all of you are well. hugs, Sally B
Goodnight Zenyatta
love you with kisses and all of your sons
daughter Z princess and my dear Sir
Auntie Sally B
I love zenyatta and was so excited about her foals, when she dropped cozmic one i thought the triple crown drought was over, then zionic i thought well maybe this one will see the inside of a racetrack and win like she did.
Seems to me that the golden rule of you cant always train the same horses the same way applies to this. No offense to any of the connections but hopefully they ship the new foals over to a new trainer and may e send zionic and coz there too before they retire winless.
I hate the thought and i know they can be winners blood and breeding tell but at 4 with no wins….thats a bit of a problem
Dear sad Zenyatta fan,
What do you want them to do? Ship him to Indiana and run for a cheap claiming tag?
The fact is…..He has a great trainer. Every horse is treated and trained, as an individual.
The fact remains, just because these colts and fillies, mom and dad are royalty doesn’t mean Z’s babies are going to run like she did. Zenyatta was a freak of nature!!!!
Look at Secretariat. Probably one of the Greatest hoses that ever set foot on a track.
Of all his foals he sired Lady’s Secret, Trilinga and General Assembly. His 3 most notable foals, Were all great horses but nowhere near Secretariats talent. He should’ve sired Hundreds of Greats. if your reasoning held true. Let’s face it, he covered some of the best mares In The World.
We are all fans of The Great Zenyatta. There’s not a person among us that waits for another chance to witness what we saw when Z decimated field after field, again and again. But finding another Super Star like the Great Zenyatta is like catching lightning in a bottle.
We should all be grateful that we could bare witness . And pray Zenyatta has a Long ,
Healthy, Happy Life. As much as you love Z….Her connections Have a deeper Love for her than you can fathom.
No doubt she will have a few nice babies. But she probably will never produce a Phenom like herself.
Spring storms are coming through, with wind that twists the trees until their limbs break. Thunder crashes and lightning flashes. It is hard to resent all the fireworks when moisture is needed, though the loud storm results in little rain-just like a ruckus among humans. Good gentle rain without all the fuss is not easy to come by, but it does happen and then everything benefits.
Like gentle rain, diplomatic work among labor and government and corporations is so important. If something can be settled with gentleness and firm determination, why not? Unfortunately, some people will not listen without the fireworks. Because of this, peace and harmony must be spoken before negotiating begins. They are hard to remember in the heat of things; it is hard to hold in line when someone is angry. Yet peace and harmony are crucial. We must work hard to make them a part of every negotiation.
You can usually learn what you need to know by watching and listening.
-Native Elder
Dear Kathy.We get a lot of gentle rain here in Wales and the fireworks sometimes.Call me Dave,The President and next door neighbour Justin are in Japan for the G7 summit.
The Dyfi had posted a photo last night thinking that the chick would arrive in the morning but “bob”had other ideas and hatched at 21.54pm.It’s the first hatching I have seen live.”Bob” has had his first feed with the proud dad looking on should be a video later on.I send you a video of a friend up close and personal with the camels in Dubai.She is wearing heels on the beach!Another of Frankel’s sons is running at Haydock on Friday out of a Kingmambo mare.Hooves crossed.Poor Zoe a bath and visit to the doggie dentist such a brave girl.Felix has had a big box of goodies from someone called Sheena!Jeremy did visit yesterday but didn’t ask her opinion on the EU referendum.Mango and Mattie have moved to another camping site and screamed when they saw these “huge doggies”who turned out to be deer.Dolly is in the pink again.Mr Fibbs woke up in a mug!You’re going to have to eat a lot of doughnuts when he becomes President.Karen was remembering Sid yesterday 3 yrs since he’s gone.Hope you have a great hump day.Love and hugs to you,Kisses for Angel Holly,Nikko and Sugar.SheenaXOXO
Exciting times at the Dyfi! Looking forward to a video. I’ll look for the video. I sent a really good video to you in your regular e-mail. Thin you’ll really like it! Best wishes for Frankel’s son! Poor little Zoe looked like she had been through such an ordeal! Prayers she feels better soon. I hope Felix enjoys his goodies. Good news Jeremy dropped by. Mango and Mattie are on a LONG vacation! Big dogs (deer)! Ha ha ha!!! Dolly has an extensive “pink” wardrobe. I saw the pic of Fibbs in the coffee mug. Too cute! RIP Sid. We never forget our beloved pets who have crossed the Bridge. Have a good Hump Day! Love and hugs from me, kisses from Angel Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy XOXO
Little “bob” gets his first feed of fish.Proud dad looks on.It always amazes me how tender these birds can be.Hwyl fawr Sheena
You have outdone yourself! This is a beautifully written story and so moving, too. It brought tears in response to the loving bond between this gorgeous horse, your grandfather, and all your family. Such depth of feeling – it is indeed a treasure! And your poem, it is a gem — simply beautiful.
I am so glad that you were able to get the story from “Uncle Jim”, postmaster, about how your grandfather gently coaxed Topsy into crossing the wooden bridge. Loved this story!
Thank you for sharing. I, too, feel as if I know Topsy Nico and her wonderful family. This is truly an unforgettable gift you have given us!
Dear Abigail.So many memories for you while writing this exceptional article.It was wonderful to hear about your grandfather and his beloved Topsy Nico.Btw my mother’s name was Hilda.Thank you for sharing.Love and hugs Sheena
Sally Blank (cherishes Z and her foals)
Just got back from my grand daughters soccer game so did not get to read posts. (Team lost 3-2) They all played great but..lost
Wishing all of you are well. hugs, Sally B
Goodnight Zenyatta
love you with kisses and all of your sons
daughter Z princess and my dear Sir
Auntie Sally B
Sad zenyatta fan
I love zenyatta and was so excited about her foals, when she dropped cozmic one i thought the triple crown drought was over, then zionic i thought well maybe this one will see the inside of a racetrack and win like she did.
Seems to me that the golden rule of you cant always train the same horses the same way applies to this. No offense to any of the connections but hopefully they ship the new foals over to a new trainer and may e send zionic and coz there too before they retire winless.
I hate the thought and i know they can be winners blood and breeding tell but at 4 with no wins….thats a bit of a problem
Elizabeth Ferguson
I’m sorry Team Z but I can’t remain silent…….
Dear sad Zenyatta fan,
What do you want them to do? Ship him to Indiana and run for a cheap claiming tag?
The fact is…..He has a great trainer. Every horse is treated and trained, as an individual.
The fact remains, just because these colts and fillies, mom and dad are royalty doesn’t mean Z’s babies are going to run like she did. Zenyatta was a freak of nature!!!!
Look at Secretariat. Probably one of the Greatest hoses that ever set foot on a track.
Of all his foals he sired Lady’s Secret, Trilinga and General Assembly. His 3 most notable foals, Were all great horses but nowhere near Secretariats talent. He should’ve sired Hundreds of Greats. if your reasoning held true. Let’s face it, he covered some of the best mares In The World.
We are all fans of The Great Zenyatta. There’s not a person among us that waits for another chance to witness what we saw when Z decimated field after field, again and again. But finding another Super Star like the Great Zenyatta is like catching lightning in a bottle.
We should all be grateful that we could bare witness . And pray Zenyatta has a Long ,
Healthy, Happy Life. As much as you love Z….Her connections Have a deeper Love for her than you can fathom.
No doubt she will have a few nice babies. But she probably will never produce a Phenom like herself.
May 25 Cherokee Devotional
Spring storms are coming through, with wind that twists the trees until their limbs break. Thunder crashes and lightning flashes. It is hard to resent all the fireworks when moisture is needed, though the loud storm results in little rain-just like a ruckus among humans. Good gentle rain without all the fuss is not easy to come by, but it does happen and then everything benefits.
Like gentle rain, diplomatic work among labor and government and corporations is so important. If something can be settled with gentleness and firm determination, why not? Unfortunately, some people will not listen without the fireworks. Because of this, peace and harmony must be spoken before negotiating begins. They are hard to remember in the heat of things; it is hard to hold in line when someone is angry. Yet peace and harmony are crucial. We must work hard to make them a part of every negotiation.
You can usually learn what you need to know by watching and listening.
-Native Elder
Dear Kathy.We get a lot of gentle rain here in Wales and the fireworks sometimes.Call me Dave,The President and next door neighbour Justin are in Japan for the G7 summit.
The Dyfi had posted a photo last night thinking that the chick would arrive in the morning but “bob”had other ideas and hatched at 21.54pm.It’s the first hatching I have seen live.”Bob” has had his first feed with the proud dad looking on should be a video later on.I send you a video of a friend up close and personal with the camels in Dubai.She is wearing heels on the beach!Another of Frankel’s sons is running at Haydock on Friday out of a Kingmambo mare.Hooves crossed.Poor Zoe a bath and visit to the doggie dentist such a brave girl.Felix has had a big box of goodies from someone called Sheena!Jeremy did visit yesterday but didn’t ask her opinion on the EU referendum.Mango and Mattie have moved to another camping site and screamed when they saw these “huge doggies”who turned out to be deer.Dolly is in the pink again.Mr Fibbs woke up in a mug!You’re going to have to eat a lot of doughnuts when he becomes President.Karen was remembering Sid yesterday 3 yrs since he’s gone.Hope you have a great hump day.Love and hugs to you,Kisses for Angel Holly,Nikko and Sugar.SheenaXOXO
Dear Sheena,
Exciting times at the Dyfi! Looking forward to a video. I’ll look for the video. I sent a really good video to you in your regular e-mail. Thin you’ll really like it! Best wishes for Frankel’s son! Poor little Zoe looked like she had been through such an ordeal! Prayers she feels better soon. I hope Felix enjoys his goodies. Good news Jeremy dropped by. Mango and Mattie are on a LONG vacation! Big dogs (deer)! Ha ha ha!!! Dolly has an extensive “pink” wardrobe. I saw the pic of Fibbs in the coffee mug. Too cute! RIP Sid. We never forget our beloved pets who have crossed the Bridge. Have a good Hump Day! Love and hugs from me, kisses from Angel Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy XOXO
Little “bob” gets his first feed of fish.Proud dad looks on.It always amazes me how tender these birds can be.Hwyl fawr Sheena
Hi everyone.
NEW from THE VAULT and it’s a bit of a departure for me. A treasured family story:
I hope you enjoy it! Love to all
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Abigail,
You have outdone yourself! This is a beautifully written story and so moving, too. It brought tears in response to the loving bond between this gorgeous horse, your grandfather, and all your family. Such depth of feeling – it is indeed a treasure! And your poem, it is a gem — simply beautiful.
I am so glad that you were able to get the story from “Uncle Jim”, postmaster, about how your grandfather gently coaxed Topsy into crossing the wooden bridge. Loved this story!
Thank you for sharing. I, too, feel as if I know Topsy Nico and her wonderful family. This is truly an unforgettable gift you have given us!
Hugs and Love
Dear Abigail.So many memories for you while writing this exceptional article.It was wonderful to hear about your grandfather and his beloved Topsy Nico.Btw my mother’s name was Hilda.Thank you for sharing.Love and hugs Sheena
Bob’s first day and someone has said there is a hole in the 2nd egg!There is a link to click on for the video.Sheena.
Lise from Maine
Bonjour Zenyatta,
Wow! That is a great race for Ziconic.
He is proving to be a great race horse.
Lots of love to you and your boys!
Lise from Maine
Jennifer Brown
So how cosmic one z been doing? Have be getting a different job beside doing racing?
Susan C Ragan
That Elizabeth Ferguson called Secretariat “one of the greatest racehorses”? HE IS THE GREATEST RACEHORSE THAT EVER LIVED!