In the stable area, on the way to the receiving barn. Photo by Cynthia Holt.
Ziconic made his third career start at Santa Anita Park last Saturday, May 14. He finished third in a field of eleven. These photos by Cynthia Holt tell the story.
Approaching the receiving barn. Photo by Cynthia Holt.
At horseshoe identification stop. Photo by Cynthia Holt.
En route to the saddling barn. Photo by Cynthia Holt.
In the saddling barn. Photo by Cynthia Holt.
In the paddock. Photo by Cynthia Holt.
In the paddock. Photo by Cynthia Holt.
In the paddock. Photo by Cynthia Holt.
In the paddock. Photo by Cynthia Holt.
Post parade. Photo by Cynthia Holt.
A good break from the gate. Photo by Cynthia Holt.
Such a joyful way to start my day. Looking at all these photos of The Red Prince. He sure is beautiful and talented. His day is coming soon. Thanks to the Zenyatta team for the photos.
Some words can be said any number of times and still be new. The Cherokee say, “Gv ge yu a”-I like you or I love you. I love you to the ultimate amount for one day. But it will not compare with tomorrow. Tomorrow brings its own container to be filled. As the sun rises and sets, time moves swiftly, and the need to be loved never changes. It helps us appreciate the finer things, knowing our hours together are as beautiful as polished gems that never lose their glow and always retain their value.
Silence, love, reverence-this is the trinity of first lessons.
-Charles Alexander Eastman, Sioux
Oh no…Monday AGAIN??? I wish the work week went as fast as the weekends! I know the clock speeds up then. Really enjoyed dinner with Steve Saturday evening. Hope all is well with you. The furbabies I’ve managed to visit are doing well. Have a good day. Love and hugs from me, kisses from Angel Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy XOXO
Dear Kathy.Time moves so swiftly as we grow older but there is always love.You will all be able to enjoy Royal Ascot from next year some great racing and fashion of course.A cool,breezy day over here patiently waiting for the first crack in the egg at the Dyfi.The 3 at Manton Bay are growing so quickly Mr Rutland lives on.A horrific fall in Taree Australia today one jockey injured and one horse Bazza’s boy euthanised.Six horses and riders involved.Thank goodness Mondays end sooner for me than you!
Such sad news about another police officer killed.I know the 2nd amendment talks about the right the bear arms but it doesn’t give you the right to shoot all and sundry especially Police Officers who are upholding the law.Gizmo is a very brave little doggie Zoe must be so proud of him.A lovely photo of Theba and Joey.I found a new FB called Momma Kat and Bear Kat they write a hilarious blog.He was a stray and now rules the roost.Great video of Ray and Jack O playing yesterday and Mango is enjoying her camping holiday.Mattie loves the water.Try and enjoy Monday put your sock on and turtle.Love and hugs to you,Kisses for Angel Holly,Nikko and Sugar.SheenaXOXO
YES! I saw that they will broadcast Royal Ascot here next year. I’m so excited! Looking forward to the new generation of ospreys at the Dyfi. Oh, I hope the Australian jockey recovers quickly. RIP Bazza’s Boy. So sad. I saw the beautiful pic of Theba and Joey. You could really tell how much she loved him. I’ll look for Momma Kat and Bear Kat. Sounds fun! Take care and turtle for what remains of Monday! Love and hugs from me, kisses from Angel Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy XOXO
A very Happy 24th Birthday to the mighty Istabraq enjoying life at JP’s stud in County Limerick.
Also wishing one of our favourite BBC broadcasters Desmond Carrington a very Happy 90th birthday today at his home in Perth,Scotland.Hugs Sheena
Dear Marshall.I love listening to Desmond every Friday at 7pm.He plays my kind of music and his cat “golden paws” Sam is 16 now.He is wonderful for his age and used to be on tv during the 60’s.Have a lovely week.Love and hugs Sheena
I wish they would stick with one jockey; he has had three starts, with three different jockeys. I also noticed in the pictures, that the crowd noise seemed to get to him; his eyes were rolling, so you could see the whites. Zenyatta use to have cotton in her ears, and she didn’t have the crowd noise until people realized how good she was, and she developed a fan base. Ziconic has had to deal with crowd noise, and all the hype from day one, maybe the cotton would help him. He also is very intelligent, and loves the cameras, maybe he needs help to get his mind on the race sooner. It seems like he almost thinks he is just training, until he gets in touch with the field, then he puts on the after burners. He does have speed, and the ability, he just has to use it a little earlier. He even breaks good, but then drops way back, as far back as Zenyatta did in her last race; even the great Zenyatta, had trouble making up all that difference. She came in second, and he came in third, she has a longer stride, and more experience. What does that deal you about Ziconic? He just needs a little help, and a jockey that knows him, and develops a relationship with him, like Mike did with Zenyatta. Not to say anything against Mario, because he is the best, but you could see the love and respect he had with Zenyatta from the start. I would like to know what he feels for Ziconic, because his body language, and facial expressions are not the same as with Zenyatta. It always sticks with me, the reaction he had on a video about Ziconic, before he even raced. As he was leading Ziconic to the track to train, another groom went by with another horse, and said to Mario, “You have some horse there!” Mario just shrugged, like he didn’t think he was something special. Horses are very sensitive to feelings of those around them, and Mario in his own words said, “There was something special from the first time he saw her.” I get the feeling that he feels like Ziconic is just another horse; does those feelings come across to Ziconic? It is very unfair to expect him to show his full potential with the concerns mentioned above!! Even the great Secretariat and the great Zenyatta had people who loved, and believed in them from the beginning. Ziconic is smaller in statue then these two, but is very muscular, has great breeding, has speed when he gets rolling (and even from the gate this time, before he dropped back) and you can see has the ability; I just hope they figure out what he needs, and support him, before he loses confidence. I also think he will show he has great heart, and will be a great race horse, but he needs the same support that Zenyatta had. I WISH THEY WOULD HAVE AN INTERVIEW WITH JOHN AND MARIO ABOUT ZICONIC, and how they feel about Ziconic; not in comparison with Zenyatta or Coz, just Ziconic. He deserves that, and I, for one, would like to know what goes on with Ziconic, and what kind of vibes and mental encouragement that he gets; he is very intelligent, like his mom, and I can’t help, but feel, that these things would affect a horse like Ziconic a lot!! If people around him, feel like he will never be as great as Zenyatta, he never will be!! That would be a shame, because he has shown that he was something special, since the day he was born, on his mom’s birthday, and when he was three weeks old, racing beside his mom, until out of sight!!
Roberta ~ I believe if you look again at the picture where Ziconic is showing the whites of his eyes, you are also seeing Mario elbowing in Zi’s body & pulling his head away from events ahead. Mario is distracting Ziconic, a very young muscular colt. I also think that the chain that is worn above the front teeth, on the gums, is to remind Zi to remember business. Ziconic IS the son of a late blooming mare and besides that he is a male. Don’t ALL males mature later than females? LOLOL! It seems to me that he is showing more racing instinct and also liking the fanfare around race day.
Please don’t be mean, and think I’m saying things that I’m not. I feel I brought up some important concerns, and really would like to know what others think about those concerns. Thank-you so much!
I must respectfully disagree about Mario. There are many pictures of him looking adoringly at Ziconic, and peeps who are around every day out there say that he displays the same love for Zi and he did for Zenyatta.
I’m glad you saw that, because I didn’t have the opportunity to see what you saw, so the response on the video bothered me. I’m glad you shared. I still would like to have an interview with John, and maybe Mario, to see where they think he needs help, and their plans for him.
I read where ZI does have cotton in in ears, just like Mama did. Also, if you look at these photos of Mario and Z, I think you will see the very same expression of love and respect on Mario’s face as he looks and ZI.
Re: the jockeys, Gary Stevens (rode Ziconic in his first race) does not appear to have ridden anywhere on the 14th. He wasn’t on the card at Santa Anita. Mike Smith (rode Ziconic in his second race) had a different mount in the same race. If a jockey is not available, he’s not available. Ziconic is still a maiden, and as long as that is the case no jockey is going to feel an obligation to stick with him. That doesn’t mean they dislike him, just that they’re probably not going to go out of the way to ride him, and they’re not going to give up something better for him. And don’t forget–Mike Smith was not Zenyatta’s first rider in a race; David Flores was. Mike didn’t get on her until her fourth race, and by that time she was already a graded stakes winner. Mike committed to her because she was clearly a top talent and he is no fool.
Actually, David Flores made the decision not to ride Zenyatta in Arkansas. MIke Smith just happened to be available. Think Flores might reconsider now? In that regard, Doug O’neill, should think ,long and hard before he gives Mario another leg up on Nyquist
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear TC GP:
There was an article with that very opinion in the TDN. Don’t know if you’ve seen it. I’m wondering if Nyquist was 100% for the Preakness; he ran hard and gave it his all though. Love and Hugs, JB
Connections of Un De Sceaux are debating whether to run him in the French Champion hurdle.He has had a long season and they should remember Dawn Run.Enough said.Sheena
Very belatedly, THANK YOU to Cynthia for this wonderful photo journey with our Red Prince and to Team Z for sharing with all of us. It’s really awesome to see some of the “behind the scenes” aspects of racing, and the photos were just super.
Was in Lexington this past week for a mini-reunion with Barbara Wood and her hubby and Debbie G. We had a great time and visited several farms including Old Friends. I had never been there before, and I can assure you all – it is an experience you won’t forget. I was fortunate that Debbie knew about a golf cart that can the used for people who have difficulty walking (I was one of several on the tour). It helped immensely because of the distance involved as well as some uneven ground and hills so don’t hesitate to go if you are concerned about those things, but you need to let them know in advance.
Some of the “icing on the cake” aspects were actually seeing Michael Blowen in person at Old Friends, getting to see American Pharoah’s dam, Littleprincessemma and her gorgeous Tapit filly, and spending some time with Rick and Marcy of Daily Racing Funnies.
I was disappointed about Nyquist, but congratulations to Exaggerator and his team and fans. I thought Nyquist might be getting a rest, but as it’s “on to Belmont,” it will be cool to see if either one of them will wind up winning two out of three. I know his pedigree isn’t exactly a strong point for Ny, but I’ll be cheering him on anyway. I’m starting at the end and reading backwards – hope I haven’t missed something else of note here.
Glad you had such a good trip. Pain doc is sending me for acupuncture so perhaps I can get back to Kentucky to see the farms and all the horses before the summer is over. Isn’t Michael such a nice person and so dedicated to the horses. Did you have a favorite farm? Did you go to Claiborne? Did you see Lea?
Good luck, Shirlee. My horse, Pride had acupuncture when she was alive & it did wonders for her. I saw other horses benefit from it as well. I wish my insurance would cover it so I could have it done. Please let me know how it works for you.
Nyquist spiked a high temp and has not shipped to NY. Like Songbird running in the pouring rain her last race spiked a temp. He will be fine, just staying where he is for now. The Belmont is now in question I suspect.
I am so Excited that NBCSN will cover Royal Ascot next year! Have been watching on TVG all these years so will enjoy the HD coverage and of course DVR to watch over and over. My Favorite meet of the year. HUGS TO ALL
Dear Alex.I have just heard about Nyquis’.s fever.I bet you are looking forward to watching RA all the tradition,pomp and ceremony of the best flat meeting in the world.As a jumps fan I adore the festival at Cheltenham!Hugs Sheena
I fell in LOVE with the Hurdle races from Punchestown!! What a Cool course that is turns, up hills, down even steeper ones……Love Cheltenham too. I am now hooked on Hurdle races, watch TVG every weekend morning to see them. HUGS
Ziconic worked today at Santa Anita. 5F 1.03:20 Handily. Some of you horse people will have to tell me if this is good or not. I have Union Jackson, Chili, working at Churchill Downs on Saturday 5 F 1:00 Breezing. Of course, don’t know if The Red Prince started from the gate or the track conditions. Am encouraged that he did work. I do think Mario adores Ziconic and Coz the way we would adore our grandchildren.
Ziconic has just come off a recent race. They will not be pushing him very hard at this point. Good thing is that he’s working. No question that Ziconic is the apple of Mario’s eye. It could not be any other way. Red has his momma’s charm. Tapit also likes to be the center of attention. It’s all good with this guy.
Dear Judy.Hope all is well with you,On tenterhooks over here waiting for the chicks hope they will arrive while it’s dry.At last the 3rd chick has arrived at Lowes 1.14pm today,Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Cap Hercules Frank Bentley and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
All is well here; hoping the same for you. Safe and sound for the chicks. Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Frank, Bentley and all the Sweeties
This is not the first time Nyquist has spiked a fever due to elevated white blood cell count. Happened after the Florida Derby win.…authuser=0&ned…
Apr 7, 2016 – Training delayed for Nyquist due to elevated white blood cell count … Undefeated champion Nyquist (Uncle Mo)missed his second consecutive day of training …
Concerning because it reminds me of what his beautiful Daddy, Uncle Mo, when through. Hope he’s OK too. Brave boy. Love and Hugs, JB
I didn’t know that – this is kind of worrisome then.
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Sophia:
Here’s an article (with beautiful photo) about Uncle Mo’s illness. Does not mean that Mo’s progeny will inherit this condition, but it was a concern that I had. Don’t even know if it is hereditary. Wishing Nyquist a complete recovery. Beautiful, brave boy. Love and Hugs, JB
My name is Maria S. My husband has been one of Zenyatta’s biggest fan since 2008. he fell in love with your horse. we are expecting our fourth child and its a great honor to name her Zenyatta. we would love to meet your horse ! it would mean a lot to our family.
Dear Judy.I love this song.It was played on one of Viktor’s videos last night.A very frightened dog and then to see him so happy in the end.I was in tears too.Thank you for sharing.Love and hugs Sheena.
A nest of baby birds under the eaves produces joyous peeping each time the food arrives. Even though they are out of sight, it is not hard to imagine their mouths popping open at the sound of their mother’s approaching wings.
Scenes like this are not unusual on a spring day-warm sun, soft breezes. And an abundance of food that comes from some source we do not comprehend but from which we receive freely anyway. Spirit is generous. Are we thankful?
We speak from our hearts, and memory records our words in the hearts of our people.
-Grizzly Bear, Menominee
Dear Kathy.Sometimes I think the human race is not half grateful enough for the joys we receive each day.First chick is on the way!!!And Blue is getting nearer the nest Glesni had to chase her off plus a Red Kite spectacular views from the observatory.Sad news from the Lake District Osprey project a magpie has taken 2 chicks someone said all magpies are vermin I disagree this is the natural world and it IS cruel but far less cruel than humans.
Do you take you bed to work with you on Mondays like the ratties?It’s good for internashunal bizness.Lovely video of the wedding cake for Benito.Jeremy Vine was in Huddersfield today and didn’t even visit Felix!We are in the middle of the EU referendum over here and I am still undecided.I posted some lovely pics of the ‘Fly’ and his pals on my timeline ‘Fly’is putting on a few lbs.I saw the 2 sides of FB yesterday someone had posted a nasty remark on the Royal Family about blowing up the Queen and parliament.I think all the comments have been removed now.It seems he was Scottish.Then my friend posted a lovely message on his status about his daughter and said he was overwhelmed by the comments.He was so happy to have such kind,genuine and caring people as friends.Hope you have a lovely day and the chick arrives by tonight.Love and hugs to you,Kisses for Angel Holly,Nikko and Sugar.SheenaXOXO
You’re so right about people – I often wonder if they simply don’t see or hear, taste or touch? This is a glorious planet, a treasure full of beauty. The tiniest creatures and plants are miracles, let alone the complex ecosystems that sustain us.
Glad the first chick is on the way. Exciting!!! Too bad about the 2 chicks, but the magpie was just doing what comes naturally. Yes, the natural world is indeed cruel, and yes, humans are the worst. I’m confused…I thought Mondays were totally cancelled! If you do have to go to work, I know taking a bed with you would solve a lot of problems! Loved the wedding video for Benito. A couple of cutie pies! Too bad Jeremy didn’t drop by. EU referendum…yet more politics! I will look for your pics of the Fly. I hadn’t heard about the remarks of the Royal Family. Some people are so sick! Nice to hear about your friend commenting about positive people. We anxiously await the chick! Happy Tuesday. Love and hugs from me, kisses from Angel Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy XOXO
This is one very impressive horse. He runs like an American dirt racer. Interesting too is that he looks like a bay from a distance but he’s a gray. Dad is Deep Impact. His mother is Catalina with Storm Cat as dam sire. Determination on both sides. There could be a lot more to come from his guy.
Looking forward to seeing him at Royal Ascot.Lovely photos of the ‘Fly’ and friends enjoying life at the stud.I think he’s putting on a few lbs!Sheena
Trainer says that A Shin can be very temperamental. He’s a bad boy. With Sunday Silence, Halo and Storm Cat genes in the immediate background, I cannot understand how this happens? LOL!
Bite on, Fly, bite on.
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena and Max:
Sounds like A Shin has a lot in common with Big D and Fly. Love those “bad boys”. Godspeed to him at Ascot. Love and Hugs, JB
No Belmont for Nyquist per They are doing right by him. I am sorry, but we will see him during the Summer, hopefully at Saratoga too!! HUGS TO ALL
Dear Judy B.,
Sounds as if they have their priorities right! The horse comes first — Lady Eli’s welfare is the most important thing.
Hope she continues to be happy and healthy.
Thanks for the update on Lady Eli. Like that her owner puts her health first and would be okay if she had to retire. Wonder if she and Exaggerator could have a date?
The first chick has just arrived at the Dyfi!!!Ems had written a beautiful post as the sun was setting and new life was about to begin.The “bob”hatched about an hour later.Hopefully the link works.Sheena
Dear Judy.It was such a joy to see the chick hatch I always seem to miss it but “bob”could’nt have timed it better.Glesni is sleeping now,2nd should arrive in about 36hrs.I hope Nyquist recovers well.Good to see Songbird back.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Cap Hercules Frank Bentley and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
Such a joyful way to start my day. Looking at all these photos of The Red Prince. He sure is beautiful and talented. His day is coming soon. Thanks to the Zenyatta team for the photos.
May 23 Cherokee Devotional
Some words can be said any number of times and still be new. The Cherokee say, “Gv ge yu a”-I like you or I love you. I love you to the ultimate amount for one day. But it will not compare with tomorrow. Tomorrow brings its own container to be filled. As the sun rises and sets, time moves swiftly, and the need to be loved never changes. It helps us appreciate the finer things, knowing our hours together are as beautiful as polished gems that never lose their glow and always retain their value.
Silence, love, reverence-this is the trinity of first lessons.
-Charles Alexander Eastman, Sioux
Dear Sheena,
Oh no…Monday AGAIN??? I wish the work week went as fast as the weekends! I know the clock speeds up then. Really enjoyed dinner with Steve Saturday evening. Hope all is well with you. The furbabies I’ve managed to visit are doing well. Have a good day. Love and hugs from me, kisses from Angel Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy XOXO
Dear Kathy.Time moves so swiftly as we grow older but there is always love.You will all be able to enjoy Royal Ascot from next year some great racing and fashion of course.A cool,breezy day over here patiently waiting for the first crack in the egg at the Dyfi.The 3 at Manton Bay are growing so quickly Mr Rutland lives on.A horrific fall in Taree Australia today one jockey injured and one horse Bazza’s boy euthanised.Six horses and riders involved.Thank goodness Mondays end sooner for me than you!
Such sad news about another police officer killed.I know the 2nd amendment talks about the right the bear arms but it doesn’t give you the right to shoot all and sundry especially Police Officers who are upholding the law.Gizmo is a very brave little doggie Zoe must be so proud of him.A lovely photo of Theba and Joey.I found a new FB called Momma Kat and Bear Kat they write a hilarious blog.He was a stray and now rules the roost.Great video of Ray and Jack O playing yesterday and Mango is enjoying her camping holiday.Mattie loves the water.Try and enjoy Monday put your sock on and turtle.Love and hugs to you,Kisses for Angel Holly,Nikko and Sugar.SheenaXOXO
Dear Sheena,
YES! I saw that they will broadcast Royal Ascot here next year. I’m so excited! Looking forward to the new generation of ospreys at the Dyfi. Oh, I hope the Australian jockey recovers quickly. RIP Bazza’s Boy. So sad. I saw the beautiful pic of Theba and Joey. You could really tell how much she loved him. I’ll look for Momma Kat and Bear Kat. Sounds fun! Take care and turtle for what remains of Monday! Love and hugs from me, kisses from Angel Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy XOXO
A very Happy 24th Birthday to the mighty Istabraq enjoying life at JP’s stud in County Limerick.
Also wishing one of our favourite BBC broadcasters Desmond Carrington a very Happy 90th birthday today at his home in Perth,Scotland.Hugs Sheena
Marshall (NC Broad)
Happy Birthday Istabraq! Have a lovely day in Limerick — hope you get some treats.
I am not familiar with Mr. Carrington, but good wishes for a very Happy 90th!
Hugs and Love
Dear Marshall.I love listening to Desmond every Friday at 7pm.He plays my kind of music and his cat “golden paws” Sam is 16 now.He is wonderful for his age and used to be on tv during the 60’s.Have a lovely week.Love and hugs Sheena
Judy B from Rhode Island
Happy Birthday Isti. Love and Hugs, JB
Roberta Gonzalez
I wish they would stick with one jockey; he has had three starts, with three different jockeys. I also noticed in the pictures, that the crowd noise seemed to get to him; his eyes were rolling, so you could see the whites. Zenyatta use to have cotton in her ears, and she didn’t have the crowd noise until people realized how good she was, and she developed a fan base. Ziconic has had to deal with crowd noise, and all the hype from day one, maybe the cotton would help him. He also is very intelligent, and loves the cameras, maybe he needs help to get his mind on the race sooner. It seems like he almost thinks he is just training, until he gets in touch with the field, then he puts on the after burners. He does have speed, and the ability, he just has to use it a little earlier. He even breaks good, but then drops way back, as far back as Zenyatta did in her last race; even the great Zenyatta, had trouble making up all that difference. She came in second, and he came in third, she has a longer stride, and more experience. What does that deal you about Ziconic? He just needs a little help, and a jockey that knows him, and develops a relationship with him, like Mike did with Zenyatta. Not to say anything against Mario, because he is the best, but you could see the love and respect he had with Zenyatta from the start. I would like to know what he feels for Ziconic, because his body language, and facial expressions are not the same as with Zenyatta. It always sticks with me, the reaction he had on a video about Ziconic, before he even raced. As he was leading Ziconic to the track to train, another groom went by with another horse, and said to Mario, “You have some horse there!” Mario just shrugged, like he didn’t think he was something special. Horses are very sensitive to feelings of those around them, and Mario in his own words said, “There was something special from the first time he saw her.” I get the feeling that he feels like Ziconic is just another horse; does those feelings come across to Ziconic? It is very unfair to expect him to show his full potential with the concerns mentioned above!! Even the great Secretariat and the great Zenyatta had people who loved, and believed in them from the beginning. Ziconic is smaller in statue then these two, but is very muscular, has great breeding, has speed when he gets rolling (and even from the gate this time, before he dropped back) and you can see has the ability; I just hope they figure out what he needs, and support him, before he loses confidence. I also think he will show he has great heart, and will be a great race horse, but he needs the same support that Zenyatta had. I WISH THEY WOULD HAVE AN INTERVIEW WITH JOHN AND MARIO ABOUT ZICONIC, and how they feel about Ziconic; not in comparison with Zenyatta or Coz, just Ziconic. He deserves that, and I, for one, would like to know what goes on with Ziconic, and what kind of vibes and mental encouragement that he gets; he is very intelligent, like his mom, and I can’t help, but feel, that these things would affect a horse like Ziconic a lot!! If people around him, feel like he will never be as great as Zenyatta, he never will be!! That would be a shame, because he has shown that he was something special, since the day he was born, on his mom’s birthday, and when he was three weeks old, racing beside his mom, until out of sight!!
Ann Mitchell Adam
Roberta ~ I believe if you look again at the picture where Ziconic is showing the whites of his eyes, you are also seeing Mario elbowing in Zi’s body & pulling his head away from events ahead. Mario is distracting Ziconic, a very young muscular colt. I also think that the chain that is worn above the front teeth, on the gums, is to remind Zi to remember business. Ziconic IS the son of a late blooming mare and besides that he is a male. Don’t ALL males mature later than females? LOLOL! It seems to me that he is showing more racing instinct and also liking the fanfare around race day.
Roberta Gonzalez
Please don’t be mean, and think I’m saying things that I’m not. I feel I brought up some important concerns, and really would like to know what others think about those concerns. Thank-you so much!
Sophia Gates
Well, I would like to give Zi a huge hug and kiss his beautiful nose
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
I must respectfully disagree about Mario. There are many pictures of him looking adoringly at Ziconic, and peeps who are around every day out there say that he displays the same love for Zi and he did for Zenyatta.
Roberta Gonzalez
I’m glad you saw that, because I didn’t have the opportunity to see what you saw, so the response on the video bothered me. I’m glad you shared. I still would like to have an interview with John, and maybe Mario, to see where they think he needs help, and their plans for him.
Becky in Toronto
When you get your training license and actually own Ziconic (LOL) then just may be you can apply your wisdom. High Five to Team Zenyetta!
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Roberta:
I read where ZI does have cotton in in ears, just like Mama did. Also, if you look at these photos of Mario and Z, I think you will see the very same expression of love and respect on Mario’s face as he looks and ZI.
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Roberta:
Here’s a couple more photos of Mario and Ziconic. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy B from Rhode Island
Oops: Duplicate. Sorry. Here’s another one.
Judy B from Rhode Island
That should be “as he looks at ZI”. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Roberta:
If you look closely at the third photo down from the top, you can see cotton in ZI’s ears. Love and Hugs, JB
Re: the jockeys, Gary Stevens (rode Ziconic in his first race) does not appear to have ridden anywhere on the 14th. He wasn’t on the card at Santa Anita. Mike Smith (rode Ziconic in his second race) had a different mount in the same race. If a jockey is not available, he’s not available. Ziconic is still a maiden, and as long as that is the case no jockey is going to feel an obligation to stick with him. That doesn’t mean they dislike him, just that they’re probably not going to go out of the way to ride him, and they’re not going to give up something better for him. And don’t forget–Mike Smith was not Zenyatta’s first rider in a race; David Flores was. Mike didn’t get on her until her fourth race, and by that time she was already a graded stakes winner. Mike committed to her because she was clearly a top talent and he is no fool.
Terry Crow
Actually, David Flores made the decision not to ride Zenyatta in Arkansas. MIke Smith just happened to be available. Think Flores might reconsider now? In that regard, Doug O’neill, should think ,long and hard before he gives Mario another leg up on Nyquist
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear TC GP:
There was an article with that very opinion in the TDN. Don’t know if you’ve seen it. I’m wondering if Nyquist was 100% for the Preakness; he ran hard and gave it his all though. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Hello, TC GP!!
Good to hear from you! Don’t stay away so long,please.
Hugs and Love
Dear Judy B.,
Thanks for this TDN article link. Very interesting indeed.
Nyquist certainly did try hard.
Hugs and Love
Connections of Un De Sceaux are debating whether to run him in the French Champion hurdle.He has had a long season and they should remember Dawn Run.Enough said.Sheena
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Very belatedly, THANK YOU to Cynthia for this wonderful photo journey with our Red Prince and to Team Z for sharing with all of us. It’s really awesome to see some of the “behind the scenes” aspects of racing, and the photos were just super.
Was in Lexington this past week for a mini-reunion with Barbara Wood and her hubby and Debbie G. We had a great time and visited several farms including Old Friends. I had never been there before, and I can assure you all – it is an experience you won’t forget. I was fortunate that Debbie knew about a golf cart that can the used for people who have difficulty walking (I was one of several on the tour). It helped immensely because of the distance involved as well as some uneven ground and hills so don’t hesitate to go if you are concerned about those things, but you need to let them know in advance.
Some of the “icing on the cake” aspects were actually seeing Michael Blowen in person at Old Friends, getting to see American Pharoah’s dam, Littleprincessemma and her gorgeous Tapit filly, and spending some time with Rick and Marcy of Daily Racing Funnies.
I was disappointed about Nyquist, but congratulations to Exaggerator and his team and fans. I thought Nyquist might be getting a rest, but as it’s “on to Belmont,” it will be cool to see if either one of them will wind up winning two out of three. I know his pedigree isn’t exactly a strong point for Ny, but I’ll be cheering him on anyway. I’m starting at the end and reading backwards – hope I haven’t missed something else of note here.
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Sandy:
Thank you so much for sharing your trip with us. Sounds absolutely lovely. Hope Nyquist is feeling better soon. Love and Hugs, JB
Terry Crow
Sandy–Glad you had a good time.
Ann NC
Wow, sounds like a great trip. Lucky the horses meeting you, surely having peppermints.
Glad you had such a good trip. Pain doc is sending me for acupuncture so perhaps I can get back to Kentucky to see the farms and all the horses before the summer is over. Isn’t Michael such a nice person and so dedicated to the horses. Did you have a favorite farm? Did you go to Claiborne? Did you see Lea?
Donna Z
Good luck, Shirlee. My horse, Pride had acupuncture when she was alive & it did wonders for her. I saw other horses benefit from it as well. I wish my insurance would cover it so I could have it done. Please let me know how it works for you.
Alexandra Bowdoin
Nyquist spiked a high temp and has not shipped to NY. Like Songbird running in the pouring rain her last race spiked a temp. He will be fine, just staying where he is for now. The Belmont is now in question I suspect.
I am so Excited that NBCSN will cover Royal Ascot next year! Have been watching on TVG all these years so will enjoy the HD coverage and of course DVR to watch over and over. My Favorite meet of the year. HUGS TO ALL
Dear Alex.I have just heard about Nyquis’.s fever.I bet you are looking forward to watching RA all the tradition,pomp and ceremony of the best flat meeting in the world.As a jumps fan I adore the festival at Cheltenham!Hugs Sheena
Alexandra Bowdoin
I fell in LOVE with the Hurdle races from Punchestown!! What a Cool course that is turns, up hills, down even steeper ones……Love Cheltenham too. I am now hooked on Hurdle races, watch TVG every weekend morning to see them. HUGS
Ooops Nyquist.
Ziconic worked today at Santa Anita. 5F 1.03:20 Handily. Some of you horse people will have to tell me if this is good or not. I have Union Jackson, Chili, working at Churchill Downs on Saturday 5 F 1:00 Breezing. Of course, don’t know if The Red Prince started from the gate or the track conditions. Am encouraged that he did work. I do think Mario adores Ziconic and Coz the way we would adore our grandchildren.
Ziconic has just come off a recent race. They will not be pushing him very hard at this point. Good thing is that he’s working. No question that Ziconic is the apple of Mario’s eye. It could not be any other way. Red has his momma’s charm. Tapit also likes to be the center of attention. It’s all good with this guy.
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Shirlee, Max and Z Fans:
Think it’s good that ZI and COZ are working. Agree, the Princes are well loved by their grooms. These are two very special boys. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy.Hope all is well with you,On tenterhooks over here waiting for the chicks hope they will arrive while it’s dry.At last the 3rd chick has arrived at Lowes 1.14pm today,Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Cap Hercules Frank Bentley and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
All is well here; hoping the same for you. Safe and sound for the chicks. Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Frank, Bentley and all the Sweeties
Sophia Gates
Hope Nyquist is ok and that this fever goes away quickly – maybe 1.5 mile Belmont is asking too much?
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Sophia:
This is not the first time Nyquist has spiked a fever due to elevated white blood cell count. Happened after the Florida Derby win.…authuser=0&ned…
Apr 7, 2016 – Training delayed for Nyquist due to elevated white blood cell count … Undefeated champion Nyquist (Uncle Mo)missed his second consecutive day of training …
Concerning because it reminds me of what his beautiful Daddy, Uncle Mo, when through. Hope he’s OK too. Brave boy. Love and Hugs, JB
Sophia Gates
Dear Judy,
I didn’t know that – this is kind of worrisome then.
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Sophia:
Here’s an article (with beautiful photo) about Uncle Mo’s illness. Does not mean that Mo’s progeny will inherit this condition, but it was a concern that I had. Don’t even know if it is hereditary. Wishing Nyquist a complete recovery. Beautiful, brave boy. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Z, COZ, ZI and DC:
Goodnight. Love You. Hugs, JB
Z Princess, Dubai, Baby Z, will always love you.
Robin LOVES Zenyatta
Hi everyone!
Victor Espinoza tweeted the cutest picture of Ziconic and a message today: “Working even on my birthday. Can you guess who it is?”.
I knew immediately. Our Red Prince is absolutely gorgeous. Thanks, Victor! I bet someone showed the picture to our Queen. :)
Got a real giggle over people thinking Zi was California Chrome.
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Robin, Shirlee and Z Fans:
Here’s the photo that Robin referenced. ZI sure has muscles like CC. Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Handsome! Look at him. Thanks bunches.
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Ann:
He’s a “hunk”. Love and Hugs, JB
maria S.
Dear Jerry Moss,
My name is Maria S. My husband has been one of Zenyatta’s biggest fan since 2008. he fell in love with your horse. we are expecting our fourth child and its a great honor to name her Zenyatta. we would love to meet your horse ! it would mean a lot to our family.
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Just found this wonderful video to one of my favorite songs. Needed a lot of tissues. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy.I love this song.It was played on one of Viktor’s videos last night.A very frightened dog and then to see him so happy in the end.I was in tears too.Thank you for sharing.Love and hugs Sheena.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Thanks, Judy. Didn’t know too many of the horses, but I know others will. Love Josh and the song
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena and Sandy:
Always makes me cry; so beautiful. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy B.,
Thanks so much! This song is a big favorite of mine, too. Beautiful montage of horses racing. Recognized the names of some. Great video!
Hugs and Love
Ingrid Arnone
Dear Judy
i think I saw all those races, yes I did cry…
Love the video.
Thanks, love and hugs.
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Marshall and Ingrid:
Beautiful words and melody and it is so perfect set to horses racing. They are so magnificent. Love and Hugs, JB
May 24 Cherokee Devotional
A nest of baby birds under the eaves produces joyous peeping each time the food arrives. Even though they are out of sight, it is not hard to imagine their mouths popping open at the sound of their mother’s approaching wings.
Scenes like this are not unusual on a spring day-warm sun, soft breezes. And an abundance of food that comes from some source we do not comprehend but from which we receive freely anyway. Spirit is generous. Are we thankful?
We speak from our hearts, and memory records our words in the hearts of our people.
-Grizzly Bear, Menominee
Dear Kathy.Sometimes I think the human race is not half grateful enough for the joys we receive each day.First chick is on the way!!!And Blue is getting nearer the nest Glesni had to chase her off plus a Red Kite spectacular views from the observatory.Sad news from the Lake District Osprey project a magpie has taken 2 chicks someone said all magpies are vermin I disagree this is the natural world and it IS cruel but far less cruel than humans.
Do you take you bed to work with you on Mondays like the ratties?It’s good for internashunal bizness.Lovely video of the wedding cake for Benito.Jeremy Vine was in Huddersfield today and didn’t even visit Felix!We are in the middle of the EU referendum over here and I am still undecided.I posted some lovely pics of the ‘Fly’ and his pals on my timeline ‘Fly’is putting on a few lbs.I saw the 2 sides of FB yesterday someone had posted a nasty remark on the Royal Family about blowing up the Queen and parliament.I think all the comments have been removed now.It seems he was Scottish.Then my friend posted a lovely message on his status about his daughter and said he was overwhelmed by the comments.He was so happy to have such kind,genuine and caring people as friends.Hope you have a lovely day and the chick arrives by tonight.Love and hugs to you,Kisses for Angel Holly,Nikko and Sugar.SheenaXOXO
Sophia Gates
Dear Sheena,
You’re so right about people – I often wonder if they simply don’t see or hear, taste or touch? This is a glorious planet, a treasure full of beauty. The tiniest creatures and plants are miracles, let alone the complex ecosystems that sustain us.
Dear Sheena,
Glad the first chick is on the way. Exciting!!! Too bad about the 2 chicks, but the magpie was just doing what comes naturally. Yes, the natural world is indeed cruel, and yes, humans are the worst. I’m confused…I thought Mondays were totally cancelled! If you do have to go to work, I know taking a bed with you would solve a lot of problems! Loved the wedding video for Benito. A couple of cutie pies! Too bad Jeremy didn’t drop by. EU referendum…yet more politics! I will look for your pics of the Fly. I hadn’t heard about the remarks of the Royal Family. Some people are so sick! Nice to hear about your friend commenting about positive people. We anxiously await the chick! Happy Tuesday. Love and hugs from me, kisses from Angel Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy XOXO
Japanese raider A Shin Hikari decimates his rivals in the Prix d’Ispahan this afternoon.Now Royal Ascot bound for the Prince of Wales stakes.Sheena.
This is one very impressive horse. He runs like an American dirt racer. Interesting too is that he looks like a bay from a distance but he’s a gray. Dad is Deep Impact. His mother is Catalina with Storm Cat as dam sire. Determination on both sides. There could be a lot more to come from his guy.
Looking forward to seeing him at Royal Ascot.Lovely photos of the ‘Fly’ and friends enjoying life at the stud.I think he’s putting on a few lbs!Sheena
Trainer says that A Shin can be very temperamental. He’s a bad boy. With Sunday Silence, Halo and Storm Cat genes in the immediate background, I cannot understand how this happens? LOL!
Bite on, Fly, bite on.
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena and Max:
Sounds like A Shin has a lot in common with Big D and Fly. Love those “bad boys”. Godspeed to him at Ascot. Love and Hugs, JB
Ziconic is beautiful! So wonderful to keep Team Zenyatta going with her son. Note the 4th photo down. Gorgeous.
Alexandra Bowdoin
No Belmont for Nyquist per They are doing right by him. I am sorry, but we will see him during the Summer, hopefully at Saratoga too!! HUGS TO ALL
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Update on the beautiful Lady Eli. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy B.,
Sounds as if they have their priorities right! The horse comes first — Lady Eli’s welfare is the most important thing.
Hope she continues to be happy and healthy.
Hugs and Love
Thanks for the update on Lady Eli. Like that her owner puts her health first and would be okay if she had to retire. Wonder if she and Exaggerator could have a date?
Ingrid Arnone
Dear Judy
Thanks for the up date on Lady Eli.
I love her, she is a great race horse.
Love and hugs Ingrid.
Ann NC
Thanks, Judy B.
Wishing her all the best. What a Brave, Beautiful girl!
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Marshall, Shirlee, Ingrid and Ann:
Love her too. Godspeed beautiful girl. Love and Hugs, JB
The first chick has just arrived at the Dyfi!!!Ems had written a beautiful post as the sun was setting and new life was about to begin.The “bob”hatched about an hour later.Hopefully the link works.Sheena
Ann NC
Good luck, Baby Bob.
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Thanks. God Bless little Bob. Love and Hugs, JB
Deb E.
Nyquist has scratched from racing in the Belmont. Poor boy, I hope whatever is going on will turn around. It sounds like he has an infection.
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Frank, Bentley and all the Sweeties
Dear Judy.It was such a joy to see the chick hatch I always seem to miss it but “bob”could’nt have timed it better.Glesni is sleeping now,2nd should arrive in about 36hrs.I hope Nyquist recovers well.Good to see Songbird back.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Cap Hercules Frank Bentley and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
We posted to each other two minutes apart. How about that! Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy.Telepathy!Love and hugs Sheena
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Beautiful Z, COZ, ZI and DC:
Goodnight. Stay comfy and cozy in your stalls. Happy Dreams. Love all of you so much. Hugs, JB
Z Princess, Dubai, Baby Z, will always love you.