Dear Fans,
We hope you have had a wonderful Summer! So many of you have asked about Templeton Farms and possible visits – while we are not yet ready for visitors, we excited to share with you a typical day in Ziconic’s OTTB life at a working Sport Horse Farm.
Templeton Farms Equestrian (TFE) is the realization of our good friend, Gina Bornino Miller’s dream to build a World-Class Sport Horse Training, Sales, and Breeding Facility for both horses and their riders along the California Central Coast. Dream Realized! On this beautiful 52-acre farm Gina and her late husband, Bill, built TFE along the Salinas aquifer, Templeton, CA. We believe that both horses and humans thrive here. In fact, Milyone, Zenyatta’s racing stablemate, has called TFE home for 7 ½ years.
One of the things we love about TFE is it is very welcoming, and horses settle in quickly. Ziconic is no different, he has quickly become right at home and is making friends – he constantly reminds us he is a very quick learner!
For us, when we arrive at the Farm, we immediately transcend into an equestrian experience that is at the intersection of horsey heaven, dressage and hunter/jumper athleticism, exceptional trainers, grooms, staff, and community.

TFE has 3 types of boarding; Ziconic lives in the Main Barn, which houses 24 spacious stalls with individual runs so the horses can freely walk outside – like having a private patio with your neighbors next door. Amenities in the barn include indoor and outdoor cross ties for grooming/tacking and bathing, theraplate, solarium, and personal tack lockers. And the team of grooms – which makes all this happen – are wonderful people with exceptional experience.

Ziconic starts his day about 6:00am when he goes on the walker for 1 hour. This gives him the opportunity to wake up, stretch his legs after being in his stall for the night, and work off some energy. This KRAFT walker is unique as it is an oval, so the horses are not walking on a circle the entire time which is better for their legs, joints, and natural balance.

After Ziconic finishes on the walker, he comes in to eat his breakfast and relax. About 9:00am, Ziconic goes out for morning grass turnout. Templeton Farms is one of the only equestrian facilities in California that has grass pastures all year round – we feel very lucky as this natural state is so good for Ziconic’s overall health, digestion, and well-being just grazing for the morning.

About 12:00pm, Ziconic comes in for lunch and has some time to relax before he has his daily exercise, Monday through Friday. About 2:00pm his Trainer, Sarah Pollock who we introduced in July 2019, will start grooming and tacking Ziconic for his workout.

Depending on day of the week, weather, and how Ziconic is doing in his training program, Sarah and Ziconic have a variety of options to leverage! She will gauge each day what is best suited for Ziconic’s progress. He usually starts his work with a walk around part of the 1-mile track which weaves throughout the Farm. Just like us humans, this warms him up.
Earlier in the week, they may work in the round pen or occasionally the free jump shoot. Mondays tend to be less structured work after having Saturday and Sunday off with just walker and grass turnout.
Ziconic Free Jumping with Sarah And Some Help From Virginia & Tiffany (Video Credit: Linda R. Moss)Usually a day a week, also influenced by weather, Ziconic gets to work on the flat in the covered arena. Here he and Sarah can focus on their lead changes, balance, and building consistency with Ziconic’s gates. This is also fun as Ziconic gets to look at himself in the mirrors!
Ziconic & Sarah Perfecting Their Flat Work (Video Credit: Mikayla Vosseller)We think Ziconic’s favorite work is when he can go in one of the two outdoor jumping courts and, in his mind, PLAY! It is here that they work on cavaletties and poles, low level jumps as Ziconic learns, and different gates and patterns around the jumps.
Ziconic & Sarah Working on Agility Over Poles (Video Credit: Linda R. Moss)Lastly depending on weather, Sarah and Ziconic will either walk the track or go in the covered arena to cool down. And now for the TRUE FUN – bath time! During the warm, summer months Ziconic gets hosed down and groomed every day after his workout.
Ziconic Enjoying Playing with Sarah During His Bath (Video Credit: Linda R. Moss)Typically, Ziconic finishes his bath and grooming by 3:30 or 4:00pm, returns to his stall to relax, and dinner is typically fed around 4:30pm. The horses are then in for the night.

We are forever grateful to Gina and Templeton Farms; without them, we do not know of another West Coast Sport Horse Farm of this caliber, multiple trainer options, and special community.

judith Berube
Dear Sheena:
Godspeed Enable and Frankie. Hope your weather has improved. Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM and all the Sweeties
judith Berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL and DC:
Have a restful evening; comfy and cozy. Happy Dreams. Love you. Hugs, JB
Sheena Davies
Crystal Ocean will stand at the Beeches Stud as a NH stallion next year.
Dear Judy.I saw the article about Zellda earlier she’s fiesty .Huge excitement building for the Arc.Stormy in Ireland at the moment due here in the morning.Hope everyone is improving at the farm.Goodnight God bless you.LM PC HT and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
Hovis is ever so slightly cross with mum.It was his moment to shine and she SPOKE!!
On Sunday Enable will attempt to win the Arc for a 3rd time while I hope all horses stay safe I only want one winner.All the luck in the world my darling.
Love seeing that he is doing so well and enjoying his new career! ??
As the sun rises over Newmarket Enable enjoys her last canter.She is packed and ready to leave for Paris tomorrow and hopefully immortality,,,,,
Marshall (NC Broad)
Very Best Wishes to Enable and Frankie. Run swiftly and safely, beautiful girl!
Fingers crossed for a successful Arc.
Hugs and Cheers ? ? ?
RIPMagnum Moon who developed laminitis He was being treated for multiple fractures.
Remembering the mighty Secretariat who died this day in 1989.RIP Red.
judith Berube
Dear Sheena:
Poor baby; only four years old. RIP Beauty. ?
Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB
Thank you for remembering the 30th anniversary of the greatest racehorse that ever looked through a bridle. R.I.P. Big Red. I’m sure he was at the rainbow bridge welcoming his great-great grandson to the green meadows of heaven where he can gallop to his heart’s content, no longer in pain. Both gone too soon. My condolences to all who took care of him during his short time here.
Marshall (NC Broad)
RIP brave Magnum Moon. You left us way too soon. Your fight was well fought, but now you can rest comfortably and run pain-free. Farewell sweet boy.
Thanks, Sheena, for the reminder about the great Secretariat. RIP beautiful Red.
Hugs and Love
judith Berube
RIP Beautiful Bid Red. Love and Hugs, JB
judith Berube
So sorry: Big Red Love and Hugs, JB
judith Berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL and DC:
Goodnight and Happy Dreams. Love all of you so much. Hugs, JB
The frenzy surrounding Enable.Frankie has won today on a daughter of Frankel Oaks heroine Anapurna.How on earth will he sleep tonight Enable is enjoying the peace and quiet of Chantilly.
Dee in the Hudson Valley
Thank you Gina and Sarah and everybody at Templeton Farms for this wonderfully educational and entertaining update on our beloved Ziconic.
What a lucky boy!
Dear Judy.And so the day has arrived.Will my tears be of joy or anguish?If love could make a horse win she’d already be past the post.We can only live in hope….Hope the horses at the farm are better.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT and all the sweeties,Love and hugs SheenaX
judith Berube
Dear Sheena:
Godspeed beautiful Enable and Frankie D. Win or lose, she is one of the very best ever.
Heard from Angela and she thinks everything will be back to normal soon. Horses are recovering; no new cases. Praying everything resolves. Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM and all the Sweeties
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
Glad to hear good news from the farm. Thanks for the update. Still sending thoughts and prayers for recovery and for continued good health for Charlie and all the residents.
Hugs and Love
Judy Berube
Dear Marshall:
Thank you so much. Love and Hugs, JB
judith Berube
Dear Z Fans:
Congrats to Omaha Beach and Mikey and Mr. Mandella. What a great first time back win. Shancelot ran a Valiant second. Love and Hugs, JB
judith Berube
Dear Z Fans:
This youngster named Maxfield is a relative of our Queen Z; a son of Street Sense out of a Bernie mare, Velvety. I think he’s got KD potential for sure. Broke last and what a burst of speed at the finish! Here’s the replay of his win today at Keeneland. Beautiful Boy. Love and Hugs, JB
judith Berube
Dear Z Fans:
Another two year old to watch for the Run for the Roses; trained by Barcley Tagg. He bobbled at the break, steadied and raced greenly. But, oh boy, did he ever finish with a rush. He is by Constitution (Tapit) out of a Tiznow mare, Tizfiz. Here’s the replay. Hope all of these babies stay healthy and safe.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
This was a great win! Tiz the Law was amazing. Happy for his connections — Barclay Tagg and Sackatoga Stables (Funny Cide’s connections, 2003). Nice ride by Manuel Franco, too.
Thanks for posting the replays!
Hugs and Love
Judy Berube
Dear Marshall:
Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Thanks, JB.
Am so happy for B. Tagg. Nice having him in the win.
Congrats to all.
Judy Berube
Dear Ann:
Me too. Love and Hugs, JB
judith Berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL and DC:
Have a restful evening; comfy and cozy. Love and Hugs, JB
So sad for Enable as she went down fighting when Waldgiest a son of Galileo beat her.The sticky ground got her in the end.No future plans announced yet.In all my years of watching I’ve never been so disappointed.Truely sick at heart.Let’s just hope we get to her again.
Sad for Enable but she is still a champion. She really does not have anything to prove to anyone. Hope she came out of the race okay.
judith Berube
Dear Sheena:
Enable’s a great one! We’ll have to see if she races again or if we will be cheering on her babies. Love this gorgeous girl. She’s magnificent.
Congrats Waldgiest and Galileo. Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM and all the Sweeties
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sheena and Judy,
I am disappointed, too. Was so hoping Enable would make it a 3rd Arc win; however, she ran valiantly and is still a fantastic champion! Sweet dreams tonight beautiful Enable.
Congrats to Waldgeist and connections.
Hugs and Love
judith Berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL and DC:
Stay comfy and cozy and Happy Dreams. Love You. Hugs, JB
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
Hi Zsters & Team Z?
Thx for the update in the life of Zi. Luv the pics & videos ?
I enjoyed reading every1s links they shared?
@judy berube, keeping charlie & the others in my prayers.
Luv to y’all. HugZ ❤ prayerZ, vamp
judith Berube
Dear Vamp Sue:
Thank you so much. Hope you’re doing better. Love Ya. Hugs, JB
What is with forum threads?
Sheena Davies
Dear Judy. So glad to hear the horses are improving.Congrats to Omaha Beach.Enable was cheered all the way back to the stables reminded me of Zenyatta in 2010.They will see how she is when they get her home there is talk of the Breeders Cup Prince Khalid likes to take time to decide.Champions weekend would come a bit too soon for her.Battaash did’nt seem to cope with the ground either and Goddess broke down and was euthanised.RIP.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
judith Berube
Dear Sheena:
I couldn’t help recalling Z’s brilliant 2010 Classic effort when I saw the result of Enable’s race today. Two Extraordinary Beauties; courageous, brave and magnificent.
So sad to hear about Goddess. Run free in God’s Heaven. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Rest in Peace, Goddess.
Another gone far too soon — so very sorry, brave one. Condolences to all concerned.
Hugs and Love
I needed a laugh after yesterday and found this video.Hilarious!
Karen R.
Sheena: I rarely post, but I do read this blog very often and the Forums (which I hope will be working again soon). Just wanted to thank you for posting the hilarious pony video. Was also feeling a little down today and that video had me laughing a lot. Such a bratty and precious pony. Thanks.
Judy Berube
Dear Sheena:
This little girl deserves an award just for determination and the pony too (he was going to sample every plant he could). Both of them are ADORABLE. Thank you so much for sharing the smiles and laughs. Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM and all the Sweeties
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sheena,
This is such a welcome gift! Laughter is so necessary these days, and this truly IS hilarious. The pony must have decided that this is a buffet instead of a show course. The young handler showed poise, persistence and patience with her pony. Smiling at the end, too!
Thanks for sharing, Sheena!
Hugs and Love
Ann NC
Especially Horses
The FORUM side of this site is no longer functioning (it’s going on a week) and I’m wondering (and I’m sure many others are as well) if the FORUM has been permanently disabled. We are hoping for some kind of communication regarding what happened and what is being done to fix or not to fix. I’ll be sad if the FORUM doesn’t reopen, but of course will respect whatever the outcome is.
I too miss the forum. I have learned so much from fellow members in there on the ins and outs of Horse racing. The joys of following in the Zenny waiting room Forum, and the over all fellowship of all the other Zenny Fans in there as it was like Family and I miss my Zenny Forum family. Please do let us know if it is gone forever and if we did something wrong please give us a second chance to not do that wrong again.
Judy Berube
Dear Especially Horses:
I would be sad to see an end to the Forum too. Will wait to see if it’s resolved.
Was wondering if you have heard any updates on I’m Your Sugar Daddy in his home at the Boys Republic in CA? The Forum is a good way to keep track of our beloved horses. Love and Hugs, JB
Amy Noyes
I too will miss the forum. Thr site seemed to running on all cylinders. Please an update on it or we will have to find separate hosting.
Love to all the Zenyatta fans!
Yes! An update on what’s going on with the Forum would be much appreciated. I pray it’s not being shut down, but would like to at least know what’s going on regardless.
The Observer
That means you’ll have to get a life then doesn’t it, instead of you and your ilk negatively picking apart and dissecting other peoples young horses. Z has ZERO winners. You really should keep your mouth shut.
I am wondering as well and really hope it is not the death knell for the forum. I have been a member since 2012-2013 and visit it daily.
Let us hope this is not the death knell of this forum. I have friends here, learn alot, and visit daily. I’ve been a member and watched Z race from her beginnings.
Dear Judy.I just loved the video I really needed the laughs today and the pair certainly delivered.Enable is back home safe and well.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
Remembering the incomparable Cigar who left us this day in 2014 and the legend that was John Henry who left us on October 8th 2007 at the grand age of 32.
Memories are treasures no one can steal
Death leaves a wound no one can heal.
Judy Berube
RIP beloved Cigar. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube
RIP John Henry. Run free with Cigar and all the horses in God’s Heaven. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy and Sheena,
Amen. RIP Cigar and John Henry — legendary and immortal. You both live on in our hearts and memories.
Always and forever.
Hugs and Love
Kathleen Marsh
John Henry—so very long ago, I saw him when he was racing. He was so light on his feet, it was as if they never touched the ground.
Especially Horses
Hi Judy.
I haven’t seen any news on I’m Your Surgar Daddy in a very long time. It sure would be nice to know how he is doing.
Judy Berube
Dear Especially Horses:
Yes, I think of him and his Mama often. Hope he’s happy and doing well. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Me, too.
❤️ ? ❤️
Hugs and Love
Amy Noyes
I too will miss the forum. Thr site seemed to running on all cylinders. Please an update on it or we will have to find separate hosting.
Love to all the Zenyatta fans!
RIP the great Big Red, the magnificent Cigar and John Henry the grouch. Will always have fond memories of them. Thank goodness they came along in my lifetime.
Thanks to FoxSports 2, I saw all the weekend races from Belmont and some from Churchill. Some very impressive 2 year olds out there!
The Red Prince is living in a palace fit for him. Thanks for the photos and videos. He seems to be so happy.
So happy for Omaha Beach. Glad Mike is in the saddle. Wonder if OB will go to the Breeders Cup mile or classic?
Still trying to master the new computer but getting there. It is so good to get back on the blog and hear from everyone. Breeders Cup is very close!
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Shirlee,
It’s so good to hear from you, too! Hang in there — you will conquer that new computer soon. Personally, I think they put a little bit of “Hal” (2001 Space Odyssey reference) in every one of those contraptions. :-)
Hugs and Love
Judy Berube
Dear Shirlee:
As our Marshall said, good to have you back posting.
Read that Omaha Beach may go for the BC Sprint; that’s a surprise. His connections will have a choice to make. Didn’t he look great on Saturday! Love and Hugs, JB
I think Hal’s big brother might be lurking in the computer. I just still have to find out how to do things differently than from the old one.
I am sooo thrilled for Omaha Beach. Mike was his usual self and spared the whip. I hope he goes in the BC Mile rather than the sprint. Sounds like his main goal for the future is the Cigar Mile and the Pegasus.
Wonder why Baffert took Mike off Mckinzie? I loved what Mike had said about the horse in the past that he did not like the whip and Mike had learned not to use it but to hand ride. I am sure however that “Our Mike” will not be without a mount in the Classic!
Hope all of you all continue to do well and enjoy the wonderful cool mornings we are having. Our forecast for overnight is a low of 40! Where are my long johns?
I would not be surprised if Mike took himself off McKinzie in favor of a lady of his acquaintance.
A lady named Midnight Bisou.
Judy Berube
Dear Shirlee:
OB looked great on Saturday. I was wondering the same as you about why Mikey is off McKinzie.
Could be what z13rulz said or it may be Bob B. knows something we don’t. Maybe OB IS going in the Classic with Mikey aboard. Also, Joel R. who is now riding McKinzie, was the rider for Yoshida. That would be a good opening for Mikey in the Classic if OB goes in the Mile.
As I said to our Peggy earlier today, musical saddles. Love and Hugs, JB
Sheena Davies
Dear Judy.While many want Enable to retire some would love her to finish on a win.Who knows what the Prince will decide.Future champions this weekend Pinatubo in the Dewhurst.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX