Dear Fans,
We hope you have had a wonderful Summer! So many of you have asked about Templeton Farms and possible visits – while we are not yet ready for visitors, we excited to share with you a typical day in Ziconic’s OTTB life at a working Sport Horse Farm.
Templeton Farms Equestrian (TFE) is the realization of our good friend, Gina Bornino Miller’s dream to build a World-Class Sport Horse Training, Sales, and Breeding Facility for both horses and their riders along the California Central Coast. Dream Realized! On this beautiful 52-acre farm Gina and her late husband, Bill, built TFE along the Salinas aquifer, Templeton, CA. We believe that both horses and humans thrive here. In fact, Milyone, Zenyatta’s racing stablemate, has called TFE home for 7 ½ years.
One of the things we love about TFE is it is very welcoming, and horses settle in quickly. Ziconic is no different, he has quickly become right at home and is making friends – he constantly reminds us he is a very quick learner!
For us, when we arrive at the Farm, we immediately transcend into an equestrian experience that is at the intersection of horsey heaven, dressage and hunter/jumper athleticism, exceptional trainers, grooms, staff, and community.

TFE has 3 types of boarding; Ziconic lives in the Main Barn, which houses 24 spacious stalls with individual runs so the horses can freely walk outside – like having a private patio with your neighbors next door. Amenities in the barn include indoor and outdoor cross ties for grooming/tacking and bathing, theraplate, solarium, and personal tack lockers. And the team of grooms – which makes all this happen – are wonderful people with exceptional experience.

Ziconic starts his day about 6:00am when he goes on the walker for 1 hour. This gives him the opportunity to wake up, stretch his legs after being in his stall for the night, and work off some energy. This KRAFT walker is unique as it is an oval, so the horses are not walking on a circle the entire time which is better for their legs, joints, and natural balance.

After Ziconic finishes on the walker, he comes in to eat his breakfast and relax. About 9:00am, Ziconic goes out for morning grass turnout. Templeton Farms is one of the only equestrian facilities in California that has grass pastures all year round – we feel very lucky as this natural state is so good for Ziconic’s overall health, digestion, and well-being just grazing for the morning.

About 12:00pm, Ziconic comes in for lunch and has some time to relax before he has his daily exercise, Monday through Friday. About 2:00pm his Trainer, Sarah Pollock who we introduced in July 2019, will start grooming and tacking Ziconic for his workout.

Depending on day of the week, weather, and how Ziconic is doing in his training program, Sarah and Ziconic have a variety of options to leverage! She will gauge each day what is best suited for Ziconic’s progress. He usually starts his work with a walk around part of the 1-mile track which weaves throughout the Farm. Just like us humans, this warms him up.
Earlier in the week, they may work in the round pen or occasionally the free jump shoot. Mondays tend to be less structured work after having Saturday and Sunday off with just walker and grass turnout.
Ziconic Free Jumping with Sarah And Some Help From Virginia & Tiffany (Video Credit: Linda R. Moss)Usually a day a week, also influenced by weather, Ziconic gets to work on the flat in the covered arena. Here he and Sarah can focus on their lead changes, balance, and building consistency with Ziconic’s gates. This is also fun as Ziconic gets to look at himself in the mirrors!
Ziconic & Sarah Perfecting Their Flat Work (Video Credit: Mikayla Vosseller)We think Ziconic’s favorite work is when he can go in one of the two outdoor jumping courts and, in his mind, PLAY! It is here that they work on cavaletties and poles, low level jumps as Ziconic learns, and different gates and patterns around the jumps.
Ziconic & Sarah Working on Agility Over Poles (Video Credit: Linda R. Moss)Lastly depending on weather, Sarah and Ziconic will either walk the track or go in the covered arena to cool down. And now for the TRUE FUN – bath time! During the warm, summer months Ziconic gets hosed down and groomed every day after his workout.
Ziconic Enjoying Playing with Sarah During His Bath (Video Credit: Linda R. Moss)Typically, Ziconic finishes his bath and grooming by 3:30 or 4:00pm, returns to his stall to relax, and dinner is typically fed around 4:30pm. The horses are then in for the night.

We are forever grateful to Gina and Templeton Farms; without them, we do not know of another West Coast Sport Horse Farm of this caliber, multiple trainer options, and special community.

judith Berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL and DC:
Have a pleasant evening and Happy Dreams. Love You. Hugs, JB
Carol Rose
Such a handsome boy who looks so happy with his new life! What a beautiful farm for Ziconic to call home. Thank you for the Ziconic update, think he is going to be a super STAR just like his Mom!
Dear Judy.Hope life is improving on the farm and Charlie is fine.Strange to see Frankie so subdued today after winning the Cambridgeshire for John Gosden.The nerves are kicking in.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
Elsie Martus
?Looks like horse ? heaven with everything a horse could ever want . Ziconic ,What a hunk of handsome ! Thank you for the updates . Keep on doing what you do . ?
Roberta Gonzalez
Thank-you so much for giving us a peek into Ziconic’s life! Thank-you for taking such good care of our Red Prince! He is so happy, and that is what we all wanted for him. I love when he was free jumping with his tail held high; you can tell how much he likes it. I think he loves the attention he gets. He is a smart boy; he gets that and the love of the camera from his mother. He is so beautiful and smart, but of course you already see that. Thank-you so much for keeping us posted!!
Patricia Diers
Wonderful to see him land in a great place.
Loyal Zenyatta Supporter
What a wonderful surprise to see these updates on both Ziconic and Zellda! Zi is such a good student, and is really enjoying his training. I liked how he responded to all the praise he got. Then there’s Mario, who could not stop smiling, saying how sweet Zellda was. He may have mixed emotions, as memories of her Mom come flooding back to him, still missing Z. Please post updates on her training with John, Team Z. I wish success to both of her babies.
Condolences to 3 year-old Emtech’s connections. Heartbreaking fatal fall in the stretch at Santa Anita on Saturday. He was the 32nd horse to die at Santa Anita. Hoping and praying for solutions. RIP.
Have fun Ziconic!!!!!
Mary Jane
So good to see both Ziconic and Coz have landed two wonderful homes. Ziconic looks great! And Paradise Woods just won the Zenyatta Stakes for our John. Full circle moment for he and Dottie!
Denise in STL
Congratulations to the greatest trainer ever John Shirreffs!!!
More pics of Zellda!
Kathleen Marsh
Dear Sheena
Thanks for these pics. She is beautiful.
Ann NC
Sweet baby girl.
How exciting for John’s barn to watch over her now.
Dear Sheena,
Thanks so much! A beautiful PRINCESS with SO MUCH promise!
Hugs, Kathy
Enable’s last serious piece of work this morning on the limekilns at Newmarket.The start of a historic week in Europe.To dream the impossible dream…
Dear Sheena,
Could she be more BEAUTIFUL?!! We will be holding our breath very soon!
Hugs, Kathy
Ann NC
Thanks for sharing the news about Zi and his new farm.
Beautiful farm and he looks so very handsome.
Give him a big kiss! MWAH!
Love to all.
Thanks for the update on Zi. He looks so happy, and that picture of him grazing looks like a body builder. Zelda also looks like she is making her self right at home. I am so glad that Mario will be Zelda’s groom. Also my heart goes out to all of Emtech’s connection, RIP. I am so happy for John and Dottie for Paradise Woods victory in the Zenyatta.
sue werner
Wow, to be given this royal treatment is something I could only dream of. The Mosses are definitely taking great care of the red prince and it clearly shows. Love the videos!
Just magic!The only horse who brings tears to my eyes just by looking at her.
Judy Berube
Dear Sheena:
She is so gorgeous. Love her and Frankie too. Godspeed.
Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM and all the Sweeties
Judy Berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL and DC:
Goodnight and Happy Dreams. Love You. Hugs, JB
Judy Berube
Dear Z Fans:
Heard from Angela. Samples came back and it’s not Strangles. It’s Equine Rhinitis B Virus. Also a respiratory disease which is contagious. As with Strangles, sick horses have to be separated from well ones; barn has to be made as sterile as possible and no one allowed on the farm until quarantine can be lifted. I did some research on Google as I wasn’t familiar with it. Your prayers are so appreciated. Thank you. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy.Glad to hear that it is’nt Strangles.But continued prayers for all at the farm and Charlie.Thinking of them all.God bless.Love and hugs Sheena.
Sorry to hear that. Hope this is something that will clear up soon with treatment and the quarantine. Prayers and good wishes.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
I, too, hope this virus will clear up soon with proper treatment and quarantine. Lots of healing prayers for those affected and prayers for the continued well-being of Charlie and the rest. May it not spread, but just go quietly away. Watch over them, St. Francis.
Hugs and Love ?
judith Berube
Dear Sheena, Celeste and Marshall:
Thanks for your sweet words and prayers. I hope it clears up soon too. Love and Hugs, JB
Linda in NJ
Thank you so much for taking us through a typical day with Ziconic. He looks very, very happy at his new home, and learning his new job.
Thank you again for this post with all the pictures and videos. So nice of you.
Wishing all of you and Ziconic the very best.
Linda in NJ
Why are none of Zenyatta’s babies going to the breeding shed after their racing careers are over? Surely even if they weren’t great at racing someone would want a descendant of Queen Z. They look like they’d be great at jumping/cross country eventing. I know Coz was gelded, but was Zi?
Donna Heim
What a gorgeous and special student Zi is! So good to see him doing well and looking happy. Thank you for sharing this with us as we always long to know of our Queen and her offspring.
New Computer and having problems getting on the blog.
judith Berube
Dear Shirlee:
Hope your PC problem resolves soon. Love and Hugs, JB
Anthony will be coming to see you instead.12 left in the Arc a small field by European standards.The nerves are unbearable now!
judith Berube
Godspeed Enable and Frankie! Safe and sound all. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy.Storm Lorenzo is on it’s way!Promises some rain for Paris on Sunday.The draw tomorrow.Praying for all at the farm andhope they recover soon.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT and all the sweeties Love and hugs SheenaX
The sister of Together Forever and Forever Together.Sheikh Mo bidding for the filly too.
Congratulations to our Dina Asher-Smith for winning the gold medal in the World Athletic championships.First British woman to win a sprint( 200m).
judith Berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL and DC:
Stay comfy and cozy. Love You. Hugs, JB
Marilu Villanueva
Wow, thank you for the pictures and videos. Ziconic is adjusting well and happy.
Wishing Ziconic all the best in his new home and career.
Will be praying for him always. Love and hugs!
Enable will break from stall 9 on Sunday.She is sandwiched between the 2 Coolmore runners Magical and Japan.
judith Berube
Dear Z Fans:
Another wonderful article on Beautiful ZELLDA. This one from Horse Race Nation. She’s a spunky little girl. Godspeed Beauty. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
Thanks a million for posting this nice article on Zellda and her beginning track training with J.S.
She is a beauty, and I sure do hope she takes to racing like the proverbial “duck to water”.
Best wishes to her and the Team! Stay strong and safe, Zell.
Hugs and Love
judith Berube
Dear Marshall:
She is, indeed, a Beauty and an independent spirit. Strong and safe always. Hoping Mikey is aboard when she’s ready to race. Love and Hugs, JB