Dear Fans,
We are excited to introduce you to Sarah Pollock, Sarah Pollock Sporthorses, who trains at Templeton Farms – Ziconic’s new home. Sarah has been involved with horses her entire life and began competing at the age of 9. She now competes and trains at the upper levels in both Hunters and Jumpers on the AA circuit.
Sarah is the perfect collaborative partner to transition Ziconic because of her personal and professional experiences with Off The Track Thoroughbreds (OTTBs), and her attitude and approach. According to Sarah’s philosophy, which we share – “Focus on the best interest of the horse first and the sport second. Let horses tell us what they are good at and like to do. It lets horses want to do their job. I want every one of my horses to want to work hard because they truly love what they are doing.”
When I met Ziconic 6 weeks ago, “I knew he was a special horse. He has a very strong sense of self and is extremely proud. He is smart, but practical. Like his Mom matured slowly, he’s a bit immature for his age so he is very playful. Our training has focused on exposing him to new things, keeping his mind occupied, and keeping it fresh and fun.”
“At first it was about getting a relationship built on the ground in the round pen and learning to trust each other. With this trust quickly built, he has been very willing to do what is asked and remembers everything he learned the days before. Now we have started poles and cavelleti work, introducing him to the flower boxes in the jumping court, mirrors so he can admire himself in the covered arena, and going out on the track which he really enjoys. No surprise there!”
“Ziconic shows a lot of expression when he jumps; I have started a lot of young jumper warmbloods who were bred to jump but few demonstrated their potential as quickly as Ziconic. He’s a natural in that area and we think he really enjoys it.”
“Templeton Farms is great for developing and training horses because of all the training options at the Farm. It also exposes the horses to other working Sporthorses, so they all learn great socialization skills. I’m so honored to have this opportunity with Ziconic, and very excited about working with Linda and George. We have a goal of setting an example for what OTTBs can do after their racing careers and having Ziconic become a great OTTB Ambassador in the West.”
We look forward to sharing his progress with you. Thank you for your continued interest and love for our special Boy, Ziconic!

Janet Newman
So happy to see Ziconic enjoying his new training.
This makes me smile since there is such sad news in the
Thoroughbred world. Just heard that Deep Impact was
euthanized. He had surgery and no details that I could see.
RIP Deep Impact at age 17.
Vicki (near the old Hollywood Park)
I’m glad to see this boy is happy, and doing well. Thanks for keeping us informed on Zenny’s kids.
FYI, elsewhere, it was said that Deep Impact had cervical problems, neck surgery they thought had gone well, but then he was unable to stand the next morning, and they found cervical fractures, with no chance of recovery. He was 17, and already his stud season had been shortened because he was having problems.
Leslie R.
Thanks Team Z and Sarah for the update! It’s wonderful seeing Ziconic happy. He’s gorgeous and I know he’ll be a great OTTB Ambassador in the West. I look forward to watching his and Coz’s progress.
Hugs to all,
Sheena Davies
Devastating news from Japan overnight as Superstar Deep Impact dies from a cervical fracture aged 17yrs.A massive loss to the racing industry.Sleep tight dear boy,Sympathy to his connections and his carers.
Sheena Davies
It seems he underwent surgery on sunday for an ongoing problem with his neck and could’nt rise up so he was sadly euthanised.RIP
It is so sad to lose Deep Impact.
Kathleen Marsh
Just read about this. Just like Sunday Silence—gone way too young. So sad for all his people.
Sheena Davies
Roaring Lion is showing signs of improvement he’s starting to get annoyed with the vets!PU sweet boy.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sheena,
This is good news indeed. Continued prayers for healing to Roaring Lion — Power up!
Thanks for the update, Sheena.
Hugs and Love
Zi looks wonderful, and looks like he is enjoying his new carer. Looks like Coz and Zi may take the event world by storm. I know Zenny is very proud of her boys. Thanks for the update.
Thank you for sharing this great update and all the wonderful photos of Ziconic! It lifts my heart to see him appearing so happy in his new endeavors, his new life style. Thanks!!
Sheena Davies
A 3rd consecutive Goodwood Cup for Stradivarius and Frankie.He is on a roll his 10th group one win.Congratulations Stradi and all your wonderful connections Such a laid back horse.So loved your Daddy!Knighthood for John Gosden??Please!
Kathleen Marsh
Ziconic looks wonderful. Will be exciting to watch his progress.
judith Berube
Dear Sheena:
So sad the passing of Deep Impact. Run free in God’s Heaven Beautiful Boy.?
Congrats to Stradi and Frankie; well done. So glad to hear Roaring Lion is roaring again. Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM and all the Sweeties.
Sheena Davies
Dear Judy.Stradi only the 2nd horse to win the Goodwood cup 3 times in it;s 200yr history but first to win 3yrs in a row.Bjorn hopes to keep him in training next year such an uncomplicated horse.He was roaring at 5am ready to go.Frankie’s 10th group one this season.
Winx’s mum Vegas showgirl is in foal to Deep Impact.He will live on.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
judith Berube
Dear Sheena:
Stradi and Frankie; another wonderful bond. Oh yes, Deep Impact lives on in his wonderful offspring.
Wow, that Vegas Showgirl/Deep Impact foal has Royal pedigree. Love and Hugs, JB
judith Berube
Dear Z Fans:
An article on the loss of Champion Deep Impact from Bloodhorse. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
Thanks for posting this article about Deep Impact. Very sad that he has left us at 17. Condolences to all connections including Shaddai. RIP Deep Impact. Run free with your sire, Sunday Silence. You will not be forgotten.
Big Congratulations to Stradivarius, Frankie, J. Gosden and all connections on the Goodwood win! Stradivarius is one strikingly handsome member of the chestnut club — what a fighter!
Hugs and Love
judith Berube
Dear Marshall:
Yes, such a great loss. He leaves a wonderful legacy. Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Thanks for the Zi report.
Nice to meet you Sarah. Give that boy a big smooch!
Kathleen Marsh
Templeton area is not particularly close to where I live but if he was to eventually show in areas a bit North of there like Pebble Beach, it would be great to go watch him.
Donna Heim
And I would be envious, Kathleen. Doesn’t he look wonderful and seems to take so quickly to something new. Love his admiring himself. Blessings to him, Zellda and our precious Zenyatta.
Donna Heim
Sorry I forgot to list our firstborn, Coz. Love him, too! Wishing him always the best.
Sheena Davies
A 11th Group one for Frankie as Too Darn Hot wins the Sussex Stakes at Glorious Goodwood(where the sun did shine today)Congratulations to all.
Sheena Davies
TVG celebrate my boy Frankel!
judith Berube
Dear Sheena:
Congrats to Too Darn Hot and Frankie D.
Nice video tribute to Frankel by TVG. He has the kindest eyes. Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM and all the Sweeties
Roberta Gonzalez
Thankyou so much for the update on Ziconic. He looks so happy, and taken care of with love and appreciation. He is a smart boy with good work ethics, and they are giving him the chance to show how good he can be. I really think he resented the whipping during racing. He is a horse who will give you his best, and doesn’t like the whipping; just my opinion. Thank-you for loving him; he has a lot of aunties who love him, and enjoy hearing about him so much. So glad he is remembering his lessons well, and has stayed proud of himself.
monica in long beach CA
thank you for the update and info about Ziconic! he looks wonderful and it sounds like he is going to have a very happy new exciting career ahead – a new adventure for him – I am sure he will do very well – wishing him all the best always – stay healthy and happy handsome Zi boy!! as always, thinking positive thoughts and sending love and best wished to our dearest Zenyatta – bless her and her offspring always and forever – will love them always!!!!
judith Berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL and DC:
Have a pleasant evening and stay cool. Love You. Hugs, JB
Sheena Davies
Prayers needed for Roaring Lion he underwent yet more colic surgery this morning in NZ and is now in recovery.Come on Brave boy you can beat this.
sue werner
Love this update! Our red prince looks great and, like Coz, is in great hands.
Thank you for the update. I am so happy for him. He is enjoying his new life. Beauty, brains, great DNA, talent and the desire great combination.
Sheena Davies
On his 31st birthday we hear Subbie is out of danger.Just the best news and good wishes for Graham tomorrow.
judith Berube
Dear Sheena:
Great news on Subbie. Prayers for Graham. Love and Hugs, JB
judith Berube
PS: Happy 31st Birthday Subbie. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy and Sheena,
Ditto on all counts! Great news and continued prayers for both.
Happy Birthday Subbie!
Prayers for Roaring Lion — Power up brave one.
Hugs and Love
Barbara Brayton
I read Whats Going on Here on Bloodhorse. Thought is was right on the money. Things have to change in horse racing.
Judy Berube
Dear Barbara:
Just read the article. Spot on! Posting it here so Z Fans can check it out if they haven’t seen it. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Thanks for posting this article for us Z Fans, Judy!
I agree wholeheartedly.
Thanks to Barbara Brayton for the shout-out, too.
Hugs and Love
judith Berube
Dear Marshall:
Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube
Dear Sheena:
Healing prayers for Roaring Lion. Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM and all the Sweeties
Sheena Davies
Dear Judy.Great article in Bloodhorse.So many think of the reward rather than the horse.Take Roaring Lion what need was there for him to travel to NZ after a season here.Hopefully he will recover.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HTand all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
Judy Berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL and DC:
Goodnight and Happy Dreams. Love all of you so much. Hugs, JB
Zenyatta was bred to Candy Ride for a 2020 foal!!!
Hopefully she caught and settled the pregnancy!
Sheena Davies
Great to hear this news about Zenyatta!Wishing her wellX
Kathleen Marsh
Lots of prayers for a healthy mare and foal.
judith Berube
Dear z13rulz:
Thanks for this info on our beloved Queen. Prayers for healthy mama and baby. Love and Hugs, JB
Anita Branch
Any idea as to when she was bred? So very exciting! Prayers that all goes well for the Queen!
Sheena Davies
Cautiously optimistic.The Lion has roared!
How wonderful to see Ziconic enjoying himself and being challenged in a new job! He is a really handsome boy and looks to be in excellent hands!