(Photo Credit: Chelsea Schmitz, Stories Told by Film)
Dear Fans,
Winter has been both busy and a lot of fun at the Farm. Despite that it is February and the middle of Winter, the California Central Coast has felt more like Spring. This has benefited our ability to train outside instead of just the covered arena every day. So Ziconic gets to spend more time with Sarah enjoying warm up and cool down on the track that weaves through Templeton Farms and in the jumping court – his happy place.
We had some BIG FUN at the Farm earlier this month with our good friend, Chelsea Schmitz, Stories Told by Film. Chelsea started her career as an equine photographer, and now focuses on weddings and events – BUT, she has not lost her eye or touch for horses. We love what Chelsea does and think she has captured the essence of Ziconic during this photo shoot. And one of several things we can confirm that Ziconic shares with his Mom, Zenyatta; They ALWAYS know where the camera is!

(Photo Credit: Chelsea Schmitz, Stories Told by Film)

(Photo Credit: Chelsea Schmitz, Stories Told by Film)

(Photo Credit: Chelsea Schmitz, Stories Told by Film)
We were so honored to have Jen Roytz, Executive Director, Retired Racehorse Project, visit us last month! The love and effort this organization generates to support Thoroughbreds after their racing careers is truly AMAZING! The next Thoroughbred Makeover will be October 7 – 10, 2020, Kentucky Horse Park, with 616 entries accepted – WOW!! This is where brother, Cozmic One, made his debut competing for the 1st time and came in 5th!

(Photo Credit: Linda R. Moss)
As mentioned in our last post, one of our visions and dreams for Ziconic is to have a role as an Off The Track Thoroughbred (OTTB) Ambassador for the West Coast and beyond. And as he continues his OTTB transition, we truly believe he is indeed becoming a great inspiration as a Sporthorse. Last December 2019, we sponsored a jump to support CARMA and The Thoroughbred Holiday Classic Horse Show at the LA Equestrian Center. We think this turned out GREAT! So, we are very pleased to have our jump represented at the next Thoroughbred Classic Horse Show Spring 2020, March 21 – 22, 2020 at Galway Downs, Temecula, CA.

Ziconic, Sarah Pollock Sporthorses & Templeton Farms
(Photo Credit: Screen Shot taken from Horse Show Video)

(Photo Courtesy of The Thoroughbred Holiday Classic Horse Show, LA Equestrian Center)
Please Note: Unfortunately, Ziconic will not be attending this show at Galway Downs, but we do have plans in the future, so please stay tuned.
If you have been following Ziconic on Facebook, you know he has become quite the Jolly Ball player. This has become an everyday occurrence that can go on for 15 minutes at a time. Z-Z, as everyone in the barn calls him, has learned how to “fling” his Jolly Ball, which then ends up in his neighbor’s walkout until someone retrieves it for him. He not only has mastered his twirl; he enjoys having an audience – no surprise!
Video Credit: Sarah Pollock at Templeton Farms
Ziconic’s grandsire A.P. Indy passed away on Saturday at Lane’s End. Heart-felt condolences and R.I.P. to Lane’s End, Family, Connections.
Sending Joy & Hugs!
Dee in the Hudson Valley
To All My Fellow Horse Lovers:
Below is an article in today’s New York Times reporting on two dozen trainers, veterinarians and drug distributors charged in court in a massive horse racing doping scheme:
This is proof-positive that we need to urge our representatives and senators to pass The Horseracing Integrity Act that is now before Congress.
Please email yours to urge them to act.
Thank you!
judy berube
Dear Ann, Marshall and Dee:
Love and Hugs, JB
Mary Margaret Thompson
Sad day for TB racing. Hard to find honest people. Praying Max has no residual effects. RIP XY-Jet. Praying all horse connections can see what they are doing to these beautiful horses that give us their all for only a bucket of feed and a few treats. I hope they get what they deserve. My heart is breaking for all the horses that don’t have any way of escaping these training methods. Tears continue to flow.
Sally B. (cherish
Why are there such horrible people trying to get rich and dishonestly giving innocent horses these drugs!!!? No excuses; put them away!!
Horrified and feeling so badly.
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Poor Maxi. He may have his Eclipse Award for Best Three Year Old rescinded. Well, that’s the least he could have lost. Just hope he stays healthy and all of whatever he was given leaves his body without complications. RIP XY Jet. Love and Hugs, JB
Janet Newman
Dear Judy,
Does not look like that is the end of the problems for Max.
Owners of Midnight Bisou calling for him to be disqualified from his Saudi Cup win as well as all the other races he has won.
Max is caught in the vortex of this scandal and we have only his trainer to thank for this. If Max was talented, he could have proved it without doping him. If he wasn’t then the chips would have fallen where they should have.
This also hurts his dam and sire.
I am so disgusted that a handsome horse like Max and the others have been used to this end and without regard to the horse(s). They should be punished, but the wake of destruction they did will always remain for the horses to bear.
Janet Newman
Should clarify that the trainers and others involved should be punished.
It is tragic that the horses used in this manner will always bear the shame and will only be remembered in this way.
judy berube
Dear Janet:
Agree with you totally. If a horse is sore or injured in any way, he or she should not race until 100% fit. If a horse needs meds to enhance stamina or mask discomfort of any kind, the horse should not race.
For some it’s all about $$$$; any means to an end. Max is the innocent victim here. Can’t fault connections of horses who lost to him in races and were not part of this drug ring to seek retribution, as they see fit.
Sadly, Maxi’s racing record will be tarnished because his connections cheated and worst of all endangered his life, his jockey’s life and all who raced against him as well. So sorry to see this Brave Warrior, I love so, used and abused. Still, he is alive and didn’t suffer the sad fate of XY Jet. RIP.
Love and Hugs, JB
Barbara Brayton
This has gone from bad to worse. Apparently, we need national oversight. RIP X Y Jet.
Also, I noticed that War Emblem passed at age 21. RIP
Janet Newman
RIP War Emblem
It is thought he had a fatal paddock injury. I just pray he did not suffer.
Barbara Brayton
Poor thing, I hope he went quickly.
judy berube
Dear Barbara, Janet and Z Fans:
Sad news indeed.
So sad he didn’t have more time to enjoy life at Old Friends. Run free in God’s Heaven Champ. RIP. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, and DC::
Stay comfy and cozy and Happy Dreams. Love You. Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Insightful article by Barry Irvin, CEO of Team Valor, on the cheating scandal. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Oops: That’s Barry Irwin
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Wonderful article on War Emblem with beautiful photo of the Champ and heartfelt comments by Michael Blowen. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Thank you Judy.
Very nice article about War Emblem. So sorry that we have lost another champion.
RIP mighty War Emblem and condolences to all at Old Friends. We grieve with you.
Hugs and Love
Dear Judy,
Thanks for posting. I’m heartbroken that he didn’t just pass in his sleep. RIP, darling…
Hugs, Kathy
judy berube
Dear Kathy and Marshall:
War Emblem was a very independent individual. Always loved that about him. He was choosy about his mates and only bred about 200 mares in his lifetime. Quite a few of those were daughters of Sunday Silence as he was at stud in Japan. A lot of his babies were very successful racers. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Kathy, Marshall and Z Fans:
Here’s a list of War Emblem’s progeny from Pedigree Query:
RIP X Y Jet and War Emblem and all those that have gone before.
After reading some of the articles and listening to a podcast, I am so heartbroken that so many people suspected or knew what was going on and kept quiet. Allegedly they kept quiet because it had been going on for so long, it was accepted. This was in spite of all the efforts to increase safety in the industry.
I wonder how many deaths and injuries can be attributed to Serves and Navarro. I wonder how many other horses were drugged and died because other trainers did this.
Was this what happened at Santa Anita? Did nothing show up on drug tests?
What about the owners? Did they suspect or were they just willing to accept the money from the wins?
I wonder how much more will be uncovered during this investigation.
Thank God for the honest trainers, owners, and connections.
I trying to focus on hope for a positive outcome of this. Today I am struggling and the tears keep coming.
Hope and prayers.
judy berube
Dear Carolina:
I have been asking myself all of the questions you pose
These were stakes horses in the spotlight. Shudder to think what low level claiming warriors at small race tracks all over the Country endure.
Thank God for trainers like John Shirreffs, Nick Zito, Graham Motion, the late Bobby Frankel and others who love their horses; and owners as well, who put their horses’ welfare first. . Love and Hugs, JB❤️
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL and DC:
Have a lovely evening and Happy Dreams. Love all of you so much. Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Barbara B, Carolina, Janet and Z Fans:
In case you haven’t seen this article on the doping scandal, it’s one of the best I’ve read. Call to action for National regulation of the Industry, not state by state. Warning, there are some very disturbing comments about how many horses have died. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy, Barbara B, Janet, and Z Fans:
“Rocked to the core” says it all. This is just the beginning. The comments following the article are telling as well.
Agreed, National regulation across the US, not state by state, should be implemented as soon as possible. It is an enormous task but it must be done. There must be followup and accountability for all violations.
I know you feel the heartbreak, as do all of our Z-family. I found comfort in that today. Thank you.
Hugs and good evening to all.
Janet Newman
Dear Carolina, Judy and Barbara B:
Just reading all these articles are mind boggling. To know how many kept quiet (for whatever reason they may have), I just cringe when I open any horse related article, because I do not know what will be coming next.
I agree there needs to be some national regulation that is not defined by the individual states. Just hoping for fair, firm and consistent guidelines. There are a lot of hard working people out there who rely on the industry for their livelihood.
We cannot let the few dictate the outcome for the many that are honest. Protecting these wonderful creatures and those people loving and taking care of them everyday is of utmost importance.
Wishing all a pleasant and peaceful evening.
judy berube
Dear Carolina and Janet:
Totally agree with all you have said.
Such a comfort for me to come to this wonderful place and share the love of Z and all horses and animals with you.
Love and Hugs, JB
RIP War Emblem. He was loved and well cared for at Old Friends and spent his last years just being himself. Bless his owners and all involved in seeing him safely to Old Friends.
I too wonder just how much some of the owners knew about what was going on with the drugs. Such a sad thing.
Hope all are safe in the races this weekend.
Did read on Bloodhorse.com that there is some thought being given to delaying the Derby.
All of you stay safe and healthy. This blog means so much to all of us. Here in Indy I don’t have anyone to talk to about the horses.
The hospital where I volunteer has banned all volunteers over 60 until further notice.
Oh I forgot to say. We should be hearing about a new baby soon which will be a cause for joy.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Bless you, Shirlee!
You stay safe and well, too. Yes, the arrival of a very special baby is a bright spot on the horizon! If we ever needed joy, it is surely now.
Take care, my friend!
Hugs and Love
Judy Gaddis
What is Zenyatta’s “projected” due date? I’ve been out of the loop for quite some time.
Dear Z Fans:
What fun anticipating the birth of a Z filly. Wishing Mama Z a safe foaling and healthy foal.
Thanks again for the love and support to get thorough a rough day.
Happy Spring and a great big hug to all.
Barbara Brayton
We know who is to blame for the scandal, and it is not the horses.
I hope everyone is taking good care of themselves
Some racetracks have shut down.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Hovey hasn’t had the best week either, but his descriptions of his trials are at least smile-provoking.
Really nothing to say that hasn’t already been said about the cheating scandal and poor War Emblem. I guess I was totally naive about the lengths that some would go to in order to have some racing winners. I was most surprised to read the comments that we “shouldn’t have been surprised” given the guilty trainers’ win percentages. I don’t track things like that, but apparently this could have been caught earlier.
Thought I was FINALLY going to get to meet the American Pharoah filly that I bought into via the MyRacehorse project. She was supposed to go to Ocala for early training but is still at Spendthift. With better weather on the horizon, I had plans to go at the end of the month, but all “meet and greet” events have been canceled. Very disappointing as it would be outside and with a small group of people, but I guess everyone is operating with an abundance of caution. Once she starts racing with Todd Pletcher, she will be at big tracks – much more difficult for me to negotiate.
judy berube
Dear Shirlee, Carolina, Barbara and Sandy and Z Fans:
I am so grateful for our friendship and looking forward to Z’s new baby girl.
Please all of you, stay safe.
Sandy, thanks for Hovie update. I didn’t know you were a partner in ownership of a Pharoah filly; that’s wonderful. Hope you get to meet her. Wishing her success at the races. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sandy,
Thanks again for keeping us supplied with the wonderful Hovis diary this week! Oh he is such a character, but no one can beat Mother Nature. Hope his derriere “steps” will fill in soon so he can be Mr. Smooth again. :-)
Hope you get to meet American Pharoah’s filly — how exciting that you have a stake in this girl! May she enjoy some success and be always safe and sound.
Take care and stay well, friend.
Hugs and Love
Ann NC
Thanks Sandy.
Mr. Smooth. Love Hovis!
A filly!!!! Great news. Yes, hoping you meet the little Miss in order to pour your magic all over her. After all, you are The Horse Whisperer.
Very exciting and congrats.
Make room on that wall for the photos. Thinkin’ positive here.
Luv ya!
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
So here is the deal about “my horse.” First off, she is a gorgeous Bay with a discontinuous blaze. Her dam is Keertana who has quite an impressive record, but it was AP who caught my eye. She recently got her official name which is American Heiress. My suggestion, My Phair Lady, didn’t make the top 5 for voting which was very disappointing. She was 2 in February and is jointly owned by Spendthrift and MyRacehorse.com. I own 2 shares which is a VERY small percentage.
She had a bout of sesemoiditis which has delayed things a bit, but she is said to be OK now. She was slated to go to Ocala for early training, but is still at Spendthrift (home of Beholder and Goldencents ❤️❤️). They’ve had some “meet and greets,” but driving to KY in the winter was not in the cards. I was so excited when they added two visits at the end of this month, but . . . not happening. I thought I could visit her in Ocala, but things didn’t work out for also visiting my family down there, and now I’m not sure I would get on a plane anyway. Stay tuned?
Janet Newman
Loved your name that you had for her, but American Heiress is fine too.
She definitely has pedigree and wish you and connections the best in her career.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sandy,
I like the name you suggested very much, My Phair Lady! American Heiress is a good name, too. I hope she does well, both race-wise and health-wise. She sounds wonderful, and it is so exciting that you have that two shares! Wishing that you get to meet her while she is still relatively close.
Meanwhile, stay well, my friend.
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL and DC:
Happy Dreams; stay comfy and cozy. Love You. Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Something to make you smile. Lola Mae’s cracker routine:
Dear Judy,
We NEED something to make us smile! LM is such a cutie!
Hugs, Kathy
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
This is TOO cute! Lola Mae just spreads happiness all around. At the beginning, is she trying to hide the cracker under her bed or just playing with it?
Thanks for the big smiles!
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
Have to say I’m not sure, but she does it every time I give her a cracker. She has no teeth so the crackers are the safest treat I can think to give her, but I make sure I keep an eye on her. She always makes me smile. I know you have the same reaction to your Bailey and Fenn.
Steve H. always writes a great tribute piece. This on War Emblem is another one. Yes, I think he was very happy at Old Friends. Love and Hugs, JB
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
LM is sure getting a lot of mileage out of her cracker?. She is so cute, and her little tail is just wagging away!
judy berube
Dear Auntie Sandy:
You’re still the only one to visit us (besides my sister) that she didn’t bark at. She knows your special.
Love and Hugs, JB
She looks so chic in her red coat with her black fur. What a fun little girl she is. Thanks for the laugh.
judy berube
Dear Shirlee:
She’s a feisty, independent little munchkin. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Another wonderful article from Steve Haskin; this one on War Emblem. Enjoy! Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy,
This was fantastic! Many thanks for posting. We will never forget the great War Emblem…
Hugs, Kathy
judy berube
Dear Kathy:
Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
Thanks for posting the Steve Haskin article on War Emblem link. SH always writes so well, and this is no exception. Wonderful tribute to War Emblem, aka Black Beauty. What a Champ! Love that he and Mr. Blowen became such good friends and that he had mellowed a bit at Old Friends. He was happy there.
Hugs and Loves
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Kathy:
Love and Hugs, JB
Thanks for our Friday Fun With Hovis.
Thanks for the post of Steve’s article. As always, he has such a way with words and his love of the horses and racing comes through.
Safe trip to all the horses this weekend especially Hard Not To Love and Mike.
On the funny side. What is it with people buying all the toilet paper? I was in Walmart yesterday and saw several with 2 carts full of t-paper??? None on the shelves! I can understand some food and medicine items but t-paper.
judy berube
Dear Shirlee:
Went to the market today to buy Bounty paper towels. They were on sale as of yesterday. Shelves completely empty. No TP, No Bounty. Finally found them at a small neighborhood market, almost double the price. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Z Fans:
So much information to read today. I enjoyed every post.
Judy B: Gotta love that sweet Lola. Made me smile with her cracker, wagging tail, and her Princess bed. So much happiness in that sweet little thing.
The War Emblem article was really good. What a tribute to him. He is gone too soon. RIP handsome boy.
Sandy: Can’t wait for more news about your American Pharaoh filly. That is so exciting. Wishing you all the best with her.
Stay safe and healthy everyone. Smiles and hugs.
Janet Newman
Cannot comment on the all the posts, but love reading them and always good to see some happy news mixed in to keep the spirits up.
Best wishes to Sandy and hope you get to see your filly in the flesh.
Loved Steve Haskins article on War Emblem. He seemed to have a Dr. Jekyll, Mr. Hyde thing going there. But loved him anyway.
Judy: Love Lola Mae what a joy she is for sure. I have my little rescue that I love to the moon and back. She has her little habits that make me smile all the time.
May all the Z family stay healthy and happy.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
I added some info about my horse back up under the original post. Meant to put it here – duh!
American Heiress is a very pretty name. I hope for you and all her owners that she has inherited her sire and dam’s talent. That would be a real inheritance. Good luck to her, you and all her team. It will be fun to watch her grow and race.
judy berube
Dear Carolina, Janet, Sandy and Z Fans:
I know we share a love of all animals and we all have fur babies that are so special to us. So thankful for them. How easily and often they help us forget the negatives and make us smile.
Sandy, I am so excited for you and your American Heiress. She certainly has a Royal Ped. Godspeed to her; safe and sound.
Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL and DC:
Goodnight. Stay comfy and cozy and Happy Dreams. Love and Hugs, JB