Zenyatta by Jaime Corum is available today at the Zenyatta Shop. This limited edition print is hand-numbered and signed by the artist. View all details here.
It is also available in collector’s editions, signed by Zenyatta’s owners, Jerry and Ann Moss, as well as Hall of Fame jockey Mike Smith.
Shop our new Collector’s section for signed and limited edition pieces.
Team Z
Dear Max.I read about Megan in our Carmarthen Journal a couple of years ago.She is a remarkable woman.The Welsh are definitely a hardy lot especially the women.Pumpsaint isn’t all that far from my town.Lady is a very beautiful chestnut.Thanks very much for finding this link.
Hopefully Christopher Marlowe can win at Lingfield today he’s by Tapit out of a Galileo mare.I think JFK is running tomorrow although I can see an entry for the Dante as well!Hugs Sheena.
Glad to find it for you as this is interesting news to me. Kind of reminds me of the explorers who founded the British empire. Nothing stopped them either. Apparently this ride is scheduled to end in San Francisco in November 2016. Hope that all goes well for her and Lady. Laughed at the part in the article where the Mountie told her to keep off the lawn on Parliament Hill in Ottawa. An RCMP horse usually is stationed outside in the summer. Don’t know if he is there yet. Those horses are always black so it would be a nice contrast to Lady.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Sheena, Happy Birthday. Hope you have many many more.
Dear Kathy.Sorry you have to work today!I love daydreaming am something of an expert!At least it’s dry for Glesni.Her Majesty lit the first of 200 beacons across the UK and all the bells rang out from churches this morning.We have a concert tonight at Horse Guards Parade.Some row between Miss Kitty and the Daily Pippin think Frosty the kitten involved too!Have a great day.Love and hugs to you,Kisses for Holly,Nikko and Sugar.Sheena.XOXO
Allie in Texas
Love Jaime Corums pictures. Was pleasantly surprised to see her at Keeneland last year while visiting Lexington. As I recall, Mike Smith didn’t have to do much urging with Zenyatta as she just loved to run and had this wonderful stride. But since there currently is so much hubbub about use of the crop, I though I would point out an excellent video on YouTube by Chris McCarron on the correct usage of the crop. https://youtu.be/_ht_xRuTVZE Whether you are for the crop or not, this is an interesting view from a former jockey.
Thank you for posting this video. Very informative. And I do think Victor panics and get whip crazy. Look how many times he hit Coz when it was evident that there was no way he could or wanted to win. Mike Smith and Gary Stevens are masters and are very judicious with the use of their whips. When Gary rode Mucho Macho Man to the BC Classic win he hand rode. Said the horse was giving all he had and no use to hit him.
Dear Max.Yes, wishing Megan and Lady a safe end to their long travels.We couldn’t have Lady trotting on the lawn could we?.No luck for Christopher Marlowe today but Ryan won on a Coolmore horse called Kilimanjaro.Our Derby trials haven’t really thrown up a favourite this year so far.Maybe York next week.Hugs Sheena.
Megan’s got a blog too where she writes about her adventures with Lady. I think that it was a joke about the lawn. Cannot see the Mounties minding if Lady glazed a bit. If they try to take Lady into custody, they might have to take her to the stable of the Musical Ride which is a few miles from Parliament Hill. She would get lots of good food and horsey companionship there. LOL! Seriously though, I think that I will follow this story. You do not see this kind of thing happening every day.
Congrats to Moore. He’s having more success than young Joe.
Friends, we’ve had a very sad time at home the past few weeks. First my brother lost his beloved Nizer (the one I always call the hundred year old cat) and a few days later I lost my Pinto Bean. He was about ten years old. The saddest loss was my late mother’s cat Little Old Man. Yes, she was a girl and pretty darn old. She and Pinto Bean were very best friends. She simply went to sleep on the pillow they shared and was gone the next morning. They lived long and I hope happy lives but we will miss them so much.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Vicki:
So sorry for the loss of your Mom and your brother’s beloved cats and for the loss of your beloved Pinto Bean. RIP. Love and Hugs, JB
Elizabeth in NM
Vicki, So very sorry for your losses. Perhaps you’ll share a few stories about them with us at some time. Loved their names. It sounds as if they would make good stories in a book. Will keep you and your family in my prayers tonight. with love, Elizabeth
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Vicki,
Sending my sincere sympathy to you and your brother. So sorry for your losses. Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. RIP Pinto Bean, Little Old Man, and Nizer
Hugs and Love
Donna Alsabrook
So sorry for your loss.
Sorry about all the losses in your cat family. A blessing that Little Old Man passed peacefully. No hard decision to make or awful trip to the vets and the return home with the empty carrier.
Dear Vicki.So sorry to hear about the passing of the cats.As a huge cat lover you have all my sympathy.To go to sleep and die peacefully after a long life who could ask for more.RIP.Hugs Sheena.
Dear Max.I will follow Megan on her FB page.Some folk have a such a great sense of adventure.STS’s looks as if he has sired another good filly called French Dressing who broke her maiden at Ascot in fine style.The last day of the Chester meeting was more like a day at the jumps in November torrential rain certainly unlike a late spring meet.I have been watching the XC at Badminton.Hovis friend William-fox-in-a-hole is doing well in 2nd.Of course we know he’d be in the lead riding Hovis!!Hugs Sheena.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Thank you for Sparkle, Savannah and Speedy. Wonderful tributes to Nissy. Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Frank and all the Sweeties
JudyB. Your friend Frankie D was riding Christophermarlowe. No word on Bruce.
Sheena. There is another filly in the U.S. with the name French Dressing. She’s a gray, in the Afleet Alex family, I think.
Beast fans. The Big Beast may be racing at Belmont in late June or July. He and Coz might see each other on the training track. Coz, best to behave like your momma, not the Beast. Pay attention to John.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Love those names (Christophermarlowe and French Dressing). Maybe Frankie D will do a sequel on the Adventures of Bruce.
Will be looking forward to Beastie’s return. Good advice for COZ; we don’t want COZ emulating The Beast’s escape tactics. Love and Hugs, JB
Hope Beastie and Coz don’t cross paths. We don’t want the big guy to teach Coz and of his tricks.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, V and Montey:
Goodnight. Stay comfy and cozy. Love You. Hugs, JB
Z Princess, Dubai, will always love you.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Z, Z Fans, Z Team and Lane’s End:
Happy Mother’s Day. Love and Hugs, JB
Ingrid Arnone
Dear Judy,
what a beautiful card,
thank you.
Love and hugs
Happy Mother’s Day to all of you!
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
My Dear Ingrid:
You’re so welcome. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy B.,
Thank you for the Mother’s Day greeting! I could not view the card since I am not a member, but I am sure that it is lovely.
Hope you have enjoyed the day — I am certain that Lola Mae gave you puppy dog kisses aplenty!
Thanks again, dear friend.
Hugs and Lots of Love
War Dispatch, son of Zenyatta’s boyfriend, War Front, won the Prix de Guiche on turf in France on Friday. Ridden by Christophe Spumillon. WD is a good looking gray, born in the U.S., but now being trained in France. According to his trainer, War Dispatch does only what it takes to win. Like Z.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Congrats War Dispatch. Love and Hugs, JB
An article about snack favorites of famous race horses, with a video of Zenyatta drinking her stout. See 3:55. She drinks in a very refined way. Beautiful shot of her ears. Life Is Sweet is also in it. Snoozing.
Ingrid Arnone
Dear Max,
I love the link, thanks.
Hugs Ingrid.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Thank you. Love this. Love and Hugs, JB
Thanks for the post. Really enjoyed it. Our girl is a dainty drinker!
carol in arkansas
Our little friend….Back Flip….finished fourth in her allowance race today at Churchill
Ingrid Arnone
Dear Carol,
Oh, I remember when he was born!
Thank you for the up date.
Hugs Ingrid.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Carol and Ingrid:
Next time little cutie. Love and Hugs, JB
She will learn. She is still a baby. Thanks for the post.
Any buffalo news?
Pati- CSU Girl
Hi Z family,
I wish I had more money; there is so much that I want to buy from here and just in general. :-( The royal family looks so good! Coz, I feel, will come back with a vengeance the next time out and I can’t wait to see Ziconic start training! He’s so handsome and him being by Tapit is even more exciting!
I hope everyone is well! I finish my last exam this Wednesday and I’m done for the summer. I found a job riding and working horses for a graduate from my college out here in Colorado but I’m always on the job hunt. I want to get work on one of the thoroughbred farms here.
However, I come writing for another reason as well:
My best friend from my first college Cazenovia needs help. Her mom’s cancer has stopped responding to the chemo and they predict that she will have less than 6 months left if she doesn’t get help. However, the hospital that can help her is in Maryland and that’s a trip they can’t afford on their own. They took me into their home over Spring Break last year when I didn’t have the money to fly home and they didn’t ask for a single thing in return. Now, I want to return the kindness they showed me to them.
My mom is a breast cancer survivor and one of my friends from high school just lost her mother to cancer this week. If you can, please please help. Victoria isn’t prepared to be without a mom yet; her mom is so young with so much of her daughters’ lives left to experience. I can’t watch cancer take someone else from my friends. Even a dollar will help. The link below will lead you to the full story and a place to donate if you so wish. If you can’t, don’t feel bad. I can’t afford a monetary donation either but I’m doing my best to spread the word. Thank you to anyone that does decide to help,
Good health to everyone and to the royal family!
Dear Judy.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Hercules Cap Frank and all the sweeties.Such a beautiful card.Love and hugs SheenaX
Dear Zenyatta.Hope you have a wonderful Mother’s day.Wish the boys could visit but am sure they send their love.Also love to all mums on the blog.Enjoy your special day.Love and hugs SheenaX
Elizabeth in NM
Happy Mothers Day to all Moms. Hope you had a lovely day. Zenny, hope your day was special too. You’re such a wonderful mother. Many blessings to you and everyone here on your website tonight. with love, Elizabeth
sue and tony
Happy Mother’s Day, sweet Queen Z!
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Hope VE takes the hint. Didn’t like the way he whipped COZ at the end of the race either. Love and Hugs, JB
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Don’t like them using the whip. Hope all will adopt that rule.
That upset many of us. If a horse is clearly not going to win or even finish in the money, why whip?
Donna Alsabrook
Happy Mother’s Day Zenny. Love you so much. Hugs to Coz and Zi. Princess, you will live in my heart forever.
Denise in St. Louis
Happy Mother’s Day Queen Z!!!!! We love you!!!!
May 10 Cherokee Devotional
Our job is to be equal to opportunity-not the other way around. Good people have been put in positions that appeared ideal but it did not work. Unless a person has the spark of imagination and the ability to see and sense the precise working of something, there is little chance it will happen.
Standing on the rung of opportunity comes easily enough, but to keep our feet there is another story. It is the life and spirit in us that sets a wise pace and wants others to do as well. Our star has to shine by good use-not because we had equal opportunity.
The way, and the only way, to check and stop this evil, is for all the Redmen to unite in claiming a common and equal right to the land.
Shooting Star
Shawnee War Chief
Happy Mother’s day to all the moms out there, including our reason for being here, Zenyatta!
carol in arkansas
HAPPY MOM’S DAY to everyone who qualifies….
With a special wish for our lovely Z
Hope everyone has a safe and joyful day…
Dear Sheena,
The furbabies I’ve checked on so far are doing well. There is the sweetest pic on Ray’s page of him and his mom. Have a blessed Sabbath. Love and hugs from me, kisses from Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy XOXO
Wishing Sheena a very happy birthday!
Dear Kathy.Hope you are having a great mother’s day with the furbabies.Gosh,Zoe’s poem had me in tears.Of course we celebrate in march during lent.At least it’s dry for Glesni today and for the commemorations in London. .It was so sad to see the”loony lefties”protesting against a tory election win last night and desecrating the women’s war memorial.Millions died so they can enjoy the freedom to protest but we live in a democracy and the majority rules!!Poor Judy and Nay got caught in a hailstorm in Texas and the hail damaged the new trailer(size of oranges)but they are safe and should be home today.It’s getting very hot in Canada Miss Kitty is melting!Ongoing row there with the Daily Pippin.I know I am naughty but I love seeing them tip-up in the water at Badminton!!!Have a blessed Sabbath.Love and hugs to you,Kisses for Holly,Nikko and Sugar.Sheena.XOXO
Dear Max.No luck for Aidan in the French Guineas again!Andre Fabre got the 1-2.Is’nt he training Frankel’s brother Proconsul??Sheena.
If this trend continues, no worries about Bobby Frankel’s record for grade 1 wins.
Proconsul is Frankel’s 2 year old chestnut brother, who resembles Ziconic. He’s probably already in France in training with Fabre. As you know, Kind’s foals mature early and usually race in the fall of their second year.
Happy birthday to you.
Happy Mother’s Day to Zenyatta. Hoping that you get lots of horsey treats today.
Dear Max.Thank you for the birthday greetings.I just don’t understand what’s gone wrong with Coolmore this year,Maybe, as I said yesterday, York this week.Am looking forward to seeing Proconsul race.Exciting end to Badminton Hovis’ friend William fox-in-a-hole won with Chilli Morning and he’s a stallion!Quite a few ended up in the water!Hugs Sheena.
Has the Moose been in Ireland lately?
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Vicki, So sorry for your losses.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Happy Mothers Day to All. Hope everyone has a wonderful day.