Zenyatta by Jaime Corum is available today at the Zenyatta Shop. This limited edition print is hand-numbered and signed by the artist. View all details here.
It is also available in collector’s editions, signed by Zenyatta’s owners, Jerry and Ann Moss, as well as Hall of Fame jockey Mike Smith.
Shop our new Collector’s section for signed and limited edition pieces.
Team Z
Dear Kathy.What a marvellous devotional today!!We always respected our elders where are the ladies and gentlemen of today?I am so glad your aunt is improving hope she will be happier in rehab.The royal Princess is having visitors today Charles, Camilla and the Middletons have called.Mum Carole must be there already she rules the roost.It won’t be long before the name is announced.
Poor Glesni had a pretty wet night but it’s cleared now they got their first swift there today and the cuckoos are already around.Our 1000 guineas is on today will wait to see them in the parade ring before choosing.Heard it was a great Derby with you Triple crown maybe?Zoe is entering a contest I love the pic of her with the paws crossed!Abby is selling popcorn now in aid of mango’s mission.I have just seen the KY derby oh gosh Victor was hitting AP a lot 25 times they said.Would never get away with it here!!Still no news of Nissy hoping a problem with their internet.Have a blessed Sabbath.Love and hugs to you,Kisses for Holly,Nikko and Sugar.SheenaXXX
Dear Sheena,
Simon Callahan is going to the Preakness with Firingline, who came in second
and beat Dortman for the first time. He said that he trains horses all the timein Europe
for races in two weeks and his horse is better over a mile because of his speed. Gary
Stevens gave this horse a great ride and almost beat American Pharoah. So it will be a rematch of the big 3, I like Simon a lot he is a great trainer and coming from Europe very
versatile. This is his first really good dirt horse and he has done a great job- Maybe the
spoiler. Sad about the whip issue on such a very talented horse.
Sheena, I do not like to see much whipping either, but going on to the finish, I did see all three, Dortmund, Firing Line and AP’s jockeys using them……it was almost nose to nose.
hugs, Sally B
Dear Sheena,
I liked the Devotional, too. You’re right, back when I was young I never would have dreamed of acting the way a lot of kids act today. I’m sure it will be a lot better for my aunt in rehab. She is so anxious t go home. I hope that happens soon! The Princess is just beautiful. Love those cheeks! Sorry Glesni got wet. The birds sure have it hard. Enjoy the races today. Yes, the Derby was great. I’m happy for the Zayats. I became a fan with the way they treated their beloved Paynter. Fingers crossed for a Triple Crown. That would be wonderful. Never like to see the jockeys hit the horses. I don’t know why that is allowed here. I hope Zoe wins the contest. She certainly is adorable. I hope Abby makes a lot of money from popcorn sales. It’s a win/win. Great cause, great snack. I hope the reason we’re not hearing from Nissy is the internet. Have a blessed Sabbath. Love and hugs from me, kisses from Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy XOXO
Sheena. Cirrus des Aigles just won the Prix Ganay. Was hoping for Al, but I’m happy for CDA. CDA, you are nothing but incredible!
Wow another guineas for Ryan!!Legatissimo won for David Wachman.Ryan has a little smile on his face!!!Sheena
The guy is a great jockey. And he respects the horses.
Did you see that Christophe Soumillon took the red eye back to France after the KD to ride Cirrus in the Prix Ganay?
Dear Max.That’s great news about CDA!!Sorry for Al but CDA is phenomenal!Could in the POW at RA!Ol Man River seems alright today we will know more in a few days.Great weekend for Ryan!!Sheena.
CDA is amazing, and he’s a bad boy. There is nothing subdued about CDA, still going strong at 8. He’s very smart too.
Is there any thought being given to Gleneagles going to the Derby?
Got that wrong. CDA is 9. Has a birthday soon. Keep rolling, Cirrus.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Sheena, Max and Z Fans:
Congrats to CDA. SO happy for him. Love and Hugs, JB
Faithful Zenyatta Supporter
Dear Maureen,
What a sweet post you sent. It meant a lot to me and thank you. I have visited here from the beginning when Dottie was “Zenyatta’s Voice” and spoke to us on how she was doing each day. We welcomed new and excited fans who loved her equally and eager to learn about her, her connections and the industry. We kind of made sure to monitor our own comments so as not to offend. Some of those original people do not seem to be here now. Unsure why. But, so glad Team Z decided to keep the site up when we lost Dottie. I still check in so as not to miss any important news about her or her boys. Lol to all here who do such a great job in providing us with information and sharing.
Dear Max.They haven’tdecided with Gleneagles yet and the Derby,may not get the trip.Should do though with his Daddy.CDA is coming over here to defend his Coronation Cup crown maybe RA is a bit soon for him?but he’s as tough as ol’boots.You’d think Christophe would have been suffering with jet lag!!But the horse does the talking always!Was a good run by Al too.Hugs Sheena.
You’re right about G’s daddy, and his granny Urban Sea for stamina. He’s got some very nice US horses on the distaff too. See that Roberto is there as well as Secretariat. It’s always a plus to have Secretariat on the distaff.
Agree about Cirrus. CDA was in full charge in that race, but Al did very well too. There were some very good runners in that race. Heard interview with CDA’s trainer. She’s looking better than ever and says that retirement is not on the cards for CDA.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Maureen
It was the NBC commentators that made the remark about American Pharaoh’s tail. They said they wondered if he would get his revenge today on the horse that is in the race today that almost bit his tail off last year. They didn’t sound like they were joking. Was the first I had heard of that. But he really showed them his beautiful tail yesterday. LOL
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Not for absolute sure who the bad boy was.
At the after race interview, Baffert said that it was mountain lions.
maureen ph[llips
Dear Max,
Really?, WOW, how did that happen, Praise the Lord it was only a portion of his tail that was taken!. Or, was he joking like me??. No matter, he looks too Cute with his short tail. And, maybe, that whole experience with the mountain Lion ended up defining who he is today, a Fighter and a survivor with a will to win in the face of adversity.
A Big Congratulations to the son of the great Pioneer of the Nile, American Pharoah. Way to go kid, way to go. Am very happy. This is redemption.
Have a great day Max, it is well at Z Nation always. Much love.
I took it as a joke from Baffert. He followed up by saying that snapping at his tail was the closest that a lion or anyone else could get to AP. The next two races will tell the tale. No pun intended.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Max and Maureen
I am laughing histerically. Mountain Lions!!!!!!!Too Too Funny. Sounds like Bob Baffert. I was going to say we might never know, but I see Bobbie’s post below. I was going to say it could have been our sweet Dortmund. You know you never turn your back on these “sweet” boys. Horse or Human. If it was Mr Z, well he sure showed him.
Great Race and huge Congrats to American Pharoah.
Heard Britney Eurton say she though everyone had Derby Hangover today. I know that sure applies to me. Such an exciting day yesterday. Was just sitting on the edge of my seat when Gary passed Dortmund and then Here he comes American Pharaoh. I hear they are all coming back to the Preakness. Can we handle this again. Wow.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Max, Maureen and Peggy:
All of you are cracking me up. I found this reference to AP’s tail on a website called “Bubble”. No officially documented, but another possibility. Love and Hugs, JB
AMERICAN PHAROAH and his misspelled name
Zayat Stables annually holds a name the foal contest on its website and early in 2014, a colt by Pioneer ofthe Nile was christened AMERICAN PHAROAH, a name submitted by Marsha Baumgartner.
and what about that tail?
AMERICAN PHAROAH’S tail is growing back in but early last year another colt chewed it off in a paddock at an Ocala farm (thought to be one of his Derby mates, El Kabeir or Mr Z). He had a little stub last year.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Peggy:
I mistakenly thought I read Frosted was the tail chewer (forgive me Maureen), but I found the article and posted it below. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
OOPs that’s posted above. GEEZ. Love and Hugs, JB
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Judy
Poor Baby American Pharaoh. No wonder he wants Revenge.
I’m just waiting for Jimmy Fallon to get a hold of this.
Did you see the Puppy Derby, with Jimmy Fallon during the derby. Just too cute. American Pharoah won that too.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Peggy:
Yes, the pups were real cuties. I said to my sister, puppy No. 18 won; that’s an omen. Love and Hugs, JB
Bobbie --- Elkhorn WI
Justin Zayat said there was good chance it was Mr Z when they shared a pasture!
Could well be. He might be getting a little head start on his next career.
Zenyatta was interested in hair styling too. Maybe they can one day join forces in business?
“Zenyatta and Mr. Z, Stylists to the Stars. By appointment only, after the submission of cv and application forms. Fees private.”
With the Derby purse Justin or Mr. Zayat could buy him some tail extensions. Think they are used frequently in the show horse world.
Those foals think of the craziest things to do to each other-not realizing
the consequences of course. Wonder what it tasted like- maybe a pre-cribber !!!
Perhaps it tasted like roses!
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Shirlee and Tizgood:
Too funny. I was reading that some of the foals chew on their Mom’s tails and I guess it carries over to their paddock mates. Looks like AP’s is growing back nicely. Should be beautiful next year. Love and Hugs, JB
Cute Sirlee and Judi!!!
Unfortunately TB tails are usually not the fullest.
maureen ph[llips
Dear Peggy (N),
A great day to you, hope you are recovering from the excitement of the exciting Derby yesterday! It sure was a lot of fun. Oh, don’t mind me about Frosted, I always like to joke that the Bad Boys are nothing but angels.
Believe me, those 4 will be together like Holy Bull, Cherokee Run and Quite American in their retirement and ruminate about their past races and talk about who bit off AP’s tail and laugh about the whole thing. You know, no one will accept responsibility for that whole mess, If you ask me, I’ll probably pick Dortmund as the culprit but you didn’t hear it from me because that’s my sweet heart.
Anyways, have a Blessed day. It is always well at Z Nation, Much love.
maureen ph[llips
Dear Faithful Zenyatta Supporter,
I am truly humbled by your kind response to me. Thank you. It is well and I hope to see and read a lot more of your posts. Have an awesomely Blessed day.
maureen ph[llips
Dear Sheena.davis(Wales),
First of all, thank you for the update on the Royals and their new Beautiful Princess. Growing up, I always wished I had an older brother. She’s lucky to have George who looks like he would be such a good Prince.
I read your tribute to Red Rum and I was just tearing up. Such will to survive against all odds, I do believe John Sheriff when he said about horses teaching us humans some life lessons, with reference to the Queen of cause but horses in general.. I don’t know how to copy and paste that write up of yours because it really spoke to my Heart. ‘ A Will to fight and never give up in the face of tribulations and against all odds’ . WOW What a tribute. R.I.P handsome boy and Happy 50TH Birthday,
Re, @ Glesni, I bet she enjoyed the rain which has a way of making everything clean and fresh. Am sure the nest smells oh so fresh now.
@ Nissy, you know what they say, that no news, is good news, Still praying for a complete recovery.
Hope you enjoyed the parade. Let us know how it all went down. Have a wonderful rest of the day. It is always well at Z Nation. Much love.
maureen ph[llips
Dear Kathy,
Happy to hear that your aunt continues to feel bette. Rehad will do her a world of good and she will be thankful at the end that she decided to go.
Have a Blessed rest of the day. It is well always at Z Nation. Much love..
Those of us who are just focussed on the horses in the KD may find this interesting. It’s an article on how each horse in the Derby got his name.
maureen ph[llips
Thanks Max for this information.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Max, Thanks so much for this information.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Thanks for this. So interesting. Love and Hugs, JB
maureen ph[llips
Dear Shirleeinindy,
Thankyou for your vote of confidence. Have a Blessed rest of the day. It is always well at Z Nation. Much love.
Terry Crow
I got sort of lucky with my bets this year. I liked International Star, Firing Line and American P. I went to our local QH track, Los Alamitos, to make my bet on Friday night and boxed the three of them in the exacta.. When International Star scratched on Saturday, I was left with Firing Line and American P in an exacta box. It is better to be lucky than good. A few rednecks for today. You might be a redneck if you add the word “finally” to your mother-in-law’s funeral announcement. You might be a redneck if you lost your camera lens during your colonoscopy. You might be a redneck if you have a refrigerator just for beer.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Thanks Terry, Good ones.
I was rooting for Dortmund and American Pharaoh so I was very happy with the results.
TC. Glad to see that you had this success. Waiting to see your picks for the Preakness.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear TC GP:
Congrats! Excellent handicapping. So impressed with AP.
Laughing out loud; too funny. Thank you. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear TC,
Congratulations on your fortuitous exacta!! Happy that it worked out so well for you.
Thanks for the redneck jokes! Always in need of laughs.
Have a good week!
Hugs and Love
Ann NC
Congrats on your exacta bet, TC. Great race.
Yes, my old monitor top keeps em nice and cold.
On to the Preakness…Hi Ho.
Sue Fredrick Happy as a lark
Terry C, you absolutely crack me up…..too funny.!! And wow, nice picks in the derby.
Congrats to American Pharoah, Firing Line, and Dortmund on an excellent race with a close exciting finish. Hope all are fine and AP can move on to the Preakness.
Love and kisses to mama Zen, still waiting for news about a baby, CoZ, Zi and angel Princess, and of course my love Indy. hugs
Saw a video of AP out of his barn this am with his groom. Looked good. He was interested in getting some carrots.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Max:
That’s perfect. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Sweet Sue:
Impressive win by another AP. Triple Crown here we come. Love and Hugs, JB
Sue Fredrick Happy as a lark
Judy T.B.,
Oh I was screaming for your namesake just so close. She is just beautiful isn’t she….well next time for sure.
Max, what video is that I must have missed it, heard he recovered well and has no ill effects……on to the Preakness. hugs
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Sweet Sue:
JTB ran a very good second. Next time. Love and Hugs, JB
Sue. Here is the video of AP with his carrots.
Dear Maureen.I am just praying that Nissy is well.As you say no news is good news.Thank you for liking the tribute to Red Rum.He was such a courageous horse and a king at Aintree.Hope you have had a blessed sunday.We may get a name for our Princess soon.Love and hugs Sheena.
Debbie S.
Dear Sheena, I just got caught up and read your lovely Tribute to Red Rum, sending belated birthday wishes and thank-you for sharing more about his legendary life. I am so happy he finally found the trainer who loved and appreciated him and allowed him to reach his destiny.So many obstacles, Red Rum never gave up,what a huge heart!!
I mentioned congratulations to the top three horses in the Derby, such an exciting finish!! I would also like to say that in the last shots of the race the power and grey of Frosted was such a presence. You could feel his heart and will to win- he is an absolute beauty. Congratulations to all the people and horses that make the Derby such a great race!!
Dear Max.I have just seen CDA’s race.Very slow pace at the start no wonder Christophe made the running.It was lovely to see him not touched by the whip.A wonderful ride and a superb horse.Roger Charlton was full of praise for him.Al will have his day in the sun again!Sheena
Just noticed that Ballydoyle got a last place as well as the win in the 1000. Young Joe has had two last places in both Guineas. What’s up there?
Pace was slower this year in the Ganay, but CDA was in full control. Al might have been better off with Ryan? Cannot see a free spirit like CDA paying any attention to whips. CDA’s trainer said that he might go to the Prince of Wales or the Coronation Cup. She intends to let CDA do the talking. Je le crois. Alors!
Dear Sheena,
Those races on soft ground are slower aren’t they? I don’t think
Cirrus needs the whip at 9 he knows what to do and he did hos job
well. It is a sorry sight in our races when the jockey’s go crazy at the end
like yesterday. I did not see Gary Stevens hitting Firingline, he has many
times ridden horses that don’t like the whip and refrained. I am not fond
of Victor Espinoza at all. I don’t think he is very good at all. Just my opinion.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Goodnight. Praying for Nissy. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Frank and all the Sweeties
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, V and Montey:
Goodnight. Stay comfy and cozy in your stalls. Love You. Hugs, JB
Z Princess, Dubai, will always love you.
Dear Max.Maybe Young Joe has been dieting too much!There were not good vibes for Qualify in the parade ring.Legatissimo really stayed on at the end.Think he will definitely defend his Coronation cup.Ryan is having a great start as 1st jockey for Coolmore.He wasn’t sure Legatissimo would get the Oaks trip.We have the Chester May meeting this week!Sheena.
Dear Judy.I just don’t know what’s going on with Nissy.Nothing up on his blog tonight or his FB but Jennifer has posted on her FB I have left a message but no reply.Surely she can let us know how he is!Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Cap Hercules Frank and all the Sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
Hope that you get some good news soon. Maybe Nissy is just getting over his bath. It was said that Elizabeth I would have one bath a year in the summer. Any bath has to be an ordeal for a cat who endured a brutal winter.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Sheena and Max:
Praying for good news on Nissy too. Love and Hugs, JB
It was the first time since 1973-75 that the stated favorite actually won the Derby so it was stated yesterday, and American Pharoah did it very impressively. I was thrilled for him.
It was quite a race with all three, AP, Firing Line and Dortmund side by side towards the finish line! Whew! Better yet, all horses as far as I know have no injuries. Left my close friends today after watching the Derby and celebrating birthdays and anniversary too with dinner after the race. Fun.
Congratulations to all finishers, their jockeys, trainers and owners. Could AP be the next owner of the Triple Crown ! I would love to see this.
I believe in an earlier race Judy the Beauty took hers!
hugs, Sally B
Unfortunately Judy was second to Dame Dorothy in the Humana Distaff. Next time.
LauraJ (Cincinnati, OH)
Not true. Several favorites have won the Derby since 1975. California Chrome was the favorite just last year. Orb was the favorite the year before that. Other winners who were post time favoriites include Big Brown, Street Sense, Smarty Jones, and Fusaichi Pegasus. Equibase doesn’t have charts that go further back than 1991, but IIRC, Winning Colors was the favorite.
I thought I read CC was the favorite last
year, is that incorrect?
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Sally:
AP was impressive indeed. Love and Hugs, JB
♥Auntie Judy aka JAG So. California
Yes, ♥ JUDY THE BEAUTY finished 2nd by a neck. She ran her ♥ out!!! She was in the middle of a horse on the outside (the winner) and a horse on the inside. I’m so proud of my girl!!! Thank you, Mikey, for giving it a good shot!
Sweet dreams Zenyatta, you will always be the greatest race horse mare of my lifetime.
You thrilled me like no other. To top this, you danced for us and were so sweet!
Will you be a mamma again soon?
love with kisses and to your awesome sons
loving memories of zprincess and dear Sir
Auntie, Sally B
Dear Sheena,
Just watched Cirrus win that race on soft ground at 9 he is still
tough. Would you send Rae Guest an e-mail and tell him to run
CC in the Queen Ann I hate for him to run against Cirus in the Prince
of Wales he is going to get beaten up!!!!
It is far too soon to give up on Chromie. We will have to read the signs at the time.
Dear Tizgood.I think it’s the owners decision and not Rae Guest as to where CC runs.I,for one,really hope he does well at RA.We shall see.Hugs Sheena.
Donna Z
Congratulations to American Pharoah & the Zayats and all of his other connections. many people said that Dortmond would beat him because Pharoah had never been challenged in a race & Dortmond had and won, but I had faith in him & he didn’t let me down.
I did however, hope to see another of the colts a lot closer than second to last. I learned last week that Tencendur was born at the farm where my horse, Pride is buried. The farm was sold less than a year after I had Pride put down & was renovated to be a breeding farm by Tencendur’s owners. I was hoping for a miracle like Giacomo or Mine That Bird & Tenscendur pulling a huge upset, but it was not meant to be. From what I understand, Tencendur is a big colt & he is still growing & figuring how to use his large body most efficiently. Maybe he’ll race in & win the Travers at Saratoga this summer when he has more experience. Although, if Coz races in the Travers, I will be cheering for him, too.
Wouldn’t it be a great birthday present for Jerry Moss if Zenyatta is confirmed to be in foal this Friday? I’m hoping that will be the day that we will learn for sure, because I share that birth date with Jerry.
Take care, everyone. We are each one of us, unique & special & I am blessed to be able to read each of your postings & enjoy them as well as learning many new things from you.
A very Happy Birthday to our greatest jumps jockey AP McCoy 41 today.Are you having second thoughts AP??Hugs Sheena.
May 4 Cherokee Devotional
The same law that attracts one person to another may operate when people are attracted to places. A certain place feels like home-and home has a drawing power that is exceptionally strong. This attraction is just as real and explicit as anything visible.
If we have ever been in this place of perfection once in a lifetime, it will live forever in the spirit. We run there when chaos threatens. Whether it is a place of peace or a hiding place-it is perfect harmony.
One does not sell the earth upon which the people walk.
Crazy Horse