Zenyatta by Jaime Corum is available today at the Zenyatta Shop. This limited edition print is hand-numbered and signed by the artist. View all details here.
It is also available in collector’s editions, signed by Zenyatta’s owners, Jerry and Ann Moss, as well as Hall of Fame jockey Mike Smith.
Shop our new Collector’s section for signed and limited edition pieces.
Team Z
Debbie S.
Happy Birthday Trina!
Dear Marty,warm wishes for many happy walks with your new buddy!
Congratulations to American Pharoah and all his connections! Good ride Victor.
Javiar Costellano was a dream to watch ride this weekend as he won on Keen Pauline,,Commissioner and I loved to see the winning finish on the beautiful grey,Ironicus.. So many beautiful horses with so much heart! Include Betty made up 13 lengths (remind you of anyone special we all love)for a well deserved second. I was so impressed with Ahh Chocolate who came in third in the Black-Eyed Susan with only two races behind her. Was rooting for her and her trainer,Neil Howard who trained Summer Squall. A hearty congratulatons to Ben’s Cat who won at 9, and congrats to King who can breathe easy now.
I really enjoyed watching Ironicus win yesterday. He is a fine looking gray.
Dear Max.I have just been reading about Sea Moon who nearly died following his journey back here.As you know he went out to Australia to race.He’s back with John Oxx now as a 7yrold old and is preparing to make a sensational comeback.It seems he had shipping fever.We are waiting to see if Glesni’s girls from 2013 will return this year I suspect all Monty’s children have moved in with the Moose and he’s providing them with some yummy fish suppers!!Hugs Sheena.
Sorry to hear this news about Sea Moon. Scary. Hoping for a good comeback for him. He’s often confused with Sea The Moon.
Have you heard anything about Lady Cecil and how she’s doing?
Moose has yet to way in about Toormore. He’s promoting equine art.
Mary Margaret in Georgia
Good Morning to all. Yesterday, during the Preakness telecast, NBC commentators mentioned “talk” of changing the race day and location of the Preakness. I have mixed feelings about any changes regarding the historical format of the Triple Crown. My gut feeling, don’t change anything. I wouldn’t want any of the accomplishments of the past to be diluted. Maybe connections need to revamp the breeding & training of today’s horses. Any opinions?
I read about this recently. There was some discussion of moving the race to Laurel and to a Sunday race date. Apparently, it is reported that Frank Stronach who owns both tracks is not in favour of any changes like that.
Ann NC
Nice to know, Mr. Stronach is not in favor of those changes.
Really missed watching the great tradition of painting the weather vane yesterday.
Can’t imagine the Laurel infield holding a party like the Pimlico infield, yikes!
Anyway, hoping for the best outcome. Lots of great horse folks in MD!
Great horses too. The Beastie is one of them.
Ann NC
How is The Beastie Boy?
The Beast is currently taking a short break from racing, but he plans to run in the Belmont Sprint Championship in early July. He’s now training at Belmont with Tony Dutrow, maybe escaping his stall and just being The Beast. We are hoping that Coz is not taking notes other than to run like the wind in races when he gets his next chance.
Mary Margaret in Georgia
Thanks for the info, some traditions need to stay the same.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
I like Mr. Stronach a lot. He sure made a lot of nice improvements in South Florida. He built new stalls for a lot of misplaced horses too. Would follow what this man wants to do.
Mary Margaret in Georgia
Someone is flying over & under Glesni in her nest. Hope she is in no danger.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Huge Congratulations to American Pharaoh and all the team. What a boy you are. I’m with ya till the end. Win or loose the Belmont. Love Ya. But, I think your going to win.
To everyone my, beloved three year old that I love so dearly was on the Belmont Track this morning, Night Prowler. Would be so great if he and Javier could show up on Belmont Saturday. Javier and Night Prowler, Stay Safe. Prayers for all horses and Jockeys, Stay Safe.
AP is a great talent, hope he can get the one and a half mile.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Huge Congratulations to American Pharaoh and all the team. What a boy you are. I’m with ya till the end. Win or loose the Belmont. Love Ya. But, I think your going to win.
To everyone my, beloved three year old that I love so dearly was on the Belmont Track this morning, Night Prowler. Would be so great if he and Javier could show up on Belmont Saturday.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
So sorry that posted twice.
Keep us updated on Night Prowler. Hope he does well and stays healthy.
Dear Mary Margaret.Blue 24 most lilkely.Glesni was looking towards the sky when I took a peep just now.She seems to sense when the chicks are due to hatch.Hugs Sheena.
Mary Margaret in Georgia
Do other ospreys invade nests & eggs? I love watching Glesni & Monty. I check on them daily. They are so devoted.
carol in arkansas
Just got equibase notice Shared Belief had a work at Pleasanton….but no other info….curious
Wasn’t he injured??
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Huge Best Of Luck Wishes sent to “Lets Go Donki” for next Sunday May 24 2nd leg of the Japanese Triple Crown for filly’s. “Japanese Oaks”
Stay Safe beautiful girl. Can’t wait to see you. Late Night.
Wonder if Rouge Buck and Cat Coin will show up too. Oh My.
judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Peggy:
Godspeed “Donki” and all safe and sound. Love and Hugs, JB
Debbie S.
I watched the Dyfi nest this morning with a full screen-what a treat!! Started with Glesni hunkering down in the wind,feathers blowing.She was quiet for the first hour ,then she made light sounds a few times in the next hour and looked to the sky-felt like she was hoping |Monty would come with supper Then some really loud sounds (reminding me of Deri last year) and – ta-da-Monty arrived with a fish!.Glesni was soooo happy and made lots of noise.She flew away to the perch to eat her fish and Monty snuggled down over the eggs. He was multi tasking arranging the bits and fixing the nest. After awhile the camera zoomed in on the nest when Glesni returned-what a shot with the two of them in it!! Monty flew off as Glesni wiggled and perched herself over the eggs She is so patient and vulnerable until Monty arrives,they are a wonderful pair!
Terry Crow
Hope I didn’t cost anyone any money with my picks. Here are a few more rednecks–You might be a a redneck if the only diploma on your wall is from DUI school. You might be a redneck if any of your relatives was buried with a fly swatter.
Bluegrass Girl
Funny! Thanks
judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear TC GP:
Too funny. Thank you. Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Thanks, TC GP.
Great way to end a wonderful racing weekend!
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Good One’s Terry
Bluegrass Girl
Be Bullish is retired!
Repole: “If every horse could have an ending like this, the sport would be in a much better place.”
David Grening , Belmont Park , 2015-05-17 , Race 3 – DRF Live
Be Bullish will got out a winner.
Be Bullish, the popular 10-year-old stakes-winning New York-bred gelding won a $16,000 claiming race Sunday at Belmont Park by three lengths, his fourth consecutive victory and 19th overall from 87 starts.
He was claimed by owner Mike Repole, who said he plans to retire Be Bullish to Old Friends Cabin Creek in Saratoga. Repole had the horse two previous times for a total of six starts.
“All great athletes have to retire some time and not too many great athletes get to retire at the top of their game,” Repole said. “That he won four in a row makes for a cooler story, but he’s got close to 90 starts, 50-percent first or second, churned out over a million bucks.”
Be Bullish, a gelding by Pure Prize, had 19 wins, 26 seconds and 14 thirds from 87 starts. He earned $1,106,288.
Keta. Thanks for finding this story. This horse sounds to be a truly remarkable racer. And I recall how Repole was very affected by Caixa’s tragic death. Caixa was one of my favorites. Hope that this horse is well taken care of and has a good long retirement.
judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear BGG:
What a great ending for this brave warrior. Thanks for sharing. Love and Hugs, JB
Ingrid Arnone
Dear Blue,
Provably you will not believe me, but when I was watching the race, I felt very sad that he was still running at the age of 10, then, I ask the Virgin to protect him and for him to be retire soon, and then I hear what Repole did.
Then, I said to my brother a miracle just happen!!!!!
I thank you for the link.
Hugs Ingrid.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Blue Grass Girl.
Thanks very much for this. Like Mike Repole very much.
Dear Mary Margaret and Debbie.Monty and Glesni are such a devoted couple.They are a joy to watch.We are still learning so much about these magnificent birds.I know that a new male will throw eggs out of a nest.It happened in Manton Bay(Rutland)last year.Maya who was a “widow” mated with 28(10) and laid 3 eggs but a stronger male 33(11)came along and turfed 28 out of the nest and threw his eggs out.The pair are back this year and Maya has laid 3 eggs again.Crows can be an awful nuisance too lots of eggs are lost that way but of course the most dangerous breed is the human.That’s why they have volunteers 24/7 guarding them.Hugs Sheena.
Elizabeth in NM
Sheena, We have an osprey refuge up in northwestern New Mexico on 3 lakes. Although large areas of the northern part of our state is covered with pine trees, since we are in the southwest, our rainy seasons often are very short. Some years, the mommas or papas will only feed 1 of 2 or 2 of 3 chicks, because water is short that year. Also, sometimes there is only 1 parent caring for them, and she (or he) can’t keep up with catching enough fish for all of them. But most of the time, the papa is circling not far from the nest, and you’ll see him ‘fishing’ and doing a breakfast or dinner delivery. Or he will exchange places with the Mom. I think, though, that most of the time, it’s the momma that stays with the chicks. It is so funny when the chicks grow into ‘teenagers’ and the nest is so crowded with big kids! I’m so enjoying your posts of Monty and Glesni. Happy birding! with love, Elizabeth
Mary Margaret in Georgia
Dear Sheena and Elizabeth,
Thanks for all the info on the ospreys. They are truly amazing. May the Lord keep them all safe from all of the hazards life throws at them. Thanks again:)
Elizabeth in NM
Trina, Happy Birthday! Hope you’re having a wonderful Spring day! with love, Elizabeth
judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Goodnight. Thanks for sending Sparkle. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Frank and all the Sweeties
judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, V and Montey:
Goodnight. Happy Dreams, Love You. Hugs, JB
Z Princess, Dubai, will always love you.
Dear Max.I was just reading about Be Bullish and he’s a grey too!He will have a wonderful retirement at Old Friends.Lady Cecil has had a quiet start to the season.I caught a glimpse of her in York last week.She has the video of NM winning his Champion Stakes on her website.Boy that was a super race I had forgotten CDA was in it!!Treve is due back on may 29th but Toast is out until next year!Hugs Sheena.
Thanks for the news of Lady Cecil. Very early days yet on the flat.
Saw a photo of Treve the other day as she begins her training. She’s super impressive looking with good muscles.
CDA is a real warrior but he can lose too. Nothing however seems to discourage him. He just keeps coming back for more. Think that he may be going to Ascot, but not certain as he could stay in France. There was talk of the Saint Cloud. We’ll see.
Love all of those grays.
Elizabeth in NM
Zenny, With all of the excitement this weekend, I think of your races. Hope you are having a lovely day with lots of green grass for your hopefully growing tummy. What a treasure you are to all of us on your site. You are truly one of the most wonderful gifts in my life! Thinking of pink . . . or maybe blue (with a touch of teal that is) next Springtime. with much love, Elizabeth
Think everyone survived the Preakness. Mark Casse said a lot of horses had coughing. He had the vet scope Danzig Moon and the vet said he had 1/2 the race track in his lungs. He is going to take him home and bring another horse back for the Belmont. Gary Stevens said after Firingline was saddled he was looking around as if to say are we going
to run on that track, which I guess was the premonition that he did not like the sloppy track and the rain, he is going back to CA.
Dear Elizabeth.No fear of a water shortage in Wales for our ospreys!It’s raining again tonight.I just hope we get some sunshine when the chicks hatch.We had a very wet June in 2012 and we lost 2 chicks,The staff at the Dyfi intervened and saved Ceulan but he sadly died in Senegal aged 6 months.He got trapped in a fishing net.There is danger everywhere for them.With love and hugs Sheena.
Debbie S.
Dear Sheena,may the eggs and the osprey parents remain safe! Goodnight,sweet dreams.
Dear Judy.It’s gone 2am over here.I am watching a documentary about Our Shirl’the girl from Tiger Bay!!Summer looked so sweet today.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Cap Hercules Frank and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX.Have you seen Poldark yet?
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Happy Birthday Trina and I hope you have many many more. Love, Peggy
HAPPY BIRTHDAY my friend TRINA and many more fun days.
hugs, Sally B
Congratulations AP for a tremendous win!! At first I thought, “hey what is Mr. Z doing so close to AP”, but it did not take long for AP to leave all the horses behind. Rest up dear AP
I was right in the middle of a sentence…Hmmm Rest up dear AP because I’d like you to make history in three weeks; the Belmont!!
Goodnight and sweet dreams Zenyatta. Oh, I can just picture how you raced! So magnificient yet charming with your dancing. There will never be another like you Zenyatta.
love with kisses to you and your kids
and to dear Sir, Auntie Sally B
judy from pahrump nevada
Thanks folks for your birthday wishes. It means a lot to me that you cared.
Am wondering why we have such a LONG silence from Team Z. Most unusual. I’m starting to worry.
Marshall (NC Broad)
We miss you!
Hugs and Love
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Barbara Wood,
Hope you are all right. There has been some pretty bad weather out in Texas of late. Please check in as soon as you are able. Prayers for safety!
Hugs and Love
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Barbara is “on the road” briefly, but is just fine. She will appreciate your concern.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sandy,
Thanks for updating me on Barbara W.! I am happy that she is fine.
Take care!
Hugs and Love
Marty R / Colorado
Sandy, I’m glad to hear Barbara is away as I thought about her yesterday when I read about the terrible gang shootout in Waco.
Marshall, thank you for your very kind words regarding my buddy, Tanner. We’re a good match as we sort of stroll along on our walks, stopping to smell the flowers, (dandelions) so to speak.
Thanks also to Judy B. and Debbie S. for your good wishes for Tanner and me. He had a name I just could not like so I named him for the little brown dog that he is.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Marty,
I love the name you gave your new buddy! Tanner, the little brown dog, brilliant.
Also, my great grandmother (Mama’s grandmother) was a Tanner before she married into the Coleman family.
Enjoy those strolls!
Hugs and Love
May 18 Cherokee Devotional
We quit too soon. When fear comes that we are cut off, limited, held back, we quit-and it is not time to quit.
A world of information flows to us every day and tells us where we are threatened, where we are apt to fail, what we cannot control. Are we going to believe that flow when it has been proven wrong so many times?
Each of us in our weakest moment has more power than we ever dreamed possible. All we have to do is to change our minds. When we change our minds, it changes everything. We don’t have to accept dire predictions or listen to what “could” happen. We are power and we are wise-and we can use it.
My friends, your people have both intellect and heart; you use these to consider in what way you can do the best to live.
Spotted Tail