Zenyatta by Jaime Corum is available today at the Zenyatta Shop. This limited edition print is hand-numbered and signed by the artist. View all details here.
It is also available in collector’s editions, signed by Zenyatta’s owners, Jerry and Ann Moss, as well as Hall of Fame jockey Mike Smith.
Shop our new Collector’s section for signed and limited edition pieces.
Team Z
May 15 Cherokee Devotional
The earth is but a reflection of heaven, but the world is a reflection of unhappier places. The two are at odds and no one seems to know why-or even care.
The earth recoups when it experiences calamity. But the world slides away from reality with great pain and tears. It feeds its inhabitants with toxins and ugliness and tells them these are food and entertainment.
Wake up, children, wake up to reality. Rise out of the ashes and renew. It is your individual right.
The place to make a treaty is in the heart of their country, where we can dictate the terms; not they in our country.
Major F. N. Dodge
maryp ny
Dear Marshall,
I am so sorry for your loss. Sweet memories until you see him again.
Sue Fredrick Happy as a lark
I just found out, I am so sorry you lost your beloved pet, hope you have many pictures to help you remember the good times. Hugs
So sorry for the loss of Huey. Hope it is a comfort to you that you gave him a wonderful life and that he was loved and cared for until the end.
Dear Kathy.Another great devotional.The children of this world we inhabit really need to wake up!!It’s much warmer today and sunny yay!!Just seen Brown Panther he looks fabulous today hope he behaves!Oh,CNSM is quite a character there’s a bromance going on there.Hovis loves him really!Would you believe if I told you I have never eaten a pizza or a curry come to that!!Very conservative tastes!Mango had more storms yesterday and the swing fell over 50mph winds and ice balls again even momma was afraid to go out.Riley’s owners have got another rescue dog called Sophie.Love never dies.There is a stuffed Mango now she has pretty long hair/fur!Did you see the wire Marty wasn’t that clever and poor Mr Fibbs his paperwork keeping him busy!It must be very hot with Dolly just one pic up of her keeping cool.I always love the videos of Joey I wish they had got another rescue cat there are so many out there begging for homes.Many of Zoe’s friends are ill and Ray lost one of his.He did some photo-bombing of his own!!!I hope all goes well at Pimlico tomorrow for the horses and we have the Lockinge over here.Safe trips.Have a wonderful Friday.Love and hugs to you,Kisses for Holly,Nikko and Sugar.SheenaXOXO
Dear Sheena,
Hello from work! Steve is working from home today so my schedule got a little messed up. Oh! you MUST taste both pizza and curry. Both are YUMMY! Prayers that everyone here in Z nation as well as all our connections, human, furry and feathered stay safe. Prayers for all with hurting hearts. Joey videos are always wonderful. Yes, Ray’s photo bomb was so cute. Safe trips for all the horses and jockeys running tomorrow. Wonderful Friday to you, too, Sheena. Love and hugs from me, kisses from Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy XOXO
Dear Max.Brown Panther ran a really brave 2nd to Juddmonte’s Snow Sky and Ryan.He looked magnificent in the parade ring.RA next for him and Snow Sky may go the Melbourne cup in the autumn.Hugs Sheena.
The Panther will do it next time at Ascot. Love that horse.
Dear Sheena,
So glad you Brown Panther did well. Bolting is part of being
A thoroughbred an extra scary spook remember he was in Canada
An extra scary environment – where he had never been before. Those
Thoroughbreds can be spook masters just pick yourself up dust yourself
off and get back on – for the rodeo !!!!
You should be your
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Sheena, Max and Tizgood:
Happy for the Panther on his 2nd place finish. He’ll get ’em next time. Love and Hugs, JB
♥Auntie Judy aka JAG So. California
♥ Happy Birthday to David Ingordo! Thank you for find Queen Zenyatta! She has given us years of enjoyment, to say the least :-)
♥Auntie Judy aka JAG So. California
* finding (duh!)
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Happy Birthday DI. Love and Hugs, JB
Elizabeth in NM
Happy Birthday David I! Without your discovery of our Queen Z, we all wouldn’t be enjoying her life and getting to know so many wonderful people on this website of Zenny’s. Hope you have a great birthday! with love and best wishes, Elizabeth
PS Love your Mom – she’s amazing!
Just saw this and One Big hug to him!! What a gem in the rough he found and knew she had such possibilities!! I am forever thankful for the love I found in Zenyatta.
hugs, Sally B
Sorry y’all but I have to repeat myself–American Pharoah has Zenyatta ears. Wonder if they are related???
Did not notice that before, thanks
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Shirlee:
Didn’t see any connection in their pedigrees, but American Pharoah’s Great Great Grand Dam in his Dam’s line was Queen Zetta. Too cute. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy,
Good pedigree analysis, you have an eagle or osprey eye.
Love and hugs
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Tizgood:
Right back at ya. Love and Hugs, JB
What a win in the Black Eyed Susan by Keen Pauline. She looked as if she wanted to keep going on past the finish line. Congrats to Barbara, Stonestreet and Pulpit.
Ann NC
Very nice.
Include Betty was channeling her inner Zenny.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Ann,
Yes indeed, Include Betty finished great from behind — good job!
Loved Keen Pauline, too — wonderful name. Congrats!
Hugs and Love
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Congrats Keen Pauline (cute name). Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Congrats to Ben’s Cat! Yipppeeee!
Long live the King…leatherbury.
Way to go Ben. Coz, Ben did not break his maiden until 4. So, don’t worry!
Great racing day.
Great news! Congrats Ben’s Cat. Still winning at 9.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Big Congratulations to Ben’s Cat! Wow, what a great win at 9, or any age for that matter. Yay!
What a great horse; love those veterans that can really run like Star Guitar, too
Ben’s Cat is great !!!!
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Ann:
Congrats to Ben’s Cat. Wow, he ran 2nd in April and now a win. He had not raced since November 2014. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy.Watched Martin Clunes show tonight I had not realized he has a working farm but all his animals have a wonderful life.He loves using his Clydesdales on the farm.Hope you get to see it one day.Poor Savvy’s tummy is upset again mom L told me it might be an allergy.Her tests were all negative.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Cap Hercules Frank and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Hope we get that series here. Have seen a video of Martin Clunes farm. He loves animals as we do.
Poor baby Savvy. Hope she is better soon. Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Frank and all the Sweeties
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, V and Montey:
Goodnight. Happy Dreams. Stay comfy and cozy in your stalls. Love You. Hugs, JB
Z Princess, Dubai, will always love you.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Nice article on Commissioner (AP Indy) and Javier Castellano’s win in the Pimlico Special. Love and Hugs, JB
So glad he got his this win, its been a long time coming for this really nice horse.
omit his
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Tizgood:
Yes, happy for him. Love and Hugs, JB
Sue Fredrick Happy as a lark
Judy T.B.,
Thanks for posting this, yes it was a great win he has been so close, Second in the Belmont last year, he’s a real beauty. hugs
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Can’t believe this. So glad the horses were not harmed. Love and Hugs, JB
What kind of low life would do that? Glad no horses were harmed and that Lanes End stepped up on the TV. The office is right off the road so I guess is an easy target. Such a shame. Old Friends is a wonderful place and Michael is a special person.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Shirlee:
Just unbelievable! Yes, so nice that Lane’s End wasted no time in replacing the TV. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
American Pharoah has a bath. Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Thanks JB. AP sure is a beautiful boy.
AP and Ben are Cool Cats!
Another great racing day is here.
Happy Preak Day, Z Fans!
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Ann:
Godspeed to all of them. Safe and sound. Love and Hugs, JB
Elizabeth in NM
Zenny, Exciting weekend coming up. Can’t wait to see the races and everyone’s comments. Hope you have a wonderful evening and get your beauty sleep tonight!
Love to you and everyone here on your website. Elizabeth
Zenny needs to check out the young fellers in the Preakness today. Some of them might be in consideration for a date with The Queen next year or the following year. She must be getting tired of War Front by now.
Oh my, this is big race No 2 in search for the TC for some and for others to put on their resumes as truly a great race horse to win the Preakness. I just wish each and every horse and rider a safe journey but I would like to see AP bring his nose across the finish first. I am to go for horse duties but I need to see this race before I go. It is seldom that I put any thing else first before them. It will only be a half hour or so.
Have an exciting day everyone!!! hugs, Sally B
Love you with kisses Zenyatta, your sons
daughter zprincess and my dear friend Sir
Auntie Sally B
Lovely pic of Glesni.Yet more stormy weather forecast for Tuesday!!!Sheena.
Dear Sheena,
You’re right…lovely!
Dear Sheena,
Monty and Glesni have their switching down to a T,
it is so precious to watch them do it. No more fighting
they are a couple now so very amazing how things have develope
over the last 3 years. So looking forward to the hatching of the three
chicks and hope good weather holds out for them.
Love snd hugs
May 16 Cherokee Devotional
Time and time again we hear the same voices, see the same sights, hear the same sounds-and yet, we do not know.
Wisdom and knowledge, we seek you to know why things are the way they are and how to make them better. But we come to know that knowledge is a part of the past and wisdom is of the future. We do well to listen for wisdom-to never rebuke it however different it sounds. Our spirits are pure and simple and can follow in harmony. Help us to know the past but to follow wisdom-to sit quietly and hear its voice.
There is dignity about the social intercourse of old Indians which reminds me of a stroll through a winter forest.
Frederick Remingtom
Dear Max.I am not sure if you’ve heard Quevega had a filly last night!Lovely pic on Irish National Stud FB.Both mum and daughter doing well.Hugs Sheena.
Was thinking about her recently. Thanks for the news. Very nice photo. She looks like she is a champion as a mom too.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Have you heard anything at all on Eblouissante? Wondering if she is in foal yet. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Thanks for this info. Congrats to Quevega and her little one. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Sheena,
The photo is absolutely beautiful, her expression
is so very special, just filled with love.
Love and hugs
Dear Kathy.Great devotional!!I posted a pic of Quevega on your timeline gorgeous little filly!It’s a beautiful day at Newbury not too bad here in Wales.I wonder who the other blue ringed osprey is?could it be one of the girls from 2013?Blue is still hanging around she certainly set her sights on Monty and is definitely not giving up hope!Ryan and Telescope won well earlier.There is quite a big field for the Lockinge.Hope all goes well with your big race tonight.Did your aunt return home?I hope she is recovering well.Mr Fibbs and Milo were busy shopping last night,I wish they could help me in the supermarket.I just love their little trolleys!Poor Judy has a 7K estimation for repairs to the trailer and Mango and Abby were naughty last night.The weather isn’t good there wittle Katy went out to potty and got blown off her paws but thankfully no damage done!She is so tiny.There is a candlelit vigil for Tiger today the cat murdered by the vet.Did you know she hasn’t even been charged yet or her liscense revoked!!! Ryan’s had a 3 timer now woo-hoo!Have a wonderful weekend.Love and hugs to you,Kisses for Holly,Nikko and Sugar.SheenaXOXO
Dear Sheena,
Quevega’s filly is gorgeous! Always some excitement at the Dyfi. There will be lots of chicks pretty soon! Congratulations to Ryan and Telescope. Hope all goes well for the Lockinge. Yes, we are all getting excited about the Preakness! My aunt will be coming home either Wednesday or Thursday. She’s really happy about that! She’ll have to have someone come in to help her. Not sure for how long. It’s been 4 weeks on Monday since she went to the hospital! The ratties were very entertaining in the store. Laughed at the comment that the shopping cart had to be full to fend off starbation! Wow, that’s a lot of money to have to pay to repair the trailer. Will have to go read about Mango and Abby. Poor Katy! That was a pretty strong wind! PoorTiger. That still haunts me to my core. It’s unthinkable that she hasn’t been charged. that’s a great accomplishment for Ryan! Happy weekend to you, too. Love and hugs from me, kisses from Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy XOXO
Wishing all the horses and jockey’s a safe trip
In the Preakness today and may the best horse win.
No luck for Ryan in the Lockinge.It went to Night of Thunder last year’s guineas winner.Toormore was a close 2nd.Sheena.
My goodness. The Hannons are victorious again. Congrats to Night of Thunder, a great chestnut racer. Moosie must be proud of his old stablemate, Toormore, coming in second. Like Toormore.
Too bad for Ryan, he is such a great rider, modest and we love to have
Him here to ride. I loved his description of the start in the KY Derby last year,
He said it was so fast his horse could barely keep up
And he was a bit taken off guard, too. The start is much slower in the UK.
His BC winning conferences are always so informative, I hope we see more of
him this year. Adian is getting a slow start this year.
Terry Crow
Here is my pick for the Preakness. I am playing a 10 cent superfecta box with AP, Dortmund, Danzig Moon and Diving Rod. This bet costs $2.40. If you wish to add Firing Line, the bet increases to $12.00. Glad you liked my last group of redneck jokes. Here are a few more. You might be a redneck if you ever salted your toothpaste. You might be a redneck if you have a glass eye collection. You might be a redneck if you have ever broken toenail clippers. You might be a redneck if you have ever been promoted to dishwasher. You might be a redneck if you have hidden Easter eggs under cow pies.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear TC GP:
Thank you for the smiles!
Like your choices in the Preakness; good luck. I like the 10 cent Superfecta box bet too. Love and Hugs, JB
I’m still laughing about the horse ventriloquist. When the endless meetings get to be too much, my mind always wanders to that joke. Good luck with your bet. I just don’t know. I’m not picking any horse out of fear of finishing last.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear TC GP:
You had 3 out of 4 in the Super; so close. Tale of Verve was a real surprise. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
To all our wonderful Z’sters,
A million thank you’s for the many kind words of sympathy, as well as the thoughts and prayers sent to me on the passing of my sweet Huey-dog. I appreciate them more than I can say. I received at least 20 posts from this blog so I am thanking you as a group — I would not want to risk leaving anyone out. The best people in the world are here in the Zenyatta nation along with the most wonderful horse, also!
Bailey and I are doing well. I have taken her to work with me every day so she doesn’t have to be alone. I will find a little brother for her somewhere in the near future when the time is right. Again, thank you all for being such good friends.
Good luck to all today at Pimlico! Hopes and prayers for safe racing to horses and riders in the Preakness and in the undercard races, too.
Hugs and Love
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Marshall:
Love and Hugs to you and Bailey, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Terry Crow,
Thanks for the redneck jokes! Giggles and laughs are priceless gifts.
Easter eggs under cow pies — what a hoot!
Good luck with your bet!
Big Hugs
Dear Marshall.Great to hear from you.Only you will know when the time is right for another dog.Hugs love and woofs to you and Bailey.Sheena.
Dear Max.A 5-timer for Ryan today!He’s unstoppable at the moment and Golden Horn is to be supplemented for the Derby!At least we have a good favourite now but it takes a special horse to handle Epsom.Hugs Sheena.
Good day for Moore. It also shows that it pays to ride for Stoute in addition to Coolmore. Stoute has a lot of confidence in Moore. Young Joe did not do so well on Cougar.
I have to admire those Hannons for getting first and second. Hannon Jr said that Toormore does not work very hard in the yard, but he usually tries his best on the day. In response to questions about specializing in the mile, he said that they have to work with the horses who are sent to them. He said that if someone wants to send him a horse who likes to go longer he will train that horse. Good answer. Have to see if both go to the Queen Anne. Looking forward to see who shows for Epsom. You’re right. It always takes a special horse to win, like Galileo, dam sire to Thunder.
Mary Margaret in Georgia
Congrats, I am so proud for Ben’s Cat and King Leatherbury.
Deb E.
Safe journey to all the horses and jockeys competing in the Preakness today. Here’s hoping American Pharoah can repeat his performance from 2 weeks ago!