Happy Wednesday!
Z-Mugs are now available in the Zenyatta Shop:
Our durable 11 oz ceramic mug features Zenyatta in her classic prancing pose, juxtaposed in a bold, contemporary look over the stylized capital letter “Z.” This dynamic graphic originates from equine artist Jaime Corum’s popular print. Dual-sided to enjoy “the Queen” from any view. Design also available in T-Shirt and Tote.
Edit: This item is no longer available. January 2013.
Hot Tea with the Queen.
That sounds good to me.
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin /NJ
you said it sue :)
What about the HRTV Video??
I’m thinking they are saving the HRTV for last.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter of RN Club
Dear Kim and Sue
You mean the DVD ? Love this cup!!
Yes, I mean the DVD which is an hour long, I think. Sorry for any confusion.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter of RN Club
Me too, Sue.
Can’t wait to watch Zenny over and over and over
With a Hot Toddy, in this mug!!!
Especially Horses / So Cal
Ordered! Hot Cocoa with The Queen on Christmas Day.
::::::sigh::::::: so many presents to buy myself, no money to do it……
Coco and Isa
All these new items are looking great!
Maryp ny
On the 12th day of Christmas my true love gave to me…………(nope from me for me!)lol!
Everything Zenyatta !!!!
Louise Castello
This may have been posted, but I thought this big guy was worth a second look. Sea the Stars colt out of Vodka. Is he huge, or what? Not to mention gorgeous! http://www.nikkansports.com/race/news/photonews_nsInc_p-rc-tp0-20121120-1049325.html
Darlene Daniels
He is gorgeous! Thank you for sharing. Happy Thanksgiving.
Louise, is he really that big or is the groom just extra short? He looks way over 17 hands.
Louise Castello
Kate Hunter who tweets on Japan’s horses said he weighs 1100 lbs already as a yearling and said he was huge but didn’t say how tall. He looks so sturdy though and big for a yearling to me!
Janet Newman
He is one big yearling. I have seen Clydesdale yearlings that big LOL!
signofthetimes; President of the Texas RN Club
Great find, Louise, we need to keep an eye on him !!
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter of RN Club
He is gorgeous. Do you read Japanese??
Darlene Daniels
Thank you Team Z for all your postings this week.
I have felt like a kid in a toy store all week. I want this one, I want that one, I want this one!
Oh my, I want one of everything.
Janet Newman
I feel the same way. I get to choose a few, so I am waiting to see all.
the very merriest of thanksgiving to all…..i have been trying to keep up but i packed a certain number of boxes…..they mated during their trip to arkansas via POD and now have to unpack twice as many as i packed…ugh
it will take us a year to get settled…
we are going to Oaklawn tomorrow….turkey dinner at the track…the horses are starting to arrive….i can hardly wait….what fun
Zenny my love…..eat rest exersice and sleep….keep all spa appointments
kisses for all soft noses worldwide and peppermints for all;;;
Trina Nagele in SoCal
Happy Thanksgiving at Oaklawn and in your new home. That’s so cute about the boxes mating!
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Happy Thanksgiving, Carol in your new home! And Happy Thanksgiving, one and all. I will be out of town with friends over the holiday & weekend, so I will just have to wait to check back and see what else is new here and in the store.
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter of RN Club
Dear Carol,
So glad you had a safe trip, have gubat Oaklawn
And a wonderful thanksgiving.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Carol–we both got such a kick out of the “mating boxes”. You have a good time at Oaklawn. Hugs.
Darlene Daniels
Lol, at the boxes. I know what you mean, crazy boxes, propigating on my time, lol. Glad you made it safely to Arkansa. How fun to go to the horse races today. Have fun and happy Thanksgiving to you. I really love your posts.
Ann NC
Turkey at the Track….you are one smart cookie,Carol!!
Have fun and glad you are getting settled in.
Jan S. / Houston
Hot black joe in my Zenyatta mug. YUM!!!
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin /NJ
happy thanksgiving team Z &fellow dumplings.
god bless & have a nice day w/ family/friends
hugs/prayers, vamp
Karen Gogue / My heart :)'s ♥
Happy Thanksgiving to all – and especially you Zenny and your first born! May all your Z family, Barn 55, and Lanes End, have a wonderful turkey day together and spread love upon every heart they meet! ♥ You’ve blessed mine with wondeful Dumpling friends and I am grateful and share their love for me to everyone I meet! Love you all!! ♥♥♥♥♥ Gobble Gobble Gobble
signofthetimes; President Texas Chapter of RN Club
Dear Karen,
You have a wonderful thanksgiving, too.
Darlene Daniels
Dear Karen,
Happy Thanksgiving to you too. You know how they say everyone has a double, well I was doing some last minute grocery shopping after work this morning, and there was this lovely lady in the store, I had to stop and take a double look at her. She looked just like you and her voice was even similar. I thought to myself at first, “what on earth is Karen doing in Indiana today? LOL.
Elizabeth in NM
Love this Cup for Zenyatta! Christmas presents all around. Happy Thanksgiving to all of Your Family, Zenny! So many blessings wished to everyone here on your website. Love to all!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Happy Thanksgiving to you all!
Marshall (NC broad)
Dear Dawn,
HAPPY THANKSGIVING to you, too! It’s always good to hear from you! Best wishes to your mother, also. Take care and hugs!
Marshall (NC broad)
Dawn Conrad,
You are quite simply wonderful! Thank you so much for this link — such a beautiful card.
I want to live in this card!! How beautiful! Love the music, too. Most assuredly, “there’s no place like home”. Even if it’s only in memory now, it still speaks to the heart and warms it.
All the best wishes!
Darlene Daniels
Dear Dawn,
I replied to the card. Happy Thanksgiving and thank you for this lovely card
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin /NJ
beautiful card <3
happy thxgiving to u as well. :)
may god bless u richly.
big hugs/luv/prayers, vamp
Beautiful card….wonderful message
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
That’s a gorgeous card, Dawn – thanks!
Marshall (NC broad)
To Z, 12Z, Lane’s End, Team Z and ALL Z’sters everywhere:
My heart is running over with gratitude!
Cheers and hugs!
Darlene Daniels
Agree with you about heart running over. Happy Thanksgiving to you!
Ann NC
Howdy neighbor…hope you have a special day, Marshall!!
Marshall (NC broad)
Thanks, Ann! I had a fine day — ate too much, but it sure was yummy! Good food and even better, good friends.
Hope you had a lovely day, too!
Ann NC
Thanks, Marshall. It was wonderful!
Getting ready for the chilly air.
To my Redneck family and Zenster friends HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all.
I am off today on a trip to my high school best friends house for a few days. Then I am going to another friends house. We are going to a football game Sunday. Then I am going back to my best friends house before I come home. Lots of travel and driving for me. Pray for me please.
I will be checking in with Zenyatta when I can to see the photos and other new merchandise.
I am getting so excited I may not need a plane to get to my friends house.
I love you Zenny and baby Z + BBZ
God Bless to All
Darlene Daniels
Safe travels and Happy Thanksgiving to you and your friends and family!
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Prayers for you to have a wonderful time and a safe trip. Check in when you can, ok? We don’t want t you to be AWOL. haha.
Darlene Daniels
Dear Barbara,
Happy Thanksgiving to you and Alan and of course Money.
Barbara, for some reason all my e-mails to you are returned. Probably some problem at my end. Just wanted you to know I appreciated all your messages. Love and hugs. Darlene
Darlene Daniels
Dearest Zenyatta, 12Z, future 13Z, Tasty, Spooky Minister, ALL of Lanes End, Mr. and Mrs. Moss, John and Dottie Shirreffs, and all of Team Zenyatt, all of my new and dear Zenyatta friends: Happy Thanksgiving to you all!
I am so thankful to all of you for this great blessing you have shared with all of us: The one only beloved Zenyatta!
Dear Zenny, I am so thankful to have you and 12Z as extended members of my family. Zenyatta, you are the exemplary queen of perfection Without You, I would never had made so many good friends and had the trip of my life, my trip to Breeders Cup 2012. It was such a pleasure to meet your “Mom and Dad”, Jerry and Ann Moss. Zenyatta, You started it all. I love you forever, my angel. Zenyatta.
Happy Thanksgiving and love to all. Darlene Daniels
dear darlene and all Z fans you all have a wonderful thanksgiving those going away stay safe enjoy your turkey dinners it is amazing how we have all come together because of our love for a very special horse hope you are having a great day as well Z and your prince hugs sheena
Ann NC
Hugs to you, Sheena.
Hope all is well with you and yours.
Thanks for asking about the bovines,they are getting fat and staying happy!!!
Happy Thanksgiving EVERYONE.
I hope it is a nice day for everyone.
Thank you Team Z for everything. Wish I had not played a trick on hubby,Santa would bring me more Z treats. I still have time to behave?
Lane’s End…please give Zenny, young z and his friend, that crescent moon guy a kiss and pat from me! You are the BEST!
signofthetimes; President of the Texas RN Club
Thanks so much Sheena for the lovely Thanksgiving wishes,
we are sooo very happy Zenny brought all of us together.
sue and tony
To everyone who reads here and all of Team Z, have a safe and happy Thanksgiving. We remain grateful to our Queen who has created such a unique family of fans and friends.
sue and tony
Help. The Z mug is already sold out. Will more be available?
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louise christman
I would like to order the Zenyatta coffee mug but having trouble doing it please help
louise christman
I would like to order the Zenyatta coffee mug but having trouble doing it please help me