Happy holidays!
Each holiday season we ship packages from the Zenyatta Shop to fans all over the world. Through tomorrow, we’d like to give everyone 25% off any order of $100 or more. Use promo code CHEER.
Our favorite new item in the shop is the limited edition Hall of Fame 2016 Commemorative Pin. We made only 250 of these pins, inspired by Zenyatta’s Hall of Fame plaque. It’s the perfect stocking stuffer for a Zenyatta fan!
Remember to order by Friday, December 16 for holiday delivery.
Come back to the blog next week for some jolly new photos from Lane’s End Farm!
Team Z

RIP John Buckingham who rode Foinavon to one of the most famous victories in the 1967 Grand National.A horse aptly named Popham Down caused most of the other horses to crash into the 23rd fence.By the time Foinavon reached the fence there was a gap and he popped over and was never caught.He now has a fence named after him.John jumped at the chance to ride him saying he would have ridden Dick’s donkey just to be in the National.He was 76yrs old.The race is up on you- tube.I have often watched.Amazing no horse or jockey was hurt in the incident.
Dear Sheena,
We had rain all night long! Not at all common here. Usually we’re bone dry. It’s nice, seems more like Christmas as opposed to sunny and hot. I hope Her Majesty is okay and will enjoy her Christmas. That’s nice that Kate’s parents get to have them for Christmas. Wow, Palmerston’s life has certainly changed for the better! I know what you mean about people being crazy now. Not only are they crazy in the stores, but they’re also driving like maniacs out on the roads. You really have to drive defensively! No wonder you bought the tribute to Valegro. He is indeed perfection. Yes, I saw the panda and the snowman. He climbed on top! I visited Zoe. She is feeling better this morning. I wish you a lovely day. Love and hugs from me, kisses from Angel Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy XOXO
Bluegrass Girl
Mike E. Smith Entries
December 26 – Santa Anita
Enola Gray Wgt-119 Race 7 La Brea S. (Gr 1)
Mor Spirit Wgt-121 Race 8 Malibu S. (Gr 1)
Blackjackcat Wgt-119 Race 9 Mathis Brothers Mile S. (Gr 2)
Bluegrass Girl
TDN Q & A: Elliott Walden
By Ben Massam TDN Wednesday, December 21, 2016
In the context of an increasingly competitive stallion market, more and more farms are opting to reward loyal customers by offering incentive programs to their breeders. WinStar Farm launched its WinStar Incentive Network (WIN), a rewards program for breeders of WinStar-sired racehorses, on Breeders’ Cup weekend in early November, and promptly saw three qualifying runners capture their respective championship races. The program, which is offered to breeders who breed two mares to any WinStar stallion, rewards black-type successes at a variety of levels with ‘WinStar Dollars,’ applicable to a future breeding season [click here to read more]. The TDN’s Ben Massam spoke with Elliott Walden, President and CEO of WinStar Farm, to discuss the growing notion of incentive programs and his outlook for WIN.
Bluegrass Girl
Juddmonte Purchases Coolmore’s Pegasus World Cup Slot
By Alicia Wincze-Hughes The Blood-Horse 22-Dec-16
The rematch discussed and anticipated since the Breeders’ Cup Classic (gr. I) result went official Nov. 5 has taken a significant step toward becoming reality.
Juddmonte Farms, owner of Breeders’ Cup Classic winner Arrogate, announced Dec. 22 it has entered into an agreement to purchase Coolmore Stud’s entry slot in the inaugural $12 million Pegasus World Cup Invitational (gr. I) at Gulfstream Park Jan 28 and confirmed Arrogate “will continue his preparation with that race in mind.”
Bluegrass Girl
Steve Haskin @SteveHaskin Thursday, 22 December, 2016
So Juddmonte has made a deal with Coolmore to obtain their starting spot in the Pegasus World Cup. Bad news for rest of the field
Farewell to Turkoman who has been euthanized at age 34. One of the last, or the last, of the sons of my beloved Alydar. RIP sweet boy and run in fields of green with your wonderful and still mourned sire, Alydar.
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Shirlee:
OMG, this news brings tears to my eyes. So happy that he had a long life with caring people who loved him. Yes, run free beautiful boy in God’s Heaven with your Dad. Love and Hugs, JB
Such a wonderful age.Now safe in Heaven with his beloved daddy.RIP
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Shirlee,
Sorry to hear of Turkoman’s passing, but glad that he had a good long life and was cared for with love unlike his ill-fated sire. RIP beautiful Turkoman, in the company of angels.
It still breaks my heart to think of poor Alydar’s death — he deserved so much better.
Hugs and Love
Bluegrass Girl
Oscietra wins second Flemington jump-out
Posted by: AAP 23/12/2016
Black Caviar’s first foal Oscietra is set to make her race debut on New Years Day at Flemington following an impressive jump-out victory at Flemington.
Friday’s performance over 800 metres was the second public appearance of Oscietra who won an unofficial trial at Flemington on December 9.
Lindsay Park’s senior trainer David Hayes was delighted with the performance of the two-year-old who is expected to make her debut on the same day and track as her mother did before a tilt at the Blue Diamond Stakes.
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear BGG:
Looks like she could be definitely following in Mama’s footsteps. BC must be so proud. Godspeed Oscietra. Love and Hugs, JB
Ingrid Arnone
Dear Z fans:
I wish you….
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year !!!
Big Hugs Ingrid.
Dear Ingrid.A very Happy Christmas and a blessed new year to you.Hugs Sheena
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Ingrid:
Love and Hugs, JB
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
I think all of you will enjoy this incredible story of a 36 year old Thoroughbred named “Elliot”. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy.Thanks for sharing this fantastic article about Elliot.How great that his former owner can get to visit him.Another wonderful senior story.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Cap Hercules Frank Bentley and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy B.,
What a wonderful story! That is some guardian angel that has been watching over Elliot.
I am so happy that Jennie Clark has found her “horse of a lifetime”. Hope she will visit him very soon, too — Elliot has been waiting quite awhile so she mustn’t wait too much longer.
Thanks for the post!
Hugs and Love
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Enjoy the Boxing Day Races. Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Frank, Bentley and all the Sweeties
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Mama Z, COZ, ZI and DC:
Wishing all of you a peaceful, restful night and Happy Dreams. Love all of you so much, JB
Z Princess, Dubai, Baby Z, will always love you.
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Z Family, Team Z, Lane’s End, Z, COZ, ZI, DC, PC, HT and all horses everywhere:
Wishing all of you very Happy Holidays and a Happy, Healthy New Year. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Daughter of War Front and Grand Daughter of Street Cry, With Honors, is retired and will be bred to Medaglia d’Oro. She is the only foal of her Dam, All Her Class.
Looking at her photo, couldn’t help thinking that Z Princess may have resembled With Honors as an adult. Bloodlines are the same and she had the same beautiful conformation and coat color. Wishing this beauty a long, happy, healthy life. Love and Hugs, JB
Jess’s Dream the son of horses of the year Rachel Alexandra and Curlin has retired to Ocala Stud.His fee will be $5000.
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Thanks for this info on Jessie. Wishing him a long, healthy, happy life. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Shirlee and Z Fans:
The story of Turkoman. RIP gallant boy. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy B.,
Thanks for posting the article about Turkoman. It is very interesting, and it is quite disgusting that some of his owners didn’t want to pay for his upkeep after his pensioning. How cheap and heartless people can get! :-( I am glad that he had a champion in Ms. Eliasson who saw to it that he could live where he was most content.
Hugs and Love
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Marshall:
Glad you enjoyed Elliot’s story; really remarkable.
Fortunately, Turkoman found a loving home because of caring and loving people and was well loved in the end. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy.Happy to hear Turkoman’s remains are going to Mim’s for burial.Some owners just seem to want the prize money.There are plenty of caring folk in this world though.Love and hugs Sheena.
Judy B from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Yes, there are! Love and Hugs, JB
December 23 Cherokee Devotional
Our Creator blessed us with free will, and yet we cannot always see that we have options. When confronted with an obstacle, we can choose whether we explode in anger or take things in our stride. When the sun isn’t shining, we can choose to love the rain.
We tend to look outside ourselves for help, but outside help isn’t of much value if the Spirit is not within us. If we do not have the Spirit, we have a void within us that is greater than we can imagine. We need to invite the Spirit within, to honor it, and to listen carefully to it. When we begin to listen, we forget there is no sun.
The Great Spirit has given the white man great foresightedness; he sees everything at a distance, and his mind invents and makes the most extraordinary things.
-Crow Belly, Gros Ventre
Blessed and Merry Christmas to all here on the blog. A special wish of good health and happiness for Zenyatta and the boys!
Dear Kathy.The rain has arrived in Wales but much milder.I have posted Hovey on my FB.Valegro has had some treats for Christmas and Dean has given Charlotte a rocking horse to Charlotte Valegro has met him!Only 5 left in the King George a quality field though.Vroum-Vroum Mag is out of the hurdle Sire de Grugy is running Tuesday and we have the Welsh grand national Chepstow’s big day.I didn’t realise Milo is on his trabels to save Christmas.Very busy on the roads to the Norff Pole Take care Milo1Poor Zoe had to see the dogtor She is looking better but was poked a lot.She had a beautiful dress on yesterday.Felix has been meeting new friends and getting more treats.It’s a hard life for her!She’s going to Jean’s for Christmas.Lucky Jean.One of Dolly’s friends is ill too and they have set up a gofundme page.I gave to the Hillside sanctuary last night they rescued 25 pregnant mares.So lovely to see them comfortable and safe.
Her Majesty is not amused with Mother Theresa she will not inform her of the brexit plans!And Larry has announced Palmerston has fleas the political scoop of the year.I thought Tom was being very stoic about the Bear’s death but he has been posting about him all week.His mum is a bit of an artist and made an image of the “Owl and the Pussycat” with the Bear in the starring role they are going to auction it in aid of cat’s rescues.Crazy,crazy shopping today.I heard the Italians shot the Berlin terrorist.Peace has at last come to Aleppo and Ernesto the cat was playing in the snow.Life goes on…Have a great day.Love and hugs to you,Kisses for Angel Holly.Nikko and Sugar.SheenaXOXO
Dear Sheena,
That’s good your weather is milder than expected! I’ll go over and look at the news for Hovis. Thank you! I hope Valegro enjoys those treats. A rocking horse for Charlotte! That’s perfect! Very cool that Valegro met him. The King George will be a nail-biter! Enjoy oall the wonderful races. Yes, we’re relying on Milo to get the trabel juice to the Norff Pole. Traffic around LA was really bad. Zoe is doing better. I felt sorry for her being dressed up. She probably would have been more comfortable with no more than a vest. Felix is caught up in the holiday rush. The treats make it worth it, though! I hope Dolly’s friend will get better. The Hillside sanctuary sounds like a very worthy cause. Poor Mother Theresa up against Her Majesty! Maybe someone will pick up a flea collar for Palmerston. I’m sure Bear’s death has hit Tom hard. It is wise to stay far away from the stores at this point. I’m anxious for it all to be over and we can get back to a normal existence! Yes, they got the Berlin terrorist. Thank God there’s peace in Aleppo. Glad Ernesto was able to play in the snow. Sounds fun! TGIF and have a beautiful day. Love and hugs from me, kisses from Angel Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy XOXOXOXO
Marshall (NC Broad)
To Zenyatta, her colts, the Z family, Team Z, Lane’s End and all Z friends here,
❄️ God bless us everyone! ❄️
Big Hugs and Lots of Love
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sue Noel,
Hope you are well and that Barnaby and Traveller are doing fine. Haven’t heard from you in quite awhile and am a bit concerned. Please post when you can.
Meanwhile, have a joyous holiday. Merry Christmas, my friend!
Hugs and Love