Happy Monday!
As promised, we have updated the Zenyatta Shop with new products that are available for pre-order today. Here is your chance to add the Zenyatta Track Bag to your wish list or to pick the perfect gift for the Zenyatta fan in your life. Today’s new releases are exclusive to the Zenyatta Shop and have never been available before.
Released Today:
Z Hat in Stone
Z Hat in Graphite
Classic Hat
Big Z Mug
Zenyatta Mug
Zenyatta Track Bag, in two colors.
The sticker is available for shipment now, but all other new items are pre-order only. Orders will begin to ship in 1-2 weeks. All items are guaranteed to arrive in time for the holidays.
Today only, we are offering free shipping on all orders at the Zenyatta Shop. Enter the promo code ZENGIFT at checkout.
And now for what you’ve all been eagerly anticipating—new photos from Alys! Here’s the latest batch featuring winter coats and mud all around.
-Team Z
Dear Judy Goodnight God bless you, Lola Mae,Charlie, Hudson and all of the Sweeties. Hope you sleep well. Love and hugs SheenaX
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT and all the Sweeties
Dear Marshall Do hope you get to visit Wales one day.It’s a beautiful little country more sheep per square mile than anywhere in the UK.You would really get what we call “a welcome in the hillside”!Love and hugs to you Reilly and Huey SheenaXCroeso!
Bluegrass Girl
Finally had time to revisit the Coz blog and read your joke.
Ended the day with a good laugh.
Makes me wonder how exactly she used those golf clubs-just saying
Sally Blank (cherish Z for my lifetime)
Hi Zsters; For the very first time while working out at the horse sanctuary and cleaning out Sir’s stall, I looked out and there Sir and Frito were contently mouthing-chewing on each other over the divided fence. Now I have seen Fancy & Frito, and Frito and Jo doing this but never ever these two males when Frito was the head of the herd and at the end of last year Sir…..well, Sir went for the title. This is why we had to divide them. Frito is older and more fragile than Sir. Any one know what I should make of this? I sent out an email to those in the horse sanctuary but know one has replied yet.
One other question. I noticed later that Frito had a baseball size bare spot approximately where Sir was mouthing. Could Sir have pulled out his hair? There was no open wound. I will probably never see Sir and Frito like this again.
Poor hackney Jo is being put out of her stall lately and can not feed on her hay. Suddenly it just seems either out of respect with intimidation from Frito and Fancy.
Fancy has always been the perfect lady, very cordial to all, but there is a change in both Fancy and Frito. It appears Fancy & Frito determine when they decide to go back to their own stalls to feed from the haynets and Jo is afraid to go in theirs when one of them is in hers. At least we fill a haynet outside for her, but sometimes the rain and elements are not the greatest for her. Every day there is a learning experience for me and if anyone can offer any reasons why this is occurring I would really appreciate hearing.
Ran (my 60ish run) around with Sir as he knew I had some carrots again. I love spending some extra time with him.
Wow, body is breaking down sometimes, but I still feel great..it is for the love of the horses. All of you know what I mean.
hugs to all, Sally B
Thank you so much for all the beautiful pics of Z and others. Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!
Darlene Daniels
Dear Sally,
I have no answer for questions, only a reply. I deeply respect and admire all you are doing with these horses. I love your stories about Sir, and feel as if I know him and love him too. God bless you and all of you working and helping with horses.
Love and hugs.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sally B:
They really do have a pecking order don’t they.
When I saw Charlie yesterday, he had a scar on his face midway between his eyes and his nostrils. It was fresh and definitely new. They get into squabbles in the paddock and a lot of the horses get annoyed with Charlie when he’s constantly pulling on their blankets. Doesn’t stop him though.
Glad you’re getting to spend time with Sir. God Bless. Love and Hugs, JB
Bluegrass Girl
Turf Paradise Jockey Scott Stevens nominated for 2014 Woolf MemorialAward
Published on Dec 3, 2013
Scott Stevens began riding in 1976 and has more than 4,200 wins.
This is his third nomination for the George Woolf Memorial Jockey Award.
The award has been presented annually since 1950 recognizing jockeys whose ontrack careers and character are held in high esteem by their peers.
Bluegrass Girl
An excellent article about Gary & Scott Stevens!
It has been truncated to save space–well worth the read.
Canterbury jockey offers brotherly advice: Get back in the saddle
Article by: RACHEL BLOUNT , Star Tribune Updated: June 8, 2013 – 9:35 AM
Gary Stevens will ride today at Belmont, his unretirement guided by sibling Scott, a Canterbury star.
Before he ever picked up the phone, Gary Stevens probably could have predicted the answer he would get. The retired Hall of Fame jockey wanted to talk with his brother Scott, who had been winning races for four decades, about whether he should get back in the saddle after seven years away.
In 2010, Gary had urged Scott not to ride again after a terrible spill at Canterbury Park nearly took his life. Scott’s unquenchable love for horse racing lured him back to the track, and he advised Gary — who ended his career in 2005 because of chronic knee pain — to let his desire guide him.
“I always wanted to emulate whatever he did,’’ Gary said. “He told me, ‘If you’re feeling it, if you want to do this, don’t take that away from yourself.’ ’’
That led Gary to follow his brother into racing again, just as he did more than 35 years ago. Saturday, Gary will ride Oxbow in the Belmont Stakes, three weeks after winning the Preakness in the biggest victory of his five-month-old comeback. Scott will ride four races at Canterbury Park, where he is the second-winningest jockey in the history of the Shakopee track.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear BGG:
Thanks for these articles on GS and his brother. Talent runs in the family. Love and Hugs, JB
Sally Blank (cherish Z for my lifetime)
Stay warm Zenyatta and sweet dreams
lovenkisses on your soft nose and to your two great sons
Auntie Sally B
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Mama Z, COZ, Prince 2 and Baby Z:
Goodnight. Sweet Dreams. Love Ya. Hugs, JB
I love seeing Z and the boys pictures and how they are growing. Keep those pics coming!
Zenny’s biggest fan,
Tammy M.
Hovis has a lot to say about the weather and Mum. He’s also not entirely happy with the new photo, but we get to see the beautiful Foxy.
Good weekend to Sheena in Wales and all Hovis fans in the UK, Europe and the ROTW.
Good morning, Max! Foxy is indeed gorgeous. Hovis, you have good taste! My idea for a good place to relocate would be my yard in Riverside, CA. Also, I’m just an hour away from LA and Hollywood! You could be a star, Hovis!
Happy weekend to you and all Hovis fans. Hi Sheena.
Hugs, Kathy
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Wish I could offer poor Hovis some sort of warm weather retreat. Maybe we should all go on a cruise to a nice, warm, windless place :-) Love the picture despite the perspective that caused him all sorts of grief. Anyone know what a “spanner set” is?
Thanks as always to Sheena via Max for our Friday treat.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Sandy, a spanner set is a set of wrenches — one of those “guy gifts” that women often roll their eyes upon receiving, as they are not fooled into thinking it’s really “for them”, and decidedly unromantic and unfeminine (except for women adept mechanically).
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Well, that would leave me out – LOL! Thanks Vicki!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Thanks again for Hovis’ Diary. Hysterically funny. Foxy, really is. Love and Hugs, JB
JudyB. I might be wrong but Foxy is looking a little distant in that photo. This might be another Awesome Maria-Uncle Mo relationship, where the filly is calling the shots.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Oh, I hope not. Hope Foxy is not a fickle one. Love and Hugs, JB
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Thanks, Max. Hovis is indeed, a unique author.
December 6 Cherokee Devotional
A terrified father found his small son wandering among strangers and scolded him, “I thought I told you to stay in the booth while I paid the check!” His teary reply was, “Daddy, I was trying to , but I don’t know where it is.”
Never assume anything. Don’t assume that someone else understands what you mean or what you have pictured in your mind. Every person perceives differently. What seems to be absolutely clear in my mind may be absolutely clear in your mind, but it is not the same picture. We are unique individuals with sending and receiving ability in our heads. If we seem to communicate on most things, it is a miracle. Simple things that most of us take for granted can be staggering to others. We assume too much, ask too much, and don’t take into account that everyone is not on the same wavelength. We need to remember this when we expect perfect performance.
It has been our wish to live here peaceably.
-Spotted Tail, Sioux
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Kathy:
Wonderful. Thank you. Love and Hugs, JB
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Hovis–we do so love you. I f it’s any consolation, I don’t think you’d like our current weather here in Texas any better. Hugs to you, Mum, and various Aunties.
P.S. And yes, I was one of those who thought the camera angle was less than flattering, but I wasn’t rude.
Dear Kathy Excellent advice from the Native Americans. Hovis would love to live with you!!!we’ll have to arrange some winter lodgings.Crisp.P.Bacon is catching up with Ray,voting closes at noon though, that’s 5pm over here.Joey just melts my heart when he’s sleeping,has done all his checks before their storm!!Hugs to you,Kisses for the puppy pack. Sheena
Dear Sheena,
I would love for Hovis to live here, too! I’m sure Crisp P. Bacon is very charming, but I’m rooting for Ray.
Stay warm and cozy! Hugs from me, kisses from The Pack. Kathy
Dear Max Diolch yn Calon.Poor Hovis and the continuing bad weather ,hope he survived last night heard it was bad in Boston Lincolnshire,some good weather forecasts and preparation prevented any losses of life although 2 people died further north.The Scots are a tough bunch am sure you know what they think of us south of the border!!Moosie’s wearing “the hood of shame” maybe it’ll help him to concentrate on RUNNING, says he’s going to look like batman.Thanks to Sandy I had already seen the Beautiful Foxy. byddwych yn cael dydd gwener hapus Sheena
Ann NC
Keep us up to date on, Moosie. Maybe he should call it a thinking cap! Run, Moosie, Run.
Hoping he can pull it all together.
Thanks, Sheena. Hope we can see this Batman look…hint, hint, Max?!!!
Sheena and Ann NC. He was wearing blinkers in the last race. This must be something like what Noble Mission, Frankel’s brother, wears. It does look like Batman. It’s used to help a horse keep his mind on the job at hand. Moosie says that he will be Mad Batman! Run Mad Batman run!
Nicki Boyd-Clouston1
A “spanner set” in Brit-sprak for a wrench set her in North Amarica. Same as “torch” for flashlight & “car-boot” for trunk. They have lots of funny word differences than us.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Thanks Nicki – NEVER would have guessed that one! (I did know “torch” and “boot” :-)
Dear Sandy Is a set of spanners!!! Don’t you have them in the US? Hugs Sheena
Sheena. They are called wrenches in this part of the ROTW.
Bluegrass Girl
Remembering Nelson Mandela in his own words:
For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way
that respects and enhances the freedom of others.
judy berube from Rhode Island
RIP NM. Hugs, JB
Dear Max We in the centre of the world sometimes call them wrenches too but is usually spanners.Hope Karen enjoys her Christmas gift of a pair of wellies from hubby!!hugs Sheena
Sheena. I know what wellies are from The Queen. She wears them at Balmoral and Sandringham to see her horses. The Brits make the best ones.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
I just now figured out there’s a new Blog posted yesterday! Slow today and yesterday!
sue and tony
How did we miss these pictures? Alys has a gift with that camera! Zenny is still the most magnificient horse ever and the new photos of our red prince show how he is growing into a fine young colt. We nevr tire of seeing pictures of our Queen and her family…these in particular are stunning.
It warms my heart to see Zenny with her old pal Life is Sweet