Dear Friends,
I’m so excited and could not wait to share the news with you! MY DEAR ZELLDA had a beautiful colt by JUSTIFY on April 19th at 6:10 pm. Per Todd, “he is chestnut in color, leggy and weighed in at 107 pounds.”

I’m delighted to let you know both Mom and Foal are doing very well. From all reports, Zellda is an excellent Mother!

I must say, I adore watching newborn foals running and playing outside with their Moms! They are TOO CUTE as they learn to romp about, stretch their bodies and discover the ‘exciting’ places their legs can take them. After a few hours of playtime, it seems like a light bulb goes on and they suddenly realize how ‘quickly’ they can travel to all parts of the paddock. Oh Zellda, have fun! Looks like he loves to run and play!

Sandy Frey
Congratulations to Zelda and all Zenyatta connections! Such exciting news and appreciate it being shared! Lovely photos by Mathea Kelley and Todd Claunch! Cheers to a new generation!
❤Auntie Judy (Southern California)❤️
Yes, Lane’s End.
Perfect. I was hoping we’d all get updates on Zellda.
Is she at the same farm as Zenyatta?
Julie Muzzall
❤️🌻💕Thanks for the photos and happy news!
Awwww, so sweet! Zenyatta is a grandma!
Baby is beautiful❤️
Congratulations to Mama Zelda and Grandma Zenyatta and all of their people.
Susan Bathija
Congratulations grandma and mama Zelda. He’s so beautiful
Congratulations! Zellda looks gorgeous! And a handsome little man!
Colleen Robbins
How is Zellda’s yearling colt by twirling Candy doing? This little Justify boy is perfect! Love that Zellda enjoys her job and broodmare and that she has inherited Zenyatta’s nurturing behavior.
Congratulations and thank you for sharing!! He’s a handsome boy!
Janet Lauer
Congratulations, gorgeous colt!
Mary Anna Savage
Congratulations on such a fine new arrival.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Z, Zellda and Family,
Congrats on the new member of the tribe!! Zellda looks great(like Mama Z), and the Justify colt (24 Zellda?) is just beautiful, and spunky, too.
Thanks to Alys for the video, and thanks for the lovely photos from Mathea and Todd. So exciting!! Love the view with mamas and babies in the pasture — so serene. Ahhhh, it calms the soul in this chaotic world.
Best wishes to them for long, happy and healthy lives!
Hugs and Love 💕
Oh Zellda you have a beautiful baby boy. Thank you Lanes End for all the lovely photos.
A prince of a colt.
Health and happiness to all at The farm.
Sandy (northeast Ohio)
Dear Zenny,
How exciting for you to be a grandmother!! I remember meeting Zellda when she was just a young thing in Florida – hard to believe that she’s a mom now like you!!! He is adorable of course. Thanks for sharing these great pictures❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Lori Stein
What a beautiful colt! Congratulations! Zellda looks wonderful and thank you for sharing these photos 💗
Gorgeous baby, his daddy has stamped him and his legs go forever!
Congratulations Zelda, your baby boy is beautiful. Zenyatta you are a Grandmother. I have a feeling you are going to spoil that little boy. Thank you Lanes End for the update, and for the wonderful care you give all your fur babies.
❤Auntie Judy (Southern California)❤️
Bless you momma Zellda 🙏 Happy 1st Mother’s day❣️
HugZ and kisses 😘
Zenyatta and Zellda are so much alike. Beautiful mares and loving mothers. What a handsome colt!
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL, NYM, DC and Team Z:
Z, congrats to you, ZELLDA and all connections on welcoming another beautiful family member. He’s just adorable.
Thinking of ZELLDA’S. yearling colt by Twirling Candy and Nymue too. They must be just beautiful also.
Thank you for the lovely photos and video.
Love and Hugs, JB
Congratulations Zellda! Beautiful colt!
Patricia Beck
Oh Zellda! What a darling boy you have!
Cynthia Holt
This is wonderful wonderful, wonderful! Zellda’s royal Prince is the image of Justify! He is absolutely gorgeous! Congratulations, petite Princess! His Grand-mare must be bursting her bridle with pride!
Lisa Galliath
Happy News. Congrats to all.
What a grand looking colt. Congrats to Zelda and granny Zenyatta. With Justify and Zenny, this guy should run like the wind and run forever.
Good health to him and Zelda.
Thanks for the wonderful photos and video.
Awwww, CONGRATULATIONS! How exciting. We applaud the proud Mama and Grandma and ALL the connections! What a STELLAR pedigree!
Hugs and we will be WATCHING!
Always look behind the stick that stirs. You will not find the promoter, the wild card, the puff of wind, but you will find the mother who was the guiding light.
This mother is not a figurehead and not someone who exploits her children to be years older than their emotional makeup. She does not threaten nor does she have to consider it. Her children respect her standards and make them their own.
She is not always a beautiful woman-but a lovely one whose life is not a fad or a trendy excursion, but a journey that is memorable to many.
The ground on which we stand is sacred ground. It is the dust and blood of our ancestors.
Crow Chief
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL, NYM and DC:
Goodnight and Happy Dreams. Love You. Hugs, JB🥰🏇🏻🏇🏻❤️
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
Good to see a post from you.
Have a good week!
💖 🏇 💖
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
Love and Hugs, JB❤️
Sally Blank
CONGRATULATIONS Z, and to your ZELLDA and her adorable colt!! I am thrilled for you knowing all is well!! To all your connections I thank you so much for sharing them with us.
Love you Z with kisses and to all your foals
Auntie Sally B
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL, NYM and DC:
Have a peaceful evening. Stay comfy and cozy. Love You. Hugs, JB🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺