We’re proud to announce that Zenyatta’s 2017 filly by Medaglia d’Oro offically has a name! Ann and Jerry have named her Zellda, with an extra L for good luck!
Zellda is completing her early training at Mayberry Farm in Ocala, FL. The Mayberrys report that she is feisty and loves to be out front.
Judy Berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL and DC:
Have a lovely day. Love and Hugs, JB
Donna Z
Winx is absolutely amazing !!! Congratulations, Supermare!
I just found out that Songbird will be bred to Ziconic’s dad, Tapit this year.
Sheena Davies
An eight-timer for Paul Nicholls today.Many congratulations.
Sheena Davies
A fine win for Hard not to Love trained by John and she is a one-eyed filly.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Big Congratulations to Hard Not To Love and to John Shirreffs!!
Also, congrats to all the connections. Very happy for the filly and for Z’s John, too. ?
Thanks for posting this, Sheena.
Hugs and Love
Linda Edwards
Congratulations to John Shirreffs and Hard Not to Love.
All the best with future races.
Love to all,
Sheena Davies
Already morning in Australia the supermare Winx enjoys the sunshine.She looks magnificent.
Dear Judy.So good to have racing back today.Yes,mini-mother is fine a bit muddy As Hovis said she would have been safe with him.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
I too would love to know about Ziconic. I was quite fond of him. Love you Zenyatta! Also much love to Winx and her peeps. Another Street Cry phenom!
Sheena Davies
A 7th consecutive win for the World’s best miler Beauty Generation at Sha Tin earlier today.I had hoped he might come to RA but he is unlikely to be campaigned internationally this season.Love the pink headgear.
Sheena Davies
Hovis still thinks Stanley is a total poof and he glares manfully at him but is’nt Stanley cute!
Ann NC
Yes, Stanley is very handsome and Mini Mom has stolen my heart! They are precious together!!! ❤️❤️? Thanks for keeping us up to date on their progress. Hey Zenny and Zelda… study hard!!
Judy Berube
Dear Sheena:
I agree with our Ann; Stanley and Mini Mother are adorable together. I think Hovis misses Mini Mother’s attention; Stanley’s competition. Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM and all the Sweetiesj
Judy Berube
Dear Z Fans:
These little darlings will make you smile. Such special beings. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
Thanks for posting this link. Yes, smiles aplenty! Who wouldn’t be happier with these little beauties present? Kudos to the nursing home owner, to the wonderful mini-horse group and the lovely sweet horses themselves.
Hugs and Love
Ann NC
Thanks, Judy B.
Agree with our Marshall. Kudos to the owner and those sweet minis.
Love and Hugs!
Sheena Davies
Congratulations to Frankel who became a grandfather recently.A filly out of WordsaPlenty by Tango fire she is the first of many.
Dear Judy.I wonder what will happen when Hovis is allowed out??Good news about Frankel.Where have the years gone.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
Judy Berube
Dear Sheena:
Congrats to Grandpapa Frankel, the little filly and her mom and dad.
Hoping Hovis will continue to do well and enjoy some paddock time soon. Love and Hugs, JB
Sheena Davies
Dear Judy.Such a sweet video of the mini-horses visiting the elderly in care homes.Animals should always be part of our lives.They can bring such comfort.Love and hugs.
Judy Berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL and DC:
Goodnight and Happy Dreams. Love You, Hugs, JB
Sheena Davies
To mark the 30th anniversary of the birth of the blue hen that is Urban Sea.RIP lovely Lady.You were simply the best.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sheena,
Thanks for posting this article. Urban Sea, a blue hen indeed — she has proved an amazing broodmare. Remarkable!
RIP Urban Sea and thank you, beautiful girl. You are with us still.
Hugs and Love
Just wondering if you all had a farm or owner that you want so badly to get a Derby? My top choice is Ken and Sara Ramsey. Would love to see them win with a Kitten’s Joy who likes the dirt.
Anybody else have a favorite they are pulling for every year?
Sheena Davies
The Cheltenham festival for me I’m afraid.A jumps girl nearly all my life.Hope you pick the winner though.
Sheena Davies
Nicky’s big guns were out today.Loved his quote about Winx never getting beat!
Dear Judy.The 8th anniversary of Hovis’ FB today and Chromie’s birthday.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
Sheena Davies
Lovely to see Sprinter Sacre in his new home and his humans have set up an FB page for him.He looks fabulous!
Pati- UK Junior/Senior and Pocket Aces Intern
Hi Z Family!
Wow, it’s been a while since I’ve been here but I’m thrilled that Zellda has a name and is in training. The gamer in me is COMPLETELY jazzed with the name because Zelda (the character) is a kick-butt lady!
The Kentucky Oaks Survivor Parade has accepted my mom’s nomination for the 2019 walk! It would mean the world and back again if you good folks could help me honor my mom on her 10th year of being breast cancer free! This link: https://survivors.kentuckyderby.com/survivors/3476 goes straight to her page for the voting. I know you can vote once a day, so if you’ve got another favorite in the running for a spot, you can vote for both if you’re so inclined.
This link: https://thecasualgalloper.com/2019/02/19/my-mom-the-survivor/ goes to my blog. It gives a short synopsis of our family story and of her fight. My mom is the most amazing woman I’ve ever had the great fortune of knowing and I’d love to give her something she’ll remember for the rest of her life.
Thank you everyone! I’m glad to see many familiar names are still posting. I’m primarily active on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram but I try to pop in and read the posts.
Side note: if you can, cheer for Pocket Aces horses. They are on all social media platforms and I’m their intern, so you’ll see many of my pictures and what not. I foresee a fantastic year for them! We even have Cowboy Diplomacy, the full-brother to Monomoy Girl! :D
Sheena Davies
Dear Pati.Good to see a post from you.Lovely to read about your mum and how she has conquered cancer.I wish her luck in the Kentucky Oaks survivors parade.God bless.
Sheena Davies
A fantastic piece about the man who cares for a King.Rob and ‘Bobby’
Lou Naylor
Could Team Zenyatta explain how Ann and Jerry came up with the name Zellda? I get the “Z”.for Zenyatta. Just would be interesting to hear how they came up with that name. Can’t wait to see more pictures and videos of her sure looks
like her Mom!
Where is Ziconic and what does the future hold for him?
Thanks Team Z for keeping us updated.
Sheena Davies
Just read this on twitter.Shameful.
Marshall (NC Broad)
There is a place in hell reserved for those who continue to do atrocities such as this.
I will never understand how anyone can be so cruel. They deceived many and treated the horses horribly.
Bless the innocents and those who did not give up the fight to save them by bringing these criminals to justice. I hope the punishment for the guilty is severe.
Thanks to the true rescuers. Long happy lives to the survivors of this nightmare.
On a better note. Happy Birthday to the unforgettable great Wise Dan!
Sheena Davies
Happy Birthday Dan.Miss you at the races.Have a fun dayX
Judy Berube
Dear Shirlee:
Unforgettable indeed; The Most Interesting Horse In The World! Happy Birthday Dan. Love and Hugs, JB
Sheena Davies
A nice win for Laurina ahead of her Champion Hurdle bid.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sheena,
Congratulations to Laurina and connections! All the best to her — safe and sound racing.
? ? HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU ? ? Best wishes always to the matchless Wise Dan! Hope you and Successful Dan get lots of special goodies to celebrate your birthday, handsome Dan. Love you forever!
Hugs and Love
Ann NC
Happy Birthday Champ! Love to you and your brother. How wonderful for the two of you to be together! ???kisses and hugs
Rosemary McCauley
I had a Quarter Horse filly that I showed at halter. I named her Zelda (one l) because it had a personal meaning to me and I liked it. Can’t say how the connections chose the name, but likely it has meaning to them as well, or they just liked it.
Andrea Kave
So glad to see these photos of Zellda, she is a beauty. Best of luck in your training and
on the track. Mama Z will be cheering for you.
Sheena Davies
As Cheltenham approaches we look back on Istabraq’s 3 Champion Hurdle wins and how John Durcan never lived to see his beloved horse even win the first of them.Now approaching 27 Istabraq enjoys life with his friend Binocular.
On this day in 1967 Triple Crown winner Nijinsky was born.A great favourite of my father’s he developed ringworm and lost his last 2 races although Piggott was heavily criticised for his ride in the Arc when Sassafras won.Nijinsky turned out to be an exceptional sire but racing fans will always remember those heady days in 1970 when Nijinsky became our last Triple Crown winner.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sheena,
Enjoyed the article about Istabraq, Mr. Durkan and Charlie Swan. What a wonderful horse!
Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for posting the article about Hard Not To Love and JS, too. Wishing them nothing but good things and safe racing, always. Godspeed HNTL!
Hugs and Love
Judy Berube
Dear Sheena:
Thanks for this. So glad Isty and his Bud, Binocular are enjoying life. Special boy, Nijinksy; RIP. Love and Hugs, JB
Sheena Davies
John talks about his one eyed filly Hard not to Love and Abel Tasman will be covered by Galileo.Not to everyone’s liking hmm?
Judy Berube
Dear Sheena:
Thanks for this article and video of Hard Not To Love and JS. God Bless this beautiful, brave girl. She won impressively. Previous problems with the starting gate made me think of Ebby. Like how they worked her Dad (Hard Spun) and her Mom (Loving Vindication) into her name. Godspeed Beauty in your next endeavor.
Abel T. and Galileo; royal pedigree for that potential foal! Love and Hugs, JB
Sheena Davies
Karen has gone mum-bye mini-mother’s in charge the bovine has been introduced to stressage such fun! and Hovis continues to tease us!His hoof is healing nicely though.
So glad Hovis is healing. He and Stanley seem to be quite a team. After all isn’t teasing what all big brothers do? Thanks for updating us, Sheena.
Sheena Davies
Silver Charm’s party is taking place right now.Happy Birthday darlingX
Marshall (NC Broad)
Wishing Silver Charm a most Happy Birthday!
Certainly hope he enjoys his cake and treats on this wonderful day.
Charm looks well and happy — enjoy your birthday, handsome boy!
Hugs and Love
Roberta Gonzalez
I don’t understand with so many people pleading for news of Ziconic that there is no response. I believe Ann knows we love Zenyatta and her babies. Can someone get word to her about how long we have been asking for information on him, and if she can please help us. We just want to know how he is, and the plans for his future. We would love to see him happy like Coz. Please someone answer us, please!!!!!!!
Judy Berube
Dear Sheena:
Happy Belated Birthday to our Danny and to Silver Charm. Good report on Hovis; continued healing prayers. Stanley is learning stressage; tooooo cute! Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM and all the Sweeties
Judy Berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL and DC:
Have a restful evening and Happy Dreams. Love You. Hugs, JB
Sally Blank
I LOVE you Zenyatta and I am thrilled for Zellda’s future.
Miss you and love you and all your foals
Auntie Sally BG