We’re proud to announce that Zenyatta’s 2017 filly by Medaglia d’Oro offically has a name! Ann and Jerry have named her Zellda, with an extra L for good luck!
Zellda is completing her early training at Mayberry Farm in Ocala, FL. The Mayberrys report that she is feisty and loves to be out front.
Barbara Brayton
Looking good, Ms Zellda!
Wendy O
Zelda was my great-grandmother’s name. She was a feisty novelist, survivor, and a true dame! May you do her proud, young lady!
Beautiful Girl! Acts really smart. Love her ears.
Catherine Simmons
Jan S / Houston
Lovely Zellda!
Jan S. / Houston
Lovely Zellda!
Zellda is a beautiful name for a beautiful girl. May the Equine Gods be kind to her and keep her in their arms.
Thank you, Team Z, for keeping all of us included in this life that is Zenyatta.
Marilyn Braudrick
Thanks so much for the info and photos!! She sure is adorable!!
Jeanie Martin
Thank you for letting us know her name and for sharing the videos. I certainly love the “feisty” part. She has certainly filled out since the last video. Wishing her all the best! Stay healthy and safe, Zellda.
Sheena Davies
Zellda is certainly a fiesty girl.Great to have news about her and to hear she doing so well at the Mayberry’s.Good luck sweetheart in your racing career.Love and hugs.
Such a beauty! She does her mama proud!
Diane Martin
I love the name, very fitting for the daughter of our Queen.
It is exciting to hear and see her progress. Prayers that she stays safe and finds joy on the track. Congrats to all❤️
deana dameron
WOW, she has a lot of similarities to her Mama, the great Zenyatta. She is fiesty, shares her white feet +1, and their builds are very similar at that age. Of course her ears stand out as a sweet family trait, moving to navigate her way. She seems happy on the track and that is good to see. All in all she looks good. As long as she is happy and healthy and likes what she is doing is most important overall. I am sure John, Dottie, Mario and Carmen are anxious to welcome her to Santa Anita.
Sheena Davies
Sad news about this blue hen Lisa Danielle.RIP sweetheart.
Dear Sheena,
We are never ready to give them up! RIP Lisa Danielle. You were so beautiful! Run with the angels…
Marshall (NC Broad)
This makes us all very sad. What a beautiful mare. So sorry this injury has taken her away, brave girl. Many thanks to her for the gifts she gave, especially Wise Dan and Successful Dan. RIP Lisa Danielle and sincere condolences to the Finks, LoPrestis and all those who cared for her.
Hugs and Love
Judy Berube
RIP. Love and Hugs, JB
RIP sweet momma. She was loved and well cared for and injured herself being a horse. She will be remembered in her two Dans.
Zellda is just lovely and yes, we all saw and appreciated her feistiness! She definitely has that “poetry in motion” movement!
Mary Darden McLeod
Zellda, I have met you twice!!! Bon chance as you learn your lessons with the Mayberrys. I hope you listened to the lessons of your dear Mother, Our Queen. We have your back. Little Girl! Love your name, Mary in Boone
Sheena Davies
Dear Judy.Good to have news about Zellda.Very stormy night and we get racing from Naas tomorrow.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
judith Berube
Dear Sheena:
Yes, she a spunky little thing. God Bless her. Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM and all the Sweeties
judith Berube
Dear Team Z:
Thank you so much for this update on the beautiful Zellda. She seems to be enjoying training. Godspeed sweet girl. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Big hugs and bunches of thanks to Team Z and Mayberry Farm for these wonderful videos and the update on 17Z who is officially “Zellda” now. Love that the extra “L” in her name is for good luck!
Best Wishes to you, Zellda! May you be happy and healthy in all you do, sweet girl. :-)
Hugs and Love
Judy Berube
Dear Marshall:
I read your post after I posted my goodnight to Z and the kids. It’s amazing how often you and I use the same words to express our shared love of Z and her babes. Like minds. ?Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
Yes, that often happens. We are on the same wavelength a lot of the time!
<3 <3 :-)
I am having an issue accessing my emojis/symbols option — suddenly and for no reason that I can figure, clicking on "Edit" at the top and then on "emojis/symbols" doesn't work tonight. Arrrgh, computers like to mess with your mind!
Hugs and Love
Marshall (NC Broad)
Hi and this is a test ? ?
And now, it’s back to normal!!
Go figure. Techno indigestion, maybe?
Goodnight and sweet dreams Zenny and all your family. ❤️
Hugs and Love
judith Berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL and DC:
Goodnight; Love and Big Hugs, JB
Ingrid Arnone
Team Z
I just love her name is so perfect for her.
Zellda, like the princess Zelda, a princess name for an adorable filly.
Good luck our adorable you.
Big hugs, bless you, Ingrid.
Leslie R.
Zellda is a lovely name for a beautiful filly. I hope the extra L brings a lot of good luck! Thanks Team Z for the update and the vids!
Hugs to all,
Rebecca Magnuson
She is so pretty. Zella looks like her mother a lot.
Sheena Davies
Wishing our dear friend Marshall a very Happy Birthday today and a wonderful year ahead.Have a lovely day.Love and hugs SheenaXO
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Happy Birthday Marshall!!! ???. I can’t believe that I know FOUR people who have a Birthday today (so I’m running a little behind). Hope you have a great day complete with CAKE! ??❤️
Judy Berube
My Dear Marshall:
Wishing you a Very Happy Birthday. Love and Hugs, JB
Sheena, thanks for reminding us. Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Happy Birthday sweet neighbor!!❤️??
Thank you, Thank you Team Z for the info and video of our little princess. She is beautiful! Seems to have some of mom’s spirit and a lot of her ears. Good health and happiness to her. Many people are watching her progress with love.
Happy Birthday, Marshall.
Sheena Davies
This young Lady returns next week going for her 30th consecutive win.
Judy Berube
Godspeed beautiful Winx! Love and Hugs, JB
Great stuff! I really hope she will be a winner. Can’t wait to see her on the track. Thank you for posting. She looks like she’s rarin’ to go!
Thank you very much for this wonderful blog post with the new photos and videos of our beautiful princess Zellda! She is definitely a beautiful filly and I know she is getting a great foundation there at Mayberry’s. With deep appreciation of your generosity in sharing Zenyatta and her family, I am grateful.
You’re one handsome filly, Miss Zellda!