Zenyatta’s 2017 Medaglia d’Oro filly is settled in at Mayberry Farm. Like her mother and two older brothers before her, she’s in early training under Jeanne Mayberry in Ocala, Florida.

Jeanne reports that she’s doing well in her lessons and spending afternoons in the pasture with a girlfriend that she traveled with from Lane’s End.
Below, 17Z leads the pack during their first ride in the field.
It appears Zandora is already taken.
Baby names Zathena / Zarella.
Baby names Zathena / Zarella
Donna Z
Thank you so much for the photos and video of Z17! I just love this filly! Momma, Z, I am sure that you are very proud of your little girl.
I wish I could travel to FL to see her. My best friend lives in FL not very far from the Mayberrys’ and I would visit both her & Z17 on the same trip if I was able to go.
Good luck Z17 as you continue your training to follow in mom’s footsteps.
Patricia Beck
Great looking girl, a bit porky yet (love it!). Can’t wait to see more. Love you always Z and all your beautiful babies here and no longer with us.
Judy Berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, BBG and DC:
Stay comfy and cozy. Goodnight and Happy Dreams. Love You. Hugs, JB
I call her Dottie
Ann NC
Thanks so much. What a sweet treat!
Good luck baby girl. Praying for a safe and sound journey.
Luv ya!
Thank you for giving us these photos and video glimpse into the start of Zenyatta filly’s new life as a race horse. Wonderful to see that she is with the Mayberry team and I’m sure she will blossom in their very capable hands. Can’t wait for more as she progresses. Thanks so much!!
sue werner
Wonderful news!
sue werner
Wonderful news! I am happy to follow her progress.
Linda Mann
I wonder how she compares to her mom at this stage of training. Seems like Z was a real handful once she started working on the track, but maybe not so much at this stage.
Wishing Lester a speedy recovery
Thank you so much for the info on the filly !!!! I’ve been anxiously waiting. Is she anything like her mother?
love to all
Donna Heim
So great to see our girl! She looks like she will be real feisty like her much loved mom.
Thanks for the post.
Thank you for sharing!
Thank you so much. It is wonderful to see Z17. She is beautiful!
she sure has mama’s ears!!!
Elsie Martus
Thank you for the updates . It’s good to Finally get a look at this young gal . Hope you continue to share her progress .
Huge congratulations to our darling girl Enable and her owner Prince Khalid.List of winners in link.Well done to allX
Marshall (NC Broad)
Yay! Thanks for the post, Sheena.
Congratulations to the brilliant Enable and to all ROA winners! Exceedingly well done.
Hugs and Love
Constance Schuble
Royally bred! I hope she has more success on the track than her brothers and runs like her mama!!!!!!
Roberta Gonzalez
So glad to hear about the filly, but please someone let use know about Ziconic, PLEASE! We love him, and haven’t heard anything for so long. Where is he? How is he? Is he returning to racing, or is he going to charge careers, and be happy like his brother? He would be a beautiful dressage horse (he already knows how to dance) or a three day eventer. Maybe his destiny is to win gold for America!! PLEASE let us know about him; we are worried!!!!!!
As others have said, Zen d’Oro would be a perfect name. Of course, Adored One might be good because she sure is.
Good health and happiness to big bro, Zinconic. We need a spy in Jerry’s camp!
A Rags to Riches filly Stratification makes her debut at Kempton next week.She is by Australia and Rags is back in the US in foal to none other than the mighty Curlin.The filly is trained by John Gosden.
I didn’t know our Rags was back….always happy to hear our champions are back in the US. In foal to Curlin….? I hope she has a filly that carries on with Mama’s grit and I secretly hope she whoops on one of Curlin’s sons! What a Belmont race she ran!
The day Rags to Riches beat Curlin.
I am so glad Z17 is doing so well. I love the name Zen d’Oro, I hope she gets a name like that. I can’t wait to hear what they name her. She reminds me so much of Zenyatta.
Dear Judy.Thinking of you.Poor Hovis had more pus filled hives.Poor boy is obviously allergic to his mum!!!He is better though.Take care.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
how about Zen your sock off
she is cute and frisky.
On this day in 1980 John Lennon was murdered in New York.We always remember.The Beatles were a part of my youth.RIP