Zenyatta’s 2017 Medaglia d’Oro filly is settled in at Mayberry Farm. Like her mother and two older brothers before her, she’s in early training under Jeanne Mayberry in Ocala, Florida.

Jeanne reports that she’s doing well in her lessons and spending afternoons in the pasture with a girlfriend that she traveled with from Lane’s End.
Below, 17Z leads the pack during their first ride in the field.
Hatton's Ghost
So thrilled to see this. Thank you! May her career be a safe and a happy one. I am moved to tears, although I don’ know why. Perhaps remembering all of those who shared the joy of Zenyatta’s magic, who are no longer with us. The story continues. ♥︎
Janet Squire
Rebecca B
When are they going to name her?? I think Zen d’Oro would be pretty.
Catherine Wells
I love that name, it’s perfect. Zen d’Oro!
They have tried to name her twice but only submitted one name both times. They both were rejected due to being to close to another name already in use. They tried Gizele and Izabella
T Curry
Would you know where Ziconic is?
Thank you, Thank you and thank you for the news, photos and video of our little girl. She seems quite headstrong but willing. Has mom’s ears. May she share the good fortune and talent of some of the other MdO girls.
Loyal Zenyatta Supporter
What a nice Christmas surprise, thanks Team Z! She looks amazing and so beautiful having Mom’s famous ears of course. So far so good. Please continue to give frequent updates.
Many thanks for the update. Zen d’Oro is the name I have long thought should be given to the filly. Good wishes for many successes in the future.
Wendy Treadaway
Miss Sassy Pants! She looks great. Thanks for the pics.
Shannon From Cool
Looking forward to watching her progress.
Trina Garrity
Thank you for the post… I love that we get a chance to see how things are going
for our Queen Z as well as the babies! Thanks for the Christmas gift of the pics and video.
Delrene from Carlsbad, Ca
She is so very pretty! Thank you so much for this update on Z’s filly. And I do love the sound of Zen D’Oro.
She looks like she is enjoying her training.
Wow she is beautiful. Those ears, just like her Mom’s. Of course she is leading the pack, she is Zenyatta’s baby girl. Thank’s so much for the pictures and update.
Darlene Daniels
Thank you Team Z! She is beautiful!
Z17 is a beautiful filly.Lovely photos.Thank you Team Z Love and hugs.
Rita Pierce
So glad to see Z17 she is not as dark as her Mom but has her ears as all can see. Her color is kind of between Dad and Mom. I hope she will be the one to be great like Zen. If not that is okay too. Will always love Zen and all the family. Thanks for the early Christmas present. Please keep us up on her progress!!
Sandi Zarzycki
She looks a lot like Zenyatta!
T Curry
Thank you for this gift!

God she’s gorgeous!
Awaiting her name. Wonder when her career begins??
Zen d’Oro what a great name.
Sending all my love to this little ‘sassy pants’ girl
The best always have a little more spice to their personality!
Wishing Zen d’Oro the best of luck in her career (s)
Ann Adam
I love her energy saving economy in her step! Now awaiting to see her length of running stride.
Sandra J
They should name her “Zensational”!
Just sayin….
Great update! Can’t wait to see her on the track!!
Barbie Taylor
Thank you so much for posting the video and new picture of 17Z. What a precious gift! I have been wondering so much about her and I am so glad to see she has a spunky personality. Calling her “Sassy Pants” seems appropriate as she appears to have a lot of pep in her step. She’s a real beauty for sure. Can’t wait to see what they name her. Something with a “Z” in it for sure after beloved Zenyatta.
Carol Rose
What a little beauty like her Mom! Thanks for the video and update.
The Kennedys in San Diego
She is beautiful! Wonderful to see her progressing in training. Thank you for the update. Look forward to hearing more about her adventures on the track.
Judy Berube
Dear Team Z:
Thanks for this update on Z17. She’s a beautiful, spunky little girl. Still got some growing to do. Love those fabulous ears. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube
Dear Sheena:
Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM and all the Sweeties
Wonderful to see our little GoldZen one in action!
Thank you all so much. Its wonderful to see this beautiful filly, so full of life. Those ears!! Gotta love um. Is our Z in foal this time? Thank you again.
Mary M
She is cute! Looks like she has a tiny bit of Attitude, lol.
She is beautiful. More baby names Zendora / Zandora.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Team Z,
Thanks so much for this 17Z update — love the photos and the video, too! Looks as though she is enjoying Mayberry. Glad she has a girlfriend to pal around with. ?
She is a spicy little beauty — they both certainly look content. Stay safe beautiful girl!
Hugs and Love