Hello fans,
It’s the beginning of an exciting month on Zenyatta.com! We’re in the midst of preparations for our third annual Zenyatta.com Celebration. Mark your calendars for Breeders’ Cup Weekend. Details will be announced throughout the month.
Leading up to this event we’ll be remembering important dates in Zenyatta’s career. The first is October 2, 2010. Five years ago today Zenyatta scored her 19th consecutive win with her victory in the Lady’s Secret Stakes at Hollywood Park. Watch the race again here and head over to the career section for more details about this milestone in Zenyatta’s life.
Team Z
Dear Carol and Family my deepest condolences. Thanks for the encouragement everyone. I find it almost impossible to root for any one horse in Breeders Cup. Love AP but Beholder tugs at my heart. The weather here is gorgeous. Warmer today than the weekend. Terrible accident Sunday down the road from my house. Some fool dressed in black riding a black horse on the side of the road was hit by a truck. The horse was killed instantly thank God he didn’t suffer and the rider was injured. He was sixteen. They left the horse on the side of the road until this morning. Dreadful.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Vicki,
What an awful accident. Obviously, it shouldn’t have happened — if only the rider had used common sense. I feel so bad that an innocent creature had to pay the ultimate price for a teenager’s stupidity. And then to leave the poor soul on the roadside for two days, how unfeeling can someone be?
Hope you feel better with each passing day. Bless you!
Hugs and Love
Dear Vicki. Such sad news.Hope you are feeling better.It’s a lot milder with us today.Hugs Sheena.
Wonderful scenes at Brighton today when Megalala recorded his 8th win there.Not unusual you may think but he will be 15 in January!All the 3yr olds should learn and listen.Hugs Sheena.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sheena,
Megalala is almost 15!! Wow, what a great horse he is! Big congratulations to him and his peeps. What an impressive accomplishment.
Hugs and Love
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Wow, congrats to Megalala. Love and Hugs, JB
Cheryl in Bellflower
Q for John: Would you be kind enough-we know you are one really busy guy-to give us an update on the height/weight of Zi?? I’m sure he has really grown since the last update.
Also, I’m with everyone here in saying a HUGE thanks for all the info we DO get. It is a caring thing to do for Zenny’s fans !!!
Dear Judy.Yes you were quite correct it was Carson’s wedding.Bride looked lovely.Oh,Willow looks marvellous now.Hovis has got posh tootsies now after CNSM paid a visit.It certainly looks as if GH will come out to the US for his last race(on the turf).Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Cap Hercules Frank Bentley and all the sweeties.Love and hugs.SheenaX
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Wishing GH a safe and healthy trip if he comes to the BC. Glad Hovis has posh tootsies; wishing the same for Bentley. Yes, Willow is just gorgeous. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Her, Frank, Bentley and all the Sweeties
Sue Noel in Sun Valley,ID
@ Carol in Arkansas–I was SO shocked and sorry to read that you had lost your hubby!! We had all been following his progress as he has worked his way through all of the health issues, and the trauma of the move. Just so awful for you–know that we all love you and are here for you whenever you want to talk with us!
I want to thank all who sent birthday wishes for me, by blog and email–Sheena even sent an E-card from Wales!! Barnaby will be so impressed when I tell; him.
You won’t believe this, but Barnaby, with a little help from one of his loving Aunties, even sent me a birthday card!! Pretty wonderful!! A belated Happy Birthday to Anne from Paramount too–love sharing a birthday with you!!
My birthday just keeps going on–still got two presents today!!Have been blessed with cards,calls from far-flung friends,candy,flowers,lottery tickets,balloons, movie passes,movie dates,meals out, and lots of well wishes from customers. I feel SO blessed by all of this largesse and attention–I am a lucky “girl” for being 77!!
I’ve been so behind on posting as work has been really busy–and– I’ve been dealing with a disaster occurring on Labor Day weekend! I had been experiencing mysterious drips into my condo for several months–just occasionally. The Friday night of the holiday weekend,water started pouring into my unit from 5 places. It was a nightmare–I was up all that night emptying wastebaskets of HOT water ,as the “emergency” plumber did not arrive for almost 12 hours!! Whata mess!! The hot water heater in the empty unit above mine had finally completely given out/ It is all dried out now and the ceiling will be patched on the 16th. Luckily, I don’t have to pay for any of it–but, it surely has been a hassle!
Of course, next to all of the REAl prolems in the world right now–it’s really no big deal.We still, the cats and I, have a roof over our heads–it hasn’t been bombed or flooded out, Don’t know if I have shared that I have, not one, but TWO, beautiful new kittens, now about 5 months old. They are twin sisters, tabbies with white “bibs”, white “mittens”, and white “socks” on their back legs. They are SO smart and SO funny–they are just endlessly entertaining!! Their names are Sarah Nicole and Stella Marie, usually just called Sarah and Stella, and theyknow their names and come running when called. I had them blessed at the annual St. Francis Blessing of the Animals last weekend–they were VERY glad to get back home! One evening, I heard Stella chirping to herself and looked up to see her nonchalantly walking across the tops of my living room drapes!! She is an adventurer!!
Barnaby is well and happy, as is Traveller. They have really had a wonderful summer in their big pasture
Ooops! It’s almost time to shut my deesk down and go to my 5th movie ibn the last five days!! mORE ABOUT bARNABY SOON!!! lOVE AND HUGS TO ALL!!!
Oh oh–the dreaded caps lock has struck again!!
Dear Sue.So glad to hear from you and that you had a lovely birthday.Oh,gosh you are never 77 what is your secret?please share!So sorry to hear about the leaking roof and happy everything has been sorted out now.Delighted to hear about your kittens Sarah and Stella.I just ADORE cats!Hugs for Barnaby and Traveller and keep on celebrating!Love and hugs SheenaX
Happy birthday Sue!!!! 77 s a great age! Not there yet but soon….. I love kitties. We have 3 and they are so entertaining! Our last dog(Charlie, a Chihuahua) died in August so we are now dogless. Miss having something to let me know if someone is outside!
Elizabeth in NM
Dear Sue, So glad you have so many wonderful friends “up” there in Idaho (and ones bearing gifts to boot!), and that you had a such a wonderful birthday. Also relieved for you that it quit ‘raining’ (‘pouring’ might be a better word) in your apartment. Pray many blessings for you and Barnaby, Traveler, Sarah & Stella. with love, Elizabeth
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
If there were prizes for how much “living” one could cram into every opportunity, I KNOW that you would be “in the winners’ circle” :-)
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sue Noel:
Wishing you a Very Happy Birthday. Love and Hugs to you, Aunties, Barnaby and Traveler, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sue,
So glad to hear from you today. How wonderful that your birthday was so good and that it is still going on! Hope you have a super year — the lucky double 7’s!
(Sorry about that darned sneaky hot-water heater!)
Congratulations on your new babies, Sarah and Stella! Give Barnaby and Traveller hugs from me.
Hugs and Love
Barbara Wood
I was so shocked and saddened to hear about Carolinarkansas’s Jim (thank you, Sandy, for telling the story). Such dreadful news. My thoughts and prayers are surely with Carol and the family tonight, and in the days to come.
Carol, you will be missed for a while here.
@Vicki–so sorry about the dreadful accident with horse and rider. We had something similar here, and I will never forget it.
@Sue Noel–so thankful you are extending your birthday, that you did not stay flooded, that you have 2 new kitties, and that Barnaby and Traveler are ok. Money sends his love.
Donna Alsabrook
Carol and family, you are in my thoughts and prayers.
October 7 Cherokee Devotional
We get to know ourselves when we are alone. What may have brought us to this place may not be as important as what to do now that we are here. When we are with other people we listen to them, but in solitude we follow our own way. Great strength comes from the quiet and it prepares us for times when the sands run very fast.
Solitude is never withdrawal but being with ourselves, learning what affects us, and what of it can be given to others. We learn how to be a good friend when our attention is not divided-a good friend to ourselves and a good friend to another who needs it.
It is hard to fight people that live like groundhogs.
Dear Kathy
A wonderful devotional today. So very true to learn to be with ourselves. So many people
are not able to or are to insecure to do it. Prayers to those on the east coat dealing with the devastation of the hurricane and flooding. Sad Treve has entered stud, wish they had kept her in training one more year she was in top form and the ground was the real problem. Looking forward to the Euro invasion for the BC it always welcome. Hope you have a nice hump day.
Love and hugs
Dear Tizgood,
Glad you liked the Devotional. We are our own best friends! I join you in praying for our east coast friends. Too bad we can’t get some of the water from the east and bring it out west. It would have been great had they kept Treve in training another year. We’ll miss seeing her! I’m getting very excited for the BC and the Euro invasion. Have a grat day. Love and hugs, Kathy
Dear Tizgood.The sole purpose of Treve’s mission this year was to win her 3rd Arc.Sadly as we know she failed so Criquette and Sheikh Joaan felt it was wiser to retire her.She owes us nothing and is safe and sound.She will leave Chantilly for Normandy soon and I am sure she will be missed dreadfully.Now we look forward to her becoming a maman!Hugs Sheena
Elizabeth in NM
Dear Kathy,
Thank you for this important message. Solitude helps us see so much more. Listening is an acquired gift, that I will be learning the rest of my life. Sometimes, even the gentle whir of a bird’s wings can be heard. If I hadn’t heard, I would have missed seeing. It’s hard in our world to even go 1 day with speaking, but listening is almost always better. I love my study time early in the morning, when I just listen to God’s words. Praying a wonderful day for you and everyone here on Zenny’s website. with love, Elizabeth
Happy birthday month, Sue! I have a couple of friends who celebrate all month long and I’ve started doing that, too! More birthday lunches and dinner, more birthday cake and ice cream! Yay!!! Hugs, Kathy
TVG had a great special sponsored by Lanes End last night on Zenyatta and her 2009 BCC win. It was really great because it was narrated by Mike Smith all from his perspective pre-race perspective and how he prepares himself for a big race how Zenyatta was prepared, how he feels throughout and then after JS and the Mosses speak. Had not heard this before it was a great special. At the end it showed her with foals CoZ and Ziconic. Very well done production. Glad TVG is doing these kinds of things as it is more of a hard core betting station.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Tizgood:
Wonder if they have a video of that on their site. Will check. Would love to see it. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Kathy.Although I live alone now I am never lonely.Solitude is good for the soul.It’s turned out quite mild this afternoon after overnight rain.Gosh,I heard about a shooting in Tennessee an 11yr old boy shot the neighbour’s 8 yr old daughter some silly childish argument over a puppy and now she lays dead.We had plenty of fights as children but no one ever died.Where on earth were the parents not to keep the gun under lock and key.He has been charged with murder.
Poor Fubu has to visit his doc today he’s not looking forward to it.I didn’t know Mr No Ears page was run by UK volunteers.At least he is out of the canil(kennel) but he doesn’t look good.They can’t say a lot because of the legal action but I pray he will be home soon.I was watching Bo and Sunny Obama’s video about pet survival.They are beautiful dogs.Wimbley as having a “cwtch” by his little chest of draws last night.Alexander the cat is doing quite well after his surgery will lose the cone of shame soon.Abby has the ibone and wants a car!!!They had storms over the weekend.Holly sounds as if she rules the roost!The Queen mum!She is in my prayers always.Have a great day.Love and hugs to you,Kisses for Holly,Nikko and Sugar.SheenaXOXO
Dear Sheena,
The world is really insane, isn’t it? So sorry Fubu has to see the Dr. yet again. That’s good Mr. No Ears is out of the kennel. I’ll have to look for Bo and Sunny’s video. Wimbley and his little dresser were just so cute. Best wishes for continues healing for Alexander. Something tells me Abby will end up with a car! Yes, Holly is definitely the Alpha dog. Thank you for your continuing prayers! Happy Hump Day to you. Love and hugs from me, kisses from Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy XOXO
I am also shocked by current events. First we have the summer forest fires and now the terrible flooding. Prayers for everyone. October is starting to feel really scary. I also watched Zenyatta’s Classic on TVG. Can’t get enough of her. Love Mike Smith. I love all things British, too. Each morning I’ve been watching Foyle’s War on Ovation channel. Love the Great British Baking competition. The terminology is frequently difficult to decipher. Especially with my Texas ears.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Vicki:
Mikey and Z were a team for the ages. Love them both so much.
Enjoy all the British shows on PBS. Weather has been really weird here in NE too. Hope you feel better. Love and Hugs, JB
Faithful Zenyatta Supporter
Dear Tizgood
TVG features Z’s past races very often late night for a few years now, especially during BC month. I, of course scream and cry each time like it was yesterday.
Dear FZS,
Thanks for that information, I did not realize that.
Love and hugs
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Mama Z, COZ, ZI and Montey:
Wishing all of you safe and comfy in your stalls. Happy Dreams. Sweet Baby Dreams Z. Love You. Hugs, JB
Z Princess, Dubai, will always love you.
Anne Bonner
Judy – I hope you are successful in finding a video of that show about Z with MS narrating — sounds like a must-see and I know you have special sleuthing talents!
Annie B
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Anne B:
This was the only thing I could find on the TVG program on Z narrated by Mikey. I guess you had to be a subscriber to catch it last night (I am not). Looks like it’s an hour long program that will be aired during TVG’s programming on BC Day. Will keep checking to see if it shows up on their site for public viewing after the BCC. If so, I’ll post it here. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Anne B:
As I read the link I posted on TVG’s program on Z, it appears this is an old press release going back to 2013. So I’ll keep looking to see if I can find the video in their archives. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Annie B and Tizgood:
Don’t know if this is the TVG video that Tizgood was referring to, but it’s a great one. If you haven’t seen it, I think you will love it. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy,
I am not a TVG subscriber and it was on very late. I think it was the one from 2013
mentioned. Will also look for it. Really like the two you posted.
Love and hugs
This is part of the show I saw. There was an earlier section with Mike talking about how he prepares himself etc and then a section after with her and her foals.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Tizgood:
Thanks. Will continue to try to find it too. Love and Hugs, JB
carol in arkansas
thank you all for all the kind words and prayers for my Jim. he was quite a guy…
Dear Carol .Good to see a post from you.Words seem inadequate only to say you are in my thoughts and prayers.Hugs Sheena
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Carol:
I’m sure he was. Terribly sorry dear heart. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Carol,
You are in my thoughts and prayers. My heart breaks for you, and I hope time and your wonderful memories will help you begin to heal. In the meantime, you will always find warm hugs here when you need them. Take care of yourself.
Hugs and Love
Dear Vicki.I am a huge fan of Foyle’s War too.The great British Bake off final has just been on over here.If you ever need any translations.Hugs Sheena.
Dear Judy.Hope all goes well for Bentley tomorrow.Bei-Bei weighs nearly 5lbs now and his eyes have begun to open.He’s such a sweetheart.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Cap Hercules Frank Bentley and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Thanks; me too. Bei, Bei is a little Doll. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Frank, Bentley and all the Sweeties
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy B.,
Fingers crossed that Bentley gets a good report tomorrow. Love to him, Charlie, HT and all of the wonderful Sweeties. Love to your sweet Lola Mae, too!
Hugs and Love
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
My Dear Marshall:
Thank you. Love and Hugs to you, Bailey and Smudge, JB and LM
In Loving Memory of the GREAT CIGAR
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Ashton:
Thank you so much for your wonderful video tribute to the “Unconquerable” Cigar and for the link to the Paulick Report article. Rest In Peace Champ. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Ashton,
Great video and fantastic article by Ray Paulick!
Thanks so much for posting the links. Such a lovely tribute in memory of the Great Cigar.
Hugs and Love
anne bonner
thanks, Judy! I had seen this, but it was quite a while ago. So good, and so uplifting to see our girl do her thing.
Thank you mucho!
Annie B
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Annie B:
You’re so welcome. Love watching videos of Z too. Love and Hugs, JB
I just saw this blog and you Zenyatta winning the incredible 19th race and I felt the thrill in my heart like you just ran it now! Wow! So much has happened since, Momma, that have been wonderful for you.
Goodnight Z, love you always, with kisses and to your sons
love zprincess and dear Sir,
Auntie Sally B
October 6th; In loving memory of my dear best friend Sir. I can not believe it has been a year since he died. He must have met some of the racing greats by now in horse heaven. I can picture him in the pasture every time a go to the barn; how he loved his larger pasture! Memories are forever.
hugs, Sally B
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
My Dear Sally B:
Rest In Peace Beautiful Sir. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sally B.,
I cannot believe that it has been a year either. Sir, you are most definitely missed and loved. You and Cigar arrived in the heavenly meadows around the same time, I guess.
Run happy and free!
Hugs and Love, Sally
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Really nice article on Uncle Mo with gorgeous photos of him and videos of some of his wins. He was one of my favorites. Another miracle horse who overcame illness. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy,
He sure has been a successful sure as well and such a young sire.
Love and hugs
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Tizgood:
Yes, his babies are doing really well. Loved him and his crush on Awesome Maria! Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Thanks, Judy B.! I really enjoyed this article.
Uncle Mo looks great! So glad that he is doing well and seems to be doing his sire job very well, too. Happy that he is sound and healthy.
Hugs and Love
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Marshall:
So happy for Mo too. Love and Hugs, JB
October 8 Cherokee Devotional
St. James says to keep quiet, control your tongue-though no one ever has. Your boat may be huge, but your little tongue is a rudder that can turn a very big ship in the wrong direction. The tongue is like kindling wood that can set a whole woods on fire. Keep your tongue quiet, very quiet.
And then St. Mark says to speak-speak to the mountain and tell it to be gone. Not only be gone but sink into the sea. A mountain of trouble needs us to use our tongues. Speak what you want and need, not what you do not want.
There is a time to speak and a time to keep silence. These are the times that make us who we are, what we are, and what we will have. Life and death are in the power of the tongue.
You say you are right and we are wrong. How do you know this to be true?
Red Jacket
Dear Kathy.Very wise words, yet again, from the Native Americans.I am running late as per usual shopping day but it was dry although chilly. Fubu is anaemic again so is back on his iron supplement but his weight is stable and he visited Petco.Luni is in an advert I think my scroller wasn’t working.Did you see Pumpkin the racoon who thinks he’s a pet dog?He lives in the Bahama’s and has 100.000 followers on instagram.Ray enjoyed his romp in the leaves with daddy this morning.A Dubawi filly by a Sadlers Wells mare went to Coolmore yesterday for $3million.They will wait to see how GH comes out of his race before any decisions about the BC.We had future Champion’s weekend at Newmarket 2 good 2yr old colts running on Saturday and African Story is parading.I believe War Emblem is on his way home.Mango will be having one of her conversations with God today and Abby’s boyfriend is planning a Halloween party.Look out!Poor Mr No Ears has been sent back to his catnappers!!!How ridiculous is that???They have 48 cats and 4 dogs at their home.I just don’t understand why they can’t go to the house and get him!There is no law that says a cat is owned by anyone and he was feral anyway!Hope Holly is keeping well.Say my prayers every night.Have a great day.Love and hugs to you,Kisses for Holly,Nikko and Sugar.SheenaXOXO
Dear Sheena,
I’m late today, too! I saw the FB furbabies you mentioned. Sure enjoyed the raccoon story. I’ll have to look up the $3 million filly…she must be magnificent! Holly is doing well, thanks. Have a fabulous Friday Eve. Love and hugs from me, kisses from Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy XOXO
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY today to one of the “foundational” Dumplings – JAG (aka Auntie Judy)
Best wishes for a good day and a great year ahead! I know you’ll be joining us on “foal watch” :-)
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Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear AJ:
Wishing you a Very Happy Birthday. Love and Hugs, JB
PS: My Dear Sandy, Thanks.
Elizabeth in NM
Happy Birthday AJ! Praying for a wonderful ‘new’ year for you. with love, Elizabeth
Marshall (NC Broad)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Judy (JAG)! Hope you have had a fun day and that it is the beginning of a simply wonderful year for you. All the Best, always.
Hugs and Love
@Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Thanks a million for letting us know about JAG’s birthday!
Hugs and Love
Happy Birthday JAG!!!!!!!!
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
The beautiful Normandy Invasion retired. He was never really right after the injury. Happy, healthy retirement gorgeous boy. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy B.,
He really is a beauty! Glad he will be retired so he can recover and lead the life of a stallion. Best of Luck to you, Normandy Invasion!
Hugs and Love
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Marshall:
Yes, wishing NI all the best. Love and Hugs, JB