Hello fans,
It’s the beginning of an exciting month on Zenyatta.com! We’re in the midst of preparations for our third annual Zenyatta.com Celebration. Mark your calendars for Breeders’ Cup Weekend. Details will be announced throughout the month.
Leading up to this event we’ll be remembering important dates in Zenyatta’s career. The first is October 2, 2010. Five years ago today Zenyatta scored her 19th consecutive win with her victory in the Lady’s Secret Stakes at Hollywood Park. Watch the race again here and head over to the career section for more details about this milestone in Zenyatta’s life.
Team Z
Dear Ann.Glad you Moose and Goose are safe.I have heard about the flooding with your Southern neighbours.Mr Fibbs forecasts are legendary.Take care.Hugs Sheena.
Dear Tizgood& Max.The Champion stakes over here is a mile and 1/4 too so nothing suitable for GH.I think his best distance is a mile and1/2 as was proved today with the Arc and also the Derby.Maybe he thinks by visiting the US he will get the ground he loves but Keeneland?.I would prefer him to stay at home.Hugs Sheena.
Check out Golden Horn’s race record. Most of his race wins are at less than a mile and a half. He will do fine at that mile and a quarter distance in the Champion Stakes. Just read that Grimthorpe thinks that Abdullah will send Flintshire to the BC Turf.
Dear Sheena,
Keenland I have heard is narrow, but it is WD home and best race course. It will be firm. Champion stakes is October 17, maybe too soon after the Arc. BC is October 31 better timing. GH is very verstile, seems to need firm ground. Think the win by African Queen was a fluke because the ground was softer than usual. Just watching the weather about Hurricane; SC is dangerously flooded. 7 deaths; many flights canceled today and more tomorrow. Just aweful. Flood watch all the way up to NC and down to Fla. Many stalled and ruined cars. Scary and sad. Hope you are safe in the UK.
Love and hugs
Dear Judy.There was a wedding on Downton tonight!I’ll say no more.Hovis is playing havoc with his mum and Aunty Becky,acting like a TB!Sad for Treve.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Cap Hercules Frank Bentley and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheeenaX
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
I’m guessing Lady Mary got married??? I’m sad for Treve too, but she is a Champion and a beauty. We will have to watch her babies. Congrats to GH and Frankie.
Saw Charlie and Bentley today. All is well. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Frank, Bentley and all the Sweeties
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy B.,
So glad you got to see Charlie, Bentley and company today. Hope the weather was better than it has been farther south. Happy to hear that all is well.
Hugs and Love
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Marshall:
Thank you. Yes, the boys are well. Bentley gets his foot checked on the 8th.
The sun was shining today for the first time since last Wednesday. We had a lot of rain and flooding in some parts of the State, but not too bad.
Hope you, Bailey and Smudgie are doing well. Love and Hugs to all of you, JB
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Beautiful Mama Z, COZ, ZI and Montey:
Goodnight. Stay comfy and cozy. Happy Dreams all. Sweet Baby Dreams Z. Love You. Hugs, JB
Z Princess, Dubai, will always love you.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Ann NC,
Glad you are doing okay, and Moose & Goose are safe and sound (also stubborn, ha-ha!).
Stay dry!
Hugs and Love
Donna H
So much fun to watch the Queen in her old races! It kind of gets my goat when the comments in articles say she raced often against the same horses. Don’t the boys do the same? Just look at many of the same horses trying to take down American Pharoah. Too bad! She’s the Queen and will always be so. Would love to see Belonging show the boys a thing or two.
Love you, Zenny, and all your brood!
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max and Z Fans:
Nice article on TT’s former trainer, Mark Casse. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Some wonderful shots in This Week in Photos for 9/29/15 from Blood Horse. No. 4 great one of Beholder winning the Zenyatta. Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Thank you, Judy B. Great photos.
Love those names, too. Rose Brier and Mom’s Law, ha!
Beholder is incredible.
Lovely photos, Judy
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max and Z Fans:
A video of our Danny parading at Keeneland. The Most Interesting Horse in the World! Love and Hugs, JB
Elizabeth in NM
Dear Judy, WD sure looks like he could win a race again – he looks great! Thanks for posting pic. Hope you have a lovey day in RI. Will have to look up weather map today to see how you and all of the rest of Zenny’s FF (fan family) are faring in this autumn weather. I think we’re in for an ‘real’ winter here in NM this year. with love, Elizabeth
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Elizabeth:
Danny’s got that Look of Eagles.
Thanks for your well wishes. We had a mostly cloudy day today and would you believe humidity in the 80s. Still muggy.
Hope the Winter is a mild one for you and us. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy and Elizabeth,
Danny Boy looked magnificent at Keeneland! You can tell he knows he is The Most Interesting Horse In The World by the way he carries himself. Wish he had a diary or would write a book about his adventures.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Shirlee:
He’s just Awesome. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy B.,
Thanks for these great links! Especially the one for Wise Dan parading around at Keeneland — he looks so handsome, and of course, he is The Most Interesting Horse in the World. Danny Boy, we love you!
Hugs and Love
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Marshall:
You’re so welcome. He’s a very special boy. Love him. Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Thanks Judy B.
Makes me cry. Dan is incredible. Love the champ blanket, but would love to see the entire cashmere coat.
October 5 Cherokee Devotional
As a very small child I was in the care of my mother’s teenage brother while she worked in the garden. Inventive as he was, he tied a rock to my dresstail to keep me from toddling off. Needless to say, this was not acceptable and I shouted with rage.
My fearful mother came running from the garden and scolded her brother unmercifully-so he removed the rock and I felt terrible because he had been scolded and tried to get him to tie the rock on again.
It became a family memory to laugh over-but it tells of a person’s willingness to bear a burden. Are we supposed to drag a rock, bend under a heavy load, or carry the shame of something to make us stronger? Don’t believe it. Look behind the rock and you won’t find a caring uncle, but a deceiving idea.
I will not fall on the rocks. When I die my enemies will be under me.
Captain Jack
Dear Kathy.What a marvellous devotional! Our enemies are,indeed,beneath us.I am emotionally drained after yesterday.Treve is out and about with the media looking superb.Freddy Head said connections made it look as if she was invincible and agreed with my thoughts she should have been up with the pace on that ground could never come from behind as normal.Ah,well it’s over now and her legacy is secure but GH? not a superstar yet.He’s going to stand at Dalham Hall stud.We are back to normal today a wet dreary day and it’s Monday!I shall hide and turtle-turtle.Sad for those in flooded areas especially the French Riviera and South Carolina.Fubu went out for a walk in his pushchair and saw the all the birdies.The damp weather is playing havoc with his momma’s arthritis but he looks perky again!Mango is in a contest and in the lead she was busy yesterday had a spa day and Cha-Cha has raised enough money for surgery on her back legs.Peeps who comment on Mr No ears have getting offensive and vulgar posts from Andriea and her gang.It seems the poor cat is in a kennel now there’s a feature in another newspaper today and he has over 22,000 friends now.I’m glad you enjoyed the Frankel video I love watching him in his paddock some of his yearlings are up for sale this week at Tattersalls.I hope Holly is still doing well give her a hug from me.Have a good day.Love and hugs to you.Kisses for Holly,Nikko and Sugar.SheenaXOXO
Coz worked this morning:
This notice is to inform you that one or more of your horses has worked out.
Cozmic One (3-Year-Old Colt)
Date: October 5, 2015
Distance: Five Furlongs
Time: 1.01:67 Breezing
Track Condition: Fast
Surface: Dirt
Rank: 9/19
Elizabeth in NM
Thanks, Laura. Sounds like a good work time for Coz! Looking so forward to his next race. with love, Elizabeth
Do you know if he worked in blinkers? Saw a picture on the Forum of him working in them.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Laura J:
Thank you for this. Love our COZ. Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Good boy, Coz.
Keep at it!
Luv ya.
Happy birthday to everyone I have missed. I’ thinking I have to get internet access at home. Since my health keeps me homebound so much I can’t keep up and that leaves me depressed. I miss so much and then can’t ever get caught up. How I would have loved to be at Keeneland! Forget about the rain and the cold. To have seen Wise Dan in person, even parading, would have been an absolute thrill. Is it my imagination are do all the horses look absolutely divine? I love looking at the Queen’s races over and over again but what really makes me ‘cry for happy’ is Zenyatta Mommy. Bernardini seems to have some splendid runners on the track right now so I hope that will hush some of the naysayers. Our boys will leave their mark, too. Love and prayers to all. Here’s to the Queen and all who love her!!!
Elizabeth in NM
Dear Vicki, Please know that many of us here in Zenny’s fan family will be thinking of you and praying for you every day. You’re on my prayer list. I love rewatching Zenny’s races too – they’re always thrilling! Also watching and thinking about her 2 ‘boys’ is such a joy . Not sure where you’re located, but perhaps the sun will shine there – that always helps perk me up. Even here in NM this morning, the leaves on the trees and bushes are tinged a bit with autumn yellow along the edges of the green, and we did our morning hike today in ‘fog’!! of all things (on the high desert mountain here). But winter is beautiful too – I love after a snowfall, when the sun finally makes it’s appearance again and all of the snowflakes ‘sparkle’ in it’s light! As Sheena’s ancestors would probably say to us in winter – keep chins up! After awhile spring will come again. Praying you’ll get internet at home soon. with love, Elizabeth
Thinking of you and lifting you up in prayer. It is so hard to fight ill health and it does take a toll on our dispositions. Go ahead. Throw a hissy fit, cry and scream. Guarantee it will make you feel better. All of us here are thinking of you and wishing good things for you. Blessings!
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Vicki,
I echo what Shirleeinindy said so well. Positive thoughts and prayers for you and the fervent hope for improved health. Take care!
Hugs and Love
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Vicki:
I so agree with you. Bernie has some wonderful colts and fillies. Hope you feel better each day. Love and Hugs, JB
Bluegrass Girl
Interesting story on the Barbaro brothes.
Eyes turn toward Barbaro’s brothers at stud
By Nicole Russo Dao;u Racomg Fprm 10/02/2015 \
Ten years ago on Sunday, Barbaro won his career debut at Delaware Park – launching a six-race win streak to begin his career, culminating with a dominating performance in the following spring’s Kentucky Derby.
Bluegrass Girl
Eyes turn toward Barbaro’s brothers at stud
By Nicole Russo DAILY RACING FORM 10/02/2015
From article
Barbaro ultimately succumbed to laminitis, a complication from his injury, on Jan. 29, 2007, never making it to stud. But waiting in the wings were four full brothers to the classic winner: Nicanor, Lentenor, Margano, and Pennmarydel. As expected, all four have become the subject of intense interest. All four runners, based at the Fair Hill Training Center in Elkton, Md., as Barbaro was, have been moderately successful performers. Nicanor and Lentenor are now regional sires with their first yearlings coming to the market – including a handful of yearlings at the Fasig-Tipton Midlantic yearling sale this month.
Penn ran very poorly at Keeneland Sunday. Don’t know if it was the soft turf or not. He is a big beauty and has been gelded.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear BGG:
Thanks for this info. We’ll have to follow these youngsters. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Elizabeth.Oh,definitely “keep your chin up”during the winter!We had had a glorious of couple of weeks but back to rain and gloom today and expecting some wild welsh weather mid-week.I always look forward to the return of my beloved Monty and Glesni in the spring and new life again.Love and hugs Sheena.
Elizabeth in NM
Dear Sheena,
We’re also looking forward to the Spring return of the ospreys north of us about 250 miles. Wet and cold is not my favorite, but we’ve lived in so many places, many that had that constantly it ‘seemed’. I always get lots of painting done then. ‘Have’ to keep chin up when doing that! The 2 places I can think where we lived ‘through’ where it was either hot and steamy rain (in the spring -summer-early fall) or wet and cold in the winter was Japan and Kansas City. But we did have some sunny days. Would love to come over to see Monty and Glesni and the babies in Springtime. Maybe we can help Vicki through these wet, dreary times. You’re always such an encourager for us all.
with love, Elizabeth
Deb E.
Some new photos of the Chestnut Prince!
Deb E.
I was so excited when I found these I forgot my comment! It looks like: 1. Zi has had a BIG growth spurt! 2. He just had a nice bath courtesy of Her Mario because his mane is quite kinky. 3. No, his coat hasn’t gotten darker; it’s the light quality in his stall. According to what was posted beside the second picture by the photographer, Ziconic may have his first start at the end of this month! Coz is also doing well and has begun growing into his body, just like his Mom Z had to when she began training.
Sophia Gates
He is such a doll. I am smitten with this guy (and also Tapit!)
Coz seems to be making progress too. The last photo I saw of him was gorgeous.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Thanks for sharing these gorgeous pictures Deb E. Instagram is generally beyond me so it was great to have these handy inks! :-)
Deb E
Thanks for the photos. I just can’t get enough of this guy. He is so good looking. Patiently awaiting his first start. Think the blinkers might do the trick for Coz.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Deb E:
Thank you so much for sharing these. Wow, is he ever filling out. Muscles everywhere. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Deb E.,
He certainly is gorgeous! Thanks for the links.
Hugs and Love
Ann NC
Thank you for sharing these photos.
Love you Zi.
Dear Deb e,
These are gorgeous, he is sure handsome. I think he will stay on the smaller side
as Tapit is a smaller sire than Bernardini, but he Tapit has a much bigger engine!!!
Hope Ziconic starts racing soon.
Love and hugs
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Dear Z fans,
Some very sad new today – the husband of our “Carolinarkansas” (Jim) died very unexpectedly last night. I believe they were out of town when it happened but don’t know any other details. I’m sure it will be a while before Carol will be checking in here, but when she does, I know it will help her to hear from her many Zenny friends.
Dear Sandy.I am so sorry to hear about Carol’s husband passing away.I know they had a lot of problems with their house move so I presumed that’s why she hadn’t posted.Keeping her in my thoughts and prayers.Hugs Sheena.
Prayers and thoughts for Carol and her family. Thanks Sandy for letting us know.
Darlene Daniels
This is such sad news. Thank you for informing us. Carol and her family will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sandy:
Thank you for telling us. So sorry for Carol and her family. May he rest in peace. Love and Hugs, JB
Debbie G
Thanks for telling us, Sandy. I’m keeping Carol in my thoughts and prayers.
Elizabeth in NM
Dear Sandy,
Thank you for letting us know. We’re so sorry for Carol and will pray for her and her family. with love, Elizabeeth
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sandy,
Thank you so much for letting us know about Carol’s husband. I will keep her in my thoughts and prayers.
Hugs and Love
Very sorry for Carol and her family.
So sorry to see this sad news. Thanks for letting us know.
Janet Newman
Hoping Carol will feel the great big heartfelt hug she is getting from all of us on this blog.
May she find strength and comfort in coming here knowing how much we care for her.
Ann NC
Appreciate your sharing, Sandy.
Am keeping Carol and her family in my prayers.
Maryp ny
I hope Carol and her family can feel the love from all of us and know that we are thinking of her and are sorry for their loss.
Especially Horses / So Cal
California Chrome at play.
Sophia Gates
He really looks happy doesn’t he!
A different horse from the sad looking critter who arrived at Arlington!
I wonder how enthusiastic he’ll be to go back to work on the track?
Makes me happy but a little weepy to see Chrome enjoying life on the farm with his buddy. Bless Taylor Made for giving him this time off.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Especially Horses:
Thank you for posting this. AJ sent it in an email. He looks joyful. Wonderful. Love him so much. Love and Hugs, JB
What a wonderful horse! Just love him!!!!
Marshall (NC Broad)
What a fun video! CC at play with Gilberto and enjoying life. He looks great and is frolicking like a colt! So happy to see him happy.
Thanks for the link1
Hugs and Love
Ann NC
Wow, what a show. CC looks great!
A sight for sore eyes. You are the Man, Gilberto!
Thanks for sharing!
That is his work preparing to breed; all that rearing is breeding preparation. When he raises his hand and he rears they must do that in the shed to get them to breed. He looks like he is having fun and he will like all those girls next year !!!!
Looks like CC is learning to be a stallion a little early; The grooms raise their arms in the shed to get them to breed; he sure seems to enjoy rearing up and oh boy when he realizes there is going to be a nice mare waiting for him !!!! He was having fun, boy those grooms are sure brave to play with those stallions like that; CC is pretty laid back, but…
Dear Judy.Frankie celebrated well last night he had to give up his rides today!Treve is having a well earned rest before commencing her new life as a mama!Criquette hopes to train one of her babies.I saw a lovely video of Bentley enjoying life and some great pics of Willow.Oh,no it wasn’t Lady Mary’s wedding!!!!Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Cap Hercules Frank Bentley and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Wow, Frankie is a Bad Boy. Glad for Treve; wishing her a happy, healthy life as a Mama.
Yes, that video of Bentley is just wonderful. The boy really does have nine lives. The cement wall that you see in the video surrounding the riding ring; well, last year Bentley was being ridden in barrel competition by a young rider and she was going so terribly fast that he couldn’t stop and he went right over that wall. He landed upside down and somehow managed to right himself and was up and walking. She jumped off and was unhurt too.
Willow looks like a different horse from the one Angela rescued. She’s such a sweet, gentle girl.
OK, I’m guessing it was Mr. Carson and Mrs. Hughes??? Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Frank, Bentley and all the Sweeties
Deb E.
The Paulick Report on Facebook is doing a March Madness style bracket game to determine the greatest Breeder’s Cup winner of all time. Well, we all know who THAT is, don’t we? Any way, so we can put Our Queen upon her rightful throne, you can vote at:
It’s the guys against the gals, but since Zenny soundly whipped not only the girls but the boys’ butts in the both the Distaff and the Classic and is the ONLY Breeder’s Cup champion to win both, then she rightfully deserves the title! VOTE FOR THE QUEEN!
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Deb E:
Can’t participate because I don’t belong to Facebook, but you know who I vote for. Love and Hugs, JB
Janie in L.A.
I’m not on Facebook either but I was able to vote… for Zenyatta!
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Deb E.,
I, like Judy B., am not on Facebook either. Of course, my vote would go to our beloved Queen Z, too.
Hugs and Love
Marshall (NC Broad)
I didn’t think I could vote, but after I saw your post, I went to the site and voted!
Hugs and Love
Deb E,
I voted for our Queen.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
I voted for our queen but am really mad that it was her vs Beholder :-(
Deb E.
I know. What about the great Azeri? She got voted out in the first round.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Mama Z, COZ, ZI and Montey:
Goodnight. Love You. Sweet Baby Dreams Z. Hugs, JB
Z Princess, Dubai, will always love you.
Donna Z
Dear Carol in Arkansas,
I am so sad to hear about your husband. I will keep you & your family in my prayers. I hope knowing that your friends care here and are here for you will help you through this extremely difficult time.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Carol in Ark,
I am so very sorry about Jim. Please know that you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. Remember that we are here for you always.
Warm Hugs and Lots of Love
October 6 Cherokee Devotional
Living is a little like a wedding-to make a deal takes only a minute, but to live with it may take a lifetime. Many have not learned that life is not a quick trip down the aisle and if you don’t find it to your liking you can start all over again.
A good marriage is one of adjustment and then readjustment. It is sharing the hardships and the growing and sweetening that are in the middle of hardships. Little can compare with faith and looking out for others. It is giving and receiving, and we know it is not something outside ourselves that makes life worthwhile but what we have in our hearts.
I will keep my word until the stones melt.
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Kathy:
Just Beautiful. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy,
Morning! How are all your furbabies?
Love and hugs, Kathy
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Kathy:
Good day to you. Everyone is doing really well. Thanks for asking. Love and Hugs, JB
Condolences to Carol in Arkansas. Prayers for you and your family. SO sad, we all struggle with what to say and obviously there is nothing to say. We’re here for you, Carol.
Dear Kathy.My mother told me you have to learn to give and take ,to say sorry even when you know you are in the right and never allow the sun to set on a quarrel and they were together 53yrs!I am running very late today we are expecting some news about Mr No Ears everyone’s comments have been deleted because of offensive remarks from the catnappers.Lovely message from Marty’s internashunal bizness/Heaben dibvision.Fubu is raising money for his treatments again has well over $1000 I may sound hard -hearted but Kimberly does have a family who could help.I am glad for him though.Hope Holly is remaining well and enjoying her new diet.Treve will be leaving Chantilly for Normandy in a few weeks but she has told her fans to keep in touch.She has received a lot of books about impending motherhood!Enjoy your day.Love and hugs to you,Kisses for Holly,Nikko and Sugar.SheenaXOXO
Dear Sheena,
Your mother was right. I hope there is good news about Mr. No Ears. That woman needs to go down! I’m shocked by people who ask strangers to help them out with various costs. That would never even cross my mind. The new squeeze pillow over in Marty’ Mouse House sure are cute. Holly is doing well. Thanks so much for your prayers. She is our beauty queen, AKA the Princess. She rules Nikko and Sugar with an iron fist. They know better than to mess with her. All my best wishes for Treve. She’s such a great champion. Have a good Tuesday. Love and hugs from me, kisses from Holly, Nikko and Sugar.
Kathy XOXO
Legendary hurdler Big Buck’s is to be honoured with a champagne bar named after him in the new five and a half storey grandstand which will be officially opened by HRH The Princess Royal on Friday November 13th.Hope he turns up for a glass of bubbly!!Hugs SheenaX
Ann NC
Love a great bar or restaurant named after these Champs!
Dear Sheena,
Such a wonderful idea, they need to do something like that for Kauto !!!
Love and hugs
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Dear Z fans
There are a couple of very interesting articles “out there” today. The first one shares some of Art Sherman’s thoughts about Chromie and what lies ahead:
The second one contains some preliminary thoughts and questions from Steve Haskin about the BC Classic:
Judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sandy:
Just read the very candid and wonderful article on CC with comments by his trainer, Art Sherman. Love him and CC. Thanks for posting it here. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy,
I think CC is going to have a great 2016, Art has come out of his small world and is also a better trainer for all that has happened and Taylor Made is at the helm and they know what they are doing. All is better in 2016 for CC and then he has been practicing to meet the girls, too. I think England was a wonderful place for him
but it would have been nice if his groom would have been with him the whole time;
he might have missed home, although horses are bought and sold and claimed and fly across the pond at the bat of an eye and survive and do very well !!!!!
CC in 2016 !!!
Love and hugs
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sandy,
Thanks for posting these links! Really enjoyed the article on CC and hearing Art Sherman’s thoughts. Also, liked the discussion about the BCC contenders.
Great articles.
Hugs and Love
Just love watching the reruns of Zenny’s races. Looks like Coz is having better works every time out. I think blinkers are a very good idea, will keep him focused. I thought I saw a article on Ziconic that said he would make his first start at Belmont this meet. Is that correct? Hope everyone has a great day.