The results of our t-shirt contest are in!
Matt Black of Ohio submitted the winning drawing that will be available on t-shirts at the Zenyatta Shop in December.
Our two runners up were quite popular as well, and we’ve decided to reward both Emily Gricco and Mitzy Caldwell with Zenyatta Shop gift certificates.
A big thank you to all entrants!
Contest Winner
Matt Black, Ohio
Second Place
Emily Gricco, New York
Third Place
Mitzy Caldwell, Kentucky
We are beyond thrilled with the participation in the recent Zenyatta Celebration and are sure that many of you eagerly await the results. At this time, drawing and auction winners have been contacted. The official results will be published as soon as all prizes are claimed.

Congratulations to all the winners, great designs !!
The Coach is back home!
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sheena,
Thanks for this post. The Coach looks great — just like his friend says, “all fat and shaggy”!
Lava Man, you look marvelous, and it is so wonderful that you are back home. Love you!
Continued good health, happiness and yummy treats, dear boy. I know Doug and all connections are over the moon to have you back. :-)
Hugs and Love
Sad news as Trigger Warning succumbs to his injuriesRIP Bonnie Lad
Also Gary Stevens has retired for good now.An amazing career has come to end.Never forget that Beholder win.Enjoy your days Gary.
Too Darned Hot will stand at Dalham Hall Stud after an agreement was reached with Lord and Lady Lloyd Webber.He is’nt retiring just yet though!
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sheena,
Very sad news about Trigger Warning — injured while winning his race. Condolences to all connections. RIP beautiful brave boy.
Sorry to hear that Gary Stevens has to retire because of an injury. I know he would prefer to retire on his own terms. It is fortunate, however, that they found this problem early.
Good Luck Gary! Hope we see you again doing commentary. You’re the Best.
Hugs and Love
Sue Noel in Sun Valley, ID
Congrats to Marr–I will sure order one of those !! Those were the three I picked.
Loved seeing some picks of Lava Man–I was lucky enough to meet him a few years ago and he was such a character ! He is even more gorgeous in person.
I just read the news that one of my two favorite jockeys EVER has had to retire–the mighty and indefatigable Hall of Famer–Gary Stevens ! ( Of course, my other favorite is our precious Mikey!) He had an injury in a post parade at Del Mar on Saturday and when they did an MRI they found an underlying injury that the doctor said had to be career-ending. Check the stories out on various sources. Thank God they found it–he should be OK ! I’m especially sad as I always hoped he would get to ride ZI one more time as I totally believed that, if he did, Zi would win for sure and, that that combination would go on to do fabulous things!! Oh—-what could have been. I’m SO grateful that Gary will now be able to go on to other adventures and hope we will get to see him on TV (he was a GREAT commentator) or in some more movies !!
Had some distressing news about my dear Barnaby last week. He has developed exercise-induced arrhythmia. His vet says that he doesn’t need meds and, since I ride him so lightly we should be able to just keep an eye on how he is going and make sure he is not laboring in any way. I will just baby him more than ever ! You should the bed we updated for them this last weekend–three more loads of sawdust and four big bales of fluffy horse bedding–he is loving it !! Of course, Traveller loves it too. The interesting thing about it all is that, about a year ago, he let me know that he thought there was something wrong with his heart, (which is probably when the first manifestation of this occurred). I called the vet then and had him come out to check his heart and he found nothing then. However, we did not test him after exercise. Boss Mare Sue noticed that he seemed to be having difficulty early last week so I called his doctor immediately. Since I was at work, Sue went to meet the vet for an 11AM appt. About 1030, I got another “message” to be sure that the vet checked his heart ! They put him on a line and trotted and cantered him, then tested him and—there it was. I talked to him a lot this weekend and assured him that we now have the message and, that we are going to be very careful with him, and, that he should keep letting me know how he is feeling. I know this sounds very “woo-woo”, but. he really does find ways to let me know what he is thinking. I find it fascinating–he is surely the smartest and most communicative horse I have ever known.
I’m so wondering what is next for Zi–I had such high hopes for him,if he got to be with Gary. Maybe Mike would find time to ride him one more time to see what could come of it. Will keep my fingers crossed. I have always believed that HE wanted, and expected, to do great things and was disappointed that he did not get to be in the Derby. He is an incredible horse and one of the most beautiful and arresting that I have ever seen–getting to ,meet him was one of the joys of my life. Oh Zenny, I love that boy SO-O-O-O much !
Happy Thanksgiving to all in Zennyland !!
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sue,
So sorry about Barnaby’s arrhythmia, but very glad he communicated with you and Boss Sue that something was amiss. I know you will keep him well and happy. Best Wishes to sweet Barnaby and to Traveller, too.
Will definitely miss Gary S. It was fortunate that the latest injury revealed this potentially serious condition though. It is too bad that he isn’t retiring because he is ready, but it is good he is well and in great shape.
I share your feelings about Ziconic, too. Hope things work out well for him and that we can keep in touch with him somehow.
Take care friend and do have a lovely Thanksgiving!
Hugs and Love
Dear Sue:
Sorry to hear that Barnaby is having health issue. Wishing him all the very best. I know your love and care will be the best medicine. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube
Dear Sue:
So sorry to hear about Barnaby’s health issue. I know your love and care will be the best medicine for him. Love and Hugs, JB
Sue Noel in Sun Valley, ID
Ooops–my clumsy fingers again!! Of course, I was try to congratulate Matt on his great design—NOT Marr !
Dear Sue .So sorry to hear about Barnaby’s arrythmia but he is your capable hands and will be fine.Lots of hugs and kisses to you bothxx
Dear Judy:We will miss Gary very much.We used to enjoy seeing him at RA.The only one who seems to benefit from our Brexit turmoil is Larry the Downing street cat his twitter followers have shot up to 206K!He would make a great PM.GoodnightGod bless you LM PC HT and all the sweeties.Loveand hugs SheenaX
Donna Z
Congratulations to Matt for winning the contest. You did a wonderful job capturing Zenyatta’s personality as well as her likeness. I can’t wait to buy a t shirt with your drawing.
To my fellow fur babies moms & dads- please pray for my Amy; she has developed kidney disease & has lost 10 lbs. in the past month or so. She only weighed about 46 lbs. when she was healthy. She is too sweet a dog to have this happen to her.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Zenyatta, I hope someone at Lane’s End gives you a sweet potato since you can’t eat turkey.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Donna Z.,
Thoughts and prayers for your Amy and for you, too. I hope this can be managed effectively for your sake and for hers. Give her a nice big hug from me and friendly “woofs” from Bailey and Smudge. ??
Bless you and take care.
Hugs and Love
Catherine Uher
Dear Donna Z,
I noticed your bit about your precious dog’s kidney disease and wanted to offer some advice…both on the human and animal front. I’m a kidney transplant recipient and we had a shih tzu named Coffee who developed kidney disease later in her years and they wanted to put her to sleep, but there was no way I wasn’t going to try everything I could for her. So I changed her diet and cut out all carbs (same for humans with kidney disease). I found those Ceasars dog food that come in the individual containers (the ones with the cute little white dog on them) and I picked out the ones that were highly concentrated in protein with vegetables…but no potatoes or other starchy carbs. I also fed her lower sodium lunch meat (we like the Hillshire brand, but lots of deli meat companies offer lower sodium choices now…just check the labels for sodium content. I’m a big label reader and had to become one because after my kidney transplant, I woke up a diabetic. Anyway, I have to read labels now on everything. But, compare the sodium levels between turkey, ham, roast beef, etc. Ham tends to always have the highest…even in the lower sodium choices. So to supplement Coffee’s diet, I would feed her anywhere from a whole Ceasar’s (if she was really hungry) or sometimes just a half a container and then a piece of oven roasted turkey great that I would tear off and feed to her or cut up and put on a plate. It sounds like Amy is a bigger dog, so you would adjust her diet accordingly.
I hope this helps and you are more than welcome to ask me anything. I was able to completely turn Coffee’s labs around and reduce her creatinine levels back to normal and she lived another 2 1/2 years! She was 16 1/2 when we finally had to have her put to sleep and cross the Rainbow ? Bridge. I’m saying a little prayer for you and Amy, and I hope that in some small way this information helps. Have a very Happy Thanksgiving ?
Good for you on the kidney transplant and the treatment for your doggie!
Catherine Uher
Thank you Celeste_in_Texas!!! Happy Thanksgiving ?
Judy Berube
Dear Donna Z:
Healing prayers for your Amy. Helpful advice from Catherine. Love and Hugs, JB
Catherine Uher
Thank you Judy Berube!!! Happy Thanksgiving ?
Frankie popped in to Clarehaven see the Love of his life!
Sorry about Barnaby’s condition but he is in the best of hands. Goodbye to one of my favorite jockeys, Gary Stevens. He gave me such a thrill when he won the BC Classic with my much loved Muchie (MMM). Voted for Winx on the Secretariat site for the VP (can’t begin to spell it) award.
A Happy Thanksgiving to all of you wonderful people on the Blog. So many good friends I have never met. Be safe in your travels and enjoy the time with your families.
So sad to hear Monet’s Garden has died overnight.I will always remember how we prayed for him in 2011 when he was so ill with an infected hoof.He went on to have 7 wonderful years and was out parading at Aintree only a few weeks.He was blessed by the best connections.Sleep tight cariad bachxxx
Marshall (NC Broad)
Rest in Peace, beautiful Monet’s Garden.
Sad to say good-bye but glad you were treasured. Condolences to all who loved MG.
Hugs and Farewell
Judy Berube
Dear Sheena:
Love Gary S. too; will miss him. Wishing GS a happy retirement.
RIP Trigger Warning and Monet’s Garden. RIP Adorable photo of Enable and Frankie.
So good to know Lava Man is back to his old self. Healthy life Champ. Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM and all the Sweeties
Mary McLeod
Thanks to all who submitted entries. Our Queen inspires lovely art!!!
Blessings to ALL at Thanksgiving,
Mary in Boone
Larry makes the US news!!!
Barbara Brayton
Just wanted to say, this is such a close knit group. You are always ready to help and encourage each other. It is awesome.
Wishing all a Happy Thanksgiving!
Judy Berube
My Dear Z Family:
Joining Shirlee and Barbara and wishing all of you a Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow. Love all of you. Hugs, JB
Judy Berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, BBG, DC and Team Z:
Wishing all of you a Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow. Happy Dreams all. Love You. Hugs, JB
Sue Noel in Sun ValleymID
Happy Thanksgiving to precious Zenyatta and all who care for her at Lane;s End. May you all enjoy a peaceful and blessed time with loved ones. Happy Day ,also to Zi and Coz and the sweet soon-to-be-named filly, and all who care for them, as well. Hope a;; are getting yummy treats !!
Hope this works.Wishing all who post here a wonderful Thanksgiving Day.Our dear Zenyatta brought us all together with love.Enjoy your dayxxxx
Marshall NC Broad)
Dear Sheena,
Yes, it worked for me. Beautiful! Wishing all the wonderful friends here on the blog, Team Z, Lane’s End and our quintessential Queen Z, including her family, a most blessed and Happy Thanksgiving Day❣️ You fill my days with smiles, and I am so grateful.
Thanks, Sheena.
Hugs and Love ?? ? ??
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sheena,
Yes, it worked for me — Beautiful! Wishing all the wonderful friends here on this blog, Team Z, Lane’s End and our quintessential Queen Z, including her family, a most blessed Happy Thanksgiving❣️ You fill my days with smiles, and I am truly grateful.
Thanks, Sheena!
Hugs and Love ?? ? ??
Marshall (NC Broad)
Sorry about the two posts. How did that happen?
Honestly, the first reply was nowhere to be found so I did another. Now BOTH are there!
Oh well, I hope all of you are having a superb holiday!
Hugs and Love
Dear Judy.Enable must have been delighted to see her Frankie.Larry was on one of your news channels today Hollywood beckons!Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
Judy Berube
Dear Sheena:
Larry is a Star. Love and Hugs, JB
Today we give thanks for the life of John F Kennedy who was assassinated in Dallas,Texas this day in 1963.We remember always.RIP
Thank you for remembering JFK. His short time influenced my life so much. I cannot help wondering what my country would be like today had he and his brother lived. He asked us to be givers not takers!
Judy Berube
Dear Sheena and Shirlee:
Sheena, thanks for remembering our JFK.
Shirlee, I often wonder the same thing. I think Bobby would have been an excellent, compassionate and great president too. His personal sadness really opened him up to humanity and the plight of the less fortunate. Love and Hugs, JB
Coz,Isabela and friend wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving.
Dear Judy.Hope you have had a lovely Thanksgiving day albeit a cold one I’ve heard.Coldish here .Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
Dear Sheena,
Coz certainly looks wonderful! Thank you for sharing!
Hugs, Kathy
The King today!
Judy Berube
Dear Sheena:
Thanks for the photo of our beautiful COZ, Isabella and Giants. Also, thanks for the photo of Bobby’s dad, Galileo. Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM and all the Sweeties
Judy Berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, BBG and DC:
Stay comfy and cozy and Happy Dreams. Love You. Hugs, JB
Dear Judy.It looks to be a great Betfair chase tomorrow.A granddaughter of Sunday Silence runs in the Japan Cup on sunday.Almond Eye looks to be special but can she beat the colts.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
No news on Ziconic might not be a bad thing. If they are planning on sending him down the same career path as his brother remember the requirement s for the makeover would mean he would need to have a published workout sometime the end of December they could already have decided but cant announce it yet. If news comes that he is gelded sometime before the end of the year its a good sign he will follow Coz’s path.
Wondering what is going on with 2017z have they named her yet.
Wow such an exciting Betfair the grey Bristol De Mai wins back to back at his favourite course Haydock and on good ground this year.Might Bite faded quickly in the end.Congratulations to Moosie’s old trainer Nigel TD and Bristol’s connections.
I have a dream…..Said Hovis.Lovely video from his mum.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sheena,
Thanks for posting this lovely video. Hovis, our dreamy hero!
Enjoyed Karen’s video very much.
Hugs and Love
Donna Z
Thank you to everyone who is praying for Amy; it’s comforting to know that so many people care. Catherine, thank you for sharing your experience with changing Coffee’s diet. I will see if her vet thinks it might work for Amy.
Amy is now on Science Diet Kidney Disease prescription diet. The hardest part is getting her to eat it because one of the symptoms of the disease is nausea. She wants to eat, but the nausea causes her not to. Her vet, Dr. Mike is working with me to find what works for Amy. She has been one of his favorite clients since I got her about 9-1/2 years ago. He’s having me try a new drug to help her appetite, but it costs over $50 for 5 days & it did not help as much as I expected it to. Today I tried mixing the canned K/D food with the dry & she ate two big meals. I will see how Amy does tomorrow and call the vet on Monday to keep him updated.
Sue Noel, I am keeping Barnaby in my prayers. He is such a character that it is hard to read about him not being well. I had missed your posts and am glad to hear from you.
I hope that we hear about Ziconic soon. Our red prince captured my heart from the minute I saw his first picture. I wish that I had enough money to buy him myself.
Dear Zenyatta, I am thankful for you and your team bringing all of us together on this blog. May only good things happen for you and your offspring from now on.
Dear Donna.Thinking of you and Amy.Good to hear she ate up when you mixed the food for her.Best wishes to you both.Love and hugs.
Roberta Gonzalez
The first thing I do everyday is to look for news of Ziconic. He captured my heart too, the first time I saw him. He had such presence, even as a foal, and where other foals are a little skinny when first born, he had muscles from the beginning. I love the video of him running with his mother, and running right beside her too; they were going fast too. One of my favorite pictures of him was when he arrived at Belmont, and he was dancing with his neck bowed, and high stepping; his beautiful red coat shinning in the sun. I still say he would make a wonderful dressage horse, and they might not have to guild him; there are other stallions as dressage horses. He loves to work, and relates well with people. It would be wonderful for him and us too. I wish Ann had control of him; I don’t think things would be this way. I don’t know how to do this, but can someone who does, post the video and picture I’m talking about for us Zi lovers, so we have something of our much loved and missed Red Prince???!!!
Judy Berube
Dear Roberta:
Hope this is the photo you like of ZI. Linking another one of him kissing his Mama. Trying to find the video you referenced. Love and Hugs, JB
judith Berube
Dear Roberta and Z Fans:
Here’s the other photo of Z and ZI: Cheeky little devil he was. Love and Hugs, JB
Almond Eye the granddaughter of Sunday Silence wins the Japan Cup in record time earlier today under Christophe Lemaire.She looks to be headed for the Arc next year.Video of race in link.Congratulations to all
judith Berube
Dear Roberta and Z Fans:
Here’s an enlarged photo of ZI in his dance pose with article and the other photo of Z and Zi. Cheeky little devil he was. Love and Hugs, JB