Our t-shirt design contest finalists have been revealed, and it’s such a fun group! Voting is now open on the Celebration site. Follow the link below to vote for your favorites. Voting will be open through Sunday, November 11.
We’re at the halfway mark of the 2018 Zenyatta Celebration, and the response so far has been incredible. There are just five days left to order a 2018 Celebration Sticker, help us raise money for Retired Racehorse Project, and make sure your name is entered into our grand prize drawing for an invitation to meet Zenyatta!
Celebration tip: check this page each day for surprise giveaways!
Judy Berube
Dear Team Z:
Nice selection of designs. Voted for my favorite. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube
Dear Sheena:
Have a good day. Love and Hugs, JB, LM and all the Sweeties
Judy Berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, BBG and DC:
Goodnight and Happy Dreams. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Team Z,
Creative designs. Very nice.
I voted for my picks. :-)
Thanks a million!
Hugs and Love
Dee in the Hudson Valley
Wonderful choice of some very creative artwork… Do I detect input from Ann Moss in choosing these finalists?
Hard to pick a favorite, but I managed!
Best of luck to all the artists…
I hope this link works.It’s a cake made in honour of the millions of horses who perished in World war I.Amazing!
Dear Judy.Such a sad week for Aidan,Very touching to see Ryan comfort Cliffs.Everyone home safe now from the US.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
Marshall (NC Broad)
Oh my goodness, Sheena!
This is an amazing work by Emma Jayne Cake Design. To know that it is life-size is truly fantastic. Just the picture is quite moving. It conveys so vividly the horrors of WWI — reminds me of War Horse (the book and movie). What talent Emma Jayne has, and what a fine tribute.
Thanks for posting this.
Hugs and Love
Wonderful picture on Face Book of Queen Elizabeth riding her horse. She is such a remarkable woman. Bless her.
Yes,I posted it on my timeline.We are truly blessed in the UK. Her Majesty is amazing and a lovely touch with the poppies on the pony’s ear.
Catherine Uher
Today marks 9 years since my beloved Zenyatta won the Breeders Cup Classic!!! I have inundated my Facebook page with all things Zenyatta and have just finished rewatching for the millionth time her phenomenal win on 11/7/09!!! It just doesn’t seem possible that 9 years have gone by since then and that it’s been 8 years since she last raced!!! ???
I have several favorites for the t-shirt contest so this is going to be hard to vote!!! Very talented artists who made it to the finalists!!! Good luck to all!!!
I love you my sweet Zenyatta!!! ??❤️??
I second all you said…can’t believe it’s been that long but she’s as brilliant today as she was that day. She’s simply the best!!
Ann NC
Congrats to all finalists in the t-shirt design contest.
Love all of them..put them all on one shirt!
Thanks Team Z for all you do.
Love to all!
Sue Noel from Sun Valley ID
@ Ann NC That’s a cute idea–put them all one shirt !! Great designs–good luck to all !
@ Sheena–That cake is unbelievable! It does look like Joey in War Horse !! When I saw that movie, their love and communication with each other reminded me of Barnaby & L. Then, years later, Barnaby’s horse psychic told me that he said his original name was Joe ! But he told her it was boring and that he liked his new name. She has told me a lot of amazing things from him-and other things as well, that she could not have known about if she was a fake. Pretty interesting.
This was such a hectic summer and fall that I have not been able to post for ages, but, have been thinking of gorgeous Zenny (and her glorious “babies” ) all along. It was so wonderful to see how happy precious Coz is–Isabella is surely a lucky young womwn and he is lucky to be so loved and well cared for. Hope she takes him all the way to the Olympics !!
Tried to ride Barnaby in the Halloween Fun Show again this year. It’s held at our barn each fall. We were going in a tandem ground poles class. Boss Mare Sue and I had matching outfits and the horses had matching tack. We looked really great riding in to the arena–whereupon Barnaby looked around and you could almost HEAR him say–“oh no–this looks just like last year–I didn’t like it then and I don’t like it now–and–I’m NOT going to DO it!!” Then, he started going around in little circles so I got off and we watched Boss Mare Sue and Traveller do the course. I was comforting him and calming him down and telling him it was all ok. Next year, I will will ride him more often in the summer in the same arena where the show will be held and practice going in through the big gate so he is more used to it. For such a big guy, he has some fears and can really get “freaked out” about them.when he does it, you can just see what he looked liked when he was a little foal, and frightened of things. I call it “putting on his foal face”. When he does it, I just give him lots of love and cuddles.
He has already put on lots of his winter coat and is starting to look like a plush toy horse—but bigger—-LOTS bigger!
Zenny girl, have a peaceful might and feel the love drifting your way from all over the country. Love, love LOVE you !!!
Nancy Stamp
Love hearing your stories about Barnaby. Have missed hearing from you. Nancy S.
Dear Sue.So good to see you back here.I have missed your stories of Barnaby and Traveller.Glad all is well with you.Hovis is having the time of his life at YHL!Love and Hugs
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sue,
How great to hear from you! Glad things are going well for you, Barnaby, Traveller and Boss Mare Sue. Like that “foal face” expression — you really understand sweet Barnaby.
Hope you have a fine Thanksgiving. Can’t believe we are nearing the end of another year! Please let us hear from you more often since we really miss your posts.
Hugs and Love?
How on earth can Cracksman be rated higher than Enable she has won 2 Arcs 4 Oaks a King George and now a Breeders cup.Cracksman only runs on soft ground she has won on soft firm and messy.Very disappointed.A horse can never be judged on 1 race alone.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sheena,
I agree with you — very disappointing. This is an incredible oversight. Enable certainly deserves to be at the top of the Longines World rankings. She has done everything asked of her under all conditions. Nothing against Cracksman, but Enable should be right up there with Winx.
Hugs and Love
Dear Judy.Hovis and the gang have arrived at Your Horse is Alive.Teddy the Shetland is on his way.Hope we get photos.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
Judy Berube
Dear Sheena:
Thanks for Sharing these wonderful photos of Hovis. His blankie looks comfy and warm. Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM and all the Sweeties
Hovis has arrived.A photo call tomorrow with little Teddy.Should be fun!
Hovis’s sunday best!
There are so many talented artists among us who contributed wonderful designs! Thank you for the opportunity, Team Z, and thank you fellow fans for sharing your artwork!
Sally B. (cherish
Hi all and Team Z; What better way to celebrate my 50th Anniversary than to purchase my Celebration Z sticker and vote for the tees!!
Perhaps Nov 9th will be my lucky day to be one of those picked to see Zenyatta.
Thank you team Z for such a cool idea to design a Zenyatta tee. There is a lot of talent out there.
Love you Zenyatta
Sally B.
Happy Anniversary Sally.Love and hugs.The golden years!
Judy Berube
My Dear Sally:
Congrats on your 50th Wedding Anniversary. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sally,
Wishing you and your husband a very Happy Anniversary, the big 5-0!
Enjoy yourselves — this is an outstanding accomplishment!
Hugs and Love
Happy Anniversary to you!!
Aunty Becky called to see Hovis at Your Horse is Alive.He’s high on sugar!Karen apologised for his behaviour.We all know he’s well behaved!
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Great to see Auntie Becky! Didn’t she have a foal or two??
Yes,2 now.Hovis been having a great time today.
Judy Berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, BBG and DC:
Have a restful evening and Happy Dreams. Love You. Hugs, JB
An exercise rider for Kenny McPeek, Odanis Acubna, was killed this morning in a training accident at Churchill Downs. The horse fell and he with it. Prayers for his wife and children. Article is on Bloodhorse.com
The horse, New York Harbor, was euthanized.
Here is the sad news.RIP.Sincere Sympathy to his family
Judy Berube
Sorry, that’s Mr. Odanis Acuna. RIP
The big guy at YHL today.According to Karen he was on the wine today!
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sheena,
Thanks for posting this photo. Hovis looks so good sporting the poppy — even with his tongue out. ? His wearing the “poppy” is such a fine tribute in remembrance.
Hugs and Love
Later this morning at the Cenotaph in Whitehall HM the Queen,The Prince of Wales Prime Minister Theresa May and other members of the Royal Family will commemorate the centenary of the ending of World War 1 or the Great war as it was known.The Armistice had been signed earlier that morning and the war officially ended at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month.Who can forget the trenches, the gas, no man’s land the mud that drowned men and horses.There were roughly 37 million casualties of that war only to be repeated in the 2nd World war.8 million horses,donkeys and mules lost their lives too.The innocent caught up in human conflict.I am proud to wear my poppy every November to honour those who paid the ultimate sacrifice.We must never be allowed to forget.With my love and undying gratitude.
InFlanders field the poppies blow
Between the crosses row on row
That mark our space.
And in the sky the larks
Still bravely singing
Scarce heard amidst the guns below.
After a career lasting 11years Pete aged 14 will try and win the race named after him.Stay safe and good luck PeteX
Lovely video of Team Sherwood and horses remembering the sacrifices made.RIP
Very sad to hear this news.Much sympathy to Henri De Bromhead and team.Apple’s Jade won the race
judy berube
Dear Sheena:
Very sad for Mr. Odonis, his family and the two year old colt. Other sad fatalities as well. RIP ?
Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, BBG and DC:
Stay comfy and cozy. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube
Dear Z Family:
Remembering gratefully all who served in the military, past and present, and those that gave their lives; men, women, horses, dogs. RIP. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Yes, Judy and Sheena,
We must always remember these our heroes, all those who kept us safe. Infinite gratitude for our liberty and our lives, forever. RIP brave ones.
Hugs and Love
Hovis meets Teddy.Loads of photos on his FBThey’ve arrived home exhausted but happy.
A service took place in Westminster Abbey tonight attended by Her Majesty the Queen,The President of Germany,Prime Minister Theresa May and other members of the Royal family as 4 years of commemorations for the 100th anniversary of the first World war draw to a close.Beacons have been lit cross the UK tonight.We shall never forget their sacrifice.RIP
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sheena,
Thanks for posting photos of Hovis — cute little Teddy!
Hovis is truly magnificently groomed and looks wonderful.
Hugs and Love
Dear Judy.Thinking of your Russ today as we remember.Amazing new wildlife programme with Sir David Attenborough .It featured a chimp called David tonight.I do hope you get to see it.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX