We are happy to officially announce the name of Zenyatta’s 2020 filly, ZILKHA. The name, Ann says, “is strong and beautiful and was inspired by a woman who was as well.”
Though it wasn’t intentional, we’re tickled to note that Zenyatta, Zellda, and Zilkha share the first and last letters of their names.
Already the queen of her paddock, Zilkha is taller than average and loves to be scratched in all the same places as her mom. Those who work with her at Lanes End say they’re more impressed with her every day.
We can’t wait to see what Zilkha’s future holds!

judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Stay comfy and cozy in your stalls. Love all of you so much. Hugs, JB??????
Getting ready for the Saudi Cup. It is on Fox Sports 1. Hope an American horse wins. I like Knicks Go, but gotta say my heart is with Tacitus. Poor guy. Johnny V could not get there because of flights and weather so he has an English rider. I know Charlaton is great but just wish some good things for Tacitus. Good luck and safe trip on the track and safe trip back home to all the horses.
judy berube
Dear Shirlee:
Rooting for Tacitus too. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Have a peaceful night and Happy Dreams. Love You. Hugs, JB??????
judy berube
Dear Shirlee and Z Fans:
Here’s the replay of the Saudi Cup today. Congrats to upset winner Mishriff. The US horses gave it their all; congrats to them too. Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Congrats to all.
Really happy for Hollie Doyle, True Self and Willie Mullins. Girl Power!
Enjoyed the 123 grays finishing. Beautiful racing!
Too bad for the jockeys not able to join because of the travel mix ups.
We saw the SUN today!!!! Prayers for all in Texas.
Love and hugs to all.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Ditto, Ann!! Congrats to all!
Did you notice how bright the moon was last night? It has been quite some time since we saw the sun or the moon!
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Ann:
Yes, prayers for all in Texas. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
That was a pretty exciting race! I was pulling for Tacitus and Knicks Go, but Mishriff really wanted to win. Congrats to Mishriff, David Egan (21 years old!), John Gosden and all connections!!
I enjoyed watching the races in Riyadh this morning and then America’s Best Racing all afternoon!
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
Hope all horses came back well; safe travels hone. Love and Hugs, JB
Congrats to Charlatan and Mike! Second place again this year! Yesterday, Mike won a race that was worth $500k! Not bad for a weekend! Lindal
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Have a restful evening comfy and cozy in your stalls. Happy Dreams. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Remember Cafe Pharoah. He’s won his first Grade I in Japan and first for his sire. Congrats beautiful boy. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Thanks for the replay of the February Stakes and Café Pharoah’s win!
Congrats to him and his connections! Papa and Mama are proud.
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Just found this photo of ZELLDA. She’s filled out and looks so beautiful. This photo is from January this year. Love and Hugs, JB
Emily Shields (@ZenyattaMafia) Tweeted:
Look what I found!!!!!!! ZELLDA!!!!!!!!!!!! https://t.co/rHy719izUQ
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
Thanks for posting this great photo of our Z-girl, Zellda. She looks so
Hugs and Love
Martha Fosdick
Dear Zsters Even though a bit late, I had to say congrats to Hibiscus Punch, a daughter of Candy Ride who won her race at Laurel Park. Perhaps in a couple of years we could be hearing the same news about a redhaired filly with a pretty name who is also a daughter of his. Fingers Crossed. In the meantime, perhaps we’ll get to see Zellda’s debut. Loved seeing her picture. RATS! I was supposed to get my first Covid shot this week. Not happening due to weather caused delays in delivery of vaccine . Maybe next week. May all of you as well as our four-footed friends stay safe and warm.
judy berube
Dear Martha:
Hope you get your vaccine soon. Love and Hugs, JB
Thanks for our weekly Hovis fun. Poor guy. I hope we get a photo of him and his new haircut.
Congrats to Hibiscus Punch. What a great name.
At last it has warmed up a bit here in Indy. Will take a long time for all the snow to melt. Saw on Bloodhorse that Charalton and Knicks Go are coming home and Tacitus and Sleepy Eyed Todd are going to Dubai for a race. Good luck to them. Mike got a 2 day suspension for his ride on Charalton. They bumped Sleepy Eyed Todd at the start. Poor horse. What a terrible name. Hope you all stay warm and safe and that this winter will end sometime.
judy berube
Dear Shirlee and Z Fans:
What a gorgeous Gray Sleepy Eyes Todd is.
Not a fan of the name either. love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy and Shirlee,
Yes I agree — Sleepy Eyes Todd is a gorgeous grey boy! I was pulling for him, too.
Hope he and Tacitus do well in Dubai. Stay safe and well boys.
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
Yes, Godspeed Todd and Tacitus. Safe and sound all. Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Why was Mike suspended?
Good luck to horses going on to Dubai.
Come home safe and sound!
judy berube
Dear Ann:
This article from DRF says he was suspended for interference. Unusual for Mikey. Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Thank you, JB.
Poor Todd, poor Mike.
They really have to watch their P’s and Q’s while racing there.
The rider of the first place winner from Ireland also got fined for whipping his horse. The jockey’s still have a chance to appeal. The picture of Zellda was the one I spoke about from first workout back from the farm. Life is Good had a glorious workout. I believe “zilkha” is a person that Ann knows because it is not a word in the Russian language. My sister-in-law is Russian and lives in the Ukraine. Lindal.
judy berube
Dear Lindal:
Thanks for this info. Will keep looking for a timed work for ZELLDA. Isn’t she looking beautiful! Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC;
Goodnight and Happy Dreams. Stay comfy and cozy. Love You. Hugs, JB
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
Hi Zsters ?
I enjoyed all the links. Will b reading Hovis adventures shortly. Thx Sandy ?.
I pray every1 has been staying safe & warm.
Been saying xtra prayerZ for those in TX.???
HugZ to y’all ❤
Martha Fosdick
YAY! Just got our daily Covid report and now it says 70+ folks who are waiting for their first vaccine can get one possibly before the end of this week. I’m on the list so will be walking around with fingers crossed. Loved Zellda’s picture. Hope she gets to run in the not too distant future. Zilka is gorgeous! Looking forward to her going to Mayberry and learning to race like her MOM.
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
That’s great news Martha.?
HugZ ❤ prayerZ ?
judy berube
Dear Martha:
? Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Love You. Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC :
Have a peaceful evening and Happy Dreams. Love You. Hugs, JB??????
judy berube
Dear Ann:
Yes, very stringent riding rules in Saudi. They have yet to hand down a decision on whether or not Maxi get’s the win and the purse in last year’s Saudi Cup. Hope his tests came back negative for illegal substances and his win stands. This is the last article I could find on it.
Poor Maxi, Todd and Mike. Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
I hope so too, JB. Maxi always gave it his all.
Luv ya!
Hope everyone is staying well.
judy berube
Dear Ann:
Love you too! Hugs, JB
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
I agree ?.
Much luv ❤prayerZ ? ladies.
Stay safe as well.
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Have a restful night and Happy Dreams. Love You. Hugs, JB
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Happy Friday everyone! SO happy to have a few dry days here. The four inches of ice is finally gone from my front porch. Maybe this is a turning point!!
The title of Hovey’s rant this week is fairly self-explanatory (he fears a return to poncing and the like is in his future). Of course he is taking up the cause for ALL equines – not just himself.
Lots of interesting races this weekend. I’m looking forward to seeing if Greatest Honour is “for real.” Stay safe and warm and well!
judy berube
Dear Sandy:
Thanks for our Friday Hovis update. He’s definitely back to his very, very funniest best. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sandy,
Thanks for our Hovis diary! He is sounding more and more like his old feisty self! ?
Hope your thaw continues! We never even really froze — what winter? We have monsoon season with chilly overtones. Ugh!! ?
I am happy that we have horse-racing to watch on the weekends again! I must get my snow fix vicariously by seeing it at Aqueduct and by watching Dr. Pol!
Hugs and Love
Hugs and Love
Marshall (NC Broad)
Oops! How did that happen? ?
Oh well, double “Hugs and Love” can’t be a bad thing❣️
Can it??
Ann NC
No, a double works for me.
2(H&L)= what the Dr. ordered.
I am watching both Aqueduct and Dr. Pol also. Even if most of Dr. Pol are reruns, I still enjoy them.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Shirlee,
I watch Dr. Pol over and over, too — doesn’t matter if they are reruns. ?
Hugs and Love
Barbara Brayton
Thinking of buying a micro share from My Racehorse. What do you think? Good idea, or bad?
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Hi Barbara,
I have shares in two horses (American Heiress, a three year old now in training with Todd Pletcher in Florida and Frosted Oats who is in very early training and will be going to Bill Mott). MRH has made it affordable and fun to be involved, and they are very good at providing updates, pictures, and videos. I figure I own a couple of whiskers of each, but I’m glad that I did it. Will really be looking forward to the day that one of them is in an actual race.
Ann NC
How exciting. Congrats!
Two gorgeous babies!
Watch over them Racing Gods!
judy berube
Dear Sandy:
Adding my congrats to Ann’s. Godspeed babies; safe and sound. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sandy,
This is very exciting! Add my congrats to those of Ann and Judy!
Hugs and Love
Marshall (NC Broad)
Love those names!
Best of Luck to them and best of health, too.
Hugs and Love
Marshall (NC Broad)
Oh what beauties, Sandy!
I just checked them out — American Heiress is lovely and Frosted Oats looks to be a fine chestnut. Great pedigrees, too! Both sires are special favorites of mine, and the name, Frosted Oats, really tickles me (dam is More Oats Please).
? ❤️
Thanks for sharing this fun experience!
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Barbara:
Just checked out their website. Sounds reputable. Top trainers. Please let us know what you decide.
Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Stay comfy and cozy and Happy Dreams. Love and Hugs, JB❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Wow, this could be a huge step in the welfare of our beloved TBs. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
This certainly does sound encouraging! How wonderful it would be to have a marker or markers to indicate probable trouble in order to save horses and riders.
Thanks for posting this article!
Hugs and Love
Ann NC
This is great news. Hope it leads to bigger, better equine care.
Love our vet researchers.
Thanks, JB.
judy berube
Dear Marshall and Ann:
Yes, a step in the right direction. Love and Hugs, JB
Thanks for Hovis. My mind painted quite a picture of getting a black eye by “untethered airbags” as they go over a fence. Poor Mother.
You are right. There is some exciting racing this weekend. I am anxious to see how
Fire At Will does. He does seem to have a turf pedigree but perhaps he can run on dirt. Hope Greatest Honor does well. Getting close to time when we need to pick those Derby favs. Warm and sunny here in Indy. Most of the snow is gone. Everyone stay safe and enjoy the racing this weekend.
judy berube
Dear Shirlee:
That was quite visual????
Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Have a restful evening and Happy Dreams. Love and Hugs, JB??????
Marshall (NC Broad)
Big Congrats to Essential Quality and to Greatest Honour on the wins today!! Both are sons of Tapit — well done, “Mr. T”❣️
Excellent rides by Luis Saez on EQ and Jose Ortiz on GH. Congrats to trainers Brad Cox and Shug McGaughey, too!
Amazing races. Yay!
Hugs and Love
Ann NC
Makes you feel like a little kid waking up on Christmas Day.
Great racing!
Essential Quality was escorted by his entire barn to get saddled…oh boy!Doesn’t mind the mud either! Marshall, your gray!!All I could think about was The Bid.
So happy for Shug. Congrats to the Tapit boys.
G Honour goes to Fla Derby. Where to next for EQ?
Guess the double dose of Love and Hugs came in the form of these handsome guys!
Marshall (NC Broad)
Neighbor Ann,
Yes indeed, Essential Quality is a beautiful gray. That’s a good explanation for the double dose, 2(H&L)! Both of those races were great. Wow, that last race at Oaklawn was majorly murky!
It was a nice birthday present for Tapit, too — thanks to Shirlee for letting us know that it was Tapit’s 20th birthday. Happy belated Birthday to wonderful Tapit!
Hugs and Love
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Both Tapit boys ran terrific races. I certainly was on Essential Quality in the BC Juvenile, and he looked very impressive, but I picked Greatest Honour in the Holy Bull when he was more of an unknown so this will be leading to some tough decisions down the road. I also am cheering on Proxy for my trainer friend Mike Stidham who has never (that I know of) had a horse in the Derby. And Maxfield is running this coming weekend at Santa Anita (too old to be a Derby horse, of course, but he really is something!!) Just wish he wasn’t running against Express Train for our John!
Ann NC
Wishing all of them safe and sound racing.
Greatest Honour really passed a big test. Very smart boy!
Can’t wait for the weekend races!
Stay safe and well everyone.
Happy 20th birthday yesterday to the great sire, Tapit. He had 2 sons do very well at the races. I could live with either one of them winning the Derby. Have to pull more for Greatest Honour because he is a homebred and not from one of the big stables. And I know Shug will give him the best of care. From all I have read, Shug is a man of Greatest Honour. Of course, Brad being a Louisville native would be a wonderful winner. Good luck and good health to both of these beautiful Tapits.
judy berube
Dear Marshall, Ann, Shirlee and Z Fans:
Congrats to Tapit and his boys. Well done. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB