Happy Monday!
Ziconic is on his fourth month of early training under Jeanne Mayberry, and we went to Ocala earlier this month to visit.
We arrived early on a Monday to find him excited to start the day. He has the same routine that Coz did this time last year. He’s even in his brother’s old stall.
We watched Ziconic’s morning workout and then hung out around his paddock while he enjoyed the Florida sunshine. He loves peppermints just like his mom, and we had plenty on hand.
At the end of the day, Ziconic even got to FaceTime with Zenyatta.
We didn’t leave without asking Jeanne, April, and Jackie to answer questions from this fans. Check back next week for a Mayberry Farm edition of Ask The Experts.
Ziconic has an official Facebook page! Like him here.
Team Z
Photos by Kyle Acebo.

Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Carol, Sue, Maureen, Shirlee and Z Fans:
I found this article from NTRA on Ebby’s owner, Mr. Banwell of St. George Farm. Article states that he does have a broodmare band at St. George in Kentucky, so it’s possible that Ebby may return to Kentucky after being bred. Don’t know how risky it is to transport a mare in foal, but will keep checking for news on her. Love and Hugs, JB
It can be done. Lady Angela was in foal by Nearco when she was shipped by sea to Canada from England. Her foal was born in Oshawa, Ontario at Windfields. The foal was Nearctic, who grew up to be sire to Northern Dancer.
Can’t ague with the results of that mating and the trip. I am sure Ebby will fly back and forth and will not be harmed.
A great deal of UK and Euro horses travel to Ireland each year to be bred to Galileo and others like Sea The Stars. It is not as long a trip but the same principle applies. My guess is that Ebby will only be there only as long as it takes to ensure that she is safely in foal. Then she will come home.
BTW, Lady Angela nearly lost her pregnancy in Montreal. They were taking her and her recently born foal, who was with her on the voyage, off the ship. Someone made the serious error of trying to separate her from the foal. Naturally Lady Angela was very upset and started losing her footing on the deck. Fortunately they returned the foal to her and all went well. If Nearctic had been lost, horsey history would have changed significantly.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Max, Shirlee and Z Fans:
Thanks for your info on the transport of mare’s in foal. We’ll have to keep looking for updates on our beautiful Ebby. Love and Hugs, JB
Red has Northern Dancer genes from Tapit’s mother. He has Nijinsky too. Nijinsky was a Triple Crown winner, the last one in England. Then there is Secretariat and Seattle Slew, not to mention his momma. Red has exceptionally good bloodlines. He also has the eye of a winner. Wise Dan probably takes his calls.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Royalty on both sides of his bloodline. Love and Hugs, JB
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
I have to believe that Ebby will be back once safely in foal. She hasn’t been sold (as far as we know) so I can’t imagine that her owner wouldn’t want her and her offspring over here. We’ll just keep hoping :-)
maureen ph[llips
Dear Judy B from Rhodes Island,
Thanks for the update, we will continue to hope and pray that she makes it back; It is always well at Z Nation. Hope you had a lovely saturday. Enjoy the rest of the weekend which is always t0o short in my opinion. You know, I had travelled to Ivory Coast a few years back only to find out that Monday was also observed as a rest day?, how kool is that.? Lol.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Maureen and Z Fans:
Maureen, yes, hoping she does come back home. Wow, very cool that you traveled there.
I am watching Patriots Rising, the story of the American Revolution, on the History Channel. While the Continental Army is stranded and starving for lack of supplies and food, many of their horses have died from lack of food. More War Horse heroes. Horses played such a significant role in that war too. Love and Hugs, JB
Barbara Wood
Oh no! I missed it!!! Maybe they will re-run it. I will look. Thanks for the heads up.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Barb:
Yes, I think they will. Love and Hugs, JB
Sue Fredrick Happy as a lark
I sure hope you are right and she comes back soon after the breeding, I would think he would want the foal born in Kentucky for racing purposes. I don’t want her buried on a farm over there, not because of any concern for her care, but because we’ll never get any info about her, like Rags to Riches. Bring our beautiful girl back home.
The Red Prince now has over 12,5000 likes on his Facebook page. Know his mommy is proud. She sure taught him to look for the camera.
maureen ph[llips
Dear Shirleeinindy,
No kidding!, thats unbelievably awesome.! Praise the LORD!, he sure is trending, WOW!!!. Of course , his mamma is mightly proud of him as we all are at Z Nation.!
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Thanks for sending me Sparkle and Savannah. Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Frank, Boo and all the Sweeties
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, V and Montey:
Hope all of you are comfy and cozy in your stalls. Love You. Hugs, JB
Z Princess, Dubai, will always love you.
Dear Max.Good to see you posting .I thought one of the wild things that inhabit your area had “got “you!!!!I remember Ouija Board travelled to the US for her 1st mating with Kingmambo and stayed there 6 months.Maybe Ebby will stay at Banstead for a short while.She will love the Suffolk countryside I’m sure.Go Fly tomorrow.Sheena.
The wild things always respect their king.
Dear Judy.Lovely video on Sparkle caturday report.Enjoy.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Cap Hercules Frank Boo and all the Sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Godspeed Fly; fly home. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Max. That’s good news!!!Sheena.
A crown and a wolf suit must be worn at all times when wild things are about.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Max:
That’s quite a visual. Stay warm my friend. Love and Hugs, JB
Elizabeth in NM
Max, when I was teaching, the kids loved me reading Maurice Sendak to them. I think you are absolutely right. Many blessings, w love Elizabeth
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Upstart, a son of Flatter, won the Holy Bull Stakes today at Gulfstream. He was ridden by Jose Ortiz.
Dubai Sky (Candy Ride), whom I picked to win; I think you all know why, won the Kitten’s Joy Stakes. He was ridden by Uncle Johnny.
Kitten’s Joy’s son, Chief Kitten, ran 6th. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy B.,
Thank you for the news about the Holy Bull Stakes and Kittens Joy Stakes winners.
Congratulations to Upstart, Jose Ortiz and connections!
Big congratulations to your pick (yes, I know why), Dubai Sky with Uncle Johnny aboard and all his connections, too!! YAY!
Hugs and Love
Ann NC
How did I miss this wonderful race review?
Thanks, JB.
B. Livingston posted a great photo of, Upstart with his proud groom on her twitter thingy.
Handsome guy. Congrats to all winners.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Marshall, Ann and Z Fans:
You’re so welcome. Bill Mott trains Dubai Sky and also the horse who finished second in the race, Courtier. Very close finish. Here’s the replay. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Thanks, Judy B.
Exciting race! Thank you for posting the link. Well done, Dubai Sky!
Upstart certainly had a powerful kick to win going away, too.
Have a good week!
Love and Hugs
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Marshall:
You’re so welcome. Love and Hugs, JB
sheena davies(wales)
God morning all fault with my computer am testing!Sheena
January 25 Cherokee Devotional
Dust trails on the ground and vapor trails in the sky where man travels with such speed we can only see where he has been-and these are everyday wonders.
Others have left tracks for us-men and women we may never have heard about, or it may be our own mothers and fathers. Eras pass leaving only the faintest signs. Hills stay pretty much the same, the sky changes and changes again. The wind sweeps a trail of seeds that give us trees and flowers. Universal tracks-footsteps we hear again and again. Will ours be marching-or rolling softly as the steps of an evening walker?
I thank the Great Spirit for making me a Sauk, and the son of a great Sauk Chief.
Black Hawk
Dear Sheena,
Just saying hello. Computer trouble? That’s always a bummer. Have a blessed Sabbath. Love and hugs from me, kisses from Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy.
sheena davies(wales)
Dear Kathy.Beautiful devotional today!Yep,computer just died on me last night.My cousin has lent me her windows 8 and I am totally confused,have only managed to visit Mango.Poor Judy has a dreadful chest cold.Mango sounds sooo cute!Hopefully I can get it repaired this week!Not a good way to start the new year.Have a blessed Sabbath.Love and hugs to you,Kisses for Holly,Nikko and Sugar.Sheena.
Computers turn on us when we least expect it as do printers. My printer decided to retire suddenly last week in the middle of an important print job. Always need a plan B.
sheena davies(wales)
Dear Max.The Fly has created history by winning his 5th Irish champion hurdle!!!22 grade 1 wins for him.Willie and the short one must be over the moon!!waiting more news.there was a good win for Un De Sceaux as well have just seen the replay.I am sooo excited for the Fly!!!Sheena.
Wildly happy. The Fly is supreme. His hurdling is exquisite on a par with his unrelenting attitude and courage. No horse can stand up to his desire to win. He is small and mighty like his great grand daddy. To those who questioned Mullins and said that The Fly was way past his due date last spring, look at that horse run. Bite em Fly.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
The Fly was amazing (and easy to spot this time with his jockey in bright blue). I was concerned that the track announcer might not be able to finish the race!
Ann NC
Great listening and racing!
Marshall (NC Broad)
Thank you for posting the video of The Fly’s win in the Irish Champion Hurdle. What a guy!! 5 wins in this race — fantastic!
Congratulations to H.F., Mullins, shorty and all connections.
Glad that others are interested in The Fly. It is a beautiful thing to see great horses run.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Thanks for this. Congrats to the Fly and all his connections. Love and Hugs, JB
carol in arkansas
Unbelievable by The Fly….what a horse…congrats to everyone involved…
Hubby feeling better today…we are going to make an assult on Oaklawn…
Should be sixtys and sunny….beautiful day..
Ann NC
Have fun and soak up some sun and fun, Carol.
Blow kisses over to the backside for our sweet horse heros.
To all in the path of winter storm, Juno…stay safe!
Good boy, Fly! No biting, yikes! Incredible jumper. Beautiful boy. Willie must be on cloud 9.
Barbara Wood
A beautiful week ahead. Enjoy!
I wish they would send Ebby to Noble Mission instead of shipping her off to the UK.
I think NB is as good as Frankel, full brother, got the most beautiful confirmation and can stay a mile and a half. What more could you ask for??
This is my humble opinion and also save a 100K ++++
PS Ziconic looks fab.
Ann NC
Great idea. Give that beautiful girl a big lush pasture, fresh air and sunshine, asap. Everything else will fall into place. She has travelled enough. Let her chill.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Donna:
Excellent idea. Would keep her home in Kentucky and NM is a beautiful boy. Love and Hugs, JB
Thanks Max I hope Zenyatta goes to him too.
I think NM is a real opportunity for many breeders.
There is also their brother Bullet Train. He’s a real bargain.
The Mosses seem to prefer proven stallions for Zenyatta. Frankel, Mission and Bullet Train have not yet had any racers. Too early still. If the late Princess is any indication of the cross with the Northern Dancer line, a visit again to War Front is a good idea. She was a beautiful foal.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Max:
The Princess really was extraordinarily beautiful.
Always liked Bullet Train too. Love and Hugs, JB
I know Z Princess was wonderful, I guess I am superstitious.
I wish they would try a new stallion like NM, I just have a gut feeling about him.
You might well be right. Time will tell. I also have always liked Noble Mission. He just took a little longer to come into his own than his brother. Cecil used to say that he and Thomas Chippingdale at 3 were both babies, and the only difference between them was that one was a bigger baby than the other. Mission seems to look like his grandfather, Sadler’s Wells. Frankel looks more like Nijinsky.
maureen ph[llips
Dear Max,
Good morning, I like the name Noble Mission but like you said, he is a slow starter, if so, then that possess a bit of a problem since the Queen was a slow starter too. Not that that is a major problem but I think a cross with someone who isn’t a slow starter but has the Royal Blue Blood running in their veins will be nice. Don’t get me wrong, I still think Breeding the Queen with an untested stallion with good confirmation would possibly produce the most amazing results because the gene’s come together nicely, Me personally, I love Big Brown but would not push for him because he is also a Big Boy. I pray that one of his son’s make him proud. I have no knowledge in these things so I will concentrate energy praying that God chooses the right mate for the Queen that would produce the best results. He knows all things great and small. Have a wonderful rest of the weekend. It is always well at Z Nation. Much love to all.
Agree. I am the last one to question the power of prayer. We all saw the results of that with Paynter. The truth is that it is really all in the hands of God. No one knows for sure what will happen with breeding. All the charts of pedigrees and advance planning cannot predetermine a winning race horse. Each horse is an individual, a gift of God.
Ann NC
Beautifully said, Max. Thank you.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Indeed. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Max.I quite agree with you and Donna.NM would make a wonderful mate for Ebby!My computer suddenly came back on!I was already on to plan C,D and E.Maybe it just needed a rest!The Fly was magnificent.There’s some cold(as in UK)weather for us later this week.Happy Burn’s night.Maybe the wild things will call with you!!Sheena.
There is no telling with these computers. I had to buy a new printer this week. They wanted to send out some geeks to instal it. Do I need more guys hanging about the premises, making friends and getting coffee from the staff? I need space and peace to study horses. So great that The Fly won today on ground that was not ideal for him. Love the way he puts his head down, pins back the ears and goes for it. Mullins says that The Fly is very conscientious with his training. He is always ready to train every morning without fail. He loves it which is highly unusual in a horse of 11. That determination shows in the quality of his jumping. Un de Sceaux jumps well too. Mullins really knows how to train.
Sue Robinson
Hi all
I think this guy is going to be a winner! He is just got a look and it’s in his eyes. Try to catch me !!!
I have a short story for you today.
A while back a horse was retired from the track by the original owner and the trainer. That was a good thing because there was a small group starting to form and we had plans to do the same. It worked out well and the small group got a bit larger. Through the effort of a very goodhearted person we raised funds and donated those to the rescue where the horse was placed. A few months ago the horse had not been adopted so the rescue lowered the cost and that sent fear through our hearts in the group. We worried so that we tried to think of a way to get her. I even tried to get a very famous retirement home for horses to take her. None of that worked. Then an unexpected blessing happen. Today I am up reading some posts on facebook and there it is. Missy has been adopted. Missy was taken to her new home today. The person that adopted her has agreed to keep us updated and will even allow visits. Now you might ask why I am writing this on Zennys blog. I’ll tell you why. Without Zenyatta there would be no wonderful rescue story to tell. Zenyatta’s Sr Knight El Vino had faithfully served his queen. Then after the queen retired Vinie was doing his own thing. Well our El Vino found himself a girlfriend. His girlfriend was the most beautiful red girl named Madame Mistletoe. Because of Zenny we followed El Vino and that lead to Missy. Zenny you did it again. The queen of racing helped a very nice family in Ohio give this red headed girl a super nice home. You can check it out on the home page of Madame Mistletoe Fans, Friends and Followers. I love happy endings and you too Queen Z.
CoZ I Can 2015
I like Zik 2016
Barbara Wood
Sue–you are so right. Zenny has created a ripple effect among us. Every time I get an opportunity to help with a rescue, I always tell the people I have met some wonderful people on Zenyatta’s blog. She has a wider audience that just we who gather here to post. It is a miracle. Hugs to all.
maureen ph[llips
Dear Sue Robinson,
Thank you for the lovely heart warming story, so happy for Missy. Queen Zenyattat is always happy to lend her name to a good cause. Thank you too for your shout out to the Crown Prince Coz #2015 and to Red Prince #2016. Hope you day has been Blessed so far. It is always well at Z Nation. Much love to all.
Is this the same horse whom Shari Voltz’s class used to follow? In any event, very happy that she has a good home. Wonderful.
Yes this is Shari’s classroom horse.
Z. Power!
Ann NC
Thanks for sharing this, Sue.
Good luck, Missy. Enjoy your new home. Love those red heads!
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Sue:
Thank you for this update. So happy to know that Madam Mistletoe (Missy) has a happy forever home. Happy for Shari and the children too, as I know they love her very much. Love and Hugs, JB
So happy things have turned out well for Missy. Her new family must be special and have nothing but good planned for her.
sheena davies(wales)
Dear Sue.A very heartwarm[ng story about Missy.Long life and happiness for her.Hugs Sheena.
I really enjoy reading the handicapping commentary after a race is over. Majority of experts called for a Jezki win today. Mullins is very happy with The Fly. He said that some wags are questioning The Fly’s age as he looks and acts like 5. Mullins said that they will have to check The Fly’s teeth to see how old he really is. Whoa! Might be some serious biting if that happens. Mullins also said that The Fly is 16 hands which he says Is small for a jumper. Always thought that The Fly was even smaller than that. Those other horses like Jezki must be Beast size. Know that Annie is a very big girl.
Barbara Wood
@Dumplings in the path of the storm.– Please stay safe. Hope you have plenty of food stockpiled. Please check in asap after the storm. Hugs to all.
sheena davies(wales)
Dear Max.I never thought the Fly was 16 hands he looks far smaller than that when racing!Yes I love reading the comments after a race.If we had softer ground at the festival who knows??A lot,as you know,had written KS off and he came back at 11 to win at Haydock and Kempton. My computer didn’t last long off now again,will have to get someone to repair it this weekLike you I enjoy the peace of my home but I have to provide the refreshments myself to the workers!Is Annie having a prep race before the festival?She’s entered in the World Hurdle too.Wow I pity the one who examines the Fly’s teeth!!Don’t worry about Ebby she will have a lovely time and be well cared for while in the UK.Sheena.
I heard an interview with Mullins and he said that The Fly is 16 hands. I was shocked because he looks so much smaller, although it might be his build. He is built sleek like a flat racer. The Fly has a beautiful head. Regal like Danehill.
The short guy was full of praise for The Fly. He also mentioned that it was an honor to ride Kauto and Big Bucks. He said that he knew that The Fly would win today when AP went to the whip early. Also heard that AP decides the timing of the jumps and guides the horse over. Shorty leaves it completely to the horse. That Fly is one wonderful jumper. But stay away from his teeth.
Heard that Annie will not have a prep. Seems like she had inherited Quevega’s approach. Just do it.
Sorry to hear that your computer is still tormenting you. You are right. I do not hand out the coffee but I see it happening as I walk by the kitchen. I have given instructions to keep those kitchen doors closed. Wild things are known to lurk in kitchens.
Forget to mention Ebby. I know that she will be very well cared for at Bansted. That place is pretty much horsey heaven. Abdullah has spared no expense to keep the horses in high style. I think that the main concern about Ebby is the travel and being out of the U.S. Lady Angela made a one way trip from England to Canada. She was heading there after she was purchased by Windfields. In a way she was going home. Back and forth over the Atlantic is another matter. Hope that all goes well for Ebby.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Goodnight. Thanks for Sparkle today. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Frank, Boo and all the Sweeties
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Beautiful Z, COZ, ZI, V and Montey:
Goodnight. Happy Dreams. Stay comfy and cozy. Love Ya. Hugs, JB
Z Princess, Dubai, will always love you.
sheena davies(wales)
Dear Max.I just love your attitude to the kitchen!!!The wild things might “pop out”expectedly one day.Approach with care!!Sheena.Forgot Istabraq congratulated the Fly and knew his records were broken but is still proud of what he achieved.
I still admire Istabraq too. Wonderful horse. His father is Sadler’s Wells. SW is The Fly’s grandfather on sire side. In a way, it’s all in the family. Remember Bullet Train once referred to Ista as a brother because of SW?
sheena davies(wales)
Dear Judy.Nissy should be through tomorrow(or today rather it’s gone 1am)Lovely video on Sparkle about Honeybee.Was’nt the Fly wonderful today?Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Cap Hercules Frank Boo and all the Sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Yes, wonderful. Those biters have a winning spirit. Love and Hugs, JB
Bluegrass Girl
Hurricane Fly BHP Insurances Irish Champion Hurdle (G1) 2015 VIDEO
At The Races Published on Jan 25, 2015
The legendary Hurricane Fly won his 5th Irish Champion Hurdle and a scarcely believable 22nd Grade 1 with this immensely brave effort at Leopardstown,
Impressive win!!
January 26 Cherokee Devotional
Peace at any price is not peace, it is hiding until the danger passes. Sooner or later those who have no honor will find another way to break the treaty.
Tread water when necessary, avoid confrontation with those who love turmoil, and never be so self-sufficient as to not be able to say an honest prayer when it is needed. Cultivate peace, to hi dv, but do not give in to darkness.
Take away your guns and swords, the cause of all our jealousy, or you may die in the same manner.
I just want to say hello to Max, Sheena and Judy.
Thank you and everyone else for your comments on NM, I don’t post very often but I enjoy reading your comments.
Max and Sheena you both have so much knowledge about British racing, I haven’t followed it so much since I came to the US.
I do think that US breeders need to try some new blood and I am so glad that Lanes End have stepped up and bought NM, I hope he produces some fabulous babies.
Also If I was a horse I would love to live at Banstead Manor, it looks so beautiful, I would love to visit Frankel one day.
Donna XXX
Glad to have more followers of British, Irish and U.S. racing. Miss KathyR for her Aussie views.
Noble Mission does not really bring any new blood to US breeders. He is from the Northern Dancer line on the sire and dam sides. Northern Dancer was born Canadian although he spent most of his stud career in the US. Both his mother and dam sire are US horses. Dam sire is the great Native Dancer also known as the Gray Ghost.
carol in arkansas
our day at the races was cut short yesterday….clouds rolled in and temp dropped….nearly frozen my “you know what off”…
however, on Thursday I wll attack Oaklawn prepared for battle….RIVERS is entered in race 8….the hubby will now be able to drag me kicking and screaming out of there before I see him…he has a new trainer…I will have to research this…same jockey and owners…
hope everyone is well and kisses for all the soft noses…
and @Max…I do so miss trying to catch the great Cigar at play in his pasture…may he RIP
Best wishes and safe trip for your boy Rivers. Hope he is with a good trainer.
I also miss Cigar and the Cigar cam. I used to watch all of the time to catch him out in that paddock. It was great fun. Never will forget that or him.
Watch out at Oaklawn for The Beast. Good luck to Rivers.