Happy Monday!
Ziconic is on his fourth month of early training under Jeanne Mayberry, and we went to Ocala earlier this month to visit.
We arrived early on a Monday to find him excited to start the day. He has the same routine that Coz did this time last year. He’s even in his brother’s old stall.
We watched Ziconic’s morning workout and then hung out around his paddock while he enjoyed the Florida sunshine. He loves peppermints just like his mom, and we had plenty on hand.
At the end of the day, Ziconic even got to FaceTime with Zenyatta.
We didn’t leave without asking Jeanne, April, and Jackie to answer questions from this fans. Check back next week for a Mayberry Farm edition of Ask The Experts.
Ziconic has an official Facebook page! Like him here.
Team Z
Photos by Kyle Acebo.

Bluegrass Girl
Cracked Cap on Teeth Explains Mr. Z’s Behavior in Smarty Jones
San Diego Horse Race January 23rd, 2015
Owner Justin Zayat believes they have found the reason for Mr. Z’s sudden detour that cost him a victory in the Smarty Jones Stakes at Oaklawn Park Monday. They say the colt cracked a cap on one of his teeth during the running of the race and that led to his erratic behavior
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear BGG:
Poor baby. He’s a talented boy. Love and Hugs, JB
Bluegrass Girl
MORNING GLORY: Cozmic One (1/23/15)
HRTIV Friday, Jan 23 2015 VIDEO
Aaron and Jeff analyze Cozmic One’s workout from Friday, where the son of champion mare Zenyatta went five furlongs in 1:03 at Santa Anita.
Ingrid Arnone
BB, thanks for the up date on our adorable Coz!
Hugs Ingrid.
Bluegrass Girl
TDN on Friday January 23, 2015
Jojo Warrior retired “happy, sound, healthy & will make a great mother” Ahmed Zayat
Zayat Stables and WinStar Farm’s Jojo Warrior (Pioneerof The Nile–Carson Jen, by Carson City), a two-time graded winner and third-place finisher behind champion Untapable (Tapit) in a loaded renewal of the GI Cotillion S. at Parx last September, has been retired, Ahmed Zayat announced on Twitter Thursday.
Thanks for your posts. I did not know that they capped horses teeth. I learn a lot of things on this blog.
Coz looks like a big boy. Glad the announcers stressed that Zenny was a late bloomer and he probably is too. We will just have to wait.
Happy that Jo Jo Warrior is retiring happy and healthy. Mr. Zayat takes good care of his horses.
maureen ph[llips
The Crown Prince, Cozmic One is going to be just fine and will shock all the nay -sayers into silence.He is a runner and has been from the time he was a little boy! when the Queen couldn’t even catch up with him, I have infinite confidence in my boy and am not wavering!!!. It is well always at ZNation, much love to all.
Cynthia H.
Zenyatta’s family is much in the news today!
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Cynthia:
Thank you. Hope Ebby has a happy life. All the best beautiful girl. Love and Hugs, JB
maureen ph[llips
Dear Judy Berube from Rhode Island,
Amen to that. She deserves to be very Happy. It is well, have a Blessed weekend. LoL.
Ann NC
Yes, JB, all the best for beautiful Ebby. Bet she will be the Best Mom ever.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Ann:
Me too. Love and Hugs, JB
Ingrid Arnone
OH! Good luck dear Ebby.
Thanks for the up date.
Hugs Ingrid.
Barbara Wood
Has anyone posted about Ebby’s being retired from the track t be a broodmare in Europe? I wish her well! Hugs to all.
Dear BGG.That was a really excellent article about Churchill.Gosh,Peter Carington never seems to age I wish I knew his secret!The link I tried to post was more about the day he died and the week leading up to his historic funeral but many thanks anyway.Hugs Sheena.
Very excited about Ebby coming over to the UK as a broodmare!A wise decision to retire.Good luck in your new career.Hugs Sheena.
Linda in NJ
I agree with the other posts. I am so happy to hear she is retired from racing. Of course John knows best, but it always struck me that Ebby just didn’t like racing. She never seemed confident. She always struck me as being afraid. I met Ebby a few times over the years and she was such a sweet horse. I think she will make a wonderful mom.
God bless you Ebby. We really love you! I wish you and your future foals all the best. We will be watching Ebby. I think John will be watching you too.
Terry Crow
With apologies to Kathy’s devotionals, here is an Indian joke I have posted before. The Chief called the tribe together for a meeting. ” I have good news and bad news. Which would you like to hear first?” The tribe agreed that it would like to hear the bad news first. “Braves have had bad winter hunting.” he said. “Nothing to eat but buffalo dung.” The members of the tribe then said “What is the good news?” The Chief then said “We have plenty buffalo dung.”
Linda in NJ
Hi Terry
Too funny. Lol!!!
Funny, funny, funny!
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear TC GP:
Welcome back. Thanks for the chuckles. Love and Hugs, JB
maureen ph[llips
I agree, too, too funny, keep the jokes coming. Wishing all an awesome weekend. It is well, LoL to all at Z Nation.
Ann NC
Thanks, TC. Nice starting the day with a funny!
Thanks for the joke. We need even more of them as we struggle to get through the winter. Blessings!
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Janet
Thank You so much for posting the picture of Orfevre’s first foal. She is really a pretty little girl. Just a beauty.
Janet Newman
You are welcome.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Huge, Huge Congratulations to Dortman as being a leading contender on the Triple Crown Trail. Fell in love with you at first sight. Stay Safe beautiful boy. Also can’t forget Papa Big Brown. Brownie think you’ve got a wonderful son here. I have a real problem here if my Night Prowler makes it to the Derby Trail. Couldn’t pick between you two.
Dear Judy.Is’nt it exciting about Ebby coming here to meet Frankel or Oasis Dream aka Brad Pitt!I wonder what she will make of the English countryside?.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Cap Hercules Frank Boo and all the Sweeties.Love and hugs Sheena.X
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Goodnight. I’m happy for you that she will be in England, but I’m sad that she is leaving the States. I wish Ebby the very best, happy and healthy life as a broodmare. Will look forward to hearing about her babies. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Frank, Boo and all the Sweeties
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Just to share. Tried something today that is just absolutely wonderful. If you have not tried this it is a real treat. Have seen Wolfgang puck do it. but just have not tried it. It is so delicious. It has several different names and can be made several different ways. “Creme Caramel Flan” “Flan” “Mexican Flan” So simply delicious. Had to share this true find. Heavenly Desert. I am going to be searching for recipe’s
Just to share with Z nation.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
So Happy for Ebby. So glad you’ll hopefully be a mom.
Best wishes to beautiful Eblouissante as she starts a new career in Europe!
maureen ph[llips
I’LL miss her, she is truly a beautiful girl. She has those kind gentle eyes and was such a gentle spirit. The Queen is really proud of her and so are we all at Z Nation. I agree, she would make a great mom and her children will bring her glory and make her proud.. I do hope she gets to come back home to the States when all’s said and done. Praying for a safe trip and Journey mercies. It is well.
Maureen, I was wondering if they will bring her back home once she is safely in foal???
Sue Fredrick Happy as a lark
I certainly hope she is going over there just to be bred and once that’s confirmed they will bring her home. At least in Kentucky we might continue to get updates about her, if she’s in the UK we will never hear about her again, look what happend to Rags to Riches. I’ll miss her exquisitely beautiful face. Come back Ebby.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Shirlee, Maureen and Z Fans:
I never considered that she might be bred and then return to the States. That would be wonderful. We have to watch for updates on her. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, V and Montey:
Goodnight. Stay comfy and cozy. Happy Dreams. Love You. Hugs, JB
Z Princess, Dubai, will always love you.
Remembering this day in 1965 when the sun set on the British empire with the passing of the greatest of a generation Winston Churchill.Born in a palace,lived as a commoner,buried as a king he refused further titles from Her Majesty preferring simply to be known by his name.Thousands filed past his coffin in Westminister Hall that bitter January week to give pay homage..All he wanted he said at his funeral were “lively hymns and bands”!Thank you Sir Winston for everything.If only we had similar politicians these days.!!RIP.Sheena.
“Never in the field of human conquest was so much owed by so many to ONE man”.
Elizabeth in NM
Sheena, Sir Winston was one of the greatest leaders, and men like him are so ‘very’ rare. Once you saw him and then heard his voice, I don’t think you could ever forget him. He had such great courage, and didn’t let anyone or anything get in the way of what was right. Thank you for bringing him to our remembrance again. with love, Elizabeth
maureen ph[llips
Dear Sheena,
Such a beautifully worded tribute to a simple great man. May his soul continue to rest in peace until we all meet again. Some people are born to be great and he was one of the very few.It is well always at Z Nation.
Dear Sheena,
Winston Churchill was a true statesman. We don’t seem to have many statesmen these days.He came along just when the world needed him. A great man. RIP Sir Winston Churchill. Hugs, Kathy.
Barbara Wood
Sheena,, this is so true. Thanks for helping us remember him. Where are the Churchills now? Not to be found in this country today.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
RIP WC. Love and Hugs, JB
Elizabeth in NM
Good morning, Zenny. Coming to this page and seeing the photo of your Ziconic – his vibrant chestnut coat and that teal blanket is such a visual wake up every day. So exciting to look forward to him racing! Love to you and your boys, Zenny, and to everyone in your family (human and equine). with love, Elizabeth
maureen ph[llips
Dear Elizabeth in NM,
Good morning, you are such an early riser I take it, here’s wishing you an awesomely Blessed weekend and I do agree with all you said about the Queen and her handsome Prince’s. It is well.
Elizabeeth in NM
Maureen, Thank you for the blessing and many blessings to you too. Yes, am an early (almost ridiculously early) riser. Even at that, the day goes by too quickly to get everything done. I think we’re probably all like that. Second thing every morning is to check Zenyatta’s website and ‘smile’ as I see her and her boys’ photos come up on the screen (1st thing is to thank God for ‘today’ and all the blessings behind and ahead for the day, and to ask for ‘ help! ‘ with the day’s events for everyone including myself). I ‘love’ getting up early – to enjoy the silence of the pre-dawn day and then peak out my studio window off and on to watch the stars disappearing and the morning light softly appearing. New Mexico is great about that – wonderful skies! Hope today is a good one for you (and everyone here on Zenny’s site – including her and her boys). with love, Elizabeth
January 24 Cherokee Devotional
Homecoming is not just a certain hour but a feeling, an attitude, an un na li-a friend. One phase of the day has been completed, so now back to the reasons for it-home. Home with its familiar fragrances, its lighted warmth and peace of mind.
At least, home ought to be this way-though it isn’t always. Too little time, too much weariness, too many complaints. Too little, too late, too bad. Real homecoming is a state of mind. Someone needs to be comforted, someone needs a gentle touch, someone needs to think of others. It may not be perfect, but working together makes homecoming a celebration.
Do not touch the money of the white man or his clothes. We do not fight for these things. The Seminole is fighting for his hunting grounds.
Seminole War Chief
Dear Kathy.I always love coming home even after shopping!!There is a horse running in Uttoxeter called Winston Churchill at 3.25pm surely he will run well today!!It’s a crisp clear day at Cheltenham Many Clouds has won the big chase and now heads for the Gold Cup.Can’t believe only 6 weeks to the festival!!!Fubu had his doc’s appt and weighs 8lbs now his mouth was very sore though but he did go shopping afterwards.Dolly’s friend Scottie has died she looks fabulous in pink!It’s snowing with Ray Daddy is busy ploughing!They actually had snow in NM with Mango,Nay had been away for the week so Mango was snuggling up to her!Have you seen Finn’s girlfriend?they have issues to sort out before moving in together.Very wise!Zoe and Diane have a busy day tomorrow,I loved her shoes!Great news about Ebby coming to the UK and Banstead!Have a wonderful Saturday.Love and hugs to you,Kisses for Holly,Nikko and Sugar.Sheena.
Dear Sheena,
I definitely think Winston Churchill will win today! Wishing all horses and jockeys safe trips today. Enjoy! I marvel that Fubu still keeps going despite his illness. He has a great doctor taking care of him! Sorry Dolly has lost her friend Scottie. She does look beautiful in pink. I don’t think any of our cats would have stood for being dressed in clothes. Dolly is a trooper! I hope Ray and his bruddahs have fun in the snow. Maybe Mango will get to make snow angels, too. Finn’s girlfriend looks cute. Can’t wait for the permanent new arrivals at Marty’s house. Zoe’s shoes were adorable. Wonder where Diane found those? Yes, it’s very exciting that Ebby will be going to the UK. Best wishes to her in her new career! Have a great Saturday. Enjoy the entire weekend. Love and hugs from me, kisses from Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy.
carol in arkansas
Is Ebby staying abroad …or…is she just going to be bred and then returning to her owners farm in Kentucky? cant find anything definite about this…
Laurel has cancelled racing today….i think Margano was suppose to race today…
its a frosty morning in Hot Springs…but the temps are headed up…hubby and i are going to head to Oaklawn tomorrow….should be sunny and 60+ by then…
kisses for all soft noses…
Have fun at the track tomorrow. Any news of Rivers?
If you can sneak back to the barn area, give ROC a pat.
Kalar Walters
Thank you, thank you, thank you for keeping us in the loop!!! Big hugs!!
Ann NC
Zenny- hope you have your snow hat on today. Looks like you folks had some inches?
Stay safe and have fun!
Luv ya
Another big Saturday win for Paul Nicholls!Saphir du Rheu and Sam win the Cleeve Hurdle at Cheltenham.As with Big Buck’s he will now continue hurdling.Same owner too!Beautiful horse.Sheena.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Congrats to SdR and all connections. Love and Hugs, JB
On this historic anniversary Winston Churchill wins at Uttoxeter!Yay!The great man must be looking down and smiling!Sheena.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Indeed. Congrats to both WC’s. Love and Hugs, JB
Terry Crow
Thanks to all who enjoyed the previous Indian joke. This has also been posted before and, in deference to Cynhtia, I will make it an Indian joke, The Chief called the braves together to make an announcement. “As you recall, hunting was so bad last year tribe had nothing to eat but buffalo dung. This year, to give credit where it is due, there is an oversupply of meat. As a reward for your efforts, each brave is to receive a change of underwear.” The braves responded with loud cheers. The Chief then said, “Red Hawk, you change with Standing Bear, Lame Beaver you change with running Buffalo…”
Bluegrass Girl
Terry C
Laughing out loud–again.
Glad you are back.
Hugs, BGG
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear TC GP:
Didn’t expect that one. Ha, ha. Love and Hugs, JB
I wasn’t expecting that. Good one!
For heavens sake!!!!!!!
Bluegrass Girl
Eblouissante Retired, Headed to Europe
By Paulick Report Staff 01.23.2015
Eblouissante, younger half-sister to 2010 Horse of the Year Zenyatta, has been retired and will be exported to Europe to begin her career as a broodmare, according to a Daily Racing Form report. The daughter of Bernardini out of Vertigineux finishes her racing career with two wins from seven start, most recently coming last of seven in the Paseana Stakes on Jan. 15.
Owner Ian Banwell will likely send Eblouissante to either Oasis Dream or Frankel after she arrives in Europe. She left trainer John Shirreffs’ barn earlier in the week to begin quarantine for her trip overseas.
Shirreffs said he found the filly’s career “frustrating,” and believes an accident in the gate waiting for the start of the G3 Shuvee in July 2013 likely changed the horse’s mentality.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear BGG:
JS is most likely correct about the gate incident. He knows her best. Wishing Ebby a happy, healthy, long life and I hope we get updates on her from time to time. Love and Hugs, JB
maureen ph[llips
Dear Bluegrass Girl.
Thanks for the update. Everything happens for a reason, the gate accident and all, but, in God we trust and I believe Ebby will just be fine and that her children will vindicate her and make her very Proud, We love you Ebby, go in Peace, it is well.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Hope all is well. Waiting to hear form you. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Max.Same from me as well.Missing your posts.Looking forward to the Fly tomorrow!Hugs Sheena.
carol in arkansas
@Max…our Beast posted a bullet at 4f this am at Oaklawn
Margano did race….at Tampa Bay Downs…finished 6th
Hi TC….great jokes…keep them coming…
Saw that. Kick butt, Beastie.
Margano, back to the drawing board. Big D is expecting better next time.
Hoping Margano’s little big brother, Pennmarydel, lives up a bit to Barbaro and Big D’s legacies. He is a really late bloomer and a giant of a horse. Over 17 hands at 2 and has had some problems because of his large size and rapid growth. Beautiful boy. Looks like a giant Barbaro.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Shirlee, Max and Z Fans:
Here’s a photo I found of Pennmarydel. This is from July 2014. He must be even more impressive now. Gorgeous boy. Love and Hugs, JB
Penn and The Beast, two very big guys.
Penn is really good looking. And he does look like Barbaro. Never forget that horse and what happened.