Happy Monday!
Ziconic is on his fourth month of early training under Jeanne Mayberry, and we went to Ocala earlier this month to visit.
We arrived early on a Monday to find him excited to start the day. He has the same routine that Coz did this time last year. He’s even in his brother’s old stall.
We watched Ziconic’s morning workout and then hung out around his paddock while he enjoyed the Florida sunshine. He loves peppermints just like his mom, and we had plenty on hand.
At the end of the day, Ziconic even got to FaceTime with Zenyatta.
We didn’t leave without asking Jeanne, April, and Jackie to answer questions from this fans. Check back next week for a Mayberry Farm edition of Ask The Experts.
Ziconic has an official Facebook page! Like him here.
Team Z
Photos by Kyle Acebo.

Kristen Parker
Love the Facetime with Mom! :)
He’s so gorgeous! I like him even better than Coz as a youngster and so striking as well! Doing Zen proud!
I love how his stripe looks just like his mom’s!!! Or almost like hers…
Ziconic’s a beauty! I’m still trying to figure out how Zenyatta, a dark bay and the nearly-whiteTapit produced a chestnut baby. Not that I’m complaining. I guess stranger things have happened. As always, thank you for the great shots and update. Love the shot of Z & Z getting some face time via Ann!
Lisa Myers
Gray horses and even bay horses can carry a chestnut gene in them. Many grays start out completely red chestnut but go gray rather quickly. Some are bay and then go gray. Some start gray. It’s all genetics. However all the science worked, Ziconic is one spectacular boy!
Foals are born a base color (chestnut or black with other modifiers to allow them to be bay or dilute colors) – they are not born grey, but some grey out more quickly than others. If they have a grey parent, they may inherit the grey allele to make them turn grey over time. If the grey parent is homozygous for grey (meaning that they have two grey alleles), ALL of the foals of that parent will turn grey. Since Ziconic is remaining chestnut, we know that Tapit is heterozygous for grey, so some but not all of his foals may inherit the grey allele from him.
Does anyone know what color Tapit was as a foal?
This is a great website to read about horse coat color genetics Gloria :)
A bay like Zenyatta would be Ee (otherwise she would be homozygous black EE and only produce black based offspring)
Anyways, it’s a neat thing to look into!
Terri Z
Gloria, Tapit’s ancestor who was a chestnut with three white feet was Secretariat. Hence, Zenyatta’s second son was named iconic (Secretariat) with a “Z” in front for Zenyatta.
Cynthia H.
♥ He simply takes my breath away. Thank you for the beautiful photos of your visit with our Queen’s Red Prince, Team Z! ♥
Debbi M
What wonderful pictures!! Thanks so much for continuing to be so generous with Z and her sons!
Wow! I am loving each of these pictures…especially the one of Zi having facetime with his mom. Zi is a gorgeous colt and seems to have a gentle spirit. Thanks Team Z, for the update.
Dawn Deems
Ziconic is one GORGEOUS boy!!! I love how he and Coz are so different. Love the Facetime with Mommy. So cute!!
Thanks for sharing these beautiful photos. Sending love from Ohio. XOXO
♥ Auntie Judy aka JAG So. California
♥ WOWZA!!!! Look at him! Love his forelock :-)
Cannot wait for ZI to grace the racetrack. He and CoZ have given us such high hopes. May they both stay healthy and strong. We already know they are HAPPY!
Thank you, Team Z for, sharing your horses with us! They are loved by so many of us!!
Hugz and peppermint kisses XO Auntie Judy ♥
he is beautiful
sue and tony
Such gorgeous pictures of a very handsome colt. Zi seems so content and interested in that “conversation” with mom. Team Z, we appreciate all you do to keep us in the loop with Zenny’s family.
he is a red Zenyatta….his head looks like her, and his deep chest. He is stunning! How tall is he now?
Thank you for the wonderful update Team Z!! Oh my goodness, Ziconic is so gorgeous (swoon). I wonder what he and the Queen chatted about? Special thanks to Kyle Acebo for taking the amazing photos!
Deb E.
ZI: “Hey, Mom! It’s me!”
ZENNIE: “My Handsome Red Baby Boy! I wuv you so much! How are you doing? Are you eating well? Have you made lots of friends? I something wrong? Are you all right? Have you…?”
ZI: “Gee Mom! I’m okay! Stop worryin’ about me! I’m great! I love Florida!”
ZENNIE: ” Well, a mother HAS to have SOMETHING to worry about! How’s the training coming? Are you running fast?”
ZI:” I’ve been practicin’ that move you taught me, remember the one where you followed the other horses around the track then came up from behind and used your supersonic speed to run around them in the stretch? I’m gettin’ REAL GOOD at that move!”
ZENNIE: “I’m so glad that move is working for you. It worked for me very well during my career, and I’m sure it’ll help you out during your racing days, too!”
ZI: ” I gotta go now Mom. Gotta go train! I wuvs you!”
ZENNIE: ” I wuvs you, too! Stay safe and have fun! Bye!”
ZI: “Bye, Mom!”
Camille Wade
You are destined for greatness, handsome fellow! Can’t wait to watch you race! You look like royalty……well, then again, you ARE because your mom is Queen Z!
He is absolutely, stunningly GORGEOUS!
He is such a looker. He looks to be moving forward in his training. Thanks so much for the wonderful update.
maryp ny
What joy this brings today. I have been checking in each day waiting to see Ziconic in training. He is truly a gorgeous boy and looks to be doing quite well.
Love seeing Ann’s face time with Zenyatta. She has such a connection with Z and her boys.
Thank you for these wonderful photos and always including us in their lives.
You’re the best!
Ann Beverly
He MIGHT be more handsome than Cosmic, Loved facetime :)
You’re just gorgeous and I can tell that your “work ethic” at LE has stayed with you at the Mayberry’s.
Face time with Zenny???? TOO CUTE!
Thank you, Team Z. I worry about all of you when I don’t get a new post. So I’m feeling happy & relieved now. And thank you, Kyle, for these SUPER photos!
Love & hugs to all
Linda R. Moss
Oh My – This guy has top contender written all over him! Thanks for such a beautiful post – we LOVE you, George, Linda & Milyone
Thank you for the lovely photos and thank you for keeping us in the loop!
Much appreciated.
Deborah Richman
Zi is absolutely stunning!!! Love these pics!…especially the one where he is face timing with Mom
To be able to share in the life of Zenyatta and her babies is such a privilege, we fans are truly blessed that you allow us these precious glimpses. Thank you so much!!!!
Especially Horses / So Cal
What a spectacular animal! Words don’t do him justice.
Lisag in Texas
Willie, Willie, Willie….so handsome, so grown up. Aunt Lisa just adores you, adores you, adores you.
I love you and hugs, kisses, hugs, kisses, and more hugs and kisses.
Dee F
He does have a certain intensity about him, doesn’t he? …. and those classic little Tapit ears.
Michele H
I have been in love with this guy from the 1st pictures of him. If he can run even 1/2 as good as he looks- he’s going to be one heck of a race horse ! Thank you so much for the pictures .
He is stunning! I absolutely love his cute little nose!
Thank you again for sharing with us fans. Ziconic is beautiful and seems to have his mother’s easy going personality. I love the picture with Ann doing FaceTime. Ann, you are just awesome! Love Zenyatta and anything or anyone in connection with her.
Ann Maree / Tennessee
THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! Was getting worried! Love these photos and updates. Thanks so much for putting up with us worry-wart fans! We just love Z and her boys so much, it is hard to contain our enthusiasm. Hugs to all.
Ann Maree / Tennessee
P.S. Thanks for clarifying which Facebook page is the “official” page for Ziconic. It is a shame that Facebook allows duplications, but we will spread the word for which one is the Team Z page for Little Red. Thanks again for all you do for us fans.
Ann Maree / Tennessee
One other P.S. that occurred to me…. it may be a privacy issue, so will understand if you can’t address this, but several of us were wondering about Zenyatta’s full brother, who we understand is also in training at the Mayberrys. I believe his barn name is “Monty”, and according to what is known, is owned by Coolmore. Thanks for any info.
Roxanne Cook
OMG, I’m in love.