Dear fans,
We’ll be cheering as Ziconic makes his debut this Saturday, February 20! He is entered in Race 3 at Santa Anita, a seven-furlong maiden special weight. Post time is 1:30 PM PT, and he’ll start from post 5 with Gary Stevens aboard.
Team Z

Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Go beautiful Ziconic!! We’ll be watching you from all across America. Be safe and mind Gary!

so excited to see handsome Ziconic run in his first race! we will always support dear Zenyatta’s babies when they run – you can’t be there Zenyatta, but we will be there for you…. cheering for your son – we hope he enjoys his new career – mostly we want him to have a fun time – thank you Zenyatta, you have been the gift that keeps giving – we watched you run every time here in SoCal, and now your boys are running here too – the best of times at the track – watching you first dear girl, and now your sons – wishing you the best always (looking forward to your sweet new baby to come!) – we love you Zenyatta – always! — and thank you again to your people for sharing you with us so graciously – love you all!!!!
Rhonda Katz
Go, you beautiful boy!
Kathy Matejka
anyone know of a live stream from Santa Anita? Hooray!
Thanks, Kathy
If you are in the U.S., you can see the race on Calracing.com. You have to sign up, but it’s free and you don’t get spammed.
Elizabeth in NM
Dear Laura,
Thanks for the information on Calracing.com. So exciting! Go Ziconic!
Kathy M
Thank you! Also a live stream via Santa Anita’s website and mobile platforms. Safe trip young Zi and Gary!
Sophia Gates
This is so exciting! I have chills!
Annie B.
Oh my, the time has come for our gorgeous red prince to take this big step!
We will all be watching and hope Ziconic discovers that he shares his mom’s love of racing!
Sorry that Mike cannot be aboard, but Gary is a great jockey too.
Crossing fingers, toes, and everything possible for a safe, happy trip.
Hugs to all,
Annie B in MA
Lisa in Co
Wondering why Mike isn’t aboard when he has been working him?
Mike was handed “days” for a ride last weekend and cannot ride anyone for three days I believe–unfortunately falls on Zi’s debut.
Lisa in Co
Thanks for the info. Gary is great as well and will do a fine job, I’m sure.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Annie B.,
Great to see a post from you!
Hope all is going well.
Hugs and Love
Lisa in Co
GO ZICONIC. Make your mom and all her connections and fans proud. You are one gorgeous boy. To all Z fans, be sure to check out Steve Haskin’s article from today in Bloodhorse: Things You Didn’t Know about Zenyatta….Great read and not to be missed by Z fans. I loved it…
Janie in L.A.
I just read Steve Haskin’s article – I always KNEW that running at nighttime with lights instead of sunshine at the 2010 BC Classic affected Zenyatta, I could just tell she thought it was weird and that it had to be a factor in her second place finish.
Also, I’m glad I didn’t know she had starting gate issues – at the 2009 BC Classic, all the horses had to be backed out of the starting gate and then reloaded when Quality Road had his accident in the starting gate and had to be scratched. I knew it unnerved the other horses and it made me nervous for all of them, but Zenyatta seemed fine and of course, blew us all away when she won. But I would have been more of a basket case if I’d known she had starting gate issues…
Mary Margaret in Central Georgia
Anticipation!!! Godspeed Ziconic ?
Dawn Todd
Go Ziconic! Run like the wind in your mom’s and lil Z Princessa’s honor!
God’s Speed Ziconic, and come Home Safe. RIP Steve Willard you were such an important part of Zenny’s life and training. I have one question, I thought Mike was going to be up on Ziconic.
Rebecca kirby
What a beauty Ziconic is. I still watch his beautiful and amazing mother Zenyatta run in film footage on TVG. ZENYATTA YOU BRING TEARS TO MY EYES STILL, when I watch the film clips of you racing. There will never be another horse with beauty, the grace and the presence that you are blessed with. Love you Zenyatta! Thank you for your babies.
Baby’s boy has grown up! Run like the wind, but come home safely Zi!
I will be cheering right along with you, Team Z and my Big Girl.
I don’t know if others hear have heard the sad news that Zenny’s beloved exercise rider, Steve Willard, has lost his battle with cancer. I would like to send my deepest condolences to Team Z, Steve’s family and all those who knew him best.
Elizabeth in NM
Dear Abigail,
Such very sad news about Steve. Prayers to his family and friends. with love, Elizabeth
Lisa in Co
RIP Steve…Condolences to Team Z and Steve’s family and friends. Thanks, Steve, for all you did for Z.
Looking forward to watching you run in your first race! Be safe and run like the wind Ziconic!!! You are in great hands with Gary on board!!!
I’m so sorry for the loss of Zenyatta’s exercise rider, Steve Willard. May he rest in peace. Condolences to his family, friends and Team Z.
Go Ziconic! Do it for your mama’s exercise rider, Steve Willard. Will be there rooting for you and Gary Stevens! Go, go, go!!
On a side note, that first picture taken by Zoe Metz is spectacular. Just gorgeous.
Roberta Gonzalez
Ziconic, remember running with your mom in the pasture, when you were a little one. I think she knew you were going to be special. Remember the lesions your mom, and everyone has taught you! Have fun, run with the wind, and God’s blessings. We will be cheering you on, you are in our hearts, just like your mom. I hope your fans don’t make to much fuss and scare you; I hope they realize you are new at this.
Lynn Martin
Heck with the dog show, I am staying home to watch the race! Run fast and safe, Ziconic!
Lynn Martin
I could not get any of the pictures. Just the captions. Any idea why? Remember, I am NOT computer savvy!!!
Can’t believe that the moment is finally here to see our beautiful Red Prince run his race! Do your best Ziconic and stay safe! We love you and are so very proud of you!
Marty R / Colorado
Anxiously waiting for the gate to open Saturday. I was expecting Mike Smith on board, but Ziconic will be in very capable hands with Gary Stevens as his pilot. A safe trip for all with Zi. crossing the finish line first, of course.
Go Ziconic!!! Be safe!!! xoxoxoZ,Coz,Ziconic&ZPrincessAngel
Carole Jones
God bless Steve Willard – he was SO MUCH a part of Zenyatta’s success. Rest in peace!
Every year we make a trip from Oregon to SoCal (my birthplace & home until I retired) to check on a rental property & get our taxes done (we retained our tax preparer after moving to Oregon). I was so hoping that Ziconic might make his debut when we were going to be at the track on March 5 & 6. Looks like we’ll miss the debut by 2 weeks. I’ll be watching on TVG this Saturday & hoping that he shows that brilliance his mother had. I only saw Z run twice in person – The Milady (as I recall) at Hollywood Park & the BC Classic at Santa Anita, when she blew the boys away. That was the greatest race I have ever seen & I’ll never forget that deafening sound as she powered down the lane to the finish line. As Trevor would say, UNBELIEVABLE!
Here’s hoping Ziconic shows even a hint of that fabulous talent that his mother had in his debut Saturday. God speed & return to the barn safe & sound, beautiful boy!
Carole from Southern Oregon
Wishing Ziconic good luck in his first race on Saturday.Remember all your mama taught you when you were by her side and you will be fine.Come home safe and sound is all I ask!
RIP Steve Willard Zenyatta’s exercise rider.May he find peace/Love and hugs Sheena
Mary Jane McKittrick
Wishing all the best for Ziconic, Gary Stevens, and all the Zenyatta family who generously share these moments with us. So sorry to hear of the passing of Steve Willard. When did he die? He was such a large part of the Queen’s success.
Amen to everything said above Dear Ziconic. May the spirit of Z Princess run with you and Gary and keep you safe. I think you are the “real deal.” Sure look and act like a race horse. But no matter where you finish, we will all love you still.
Leslie R.
This is very exciting news. Good luck Ziconic! Stay safe and have fun! I’ll be cheering for you.
Hugs to all,
sue and tony
You will carry our hearts with you on Sat. Royal blood runs through your veins and
we hope and pray you come home safe and sound while enjoying every hooftprint of your trip.
Ziconic…May the racing gods shine on you as you enter into the “family business”. You have the breeding, mind and heart of a champion. Just do it! Sending much love…
Sending condolences to Steve Willard’s family and friends who suffer the loss of this special man.
This pretty much tells it all and what a story is was!
Ingrid Arnone
RIP! Steve Willard!
Marshall (NC Broad)
Thanks for posting this article in tribute to Steve Willard. He definitely was a special member of the Team Z. Condolences to all family and friends.
RIP Steve Willard