Happy Monday!
Zenyatta’s colts are now both at Belmont Park with John Shirreffs.
Ziconic recently graduated from training at Mayberry Farm, where he was galloping every day and picking up speed. He arrived at Belmont over the weekend, joining his older brother Coz. Dottie tells us that Ziconic has a wonderful attitude about training and is one happy horse!
We’ll be visiting the boys this week. Updates to come!
-Team Z
Denise in St. Louis
John is the BEST!!!!!!! I am so happy that COZ and Ziconic are in his care !!! Thanks Team Z for all that you do for the fans!!! We love Queen Z and her foals.
Elizabeth in NM
Thank you, Denise, for these words of truth and encouragement. Nothing worth doing comes easily even when you have the talent and love for it. Zenny, trained and loved racing. Coz and Ziconic are just beginning. I am so excited for them. Everyone, including each horse, is different and have their own timing for learning and maturing. John is such a good trainer. I’m glad he has the patience and respect for the horses he trains. Thanks for posting this. with love, Elizabeth
Oh, Hovis has been having fun this week with Dolly and generally annoying his mum!!!Nothing new there!Herman the German is paying a visit so everything crossed the Destroyer can trot again.Safe trips to all horses and jockeys this weekend.Sheena
Dear Sheena,
Thanks for our Hovis. He had a very good week in spite of Mum. I’ll have everything crossed that Hovis can resume trotting. Happy weekend everyone. Safe trip for all horses and jockeys.
Thanks for Hovis. What would our Friday mornings be without him? Starts the day off with a laugh.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
One can only imagine what he might dream up next if he is not cleared for more activity! I’m sure he only meant to entertain mini-mother :-)
Marshall (NC Broad)
Thanks, Sheena! There is always something going on with Hovis! Hope Herman the German finds Hovis healthy for trotting and cantering, all gaits faster than walking.
Hugs and Love
May 22 Cherokee Devotional
We were made to be different-you and I. The same diversity is in nature but it never argues about who is good, better, or best. Each one of earth’s creatures goes about its own business-some yipping in the woods at night, some in high flight, some beneath water. One biological group does not look at another in abject disapproval-but all blend in a harmony that makes us peaceful to watch.
At times I may see you as bizarre and you may view me as lacking intellectually, but we are still God’s creations, and it is the diversity that makes life colorful, and certainly not monotonous.
God made me an Indian…but not a reservation Indian.
Sitting Bull
Hunkpapa Teton
Marty R / Colorado
Today is the first day of the 2015 racing meet at my local track, Arapahoe Park. I got up to light rain at 45 degrees. The forecast for today is a high of 64 degrees with rain/ thunder. The forecast really doesn’t improve until Tuesday with a high of 74 degrees with no rain. No racing on that day and the holiday weekend will be over. Is anyone experiencing a nice Spring? We can’t seem to get out of the grips of cool, wet weather. The blessing is no wildfires like we can have and we are not getting tornadoes, either.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
It’s been really strange here too Marty. Some days near 90, and then others that don’t even make it out of the 50s! Supposed to rain all next week too. UGH!
Good morning, Sheena. Steve is working from home today so my schedule is all messed up. Have a beautiful weekend! Praying all is well with our FB furbabies. Love and hugs from me, kisses from Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy XOXO
Dear Kathy.Yes,indeed,we are all God’s creatures although at times you wouldn’t think so.Thank you for the lovely daffodils I promise not to tell Hovis.Sadly all ours have disappeared now.It’s humid here today we had some overnight rain but it’s turned drier now.All is quiet on the Dyfi but great excitement at Lowes they have their 1st chick about 11.38pm last night.The birds seem a little puzzled maybe a 1st time mum.She has been very restless.I have just seen a video of CC training on the Heath he’s looking good.I cannot share it though!Hovis was having great fun with his mum this week,had to laugh at mini mother after Hovis knocked over the wheelbarrow!I do hope all goes well with Herman the German Hovis is sooo bored walking!Milo has loads of socks ready for Monday and Mr Fibbs had been snacking!Such a sad story about a disfigured dog who cannot find a home.We humans expect everything to be so perfect and life isn’t like that!Now he’s lost his foster home again!Mr No ears has been getting some more donations but he needs more support!Not much news from Fubu these days again.Hope all is well especially with his birthday coming up on June 6th.Hope your aunt is well.Have a great day.Love and hugs to you,Kisses for Holly,Nikko and Sugar.SheenaXOXO
Elizabeth in NM
Sheena, Do you know what “no ears’s” name is and about how old he is? That is just too sad. Would like to find something about him on the web. I’m praying he finds his new human soon that will love him. Thanks for posting about him. with love – Elizabeth
Dear Sheena,
Milo won’t have to turtle-turtle on Monday, it will be Memorial Day so we’ll all be on holiday! YAY!
Hugs, Kathy XOXO
carol in arkansas
My boy Rivers had a work at Churchill yesterday….on TURF…..whats he doing on turf?
Oh well….time will tell…
Elizabeth in NM
Zenny, Your Ziconic is so handsome! (I know I’ve told you this before) Love his ears (reminds me of you!). Hope you and your ‘boys’ have a wonderful day and weekend. So looking forward to their racing. with love, Elizabeth
Love the Direct TV Horse and Hannah commercial. Love most animal commercials. Favs cow commercials, roaming chicken and chicken fries commercial. Weather here has been ghastly. The blueberry bushes are super saturated and last night the temp dropped which was awful after very warm and humid days. Grass knee high. Has anyone heard any news about Steve Willard? I seem to recall that Zenny was something of a handful when she began her training. Coz is a young three yr old colt and once John finds the key we’ll see then what kind of thoroughbred he’s going to be. Geld him? NOOOOOOO. Belmont is limiting the ticket sales for the big day according to reports. Why?
Terry Crow
Agree. Animal commercials almost make me want to buy the product. Almost.
Ann Mitchell Adam
I too am enjoying all the great animal ads and their “story lines.”
Madi Moran
YAY!!!!! My favorite boy is close by now ;) definitly my favorite zenyatta foal, so so happy Ziconic is in NY. I have to go see him
hi beautiful Zenny, stay comfy, think about Zi and Coz, Ziconic and Coz attentively see changing of weather, dont breeze heavy on dry hard course if in previous day course was wet and soft, simply wait when course will be enough soft, care of back legs and hooves, Zenny Zi Coz kiss your soft noses
carol in arkansas
Hi andrej…..missed you
Stephanie Lambert
Today my husband of 35 years went into a long term care facility. His dream was to see you at Belmont training while we attended the Belmont weekend in June. He loved your mommy so much and was blessed to meet her at the BC fences the day after your race. we have waited so long for you , a Tapit/Zenny baby, I will always have you in my heart right next to your mom, just as your mom’s races saw me through his strokes in 2009, you my darling boy will see me through this time. It must be the hand of God that puts your MOM and now you in my life to see my heart through the tough times. I loved you from conception and I love you still with all of my heart, a thousand kisses sweet baby boy, I hope to get to Belmont and catch a glimpse of you training. You are truly blessed .
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Stephanie,
Sending you my thoughts and prayers at this difficult time. Hope things improve for you and your husband, and that you can get to Belmont sometime soon. May God bless.
Dear Stephanie.May God bless you and give you courage at this time,Hugs Sheena,
Terry Crow
sheena–Add my voice to yours.
olga lidia rubi
Cant wait to see a little sibling rivalry jeje. love u zen coz ziconic
Deana in Tx
How exciting that Z’s sons are together and they will be getting visitors. I have a lot of pictures of them in training and they look great. There were a couple of pictures of Ziconic prancing with his leg up like Mama Z and I was amazed. He has her sense of dance. We will have to see how it develops. Love Team Z and the boys!
Marilu Villanueva
Wonderful news. Happy they are together. Cute picture of Ziconic.
Roberta Gonzalez
I spent a long time writing a post on Ziconic, and looking for some pictures and videos of him, like we did Coz. I asked for it to be taken as it was written, with love, and hope for the future. The post went up, but when I came back to see responses, it was gone. I love this site, and can’t believe that this happened. I didn’t say anything wrong. It’s like a stab in the heart!!
Roberta Gonzalez
I have egg all over my face; SO SORRY!!! I posted the one I was talking about under the pictures of Coz, and the last post under the one with Ziconic in the stall, because I was looking on the wrong day. Should have known, I guess I’m paranoid, because there is one site I belong to, that do not like it if you say anything questioning to them, and they would have taken it down. I’m truly glad your not that way!!
Lynda from Canada
So thrilled to hear Ziconic is at Belmont! Even better Ziconic & Coz are together!!!! Hoping all goes well with their training & believe they will be successful. Thanks for the photos, updates……truly appreciated.
Becca Lynn
Can’t wait to see Ziconic race wonder if he would probably be racing against his brother Cozmic race against eachother one day. How did that race on the 4th go for Cozmic? Did he do ok?
Mary M
Ziconic appears to have more of an aggressive attitude to other horses than does his brother; hope it kicks in on the track.