Happy Friday!
During our June trip to Lane’s End Farm, we spent a morning with Ziconic and some of the people who oversee his training at the farm. Todd Claunch, Assistant Manager of Lane’s End, and Yearling Manager Peter Sheehan explained the ins and outs of the yearling prep process, which Ziconic started at the beginning of June.
Ziconic enjoys his morning work and the attention he receives. The staff at Lane’s End lovingly refers to him as Z, just like his mom.
In the video below you’ll hear Todd and Peter in conversation with Ann Moss as Ziconic and other yearlings work out in the farm’s walker.
-Team Z

Our Experts
Assistant General Manager, Lane’s End
Todd graduated from University of Kentucky with a degree in Agricultural Economics. He worked at several small farms before joining Juddmonte Farm in their stallion barn alongside Known Fact and Raft. His experience includes breaking yearlings and prepping them for the sales and foaling mares. In 1990 he joined Lane’s End Farm as a yearling groom, working his way up to Yearling Manager and is currently the Assistant General Manager, overseeing all aspects of the farm.
Yearling Manager, Lane’s End
Peter, originally from Co. Kildare, Ireland started his career in the thoroughbred industry at Derrinstown Stud while he completed his education at the National University of Ireland, Maynooth. After graduating with a degree in geography and math he then completed a post graduate study in statistics. Peter arrived at Lane’s End in 2008 and is currently the Yearling Manager.
debbie sutherland
Terry,wish I could have been there too!! Thank-you for sharing how special that time was-I could sense it even in the video.. How wonderful that you were there at Hollywood Park for such a close and touching time with Zenyatta as she said goodbye.
Terry Crow
Thanks for commenting on that time, debbie. Brought back a lot of memories. It is hard to believe that Z is in Kentucky and Hollywood Park is heading for oblivion. One literally forgot that Z is a horse and it was easy to get caught up in the excitement. Of course, she does transcend most humans I know.
Bluegrass Girl
Mad Moose update on Jul 21 2014
Holiday nearly over,
have loved my time in Yorkshire having back massages & relaxing.
Will stay up here for a while to get fit for action
BGG-ever hopeful that he will race again!
Terry Crow
I’m not sure what types of sanctions the Moose is dealing with. An American horse would be considered ruled off the track in the same circumstances. Perhaps the Moose could run for purse money only with no bets allowed on him.
The Moose has been banished from the track until at least October, courtesy of the beak.
The Moose will rise again! Free the Moose!
Terry Crow
Max-I certainly hope so. Who or what is the beak?
In this case, it is the British Horseracing Authority aka BHA. This beak banned the popular Moose from the track. They control all Brit racing and their power tentacles reach even to Ireland.
Moose and all freedom loving creatures such as Sheena and me refer to all authority types as the beak, as in being pecked to death by endless red tape and rules and regs. No escape.
Long live freedom. Free the Moose! The Moose must go free!
Terry Crow
Max-Thank you for the explanation. Rather than call this entity the beak, another body part comes to mind.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear TC GP:
Indeed! Too funny. Love and Hugs, JB
Bluegrass Girl
William Hill Haskell Invitational: Untapable seeks to become third filly to win race
Steven Falk MyCentral ersey.com July 22, 2014
Jerry Bailey said he feels those in attendance at Monmouth Park on Sunday for the $1 million William Hill Haskell Invitational will be seeing a star in the filly Untapable.
“She, in my mind, going through the spring, she might have been the best 3-year-old in the country,” said Bailey, the retired Hall of Fame Jockey Tuesday on the NTRA Communications National Media Teleconference.
From article:
Untapable – who will be travel to Monmouth Park from Saratoga on Thursday morning – will be attempting to become the third filly to win the Haskell in its 47-year history.
A daughter of Tapit, Untapable is 4-for-4 this year, including victories in the Grade I Kentucky Oaks at Churchill Downs in Louisville on May 2 and the Grade I Mother Goose at Belmont Park on June 28. Her wins this year have been by a combined 31 lengths.
BGG, I think she can win but I also get nervous when a filly goes against the boys in a race like this. Thank goodness Rosie is healed up and can take care of her.
Terry Crow
William Hill Haskell? WH is a large bookmaking operation.
Bluegrass Girl
I will try and do the “begats” on this
In the beginning, the race was named to honor Monmouth Park’s former President and Chairman Amory L. Haskell (1893-1966) with the
Amory L. Haskell Handicap
Then it became the Resorts Casino & Hotel Haskell Invitational
Now it has become: William Hill Haskell Invitational
From: another MyCentralJersey.com story
William Hill, which gave Monmouth Park $1 million during the past two years to sponsor the race (part of a deal to build out and operate a Las Vegas-style sports book in exchange for 50 percent of the profits from it),
Terry Crow
Thank you, BGG. There is a lot of begatting being done here, in both the true sense of the word and the slang meaning. I am sure that horse players and other gamblers will end up getting the slang meaning.
Not as disgusting as Yum Brands Kentucky Derby!
Bluegrass Girl
Art Sherman to Receive Pincay Award
Del Mar News Wed. July 23 2014
Art Sherman, a career racetracker who rose to the pinnacle of the sport this past spring when he guided the mercurial colt California Chrome to the edge of racing immortality in a thrilling Triple Crown run, has been named the 2014 recipient of the Laffit Pincay, Jr. Award.
Sherman will receive the award and its distinctive trophy Sunday, July 27, in winner’s circle ceremonies at Del Mar between the day’s fourth and fifth races.
The Pincay Award, given annually for the past 10 years to those who have served the sport “with integrity, extraordinary dedication, determination and distinction,” will be presented at Del Mar for the first time. Previously, the ceremonies were held at Hollywood Park, but when the Los Angeles track closed in 2013, Del Mar invited Hall of Fame rider Pincay to continue his tradition at its shore location.
Terry Crow
Thank you for this post, BGG. Art Sherman is a most deserving receipient.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear BGG:
Happy for Mr. Sherman; well deserved. Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Congrats to, Art Sherman.
Art is Top Notch.
Sheena. Amazing news! Moosester tweeted that Battle Group is un retired and back in action, of a kind. He went into the stalls at Lingfield today and actually ran, his first start ever on the flat. Did not win but he ran! Hope that he inspires the Moose. Two bad boys on the turf.
The Queen had a winner today at Lingfield with Fiery Sunset.
Free the Moose! Mercy for the Moose!
Dear Terry.Loved your frog joke!Now who would think you were an old man!!!Hugs Sheena.
Terry Crow
Well, that’s why I prefer a talking frog.
Dear Max.Great news about Moose,he sounds as if he’s had a lovely holiday.His friend Battlegroup was back racing on the all-weather at Lingfield today was 5th I think,remember he did a”moosie” on Grand National day.
They are all coming out of the woodwork with the morphine scandal,Sir Michael Stoute has another horse tested positive and Gay Kelleway.Eve Johnson-Houghton is one of the others and here the mystery deepens it seems she has never used Alfalfa oil Plus on any of her horses.Morphine is allowed to be used on horses in training but certainly not on race days.There were quite some sarcastic comments on RP website!
Toast scoped dirty when he returned home they are not sure where he picked up an infection but Jamie hopes he can run at Del Mar on august 24th.Mercy for the Moose!Niss4Senate.Sheena.
Sheena. Moose deserves a good vacation after the stress of that beak penalty. Moose should also take full advantage of those massages. Very good for an athlete. I’m thrilled for BG. We need more horses like the Moose and BG.
Sorry to hear about Toast. Is a trip to Del Mar a good idea?
Pitiful about the drug allegations. Makes the Brit usual mocking of US racing for drugs rather interesting. The racing gods work in mysterious ways.
Free the Moose. Moose fans everywhere call for justice for the elusive chestnut. Free him now!
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc and all the Sweeties
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Mama Z, COZ, ZI and Z Princess:
Goodnight. Sweet Dreams. Love You. Hugs, JB
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Power Up CC, Danny, ROC, CDA, Treve, Reilly, Sir and all who are ill or injured. Beast, keep working. TT, love you forever. Loose The Moose! Love and Hugs, JB
carol in arkansas
@TC…loved the frog…..also….great picture in my mind about Z’s retirment.
Huge thunderstorms here. Scooter under the desk.
Kisses to all soft noses..
ps- i do not like having lots of favorites in same race
Terry Crow
carol-If you had been there, you would never forget it.
Ann NC
Thunderstorms here too. 85 lb. Dog on my lap.
Are you cappin for the Haskell? Good luck! Go Team!
Dear Max.This scandal certainly isn’t good for british racing.I believe Estimate is running in Glorious Goodwood next week.I think they should try running Toast nearer home,it’ll be a long trip for him again.Her Majesty has been up in Glasgow tonight opening the commonwealth games.Your fellow scots put on a great show!!Free the Moose.PU Dan and all sick horses everywhere.Niss4Senate!Sheena.
Sheena. Agree completely about Toast. There are many races in the UK. Travel can be very hard on a horse. That is a very long trip. Those infections also can take a long time to disappear.
Hope that Estimate does well at Goodwood. I feel badly for her. She’s totally innocent. Whoever is responsible needs to feel the full force of the beak. As a gesture of letting bygones be bygones, the beak can free the Moose at the same time.
See that your Dave is in a hissing match with the French. Cannot be good for Euro Union, but kind of amusing. Go Dave!
Free the Moose! Vive Moosie libre!
Dear Judy.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Little Cap Hercules and the Sweeties.Hope I’ll get Nissy’s new post tomorrow,it’s very funny!Love and hugs SheenaX.
Sally B. (Auntie cherishes Z and her young)
So sorry to note you lost another dear friend Terry. Sally B
Goodnight Z and your special colts and filly
lovenkisses on your soft nose
Auntie Sally B
Terry Crow
Thank you, Sally.
anne bonner
I’d like to add my sympathy, too. Every year that passes increases my awareness of how important our friends are, and that we should not pass up any chance to show our friends how much they mean to us. I know your friend appreciated you! Your friends on this blog certainly do!
My bucket list is pretty short, and at the top of the list is to see Z in person. Don’t know how it will happen, but I’m counting on it! In the meantime, I visit Planet Z daily for my daily shot of feel-good.
Best to all!
Annie B in MA
Terry Crow
Anne-As my old friends become lesser in number, I try more and more to reach out to them. I just wish I had started to do so sooner. Thanks for caring.
July 24 Cherokee Devotional
How like moths we are when we are caught in the dark, beating our wings against anything that stands between us and the light. Though we strain against barriers, we are the a tsv s dv, we are the light or candle that lights the place where we are. Others who follow watch for a signal, a light in the dark, to know they are not alone. We need to take some time to be quiet, to recharge and it may mean waiting a while in the dark. But whatever our need, if we wait the light will come. And it will illumine us instead of blinding us with its glare.
The path to glory is rough and many gloomy hours obscure it. May the Great Spirit shed light on yours.
Black Hawk
Dear Kathy.A hot day here again but compared to Zoe’s temps it seems positively cool!She was enjoying her lollipop!Poor Fubu is visiting the doc he’s not eating at all again!He did make it to 13000 votes though,I do pray the vet can help him,he’s so lovable.Joey was enjoying feeding the fish with Tom,lovely pic of his bum!!!
My Miss Kitty has her 4th birthday coming up on August 1st,her poor momma has had surgery and her wrist is very painful,she is a beautiful cat.Have you seen Marty’s cute little video licking the yogie residoo?He’s taking over Hollywood now I hope he makes a lub story,I’m not keen on bampires!!!The chicks must feel they are already in Africa with this weather Gwynant looks as if he’s close to taking off.It’s hard to believe only a few weeks ago they were so tiny.Have a great day.Hugs to you,Kisses for Holly,Nikko and Sugar.Sheena
Dear Sheena,
We will reach 101 here today. Hot, but much better than where Zoe lives! That’s distressing that Fubu has stopped eating. I dread the day when we read he has crossed the Rainbow Bridge. His mom will be inconsolable. He did reach 13,000, though. Placed third in the contest! Congrats to him on that! That was funny seeing Joey eat fish food. Someone remarked that he might morph into a catfish! lol My Miss Kitty Face is a gorgeous cat. Hope her mom feels better soon. Did you see the video on her page of the cat adopting the baby bunny? So adorable! Yes, I did see Marty licking the yogie residue. It’s exciting that he can take over Hollywood. Gwynant is getting some fantastic exercise for his wings. Won’t be long before he is flying from the looks of it. Happy Friday Eve to you. Hugs from me, kisses from Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy
Gwynant about to take off this weekend maybe?Hugs Sheena.
Ann NC
Sheena- I played the video of Gwynant and his chirping made my dogs start barking. Wish you could have seen their funny faces.
Good luck beautiful birds!
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Shirlee and Z Fans:
Shirlee, I thought you would enjoy this article on MMM and Kathy R. AJ sent it to me this morning. Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Thanks, JB.
So glad they had each other. It was meant to be.
Luv ya!
Lise from Maine
Love the video.
How unique to have three (3) white feet!
Thank you!
Lise from Maine
Irene caty
Ziconic is a beauty and it looks like he is doing very well. It is so good to see him in the starting of his training. I will be looking forward to seeing more of him along the way. Thank you so much for sharing, just love seeing him.
Ziconic is gorgeous! The first picture I saw of him I thought he was a mature stallion. I love his white stockings and blaze. Is that sabino roaning on his flanks? Is he getting more? Also, is that a Bend Or spot on his hindquarters or a birthmark?
I’m looking forward to seeing what he’ll do in the future.
All the best,
Mary McCrea
What a marvelous way to bring up yearlings to tack, a frame, bitting, etc. Thank you for showing us the days at Lane’s End. Fantastic facility and management! God bless everyone involved in the developments of the mares, foals, and preliminary training.