Happy Friday!
During our June trip to Lane’s End Farm, we spent a morning with Ziconic and some of the people who oversee his training at the farm. Todd Claunch, Assistant Manager of Lane’s End, and Yearling Manager Peter Sheehan explained the ins and outs of the yearling prep process, which Ziconic started at the beginning of June.
Ziconic enjoys his morning work and the attention he receives. The staff at Lane’s End lovingly refers to him as Z, just like his mom.
In the video below you’ll hear Todd and Peter in conversation with Ann Moss as Ziconic and other yearlings work out in the farm’s walker.
-Team Z

Our Experts
Assistant General Manager, Lane’s End
Todd graduated from University of Kentucky with a degree in Agricultural Economics. He worked at several small farms before joining Juddmonte Farm in their stallion barn alongside Known Fact and Raft. His experience includes breaking yearlings and prepping them for the sales and foaling mares. In 1990 he joined Lane’s End Farm as a yearling groom, working his way up to Yearling Manager and is currently the Assistant General Manager, overseeing all aspects of the farm.
Yearling Manager, Lane’s End
Peter, originally from Co. Kildare, Ireland started his career in the thoroughbred industry at Derrinstown Stud while he completed his education at the National University of Ireland, Maynooth. After graduating with a degree in geography and math he then completed a post graduate study in statistics. Peter arrived at Lane’s End in 2008 and is currently the Yearling Manager.
Dear Kathy.We are expecting more hot weather over here this week.At least the ospreys have thrived in the sunshine.Glesni was back fishing for herself last week,caught 4 flounders.They looked to be having an early lunch about 11.30am.Did you see the video of Duncan,such a brave doggie.I think I have seen a video of him before but it was his 1st visit to the beach.Marty was awfully quiet last night but enjoying his ice-cream.Zoe has been to Sedona the temps seem much more comfortable there,further north I think.Fubu’s votes are growing I think he will make 12000!Angel Girl (lucy lu’s sisfur)won cat of the week she’s not very well at all.I found the pesky westie at last,what a cutie!And he had a baff.Have a wonderful week.Hugs to you,Kisses for Holly,Nikko and Sugar.Sheena
Dear Sheena,
I hope you can stay reasonable cool. Today is our last day of below normal temps then tomorrow it’s supposed to heat up again. Oh well, this is summer so we just have to get through it. So glad the ospreys are doing well. Flounder for lunch. YUM! I did see the video of Duncan. God bless him! He gets around so well and seems to enjoy life. Marty was cute with his ice cream cone. He shared some with Daddy. Zoe enjoyed her vacation to Sedona. I’ve been there, too. Beautiful scenery! Fingers crossed that Fubu makes it to 12,000. Too bad he didn’t enter the contest earlier. He would have won for sure! Congrats to Angel Girl. Sorry she’s sick. I’m enjoying Dreamer a lot. He is a cutie. So handsome looking so snowy white. You have a wonderful week, too. Hugs from me, kisses from Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Finally getting to check in after problems with an incredibly slow internet over the weekend and then . . . . nothing at all. Everything seems to be back to normal today – who knows what happens out there in cyber space.
First of all, mega thanks to everyone involved in taking and posting these wonderful pictures and video. Zi is just absolutely magnificent!!! ♥♥♥ He looks SO grown up already. It seems like just yesterday when we saw him trotting along next to his Mom. Zenny, you must be SO proud of all of your kids. Looking forward to hearing how Coz is doing – wonder if he is at Saratoga now with John? And the princess is just adorable – wonder who “does” her mane??
Lots of interesting races over the weekend. I’m a big fan of Discreet Marq so was disappointed that she didn’t do a little better in the Diana, but she sure looked terrific. I just couldn’t believe where Emollient and Tannery wound up. DM’s stable mate, Za Approval, didn’t do very well at Woodbine either (sigh).
We had the Ohio Derby here. Many of the better known horses who had been “nominated” apparently decided that they had better things to do, but I did get to see Calvin Borel and met the breeder of Jessica’s Star who ALMOST won!! A friend and I were trying to wend our way from the restaurant to the track so that I could see the horses up close and got kind of lost in the process. This woman and a couple of her friends guided us through the tunnels of the basement level of Thistledown and out by the paddock. Unfortunately, it started to rain at that point so the saddling took place inside, and we got only a very brief glimpse of the horses. East Hall put forth a Zenyatta-like performance and came out of nowhere to beat JS by a nose.
Now to my cappin’ friends: Did anyone get an email stating that the results were available? I found them by going directly to the team home page, but don’t know whether my email got lost while my network was down or they just didn’t send them?? Anyhow – WOO HOO (and to Debbie too!). Tom’s Tribute did great. Judy B – I couldn’t believe that you hit an exacta and got less than we got for picking one horse in the right spot. I remember, however, that the same thing happened once last year – Sue F and I got caught in that one. Funny how these payouts go. On to the next one!!
Sue Fredrick Happy as a lark
Yes, we sure did. I saw Unbridled Command win before, looking at his record he sure looked promising…..but when he walked out on the track he looked 200 lbs overweight, ha, ha. I don’t think he was in great shape to be racing. Well I hope this isn’t an omen for the rest of the races, I want to hold up my end for the team. hugs
Barbara Wood
But Unbridled Command is so gorgeous. Very “commanding” in that I couldn’t take my eyes away from him.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Sandy:
Wasn’t that something. Rarely happens, but they were two favorites. Looking forward to the Haskell. Glad your computer problem is resolved. Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Glad you had a day at the track and saw C. BoRail.
Congrats to your great Cappin!
Evidently, Emollient was running with a shoe coming off, yikes, poor baby. Barbara Livingston captured the photo and is on twitter. Those girls just throwing off shoes left and right up there in Saratoga….it’s summer!
On to the Haskell.
Denise in St. Louis
THANK YOU Mr. &Mrs. Moss and LE !!!!!!!! We LOVE Queen Z and her babies!!!!!! You are truly an amazing team to share so much with us “Z-Fans”. These videos and pictures we would never be able to see, so Thank You Again !!!!! You’re the BEST !!!!!
I used to be a devoted fan of Meerkat Manor then dear Flower died. Animal stories just break my heart. Praying for the families of the Malaysian airline victims. Tragic story. That’s why I started my day watching a repeat of Secretariats Belmont. Dreaming big dreams of the future.
Dear Vicki.I was a huge fan of Meerkat Manor too.I was distraught when Flower died.Have you seen the adverts with Alexander Orlov the meerkat who says”simples” so funny.Hugs Sheena.
Dee in the Hudson Valley
Thanks to Ann, Peter and Todd for sharing this fascinating video with all of us. What a handsome lad! And what is the name of the sweet little barn cat spotted oh-so-briefly at the beginning?
judy from pahrump nevada
Thanks Team Z! Ziconic looks GREAT as would be expected. I again so appreciate your sharing your BEAUTIFUL horses with us. Look forward to it weekly. Makes my day!!!
Marilu Villanueva
Thank you. Enjoyed the video. How wonderful to see him healthy and strong. Good to see the Mosses too.
Catherine Uher
He is just simply stunning!!! There are no other words for him!!! Love how cute and calm he’s being getting prepped for his training!!! I can not but help but think of Secretariat when I see the pictures of Ziconic running in his paddock and you can just see him all muscled out and saying “Look at me fly”!!!! He is going to be the ONE that other horses will have to watch put for in two more years!!! Pure greatness!!! Just like Cozmic One and baby Z Princess and most of all their mama!!! :)
Dear Judy.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Little Cap Hercules and all the Sweeties.I still haven’t received Nissy’s blog so will post the link here for you.I think you have to take Cujo’s post with “a pinch of salt”!Love and hugs SheenaX
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Thank you. Didn’t get to post last night so will send Love and Hugs now, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc and all the Sweeties
Sally B. (Auntie cherishes Z and her young)
Hi all Zsters, I can tell you are having fun on the blog and this is awesome. Wish I was not so busy in life.
Zenyatta, I am sending my love to you and your three awesome kids!
Kisses on your soft nose,
Auntie Sally B
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Sally:
Thinking of you. Love and Hugs, JB
Bluegrass Girl
Anne Eberhardt Keogh The Blood-Horse Monday July 21, 2014
Hall of Fame jockey Mike Smith named JockeyTalk 360 Jockey of the Week.
Faithful Z supporter
For someone who has been coming here for so many years mainly for Zenny updates, I just had to express my total admiration and respect for all who contribute each day. Not just about horses, but other wonderful animals like elephants, eagles or falcons, and my favorite meerkats. I too was so sad when Flower died protecting her family from a snake in their tunnel. She was so brave and fearless. This is where I feel so at home and relate to those who understand and appreciate nature’s magnificence. I too watch PBS, Discovery and Animal Planet regularly. As for Ziconic, he takes my breath away. He already feels his power and confidence. Beautiful horse already. He’s got that special look in his eye. Wow! All of Zenny’s kids are precious in their way.
Barbara Wood
@Faithful–thank you for your uplifting comments.
A very Happy birthday to our little Prince George the 1st of many!!!Enjoy your special day with mummy and daddy and maybe a visit from great-granny Her Majesty.Love and hugsSheenaX
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Happy Birthday to adorable Prince George. Love and Hugs, JB
Happy birthday, Prince George! My gosh the year went by fast…
Hugs, Kathy
Ann NC
Happy Birthday sweet boy!
Sue Fredrick Happy as a lark
Happy Birthday Prince George, I can’t believe he is a year old already…….unfortunately that makes me a year older too. LOL. hugs
Happy Birthday to the young prince!!! Hard to believe it’s been a year already. Wow.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
A very Happy Birthday to Prince George!!! I just watched the CNN documentary on his first year. What a bright spot in the midst of all of the current gloom in the world!
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sandy,
I second that remark! A very bright spot indeed.
Happy First Birthday to Prince George! All the very best wishes to them all!
July 22 Cherokee Devotional
We are forever in transition-continually moving, changing direction, doing differently than we imagined. If we were to stop and analyze the past and what lies ahead, we would know that if anything is required of us, it is to be flexible. Not flexible in seeing everything one color, one ideal, one belief-but bending without breaking, able to see the chaos and not fall down under it. It is our duty, our a da du da lv ne di, obligation, to move and bend without creating a rift in our own spirit. A house cut in two cannot stand. However far we move in any direction, we must get it back together, we must bond with the law of our own spiritual being-which is to love others as we love ourselves. But we have to first love ourselves.
I had a dream…that the maker of all was Wakan tanka…to honor Him, I must honor his works.
Brave Buffalo
Hopefully this link comes through.Hugs Sheena.
Oh my!! He is just so darn cute!! Thank you for sharing the link to the photos.
Dear Kathy.Another warm day here!Gwynant looks as if he’s about to take off any moment.They had a visit from our wildlife presenter Iolo Williams.
Zoe’s page is so sad today with Elsa so abused and starved.She seems to be holding her own and then little Kipton with a mass in her stomach,one of those dreadful puppy mills survivor.She is feeling a little better today thank goodness.
Marty almost forgot it was Monday and not to participate.Boo and Buddy don’t seem to like the rain for their fur or paws!Joey was enjoying himself with his co-mewscasters.Just voted for Fubu.I haven’t seen Dolly for a couple of days.Zoey looked so cute going out the poms have incredibly happy faces.I can imagine yours waiting for their treats in the morning!Have a great day.Hugs to you,Kisses for Holly, Nikko and Sugar.Sheena.
Dear Sheena,
Having breakfast with a good friend of mine this morning so I’m on the run! God bless all our precious furbabies. They make this life a lot more bearable! Prayers for all the abused animals. There are way too many. I wish all animals were loved and cared for the same as my furkids. Their treat of choice in the morning is banana. Have a lovely day. Hugs from me, kisses from Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy.
Terry Crow
It is good to be back with my friends on the blog. My trip turned out to be an especially sad one as my old friend died while I was there and I stayed for the funeral.. Good to see that Native Diver has a permanent home now and I will have to visit Del Mar soon to see his hopefully final resting place. Can’t believe it has been almost fifty years since he died. If you had seen him run, you would never forget him.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
I’m so sorry about your friend Terry. It must have been very sad, but how fortunate that you were there before he or she died and were able to be at the funeral to both give and receive support. Thinking of you.
Terry Crow
Thank you, Sandy. Very kind of you.
Terry, so sorry you lost your friend. I know it helped the survivors, though, with you being there.
Barbara Wood
Welcome back, TC. We are so sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. You have been missed here.
carol in arkansas
Sorry for your loss….there are never words to express how badly one feels at a time like this….
TC. Sorry to hear this news. Thinking of you and hoping that you are okay or will be soon. Never easy to lose any friends, especially longstanding ones, but take heart that you still have us here on the blog. When you are up to it, a good talking horse joke might help. I know one thing about the Diver. He was tough as nails and was always his own horse. He never gave in or up. Sometimes we may have to ride with fewer buddies, or maybe even alone, but we must still ride on. Neigh x 9!
Marshall (NC Broad)
Beautifully expressed, Max!
When times are tough, we would do well to remember Native Diver. I love the last sentence of your post — ride on, indeed we must. Hugs
True words, Max.
Terry, Good to see you back with us. Have been missing your redneck jokes.
So sorry for your loss. Hope being back with us and all the beloved horses will ease your grief.
Terry Crow
Kathy, Barbara, carol, Max and shirlee–Thank you all for your kind and comforting words.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear TC GP:
So sorry for the loss of your friend. It was good you were there for him. Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Good to have you back, TC GP.
I am sorry for your loss.
Take care.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Terry C.,
So sorry about your loss and hope you find comfort in the special memories of your old friend. Consider yourself hugged.
So glad you are back with us, though.
Big warm Hugs
Sue Fredrick Happy as a lark
Wish to add my condolences on the loss of your dear friend. I’m sure he was glad to see you one last time, and to know you were there for him afterwards. hugs
Terry Crow
@Judy, Ann, Marshall and Sue F–Thank you for your kind words. Thoughts such as you have expressed are not to be forgotten, ever.
Bluegrass Girl
Anne Eberhardt Keogh The Blood-Horse Tues. July 22, 2014
We Miss Artie sidelined with tendon tear, left front leg
Recuperating @RamseyFarm in Kentucky.
I like Artie. Sorry to hear this.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Max and BGG:
I like him too; wishing him all the best. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Me, too!!
Prayers and good wishes to Artie for a speedy, complete recovery.
All the Best
Dear Terry.I am sorry your visit to Oregon turned out to be a sad one.I send my deepest sympathy to you.I knew you’d be happy about Native Diver’s new resting place and hope you get to see the grave one day.Welcome back.Hugs Sheena.
Terry Crow
Thank you, sheena. Del Mar is a lot closer than Oregon so I am sure that I will visit Native Diver soon. Just hope that I see his marker before I really “see” him
Dear Terry, so sorry to hear of your loss. Losing a dear friend is so dreadfully hard. It.s tough for me during baseball season because my departed friend Melissa and I shared so many great times at the Astrodome. But at the same times I am grateful that we had those times. I always told her I intended to live to see the Astros win the World Series. We got to see Nolan Ryan and Craig Biggio and Mike Scott. Our favorite games were against the Braves, Chicago and the Mets. So, remember the good times and let happy tears ease the pain of loss. Love, your friend in Zennyland.
Terry Crow
vicki-I remember every one of those guys. Great players. As for living long enough to see the Astros win the world series, I hope you do but i doubt I will.
Bluegrass Girl
Queen’s Gold Cup-winning racehorse Estimate tests positive for banned drug morphine
The Queen has been informed that Estimate, which won the Gold Cup last year and came second in this year’s race, is one of five horses to test positive for the banned substance
The Telegraph By Gordon Rayner, Chief Reporter. 22 Jul 2014
From article: “I can confirm that one of those horses was Estimate, the five year-old filly trained by Sir Michael Stoute and owned by The Queen.
“Initial indications are that the positive test resulted from the consumption of a contaminated feed product.”
I have just heard this story about Estimate,there have been a lot of rumours circulating about a top Newmarket trainer and horse.They still insist it’s contaminated feed.I wonder who ‘ll be next???Hugs Sheena.
Barbara Wood
Forgot to say Happy Birthday, Prince George. He is a doll.
Can’t believe it will soon be the anniversary of Diana’s passing.
Dear Max.Have you seen the video of yet another farcical chase in France again?They say there must be something in the water there!!What do you think of Estimate?Her Majesty attended prince George aka Bruce’s birthday party today.Free the Moose.Niss4Senate.Sheena.
Sheena. Not quite as funny as the Prix. It looked as if some of those horses or riders might have been hurt? Hope not.
Saw that about Estimate. Don’t think that this info should have been disclosed until after the conclusion of beak work. This appears to be the same story as Mullins and his horse. Horse was still disqualified.
In 2014 don’t see any rationale for a royal family subsidized by taxpayers. Did you know that by the end of her life Diana’s mother had turned into a republican?
Free the Moose!
What a beauty but I thought they would send her to Mayberry too. Much success with this filly.
Sorry I meant Colt.. I’m thinking of the new baby….
Doreen in CT
Dear Terry:
I am so sorry for the loss of your friend. I hope our blessings provide you with some comfort during this sad time. I have no doubt that you will be able to see Native Diver’s marker. It is nice that a home was able to be found for his new resting place. Take care, you and your friend are in my prayers.
Terry Crow
Doreen–Thank you for your good wishes.