Happy Friday!
During our June trip to Lane’s End Farm, we spent a morning with Ziconic and some of the people who oversee his training at the farm. Todd Claunch, Assistant Manager of Lane’s End, and Yearling Manager Peter Sheehan explained the ins and outs of the yearling prep process, which Ziconic started at the beginning of June.
Ziconic enjoys his morning work and the attention he receives. The staff at Lane’s End lovingly refers to him as Z, just like his mom.
In the video below you’ll hear Todd and Peter in conversation with Ann Moss as Ziconic and other yearlings work out in the farm’s walker.
-Team Z

Our Experts
Assistant General Manager, Lane’s End
Todd graduated from University of Kentucky with a degree in Agricultural Economics. He worked at several small farms before joining Juddmonte Farm in their stallion barn alongside Known Fact and Raft. His experience includes breaking yearlings and prepping them for the sales and foaling mares. In 1990 he joined Lane’s End Farm as a yearling groom, working his way up to Yearling Manager and is currently the Assistant General Manager, overseeing all aspects of the farm.
Yearling Manager, Lane’s End
Peter, originally from Co. Kildare, Ireland started his career in the thoroughbred industry at Derrinstown Stud while he completed his education at the National University of Ireland, Maynooth. After graduating with a degree in geography and math he then completed a post graduate study in statistics. Peter arrived at Lane’s End in 2008 and is currently the Yearling Manager.
anne bonner
What a gorgeous boy Z has become. Looks as though he will be a very stylish powerhouse. Gotta love that blonde mane, an a flagged tail that shows he loves to run — just like big brother Coz in the video of him trotting away from John at Belmont.
Zenny’s 3 babies are all amazing, and each so different. I’m sure people will have their favorite for looks or build, but really — do we need to choose?
I know that I will follow each and every one of Zenny’s offspring with great joy and optimism to see what their life brings.
Thank you again to the Mosses for continuing to share with us. This website is a special gift.
On my countdown to Saratoga on 8/15…..
Best to all,
Annie B
PS — I wish all of you could enjoy the perfect day we are having hear on the south shore of Boston. 80 degrees, no humidity, and a slight breeze. to top if off, the ocean is bright blue, as is the sky, with a few puffy little clouds. It’s simply heaven!
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Anne Bonner:
Too true; no need to choose. Love them all. Love and Hugs, JB
What’s with the dark spot on his bum?
That’s a birth mark. Horses have them too.
Actually it’s called a Bendor spot. It’s an inherited trait often seen in chestnuts. Named after the famous British horse Bend Or who had them.
Awesome! He sure is a good looking horse.
anne bonner
I never said I could spell..HERE on the South Shore! The video of Z gets better each time I watch it.
Have you noticed the dark spot high on the head within the blaze of both Ziconic and Z Princess? Looks as if the hand of God touched each of them with a blessing for all the good and loving feelings they have generated in many many people. In this troubled world Zenyatta and her family are a haven of calm and peace. Their pictures on the Blog soothe the trouble waters in unhappy hearts.
Leslie R.
Ziconic is stunning! He’s so gorgeous. I’m glad he’s enjoying his work. Thanks to the Moss’, Team Z, and Lanes End for the beautiful vid and pics! You made my day!
Hugs to all,
Leslie R.
Trisha Veazey
thyanks Lane’s End and Team Zenyatta for the info. Ziconic is coming along and he is getting big.
Love hugs and kisses to alll
Best way EVER to start the weekend! Thank you, Team Z!!! Ziconic is so gorgeous. It’s so great to be able to follow his progress.
Dear Max.Such sad news about Foxy today.All these losses.It’s good to see Tortilas back to his best, shame about Valegro though.Did you hear Sizing Europe is coming back in the Autumn,he’s too full of life to retire.Hope it will work out well for him he’s nearly 13 after all.What do you think of Taghrooda she will have a weight allowance but her 1st trip against the boys!Always remember how Dahlia demolished the field in 73′ and she was 3 yrs old too.Storms predicted here tomorrow!Free the Moose.PU Dan and all sick horses everywhere.Niss4PM=^..^=Sheena.
Sheena. A very informative video of Ziconic. He’s a charming young horse. Very well behaved too with handlers. A young chestnut version of Danny. Like his Bendor spots. Will give the other horses something to stare at as he runs ahead.
Heard about Tagi. Not certain how that will turn out. Owner thinks that the field may be weak. You never know.
Hope Sizing makes a good comeback. Would like to see a Moose comeback.
I’m shocked and saddened about Foxy. She looked so well in her photo with Hovis. There have been so many losses. Hoping that Hovis stays well. Mom needs to watch over him.
Free the Moose. Danny, you are doing well, another good breeze at Saratoga. Beast, learn from Dan. God please watch over Reilly and Sir, and make the sick horses well. Never forgotten Tasty and sugar baby. Look after Z and her family, especially Cozzy working away in NY, maybe Saratoga?
Deb E.
Watch out for this gorgeous boy in 2016! He’s going to be a MONSTER on the track and a “tremendous machine”.
Meredith Gibbs
He is gorgeous. Sturdy, calm, what a great guy. Thanks for showing the training process.
He is just SEXY!!! Love his face and long forelock! He is going to be, I think, as big as Z and he sure has a great personality already!!! Thanks for sharing.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Goodnight. Hope all of the feral kitties find loving homes. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc and all the Sweeties
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Beautiful Z, COZ, ZI and Z Princess:
Goodnight. Sweet Dreams. Love all of you so much. Hugs, JB
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Power Up Dan, CDA, Beholder, ROC, CC, Treve, Hovis and all who are ill or injured. Beast, listen to Max. TT, love you forever. Loose The Moose! Safe and sound trips for all the horses and riders. Love and Hugs, JB
Bluegrass Girl
Just got home and logged on and what a treat was waiting!
Each of Zenyatta’s babies is so special.Each is different.
And, when the photos/videos are posted- for one brief moment I have a favorite.
Ziconic is magnificent! And, well mannered.
Interesting chat on how yearlings grow.
And, observation on he dreams, he races.
Thank you once again for sharing with us-Ann & Jerry Moss.
Thank you Team Z for your hard work in keeping us up-to-date
And, special thanks to Team Lane’s End for all the care and training you do.
Dear Bluegrass Girl:
Couldn’t have said it better: was a very informative video, and he’s such a looker! Many thanks to Lane’s End and Mr and Mrs Moss.
Dear Judy.Goodnight God Bless you LM PC HT Little Cap Hercules and all the Sweeties.Thank you for the video of “The Feeling Inside” Mairi has the most beautiful voice and Welsh male voice choirs are 2nd to none.Nico had Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy,very common heart problem with cats.Love and Hugs Sheena.X
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
So sorry about Nico; didn’t realize HC was a common illness in cats. Love the Wales Male Choir. I posted a link of their rendition of one of my favorites, “You Raise Me Up”, on Page 11 of the previous Blog. Just beautiful. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc and all the Sweeties
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
It was beautiful Judy. Thanks so much. Interesting to hear the 3 men harmonize. I’m so used to hearing Josh Groban sing it.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Sandy:
Me too; they do a lovely rendition. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
I should’ve said, The Welsh Male Voice Choir. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Max.I am sure Karen will watch over her boy despite all he says about her!She needs to be careful of peeping toms over the hedge!!Hugs Sheena.Free the Moose.
Sheena. Read that TJ is back in the ICU with an infection. Also read that the beak is looking into feed contamination in relation to the drug allegations. Mullins argued this a few years ago, but it was not a success then. Maybe this time?
Came home early today and sneaked into the house to avoid the work crew. Doesn’t look like any progress has been made, but with the blinds down, it’s not a problem.
Free the Moose!
Thank you for the wonderful video of Ziconic. He seems to be coming along very well, with good manners and a healthy attitude for training. And he is absolutely gorgeous. The best of Zenny and Tapit! Please keep us posted
Jan S. / Houston
Just WOW!!
Ann NC
What a wonderful treat. Thanks, Team Z.
Zi is something else and more. Good boy, Zi. Enjoy these summer nights!
Peggy- Ring Weekend was 2nd.
Sheena- Frankie graced Saratoga with a Flying Dismount.
More great racing to come.
JB- Kiss Me Lola ran today, too! Love that name.
Good night precious Z family.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Ann:
Thanks. Didn’t see that one. Have to check and see how she did. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Ann:
Kiss Me Lola ran a good second to Adventure Love with Frankie D. up.
JS has Battle Force in the 8th tomorrow at Saratoga. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Peggy and Z Fans:
Here’s Ring Weekend’s replay. Love and Hugs, JB
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Judy
Thank you so much for the replay. So proud of his 2nd.place
That’s my boy.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Peggy:
He ran a good second. Beautiful Chestnut boy. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Ann:
Frankie D had three mounts today; two wins and a second. Think we may seeing that Flying Dismount often. Love and Hugs, JB
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Ann
I like Frankie very much, but so hope tomorrow he and Stephanie don’t beat my girl Caroline. Hope he holds that flying dismount for another race. Hoping
God Speed to all.
Ann NC
Peggy, me too!
JB, the young fans are eating him up! Great for race day.
Thank you for the video and update. Very informative and really liked the
story about Ziconic dreaming.
Looking forward to the next update on Cos
Linda shull
He is gorgeous and obviously well taken care of by Lanes End.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Max and Z Fans:
Just noted Casino Dan, WD’s brother, is in the 9th Race at Saratoga tomorrow with C. Lanerie up. Its a mile and one eighth on the turf; $62,500 Allowance/Optional Claiming – No Tag for him. Godspeed CD. Love and Hugs, JB
JudyB. Thanks for this. Hope the younger Dan does well. There are two sisters as well. Also like Norman who is the quarter horse who called out to Dan when he came home from the hospital. Great herd.
Free the Moose!
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Max:
You’re so welcome. Love this family. Didn’t know about Norman. That’s really something; he was probably saying, “where have you been; missed you”.
It’s unbelievable how they form attachments and bond with each other. Horses never forget a friend. When Deb and Amanda took Hudson to that show in CT last month as a trial run to get her used to the surroundings, they said as soon as she got off the trailer and spotted a horse nearby she began whinnying non-stop. That is very unusual for her and I said I thought it could have been an OTTB that she knew from Suffolk Downs when she was racing. The girls had no info on the horse, but I’ll bet it was a friend that Hudson knew from her racing days. Loose The Moose! Love and Hugs, JB
JudyB. Believe what you say is true.
Here’s the video of Dan’s homecoming. You can hear Norman calling out to Dan. Dan is also paying attention.
Free the Moose. Mercy for the Moose!
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Thank you. I had seen this video before. In fact, I think you posted it and I did hear the whinnying, but didn’t realize it was WD’s buddy Norman. Dan is listening intently. Aren’t they just the most amazing beings. Love them. Love and Hugs, JB
JudyB. They are superb, courageous and noble. If only horses ruled the world, it would be a better world.
Moose must run free. Free the Moose.
Ann K
Looks like he is growing into that big frame of his very easily. And a work horse at training! That’s great! He has a very different personality from Coz, and may be better suited to racing. Nice to see that he’s eager and happy about what he’s doing. That will go a long way.
I love the blonde mane, too. And I agree there’s a hint of grey on his rump. Perhaps the red will become a little dusky as he ages…….
He looks so at ease with people and so calm. It’s very impressive in such a youngster.
Janet Newman
What a great video. Loved watching him as Ann spoke with Todd and Peter.
Love the pictures. The boy is something else. The Queen knows how to have
good looking babies, of course their sires contribute as well.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Ann, Jerry, Lane’s End
Thank You so much for all you do for all of us. We love Zenyatta and Family and this post was a wow. Millions of Thanks for your letting us share in Zenyatta’s Life.
I have a name I so wish you would put in the hat for well thinking about a name for the little princess. It’s ZenAnn
Abigail was talking about Pharrell’s Happy Song earlier. This all is such Happiness added to our life. Thank You.
Ziconic is “The Man” OOPS, Can’t leave Coz out but he’s in a catagory all his own.
Just Gorgeous
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Judy
Loved the video “You Raise Me Up” Beautiful. Love the song. I was in tears earlier with seeing all the losses from the plane crash.. Pray so for them all and all their family’s.
The only thing that helps my heart is that I know where they are now.
So loved hearing that song today. Helps the soul
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Peggy:
Yes, I love it too. Love and Hugs, JB
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Ring Weekend, Love Ya. Happy about your 2nd place. Go Caroline Thomas. Love Ya
Paula Higgins
What a handsome boy!!!!! Love the photos with Ann and Jerry and Ann!!! He is loaded with personality.
Mary Ann Wrenn (Louisville, KY)
Thank you for teaching me what preparation is like for young horses! This was so interesting! Thank you all for the love and care you give to these beautiful horses.