Happy Friday!
It’s the time of year when kids go back to school and Ziconic is no exception. This week, he was among a group of yearlings that left Lane’s End to begin their training in Ocala, FL.
Ziconic has settled in at Mayberry Farm, where he’ll soon learn basics like how to carry a rider. We hear from Jeanne that he’s in Coz’s old stall at the end of the row, and he’s even made friends with Daisy the cat.
Last year we introduced you to Jeanne, April, and Jackie from Mayberry Farm and shared quite a bit about Coz’s early training. If you missed it and would like to read more before our next Ziconic update, start here and here.
Scroll down for more photos and a video of Ziconic’s departure from Lane’s End.
-Team Z

Deb E.
Today is a very special anniversary for Our Queen Zenyatta because it was 4 years ago today that Zennie won her 19th straight race, the Lady’s Secret at Hollywood Park. How time flies, and what a wonderful time it was! Zenyatta brought something special to racing with both her incredible athletic ability and her outsized charismatic personality and left the sport better for having been in it. She brought new fans to horse racing and lifted the spirits of a post 9/11 America reeling from the effects of recession and war. She just made everyone happy and still does! It’s interesting that in the past when our nation has been at its lowest ebb, horses like Man ‘O War, Seabiscuit, and Secretariat have come along to capture the public’s imagination and give them a hero to root for. You can add Zenyatta to that prestigious list!
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Deb E:
Our Queen; Horse of a Life Time. Love and Hugs, JB
Agree with you. Zenyatta is the best example for us all. Thrilling.
Thank you for wording so beautifully what so many of us feel. How wonderful to realize the impact Zenyatta has had in such troubled times. She has definitely lifted my heart for many years and continues to this day. Very special.
Dear Judy.I am so sad to hear about TD.I will pray the good Lord will ease his pain and heal him.I hope he’s more comfortable tomorrow.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT TD Little Cap Hercules Frank and all the Sweeties.Love and hugs.SheenaX
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Me too. Praying hard that he improves. So sad to see him like this. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy:
Very disappointing news on Dubai: he certainly has my prayers – hopefully the meds will solve the problem. Love and hugs KathyR
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy B.,
So sorry that Dubai is ailing and pray that he will not develop laminitis. I sure hope he responds positively to the meds and special grain. St. Francis, protect him, please. He certainly deserves more time to live and be loved.
Power up, To Dubai!
Lots of Hugs and Love
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Marshall and Kathy R:
Thank you for your prayers and good thoughts for Dubai. Praying to St. Francis that he improves soon. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
To Sue Noel, Anne from Paramount, and Casey Phillips,
Have a wonderful year, and many more!
Love and Hugs
debbie s.
Dear Judy
I am so sorry that Dubai is suffering and will pray for his recovery. It is such a worry for everyone,sending hugs and love to him and all of you. xo Debbie
Leone Paull
Enjoy hearing all the news about the colts. Thank you so much!
Hovis learns to his chagrin never to share space with dogs or a kid. The German has proven his treachery too. Rough week.
Happy weekend to all. Victory to the most interesting horse in the world. Kick butt big time, Danny.
Dear Max,
Thank you for our Hovis update. In all honesty that kid is awfully cute, Hovis. All those blond curls grab one’s attention. Max is right…never follow a kid or a dog. You do look very nice in the pic, Hovis. Hope your feathers grow out fast! Congratulations on your book! Happy weekend everyone. Free the Moose. GO DANNY!
Max, Can’t imagine what a Friday morning would be like without you and Hovis. Poor baby is being so mistreated! Hope all goes well with his MRI>
Hope we get TV of Dan and his race. Godspeed to the most interesting horse in the world, at least the male. Zenyatta has got to be the most interesting female horse in the world.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Quite an ordeal for our guy! Can’t even begin to imagine how they do an MRI on a horse. “Just put your hoof here Hovis and hold real still”???? Sure hope they don’t find anything other than what is already known. Lily is adorable!
LauraJ (Cincinnati)
Anybody in the Baltimore area need something to do this weekend? The Retired Racehorse Project is having its 2014 Thoroughbred Makeover symposium at Pimlico.
The afternoon demos are also going to be streamed on Bloodhorse.com.
Phillip Dutton is going to be doing an eventing demo on Icabad Crane.
October 3 Cherokee Devotional
Need motivates us. Our lack of self-approval spurs us to look for it in others. How they think is important to us, because we are one of many who needs a chance to belong. It may never have occurred to us that we have told them what to think by our actions. Our worth is not measured by what someone else thinks-but what we think. One hour of self-approval does more for us than years of waiting to hear that we measure up. U na to tsa li, belonging, means being a respected member of the tribe, holding one’s own in any situation. The Cherokee does it by being honorable, by honing skills, and by taking care of his responsibility to the tribe as a whole. It gives him a unique position and self-respect that comes in no other way.
If a man loses anything and goes back and looks carefully for it he will find it…
Sitting Bull
Safe trip to the wonderful Danny Boy at Keeneland and all the many horses running this weekend. Be nice if Grand Arch got second.
Safe trip and a dead heat to Vicar, his Rosie and Atreides here in Indiana.
carol in arkansas
I agree…
Dear Kathy.Is’nt Lily gorgeous!She adores Hovis and vice versa.Poor boy has had a rough week but he’ll be well-looked after at Newmarket,even TB’S go there!!!
Fubu had a lonely day yesterday mom had to do errands.I hope someone keeps an eye on him would be awful if he had another seizure while alone!Marty’s Martians went to Las Vegas and he’s had his last state plate!He could rule the world one day.
Loved the video of the dog being told he’s getting a kitten that was too cute!Hopefully ,Buster the cat is going to be re-homed all thanks to Joey’s page.He lives on.Mango got some beautiful dresses yesterday and she got to model them all.Judy is hoping she’s got her old place sold.Had to laugh Mango was only going to ask $50 for it because”that’s a lot of money” Charlotte the little puppy who was thrown out of a car is improving slightly and a soldier from Staten Island wants to re-home her IF she survives.She has a long road ahead of her.So very sad.Have a great Friday.Love and hugs to you,Kisses for Holly,Nikko and Sugar.Sheena.
Dear Sheena,
Yes, Lily is gorgeous, indeed. Hovis is being so sweetly attentive. So glad he’s being so well looked after. Felt sorry for Fubu being left alone. Surely someone looks in on him. His health is so delicate. There’s no stopping Marty. Plates for all the states now. Onto the rest of the world! Yes, that was a darling video of that dog. Loved his constantly wagging tail. Fingers crossed for Buster. Another candidate for Garden Cat??? Mango sure has some beautiful dresses. Loved the pink flower on her head. I’m rooting for poor little Charlotte. There are a lot of monsters out there walking among us. Heartbreaking case. We always imagine that everyone loves and cherishes the animals in their lives just like we do but sadly that is not the case. Have a wonderful Friday and enjoy the weekend ahead. Hugs and love from me, kisses from Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy.
Hello everyone! What a gorgeous day we are having in East Texas. Cool front passed through in the middle of the night and I thought I was going to be like Dorothy. Happy belated birthday to all. Internet was down at the library. deb E your post hit the spot and captured all I feel about Zenyatta. Sometimes it seems there is so little good news and it is wonderful to share Z Nation with so many interesting and special people. Bless your heart Hovis. Jackie stole an entire jar of peanut butter, chewed the cap off and ate it all. White Lightning used to know when he was in trouble and looked ashamed. Jackie looks like he thinks he did something Brilliant. Oblivious to stern talking to and wagged his tail furiously while grinning at me. Have a wonderful weekend and Go Dan.
Lisag in Texas
Willie, let us know how you are doing? Your sister will be following soon.
candi carter
the best of luck for ziconic,love zenyata and coz