Happy Friday!
It’s the time of year when kids go back to school and Ziconic is no exception. This week, he was among a group of yearlings that left Lane’s End to begin their training in Ocala, FL.
Ziconic has settled in at Mayberry Farm, where he’ll soon learn basics like how to carry a rider. We hear from Jeanne that he’s in Coz’s old stall at the end of the row, and he’s even made friends with Daisy the cat.
Last year we introduced you to Jeanne, April, and Jackie from Mayberry Farm and shared quite a bit about Coz’s early training. If you missed it and would like to read more before our next Ziconic update, start here and here.
Scroll down for more photos and a video of Ziconic’s departure from Lane’s End.
-Team Z

Sally B. (Auntie cherishes Z and her young)
Goodnight my lifetime horse Z
Blessings to you and your young with love and kisses
Auntie Sally B
Little Thurzel update.
It’s been quite a week. Tuesday I went to Jeir because my little girl was due to have her nails done by Tom the Farrier. In paddock at 8 am, finally had halter on at 9.45 am. We went up to the barn which was a madhouse – horses, someone driving a small quad bike with trailer attached to get fresh bedding into the stalls, and of course the Farrier at work. Tom asked me to put Thurzel into a stall: she was not at all happy, pawing, neighing, eyes rolling, very anxious. I tried to pacify her, but to no avail. Tom was quick with his work, and is kind with the horses. We went back to the paddock, and I released her to relax with her mates. But when I returned the next day, she was still anxious, and not keen to even get treats. Friday I went to the local races to catch up with a strapper who knew her from her first stable. What he told me helped to fill in a lot of (suspected) issues. Apparently my little girl was not popular in the stable because she was big, moved slowly and was considered stupid by some of the track riders. I was told that one used to always swear like a trouper at her, and one morning approached her in the stall and after swearing and shouting at her punched her with full force on the side of her face. When he untied her, and mounted ready for the morning’s work, she went back on her haunches and threw him into the back wall. The track rider was sacked the same day, but the damage was done. It explains why she is head shy, and afraid to trust. I think when I wrote about how thrilled I had been on one visit with her reaction to me, Bluegrass Girl wrote that I needed to remember those good times for when things got difficult. And she’s going through that phase now. The poor little girl probably thinks I’ve let her down by putting her into a stall (Jeir have agreed that we will never do that again) and I’m right back to the beginning in letting her know that we’ve got the rest of our lives to know each other and that I’ll always protect her. And that my love for her is unconditional. It just hurts so much to know what was going on in her life, and I just want to get her through this and be happy and contented for the rest of her life. Hugs KathyR
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Kathy:
We just don’t know what they’ve experienced in their short lives, but you are doing everything right with Tiny T. She is in the very best place and with the very best Mum she could ever have. It will take time; and although they remember the harsh treatment done to them, they remember the kindness and love too. Keep on keeping on. Love and Hugs, JB
Hang in there with your “little” girl. Soon she will just have good memories of her time with you. Think of all the good times that lie ahead for you two.
Ann NC
Tiny T is lucky to be with you!
Patience and love is turning her around.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Kathy R.,
You are making progress with Thurzel, and she will come to trust and love you. Her confidence needs healing; it will heal with time. I just don’t understand how people can be so mean and cruel. I think humans are the only members of the animal kingdom who exhibit this trait, more’s the pity.
Keep up the good work! This is a learning process for both of you, but you will get it right.
Love and Hugs
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Z’sters,
I, too, am having problems tonight with posts. I have replied to several posts on different pages, but none have appeared after being submitted. Perhaps they will show up later.
Goodnight and Sweet Dreams to all!
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Z, COZ, ZI and Z Princess:
Sweet Dreams. Love all of you so much. Hugs, JB
Dear Judy:
Went to visit my little girl again today: just sat on a huge fallen gum tree branch and talked to her (across the paddock): she finally mooched up to me – still very shy, so I told her everything was on her terms, and if she didn’t want treats, or a stroking, that was okay. But when I held out my hand, she came closer, took a Judy muffin, and then wanted to be smoothed on her sweet face. I told her again that she could trust me, that I’d stuffed up on the Tuesday with the stall issue, but it wasn’t going to happen again. Like you say, it’s going to take time, I just feel so sad about what has happened to make her like this. Love and hugs KathyR
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Kathy R:
You and Tiny T are bonding. You’re getting to know each other. Saddens me too when I think of how some people treat these loving, innocent beings, but Tiny T will know only love and kindness from you and you will win her complete trust. Love and Hugs, JB
October 1 Cherokee Devotional
OCTOBER Duna Na-Dee’ Harvest Month
Where we will find another home I cannot say, but I still intend to go back to the Nation, but whether there will be peace, safety and pleasure living there for a long time to come is doubtful.
Mrs. Willim P. Ross
A refuge in Kansas, 1863
October 1
The breathtaking skies of October are vivid strokes of rose-gold and muted shades of lavender and deep purple. It is a show of light and color. Without an awareness of time, the sky changes with colors melting and running together, lifting and glowing as the sun drops farther over the horizon. The path is a misty, blue haze that turns to darkness beneath the trees. A glow from the sky lights the way for swifts in their pursuit of late-evening insects. Like the dimly-lighted theater after the play is over, this is often the best part of the show. Somewhere deep in the woods, an owl calls and another answers. A doe feeds on new blades of winter wheat, and peace settles over the land and in the heart, an evening reverie.
For more than seventy years I have hunted in this grove and fished in this stream, and for many years I have worshipped this ground.
Barbara Wood
@Kathy R–God bless you and Thurzel. Hugs.
Barbara Wood
Dear all–for a wonderful good morning story, check out today’s Horse and Man blog. A 90-year-old woman gets her first horse ride (and the horse is lovely).
Ann NC
Thank you, Barbara+Wood.
Love this story! Way to go, Thea and getting all dressed up, too!
Good girl, Katy. Hope you get a special treat.
Thanks, too for the story about the little cowgirl, what a firecracker.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Barb W:
Thank you so much for this uplifting story. God Bless this adorable woman and beautiful Katy. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Barbara W:
Wonderful story – many thanks for the post. Hugs KathyR
Marshall (NC Broad)
Thanks for this post, Barbara! It really is touching, and serves to remind us that we are never too old to be young. YAY, Thea and Katy!
Lots of Hugs and Love
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Barbara W.,
My reply to your post was under moderation and was visible; however, now the reply has disappeared. This happened after I removed the + signs from my name.
I loved the story about Thea getting her wish to ride a horse. This serves to remind us that we are never too old to be young! What a pair, Thea and Katy, YAY!
Big Hugs
Trisha Veazey
Good luck Ziconic and learn you lesson well. YOu will be missed. Love hugs and kisses to all.
Dear Barbara.What an amazing lady!So happy she got to enjoy her ride,goes to show it’s never too late for our dreams to come true!Hugs Sheena
Dear Kathy.A beautiful post today.We’ve been promised spectacular autumn colours this year.I never realized Zeus’ mom always had 5 poms I found her memorial page last night oh,my gosh,those beautiful verses!Max and Mia grow cuter by the day.Marty is ready to howl at the moon this month!Zoe looked so beautiful all dressed in pink,I didn’t know her Mommy was a cancer survivor,she must have been very young when she had the disease.oh,Mango was a lucky girl yesterday she had that gorgeous dress made for her and lots of new onesies!Plus she’s got leathers like her mom so cute!She was a bit of a naughty girl calling the police to tell them she heard a tiger and it turned out to be Abby’s stomach rumbling!It’s ages since Dolly posted a message,life must be very difficult for them.Poor Fubu he has to dress up a lot for his momma!It’s good to see him doing well.Lots of pics of Larry yesterday lovely cat but no Joey though.He was one of a kind.!Have a great day.Hugs to you,kisses for Holly,Nikko and Sugar.Sheena.
Dear Sheena,
Enjoy your fall foliage. I didn’t realize Zues’s mom had already had 5 poms. Seems like A LOT, but she obviously carries it off! Yes, the tributes to Chelsea and Rocky Bear are beautiful. The pic of Marty howling at the moon was pretty funny. I had seen wolves, coyotes and dogs howling at the moon, but never a rat. Too funny! Love that pic of Zoe in her beautiful pink feather dress. Such a doll! So glad her Mommy beat cancer. Haven’t checked on Mango yet. Will do so. Can’t wait to see her new dress! Always worry about Dolly living in such a dangerous part of the world. Fubu is in yet another contest. Poor little guy. Yes, Larry was such a handsome boy. Missing Joey so much. Have a good day. I have my dreaded yearly gynecologist appointment today. Will be glad when that’s behind me! Hugs from me, kisses from Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy
Dear Kathy.Good luck at the Doc’s!Hugs Sheena.
Dear Sheena,
Done with that for another year, thank God. Now I just need to get through the mammogram and I’ll be good to go!
Hugs, Kathy
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Kathy:
Wishing you a good report. Love and Hugs, JB
Thank you, Judy! Love and hugs back. Kathy
debbie s.
Dear KathyR
I am so happy you went back down and talked to Little Thurzel after the upset.She understands every word you say and the fact that she came over,accepted a treat and let you “smooth her sweet face” was so beautiful it brought tears to my eyes. That’s trust,that’s love and healing starting..These are the beautiful moments,Thurzel coming to you. Much love and thankfulness that Little Thurzel is your horse now!! Hugs,Debbie
Dear debbie s. Judy, shirleeinindy, Ann, Marshall and Barbara:
Thank you all for your kind comments regarding my little girl: I’ll pass them along to her on Friday when I next go to visit, and tell her that she’s part of the Zenyatta family. Love and hugs to you all, KathyR
Bluegrass Girl
Two-Time Horse of the Year Wise Dan Schooling in the Gate
Published on Oct 1, 2014 TVG
Watch reigning two-time Horse of the Year Wise Dan face seven opponents Saturday in the 29th running of the Shadwell Turf Mile (G1) live on TVG. The Shadwell will be the first $1 million race in Keeneland history. It’s also a Win and You’re In race for the Breeders’ Cup Mile (G1) to be run Nov. 1 at Santa Anita
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear BGG:
Thanks for this. Can’t get enough photos, videos and news of this splendid boy. Godspeed Danny. Love and Hugs, JB
The most interesting horse in the world shows how to school at the gate. Watch out, Uncle Johnny.
Ann NC
Thanks, BGG.
Love how Dan keeps his eye on the camera. Smart boy! Luv ya, Dan.
Mary Margare in Georgia
Way to go Thea and Katy. A true inspiration.
Mary Margaret in Georgia
Ziconic is on the road to greatness.
Mary Margaret in Georgia
Thea and Katy are a true inspiration. Way to go.
Mary Margaret in Georgia
Good luck to all the youngsters heading to their new destinations. Godspeed.
Bluegrass Girl
Adam Fearon on Tuesday Oct. 1 2014 Arc Update
Frankie definitely rides Ruler,
Joseph on Chiquita and
Ryan on Tapestry!! Bring it #Arc
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Sheena, Max and Z Fans:
Really nice article on Urban Sea, Dam of Galileo and Sea The Stars. Love and Hugs, JB
What this article does not discuss is Urban Sea’s very early death. Sadly, she passed quite suddenly shortly after giving birth to her last foal by Invincible Spirit. Being a broodmare can be as risky to the life of a mare as racing. RIP Urban Sea, a remarkable racing mare and a mother to champions.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Max:
I just read about Urban Sea’s death. She was twenty years old. The older ones really are at risk of foaling complications, I think. Love and Hugs, JB
Far be it from me to call Urban Sea “older.” 20 seems young even by horsey standards, especially if you look at Urban Sea before her death. She was tiny and healthy as a horse right up until the end. No one expected it, as she also had the best vet care in the world. I have to hand it to the Brits and the Irish who look after their horses like they are members of the family. Some of these gals have foals into their twenties. This calls for a quote from John Steed.: The quality of a lady’s performance is never measured by her age.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Max:
It’s true, horses can live into their 30s, but 20 is on the older side for a broodmare, I think. Unfortunately, could not find a list of TB broodmares who have died from foaling complications, but I’ll bet most of them were 20 years and older.
I know that foaling complications can happen in young broodmares too (RA is one), but It seems to me that the older the mare is, the greater the chance for foaling problems to arise. I worry about Vertigineux too. She will be twenty next year.
Love and Hugs, JB
The most interesting horse in the world drinks tea.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Max:
I absolutely love these videos. Thanks for posting. Love and Hugs, JB
Ingrid Arnone
love the video.
Sue Fredrick Happy as a lark
That video is just great. Love my Danny Boy, what a cute ad for him. hugs
Ann NC
Thank you, Max. These videos get better and better. The Dali Lama and Dan, both wise.
That’s pretty cute! Thanks, Max.
debbie s.
Thanks Barbara!!
Just loved the video of 90 year old Thea having her first ride on beautiful Katie.Thea is an amazing woman and just loved her smile and zest for life.Never stop dreaming!
Dear Max
Thanks again for another video of the most interesting horse in the world. Having tea with the Dalai Lama-now that’s impressive.Just love these ads and Wise Dan is the perfect horse for the job. Dan,you are the Man!! Love you and will be rooting for you on Saturday.
Ann NC
Your Dunny Boy, Ash is very handsome. Give him a hug!
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Frankie, Dubai, Boo and all the Sweeties
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Mama Z, COZ, ZI and Z Princess:
Sweet Dreams. Safe and sound always. Love You. Hugs, JB
Dear Max.As you know we British love our tea,I couldn’t function in the morning without my cuppa!I seem to have great company now.Tapestry is running in the Arc now, a good ride for Ryan Moore.I have heard rumours that Kingston hill may not run,nothing definite yet.Moose’s owner has written on his blog that he hopes the BHA will allow him to run again or not as the case may be!When I think of the pathetic suspensions jockeys get for their wrong doings,our boy had 9 months for just standing still!!!The Moose MUST be free.Sheena.
Sheena. The Moose should hire Rumpole to get the beak off his back. It’s ridiculous that a popular horse who has fans, and who could attract many more has been banned for that long. You bet that the Moose must be free.
Zenyatta's Web Team
Hi everyone!
Many of you noticed the bug in our comment system over the past 24 hours. We believe it is now corrected. If you have residual plus signs in your names ( + ) please remove them before posting. Leaving them in will most likely result in your comments being held for moderation.
If you experience any more issues, please send us an email at info@zenyatta.com
Pati-College Girl
Deh bug has been fixed, eh? Hehe, well that’s good. No one likes bugs in the house, that’s for sure!
I’m excited to see him go into that next world. This is a huge step and he looks so good. You would think that Z has a stamp somewhere that she hides, and when no one looks, she STAMPS that baby with pretty. Her first three have been nothing short of spectacular and I’m excited to see what baby number four will look like if she stays healthy and can be bred again.
Well, I’m happy for all involved and I can wait for the next update to roll around. I hope it’s about Coz! He’s the closest to a start and I can’t wait to see if he’ll take them wire to wire, stalk the pace, or pull a Punctuate/Zenyatta: late to get going but smack on time at the wire!
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Patti:
Love your post about Z hiding her stamp. She sure makes beautiful babies. Love and Hugs, JB
Bluegrass Girl
I am so proud of you and thank you for sharing this journey with Thurzel.
It is great that you were able to get the back story of what Thurzel had gone
through. It helps in understanding her trust issues and fears.
Somewhere along the line you can practice stall training with her.
There could be a time when she will need to be kept in a stall because of
illness or injury. She can learn that a stall is a safe place-not a place of danger.
It means walking her in the stall with the door open. Standing quietly. And walking out.
Eventually you can close the door with you inside. And, finally close the door behind her. It is a gradual process. You are blessed to have experts there to help you.
Thurzel can be worked on outside using crossties.
Sounds like you have a great farrier.
Most important, you have the heart and are doing just great on your own
As I said before, I am so proud of you.
Hugs, BGG
Bluegrass Girl
Update: Kent Desormeaux Out of Hospital, Home Nursing Injuries
Update: 10-1-14
Jockey Kent Desormeaux is out of the hospital and home nursing the rib and lung injuries he suffered in a violent mishap at Santa Anita last Sunday. The 44-year old jockey was kicked in the chest by a horse that had just unseated him during the post parade before a race.
Desormeaux spent two days in Arcadia Methodist Hospital with broken ribs and a bruised lung. He was released Tuesday evening and while his prognosis is good, it has still not been determined when Desormeaux will return to the races.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear BGG:
Thanks for this update on KD. Wishing him a complete recovery. Love and Hugs, JB