Happy Friday!
It’s the time of year when kids go back to school and Ziconic is no exception. This week, he was among a group of yearlings that left Lane’s End to begin their training in Ocala, FL.
Ziconic has settled in at Mayberry Farm, where he’ll soon learn basics like how to carry a rider. We hear from Jeanne that he’s in Coz’s old stall at the end of the row, and he’s even made friends with Daisy the cat.
Last year we introduced you to Jeanne, April, and Jackie from Mayberry Farm and shared quite a bit about Coz’s early training. If you missed it and would like to read more before our next Ziconic update, start here and here.
Scroll down for more photos and a video of Ziconic’s departure from Lane’s End.
-Team Z

Deana from Texas
How exciting and a little tearful to see Z’s 2nd son head off to school! He looks fantastic and I am so proud of her and of the Moss’ and of course Lane’s End for taking such good care of him. He looks fantastic and his chestnut coat is gleeming. He looks very well behaved to be going thru this new experience. NEWS FLASH: Another very famous COLT is training in Ocala, Fl. (no name yet) and that news was given to me by Coolmore. Zenyatta’s full brother (Sire: Street Cry Dam: Vertigineaux) so Ziconic’s Uncle will be there training near him at the same time (different farm). Life sure goes full circle, doesn’t it. So sad that we have lost Street Cry, hopefully they will come up with a great name to honor him. I asked for new pictures put have yet to receive any. Will share if I get them. If anyone is going to Ocala, look him up and get us some pictures. This was Coolmore’s statement about him: He is currently here at Ashford and will be sent to Ocala Fl., for breaking etc., at the end of the month, we haven’t decided where yet but will let you know then. He is doing very well, has grown a lot in the last six months, has a lot of size, scope and strength, very good looking colt. I bet he is very handsome, indeed!
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Deana:
Thanks for this info on Z’s brother. I have not been able to find any info or photos on him at all. Love and Hugs, JB
Ohhhh, I think I’m going to cry…..be brave young man and learn your lessons well. Looks like some buddies went with you? That should help a bit.
Shari Voltz/Ohio
Thank you for sharing. All I could think is they grow so fast. God be with you sweet one. Love, Shari
Nancy in Fresno
He is a beautiful big boy!
Wonderful to see him going on to the next step. BEAUTIFUL, he is quite a looker. I live in Florida and tried to see Coz. Mayberry is not open to farm tours, so the general public will not be seeing Ziconic. That is why I am so thankful that the Mosses make these posts possible. BIG thank you to all connections.
I’m a little surprised they didn’t bandage his legs for the long trip?
Barb Longphee
I have a tear in my eye to Ziconic leave the nest. He is gorgeous!! All the best with both boys!!!
Stella Bagwell in South Texas
My eyes are filled with tears. It’s wonderful to see Ziconic so grown up and gorgeous and heading off to school, yet a part of me still longs to see Z’s babies running and playing by her side.
Be a good boy, Ziconic and make your mother and big brother proud! So excited to see you in training!
Thank you so much, Team Z, for sharing Ziconic’s journey!
God’s speed and stay safe young Prince
Dear Judy.It’s just like seeing your own child off to school isn’t it? He is just so beautiful.We all expected Estimate to be disqualified,Max has explained the situation far better than I could.Her Majesty will take it all in her stride and move on!I hope Summer does well in her show this weekend and Speedy seems a little better today.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Little Cap Hercules Frank Dubai and all the Sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Yes, ZI is magnificent looking just like his Momm Big Brother and Little Sis. Yes, Max explained about Estimate very well. Hope Speedy feels better soon and I think Summer will bring back some ribbons. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Frank and all the Sweeties
Zi, you look gorgeous! Good luck at school.
Thanks Team Z and LE Staff for sharing this precious time with us.
Dear Max.Very interesting video about the Woodbine turf.It’s a beautiful course.As I’m sure you know our courses are very undulating even the straight mile!I haven’t heard anything about Joshua Tree coming out to Canada yet.
Our Dave has had less than a purr-fect week.He will have to apologize personally!Mind you,Ed’s speech at the conference turned out a bit of a shambles too!Hope the decking guys have finished at long last!The Moose must be free.PU Hovis.Sheena.
Sheena. Woodbine is not a flat turf course like most other US turf courses. There are 3 feet rises and drops at Woodbine and it has the longest backstretch in North America. That is why the guy in the video said that too many jockeys misjudge when to turn on the rockets for home. Woodbine spent $17 million to replicate an English course, and they certainly did it. They named it after Northern Dancer’s owner. UK jockeys love it because it is like their home tracks. They can stage mile races on one turn. European horses usually win except if they are up against the most interesting horse in the world or Big Red. The holder of the course record is Wise Dan. I think that Secretariat owns the record for the old course. The only other track in NA which is comparable in size is Belmont.
Mary Lee
Thank you Team Z for sharing these beautiful photos and video with us!! It’s always sad to see the ‘kids’ leave from home but I pray there are only great things in store for Ziconic and his buddies at Mayberry Farm!! What a handsome group of youngsters! BEST OF LUCK!!
Huey Johnston
He’s a Fine looking yearling…. Can’t wait to follow him next year. Go Team Z!!!
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Beautiful Littlebigred:
Wishing you a happy, healthy training experience with the lovely Mayberry family. Love you beautiful Prince 2. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Team Z and Lane’s End:
Thank you for these great photos and video of our Chestnut Prince. Godspeed on your ZI. Love and Hugs, JB
The Kennedys in San Diego
What a gorgeous colt he is! When the sun hits his chestnut coat, he looks like Apollo.
Pamela Manzer
Ziconic is on his way to be a wonderful racehorse. Can’t wait to see him on the track in all of his glory.
debbie s.
Dear Ziconic
Your last photos at home were lovely and you had a far away look in your eyes.I think you knew-a journey was coming. Happy you have some buddies along with you and wish you a big run in a paddock on the other side.All the best little man.Love you.
Wishing you great adventures in Pre-School!
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Frank and all the Sweeties
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Z, COZ, ZI and Z Princess:
Stay comfy and cozy. Sweet Dreams. Love Ya. Hugs, JB
Louise Spadafora
I can not believe that time has gone by so rapidly! Ziconic is off to school in Florida, and he is leaving home. I remember when he was born, and my surprise when I saw a red headed child at Zenyatta’s side. He is a gorgeous boy, and what a hunk! I would love to visit Mayberry Farm and see Ziconic, but it is not open to visitors even to those who live only an hour away. Stay safe beautiful one and learn your lessons well! :-)
Maryp NY
Great news that “our” Ziconic is at Mayberry learning his lessons and even in the same stall as Momma Z and Cozmic One had when they were in school there. He looks fabulous!
Looking forward reports of his schooling. It really does bring a tear…how fast the time goes by.
A million thanks to Ann and Jerry, Team Z and Lane’s End for the wonderful consideration that they show to us.
Love to all,
Margaret Cofer
Mayberry Farms is such a small distance from my home. If Mayberry needs a hot walker, they can call me. Ziconic looks so elegant.
Cynthia H.
♥ I am besotted with this horse. Godspeed, Ziconic. ♥
Ziconic is following in his famous mom’s and brother, Coz’s hoofprints…off to the Mayberry’s! He has always seemed mature beyond his years so it will be interesting to follow his progression. There’s so much excitement surrounding Zenny’s family this year…we are blessed to be able to follow each of her offspring as they move forward in their lives. I love you, Queen Z!
Ziconic is a very handsome colt! His coat is as shiny as a new copper penny. I am confident Zenny gave him all the tips needed to have a successful racing career.
God Speed, young prince.
Safe travels and may this be a wonderful journey for Skippy (er, Ziconic)! He is so loved. Be well, be safe, beautiful boy.
sharon in seattle
wishing Ziconic all the best in this new phase of his young life. Off to school : )