Happy Friday!
It’s the time of year when kids go back to school and Ziconic is no exception. This week, he was among a group of yearlings that left Lane’s End to begin their training in Ocala, FL.
Ziconic has settled in at Mayberry Farm, where he’ll soon learn basics like how to carry a rider. We hear from Jeanne that he’s in Coz’s old stall at the end of the row, and he’s even made friends with Daisy the cat.
Last year we introduced you to Jeanne, April, and Jackie from Mayberry Farm and shared quite a bit about Coz’s early training. If you missed it and would like to read more before our next Ziconic update, start here and here.
Scroll down for more photos and a video of Ziconic’s departure from Lane’s End.
-Team Z

Angie Martin
Good luck in you new beginning beautiful boy. Stay Safe!!
HeidiK, Vallejo,Ca
Wow, he is amazing! Can’t wait to see how he likes school.
Susan Rothwell
Who is going with him? Looks like other yearlings in line behind him.
Cynthia Hahn
How old are they when they are trained to trailer?
He is absolutely gorgeous!! His coat is just stunning.
Sue Fredrick Happy as a lark
OH what an exciting day, another kid off to school. He is so beautiful and grown up already it’s amazing. Hope he likes school as much as CoZ did, the people there are so nice and caring. Can’t wait to see pics of him going thru the paces. Thank you all for the lovely pics and videos. Kisses to Zi, mama Zen, Lily, CoZ and my boy Indy.
Already looks like a pro. Very well behaved. Coat is superb. Glad to hear that he’s adjusted well to his new coordinates.
Melann Johnston
Oh my what a beautiful boy he is growing up to be!!! This is very exciting to see, I love Zenny and now we can see her boys growing and racing. Can’t wait to see what they have in store for us!! Thank you guys so much for letting us watch as they grow. We love their mama so much!! Go get Ziconic and Coz!! We can ooh and ahh over the filly too!! She looks so much like her mama!!
Thanks for the update!
What a beautiful boy: Zenny sure has handsome sons.
I love that shining chestnut coat… it seems like only yesterday we were waiting for his birth and speculating on what color he would be…
EllenR from Mariposa, CA
Jackie in Maryland
Safe travels, Ziconic! Best wishes on your new “job” :-) We know you’ll be one of the Greats, someday! Hugs <3
Linda R. Moss
So wonderful! He is going to be a BIG boy! Look forward to all the updates as we are sure this red head will be a quick learner :) Love and hugs, George, Linda and Milyone (another red head from the stable)
Thank you SO much for these posts, not only do they keep us updated, but I am learning so much about training and care of racehorses in general.
I really appreciate the time you take to do this…even though I often wonder who you are, exactly!
Especially Horses / So Cal
Wow, Coz’ not so little bro off to school. He is just so stunning to gaze upon. I love everything about this colt. I just hope he runs to his looks and breeding, if he does…watch out racing fans!
Deb E.
Dearest Mom Z,
As I leave for Mayberry Farm, I want you to know what a great mom you were to me, and how much I love you. I will miss you and Lil’ Sis and everyone at Lane’s End, but you will never be far from my thoughts. I will take all the lessons you taught me and use them in my new job on the track. I will strive to make you proud of me and be the kind of athlete you are. If I’m even half as good as you are, I’ll do well! I love you very much, Mom.
Your Loving Son,
Alex Bowdoin
That was Sweet Deb E!! Loved it!!
Sue Fredrick Happy as a lark
Deb E,
How sweet, you speak for us all. Loved it. hugs
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Deb E:
Too cute. Love and Hugs, JB
Beautiful! This site is the most amazing place to visit.
carol in arkansas
He is just awesome
So bittersweet!
He is so handsome! Time really flies….
Dear Ziconic.I know it must be hard to leave your mum,sister and friends and go off to the “big boy school”but you have a lot to learn before becoming a champion racehorse.You looked and behaved magnificently as any son of Zenyatta would.Have a great time in Florida and always remember your loved ones back home!Love and hugs SheenaX
Ziconic breeze carefully in Ocala, more time on sloppy course ((( ,, ,, h , beautifull story about Ash, Chromy, race in Parx was not easy, in first turn i was afraid about you, your way to keep nose lil lil left from back legs of forward horse was right, blinkers and to keep whip in left hand near fence was well, after second turn you simply were tired and dont want to keep on tail, it was right too, for to keep legs safed, google ” youtube 2014 pennsylvania derby ” , :-) better was to breeze with Sweet Reason and Untapable, :-) they breezed quietly and friendly, google ” youtube 2014 cotillion stakes ” , Chromy on summer of 2010 Zenny friendly breezed with barnmates at Del Mar, her time were second, she asked experts at Del Mar and Lanes End, breezed two races, and returned to home, Chromy how do you like 14z Zi and Coz, Chromy keep legs healthy for mares, spare good horse Street Cry, sire of Zenny, Danny how do you fell yourself, beautyfull Zenny 14z Zi Coz and mates kiss your soft noses
Well Zi looks so well behaved. LE’s it looks like you’ve done outstanding with him! And now he’s off to high school! This such fun watching these youngsters grow up!
Danny how do you feel yourself, of course
Thanks, as always, for the update, pictures, video, etc. A little sad and exciting at the same time. Good luck, sweet boy!
He is so beautiful!
Dear Max.Is’nt Ziconic gorgeous?His chestnut coat was glistening.Good news of Hovis from Sandy and he’ll be well cared for at Newmarket.He must be loving all this attention from mum!!How could anyone suggest he didn’t write his own diaries!Her Majesty’s alter-ego on twitter has abolished the BHA because one’s horse was disqualified!That would be great news for Moose if it were true.
I’ve been enjoying the Wise Dan videos I’m sure Kingman is happy he won’t have to take him on at the BC!Kingston Hill is running in the arc,peeps tend to forget he was a very good 2nd to Australia in the Derby.The weather forecast promises dry that weekend but the French do water a lot.Free the Moose PU Hovis!Sheena.
Sheena. Ziconic looks very much like the most interesting horse in the horse, right down to his socks. He’s kind of tiny for a young guy, like the Beast or Thurzel.
Anything can happen in the Arc. We will see who likes the surface best.
Here is a very interesting video on turf maintenance at Woodbine. Although Woodbine is like an English track, these principles probably apply to most turf courses everywhere. Discovered that they use Kentucky blue grass. The horses may want to eat the course.
Beak, free our Moose.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Max:
Wow, this video is really interesting. I had no idea how much is involved in keeping a turf course in shape. You’re right, I could see Moosie now deciding he would rather chomp on this lush green turf course than run on it. Love and Hugs, JB
Ziconic looks magnificent. Can’t wait to hear about his progress, be safe.
Leslie R.
Good luck to Ziconic! He’s gorgeous! It is sweet that he’s made friends with Daisy already. Thanks for the update!
Hugs to all,
patricia jones
time goes too fast he is stunning be safe we will be watching thank you
♥ Auntie Judy aka JAG So. California ♥
♥ All I can write is: Zenyatta makes the most beautiful babies!
ZICONIC, good luck at school, Sweetie. We look forward to getting updates on your progress. Enjoy making new friends :-) I’m sure the other colts and fillies are going to look up at you. More ways than one!
Love always, Auntie Judy ♥ XO
Alex Bowdoin
Love him! Looks at the camera and stops just like Z!! He looks Wonderful! Be a good boy in your training Ziconic!! Thank you LEF and TEAM Z for posting this!! LOTS OF HUGS
Awwww…God bless Ziconic as he begins his schooling. What a beauty he is! Thank you, Team Z!
I love the red ones and he is so beautiful. Wishing all the best things for him. Hope he stays safe.