Zenyatta has given us three beautiful foals in three years. She excels at motherhood, a role she wholeheartedly enjoys.
From the start, Zenyatta’s happiness and well-being has been our top priority. Following the birth of her perfect new filly, we have decided to honor her by giving her a year off from foaling. She will not be bred this year.
Zenyatta continues to be in good health and excellent condition. She will have time to rest, mentally and physically, and to enjoy being a horse in one of the most beautiful places in the country. We would like to thank the wonderful people at Lane’s End Farm for making all of this possible.
We’re so proud of our Queen!
-Team Z
P.S. Zenyatta may be taking a year off, but Zenyatta.com is not! We will be right here as your only official source for all things Zenyatta, Cozmic One, Ziconic, and 14Z.
Christine in Florida
Excellent decision Team Z, excellent…..
Dee in the Hudson Valley
Wonderful news! Thank you, Team Z.
judy from pahrump nevada
Wonderful news! Glad you’re getting a well deserved rest from babymaking. Meanwhile we will continue to enjoy and appreciate you and your three BEAUTIFUL babies you have blessed us with already.
Looking forward to continued pics and news blogs. Team Z does the VERY BEST for you and your family and us — your devoted fans. Thank you Ann and Jerry Moss et al !
I love you Zenyatta. You are so special to me.
Carol Bloom
Thank you so much for loving Queen Z the way you do and for giving her the much deserved rest she has earned 3 times over. Enjoy your chance to just be a horse Queen Z. We love you too…….
janie Corrigan Cahoon
So glad she’s having a rest …. She gets more beautiful all the time ……
Michele Briggs in northern CA
Welcome to the world Princess, can’t wait to watch you grow. Great news that Zenyatta is resting for a season. Will be looking forward to the foal of 2016. Can’t wait to see Cosmic 1 in his first race. Good luck to California Chrome in the Preakness and Belmont. I hope we see a Triple Crown winner this year, and reignite the horse racing fans! Thank you Jerry & Ann Moss for sharing your beautiful horse with all of us.
Michele Moore from Beaumont, TX.
What a magnificent decision from the loving people that own her, Ann and Jerry Moss. I think that is part of the reason we all fell in love with her because we saw the love you gave her from day one, and of course the Sheriffs, and then we can’t forget all of Team Z, that horse was surrounded with love from the time she entered your group, no wonder she danced, I would have too. There is not one day goes by that I don’t think of her or the wonderful people I met through her, Kari especially, and now I am thinking of going back to the horses. I was invited to a couple of stables the other day, and what a wonderful day. I believe horses see into your soul and I made some great friends that day, but unfortunately they belong to other people, but I know I want to work with them, whether mucking the barns, cleaning the horses or picking their hooves, I simply adore horses, so if you are in the Beaumont,TX area and need help, e-mail me, I think they are my therapy from cancer, Love to all my friends on this sight, Michele.
Julia Miller
you should name one of her future foals Moments of Zen. (like one of your photo albums!)
Luv ya Zenyatta! and Coz! and Zi! and Princess Z! <3 :)
Kimberly Potter
Thank you for sharing our beautiful Zenyatta!
Kimberly Potter
Thank you for always doing what is right for Zenyatta and most of all for sharing all things Zenyatta with us…her adoring fans!
Greetings Zenyatta and Team!!
So very glad to hear that Zenyatta will be having a rest from foaling. She certainly deserves to enjoy herself once again.
Will Zenyatta be moved to another barn area and pasture area for mares that are not in foal??
So, Zenyatta has had three foals now. When she comes into heat in 2014, will she wonder why she is not being bred??
Beautiful mom and princess photo. I love bay. My favorite color. I love to see the photos of all of them.
I am so excited to watch all their careers.
Aphrodite Konduros
Great idea. Because of the first miscarriage, her three offspring were born in a short year. This allows her next foal to be a true year old when the next January 1 would roll around.
Love to the Queen and filly!
I met War Front last July at Claiborne Farm (this filly’s sire). It felt like meeting royalty!!
♥ Auntie Judy aka JAG / So. Calif. ♥
♥ To David Ingordo the master mind behind finding Queen Zenyatta!
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Peggy (N) South Georgia
checking to see if I get waiting for moderation.
Deborah Biediger
What wonderful owners and handlers “Z” has and what a great example for other owners. Every broodmare should be given a year off now and then to just enjoy life. It should not all be about $. We all love horses and this is a great way to show it.
Such a beautiful picture!! So happy to see a filly out of Zenyatta. I hope they name the little princess Zena! Cannot wait to watch her grow up. I hope mama enjoys raising her baby and taking some time off. Bless you, big girl!
I think that is a wonderful thing to do for both Z and her team. She deserves a well needed break. I also have a name suggestion for the new Princess. Z’s War Princess! Good luck to Coz and Ziconic and will keep watching for updates. Hugs and kisses!
Sue MacPhee-Gray
This is great news and doesn’t surprise me at all. They love Z and she loves them. She has always looked like a happy, healthy horse and that’s because the Mosses always place her well-bring above all else.
What wonderful owners you are; I hope some owners and trainers, take the example team Zenyatta has set!!! I hope they see it’s not only better for the horses in their care, but in the long run, allows them to be more successful too, by their horses reaching their full potential, instead of being hurt, breaking down, or dying from complications of over breeding. God bless you for taking such care of these beautiful animals like Zenyatta, that are put in your care!!!
Terri Holliday
Thank you Zenyatta team for sharing so much with the public and all of the hard work that goes into keeping up this website….. This story, here, brings more joy to me and I’m sure thousands of others who love these animals…. and appreciate their perfection…. and every little nuance that is shared of Zenyatta and her children brings so much delight and we thank you for it.
Melissa m
Love the way you care for her and have her well being at the forefront. You are a tribute to the racing world.
I was wondering if she had been bred again. It was obvious that the clock needed to be reset to get her back to a foal earlier in the year. Have the Moss’s thought about going back to any of her prior stallions? She always appears to be happy and relaxed. A bit of rest is probably just what she needed.
i want to eskendereya to be her next mate
i think the plan is to have babies ages 12-13-14 year off then 16-17 then no more babies
Carole Curtis
Thanks to the Moss family for allowing us mere mortals a glimpse of something wonderful, living in Idaho I will never have the chance to visit a wonderful place like theirs, but can live the dream through photos and blogs and comments from many fans. . What a wonderful gift !Blessed Be to Zenyatta and the kids.!
Sandra Jakowpck
Kat Hay
Was starting to wonder, and am so glad to hear of this decision to give Zenyatta a rest from breeding. I hope you’ll always see her well being as paramount and her value as a broodmare as secondary. She is a rare gem of a horse and deserves the best life that can be sustained for her. Brava for making this choice!