Zenyatta has given us three beautiful foals in three years. She excels at motherhood, a role she wholeheartedly enjoys.
From the start, Zenyatta’s happiness and well-being has been our top priority. Following the birth of her perfect new filly, we have decided to honor her by giving her a year off from foaling. She will not be bred this year.
Zenyatta continues to be in good health and excellent condition. She will have time to rest, mentally and physically, and to enjoy being a horse in one of the most beautiful places in the country. We would like to thank the wonderful people at Lane’s End Farm for making all of this possible.
We’re so proud of our Queen!
-Team Z
P.S. Zenyatta may be taking a year off, but Zenyatta.com is not! We will be right here as your only official source for all things Zenyatta, Cozmic One, Ziconic, and 14Z.
Dear Sally B.Have a very Happy birthday.Have learned so much more about you through Trina’s wonderful poem.God bless you for all you do for Sir and all the horses.Enjoy.Love Sheena.
I think it is wonderful that Zenyatta is taking a year off! She is lucky to have such compassionate owners and caregivers.
Dear Trina.Another work of art.!!Hugs Sheena.
Dear Max.Have you heard Moosie is heading north on his holidays,going hunting and generally lazing around.There will be a BHA review sept/oct.I will be busy emailing them at the time.!I forgot heard the team mention Quevega and Beat Hollow on sunday but thought it was something for the future.His damsire is Dancing Brave one of the best horses never to win a Derby.I had also forgotten that Hollow was 3rd to Sinndar in the 2000 Derby.I lost track of him when he moved to the US,never realised he’d won the Arlington Million.They should produce a very good foal indeed..Free The Moose.Sheena.
Sheena. Beat Hollow is a very good horse, and Quevega is a racing star. One of his sons is Sea Moon who is racing in Australia. Don’t think that he has retired. KathyR might know this.
I just saw that comment by Moosie. Middleham might be sending him out for a little rest or some exercise. Please keep track of the beak. We will all have to email the beak to support the Mooster.
Free the Moose! Neigh x 9!
Dear Max and Sheena:
Sea Moon was purchased by Lloyd Williams as a Melbourne Cup contender. He’s has some soreness issues, and last raced in the Blamey stakes (Melbourne) in early March, coming in 8th. I think the Williams camp was a little disappointed with his early form, but have not heard about him for a bit. But then again, since it’s a quiet time for the winter period, he’s probably just in the paddock at the Williams property on the Mornington Peninsula, not far from Melbourne. Cheers, KathyR
Terry Crow
KathyR-Always interested in your updates about Aussie racing. Wish I knew more.
Zenyatta’s “vacation” hopefully will include her continued presence as THE embassador of all that is good in horse racing. Special visitations at Lane’s End or will she spend a little time relaxing with John and greeting guests? She is probably going to get requests for special appearances like the rock star she will always be. I’m hoping early next spring she gets to “See The Stars”, and visit with her fans briefly in Europe – after all we’re not the only ones who love her. Just happy knowing that Ann and Jerry will always do what is best for their beloved Zenny.
Terry Crow
Agree with you concerning Z’s level of popularity but she has something that rock stars do not have. Dignity.
Sally Blank (cherish Z for my lifetime)
That is soooo true Terry! Amen
Dear Judy. Great news from the dyfi,Glesni laid her 2nd egg this evening.The DOP had put a message on their FB that it was unlikely she would lay any more eggs this year,that was about 6.10pm and 2 hours later the egg arrived!!They are tearing up all the rule books isn’t nature wonderful!! Blue 24 is still hanging around though.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT Ruby Diamond Cap Hercules and all the Sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Glad Glesni has another egg; just hope Blue stays away. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Ruby, Diamond and all the Sweeties
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Had a question to ask. Was reading through some posts fast and not sure I read right.
Black Cavier is in foal to deliver this year right? Did it say October.
Does anyone know about Goldikova too.
Dear Peggy: Nellie is certainly in foal – expected to deliver sometime in October this year. She’s had an ultrasound, and all is well – no indication on the sex of the foal though. Cheers, KathyR.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Kathy R
So glad everything is well with her. Can’t wait for her foal.
Alex Bowdoin
Thank you for the update on BC….So looking forward to seeing her foal in the Fall!!
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Judy
Yes so sorry to hear about Chelokee. Thank you so much for the picture. There was a beautiful picture of him on Blood Horse too. He was just so beautiful.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
The article didn’t really say too much about what happened to him.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
He looked to be almost a Black Beauty. I know his color was probably dark brown, but he sure was gorgeous.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Peggy:
So very sad. Maybe the injury and the necessary surgery that he had weakened his body more than anybody realized. Love and Hugs, JB
Hey i would love to see more pictures of the Queen & her princess! :D I feel like there hasnt been lots of pictures of them around :( i saw the video of when Coz was born and there were lots of pictures around & even with Ziconic… there were lots of pictures of him… but with the princess we only got 4 pictures :( I want to see pics of them all (Zenny,Coz, Ziconic & the little Princess are doing) Plus if i remember correctly in a post here on this site it said that the past weekend we will get more pictures of the princess & even the video of her birth & more pics of the queen & aswell an update on the boys… and nothing :(
Julie from Kokomo
We’re always wanting what’s best for Zen!
Miracles of Life (Barbie) draws barrier 2 for Goodwood at Morphettville on Saturday. Trainer happy with the draw, and she will again have Dean Yendall as jockey.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Go, Barbie! And safe trip to all.
Bluegrass Girl
May Barbie stay safe & have a winning day
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Kathy R:
Godspeed Barbie; safe and sound. Love and Hugs, JB
Sally Blank (cherish Z for my lifetime)
Thank you for the birthday wishes. For starters I had a beautiful day doing chores with the horses; I was in for a couple surprises I will share with you tomorrow.
hugs to all, Sally B
Goodnight my dear Zenyatta with wonderful dreams
love n kisses on your soft nose and to Coz, Ziconic and baby 14z
Auntie Sally B
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Dear Sally, I hope all the surprises were welcome ones! Happy birthday once again, with love and hugZ.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Z, COZ, ZI and Princess Z:
Goodnight. Sweet Dreams. Love You. Hugs, JB
Bluegrass Girl
SA Press Box tweet Wed. May 7 2014
California Chrome jogged a mile “on his toes…looked great” this morning at CD.
“Still feisty as ever” & will gallop normal 2 miles tomorrow.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Dear all–with apologies to anyone who may have posted this earlier, it is the story about Chelokee from BH:
Loved that beautiful boy.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Barb W.:
So sad. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Barb W and Judy:
He had a beautiful face! Cheers, KathyR.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Kathy R.:
Yes, Chelokee had a gorgeous face. Love and Hugs, JB
Sally Blank (cherish Z for my lifetime)
Ohhhhhh this is sad to see one go so young. He seemed to be loved by many and was a kind horse that was handsome.
Marshall (NC broad)
Dear Barbara W.,
Thank you for posting this — I was wondering what happened to Chelokee. He certainly was handsome and apparently, a sweet-natured fighter. So sad to lose him.
RIP beautiful boy.
Bluegrass Girl
by James Scully Handicapper’s Edge brisnet
California Chrome was visually impressive in Kentucky Derby 140, winning convincingly, but his final time (2:03.66) left something to be desired. That won’t make any difference in him being an odds-on favorite in the 139th running of the $1.5 million Preakness May 17
Similar to Big Brown, who easily captured the 2008 Derby at 2.40 odds (California Chrome was 2.50), California Chrome’s price figures to be in the 1-5 range at Pimlico.
Terry Crow
1-5? What were the odds on the aforementioned Big Brown in the Belmont?
Bluegrass Girl
Max & Sheena-thought you’d like to see. Graham Motion was very pleased! BGG
BH Race Results tweet Wed. May 7 2014
Auld Alliance (IRE) (Montjeu (IRE) – Highland Gift (IRE)) wins an allowance
at Belmont Park
Thank you. Enjoyed that race. Uncle Johnny really had to work for it. Auld Alliance is named after the old alliance between Scotland and France against the English. It is very clear in her dam’s name. Montjeu, her sire, was Irish born, but his owner named him after a French castle.
Bluegrass Girl
KathyR, looks like baby sister is doing very well. Hugs, BGG
Gilgai Farm tweet Wed. May 7 2014
Good luck to connections of BELLE COUTURE, Sat.
Progeny of Helsinge have great record @Flemington VRC
10 starts for 10 wins!
Sally Blank (cherish Z for my lifetime)
Hi all Zsters; I had the most perfect day on the 6th out doing chores with our four horses of the sanctuary; rather brisk in the early morning but nothing but blue skies.
All went well with feeding grain and I slid a door open that leads to dumping of debris in an area about 30 ft. by 12 ft. It is off beyond our stalls and working area from an open doorway into it which inside also serves our area for all the grassy hay.
I am working shredding and hand sifting the grassy hay because we have found some large sticks, as our old horses otherwise could choke. I hear something and turn and behind my back the two old goats had come into this area from the sliding door, which they have never done in almost two years of volunteering. Upon me stating “Brownie, Blackie you can’t be in here” they left almost in a joyful bouncing as though it was their adventure for the day. Hmmm, no one has ever stated they have tried this before. No harm done, all is well. (I am thinking are they going to try this again)
Later, I have finished cleaning the stalls and I know I must fill water into Jo’s two buckets as he has been separated because of his laminitus, which is well now, but the vet said she could not go and graze, as she could so easily founder again. Jo can not get to the big water trough. We have made a dividing area outside so that she is not just in a stall and can walk outside.
Believe me I am trying to make a long story short but hey it always winds up to be a short story long.
I brought the first bucket through Fritos stall from the trough, which is next to Jo’s rather than ducking under divding rope and since Fancy, the black oldest of them, an Arabian mare and Frito, 2nd oldest and still fiesty is out in the pasture, I left their stall door closed but not latched. I filled and went back out to the trough to fill again as I would fill the trough last, when Fancy and Frito came in. They both went into Fritos stall (they are so bonded) but I looked in and saw them at the haynet figuring they would be fine for the minute I now would bring the second bucket through Fancy’s stall for Jo.
I decided to go through Fancy’s stall door and came out I was so shocked and surprised!! Both Frito and Fancy had just arrived in our rather narrow volunteer work area!!! (8-10 ft wide maybe) The stall door was pushed way open and Fancy had just walked in with Frito already turned around. ” Oh my God “I thought to myself but attempted to remain calm as I walked toward them. “Frito, Fancy, you can not be in here” I stated and both headed for the open stall door back to their stall but both could not fit at once…Fancy stopped with her ears back as in a fleeing mode to allow Frito to go and I just did not want them to hurt themselves. I started to say “Easy easy Fancy, it’s okay, it’s okay to settle him” . Believe me, for a moment, I thought he was ready to just run!!! If he would have paniced and attempted to run through our work area…….Oh my, I guess I won’t go there. But Fancy entered back in just fine and then they both decided to head for the pasture again. It happened so fast, both, I know it was Frito who led, but they too appeared to be so curious this day just like the goats!! I wonder if I gained any more grey hair. I guess you would have had to be there. Actually, with all that went on, I had a great time with it. It was like a day when one just has to do something out of the ordinary to make life fun and so they all did it on my day of chores.
Lesson learned: Go and latch the stall door the moment you see these two “partners in crime approach”
Thank you for your time, hugs to all, Sally B
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Sally B:
Love your story and so glad that calm heads prevailed. Because you remained calm, the horses did too. Wow, Frito and Fancy are bonded and are very adventurous too. God Bless you for all the wonderful care you give the horses. Love and Hugs, JB
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Great post, Sally. High hoof on these adventures for all involved. Thanks for sharing.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Wow! You really had an adventure here Sally. So glad that everything turned out OK for you, the goats, and the horses. I guess everyone is more curious than we might imagine. I’m afraid that many people won’t see this because there is a new post about items from the Zenyatta shop that went up yesterday. We are once again not “all on the same page.” I’ll post a note and direct folks back here for the story.
Sally Blank (cherish Z for my lifetime)
Goodnight my sweet mama Zenyatta! You are in my dreams
love n kisses on your soft nose and to Coz, Zi and cute 14z
Auntie Sally B
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Z, COZ, ZI and Princess Z:
Goodnight. Sweet Dreams. Love You. Hugs,JB
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Ruby, Diamond and all the Sweeties
Crista Worthy
Team Z, there is no better example in horse racing than how you have always treated Zenyatta—letting her grow into that big body before racing her so she could stay healthy. She has obviously been raised with love and kindness, because that’s what she always shows toward those who visit her. Next year she won’t have a new foal, but we can watch to see what Cozmic One does, if he starts racing. Many thanks to you Team Z for sharing your superstar Queen Z with her many fans. When I visited her at Barn 55 in 2010, it was the highlight of my year.
Dear Judy.Left your goodnight message on the new post.there’s a video of Glesni’s new egg.love and hugs Sheena.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
@Sally B.–what an experience. I know from our experience that in a split second, things can change, and a whole new scenario presents itself. I really do think our Money could have been a wonderful barrel racer. He can turn on a dime. Hugs and thanks for sharing.
Please consider Frankel as a possible in the future….but if you bring her over here, please let her parade at one of the big race meetings….everyone would so love to see her so much……..
Sue Noel in Sun Valley,ID
It looks like both of the most recent entries are getting posted on today. For those who are interested, the “carrot” story is posted on the most recent entry,the one about the new Shop items!
Sue Noel in Sun Valley,ID
It looks like both of the most recent entries are getting posted on today. For those who are interested, the “carrot” story is posted on the most recent entry,the one about the new Shop items!
Carol in Arkansas, Just saw your boy River ran off and left the pack and won by a very wide margin at Belterra today. He is doing well.
Donna H
So fascinated by 14Z. She seems to be so confident and brave. Remember early pictures of the boys peeking around Mama Z? None of that for her it seems. She is just adorable! I’m very grateful to Team Z for the assurance that we will continue to be involved in Zenny’s, the boys’, and our new Princess’s lives. You’re just great!!!
<3 What a beautiful photo!
Thanks for all the great updates about our lovely Queen Z.
Hannah, admin.
The Official "Zenyatta" Facebook Group