Zenyatta has given us three beautiful foals in three years. She excels at motherhood, a role she wholeheartedly enjoys.
From the start, Zenyatta’s happiness and well-being has been our top priority. Following the birth of her perfect new filly, we have decided to honor her by giving her a year off from foaling. She will not be bred this year.
Zenyatta continues to be in good health and excellent condition. She will have time to rest, mentally and physically, and to enjoy being a horse in one of the most beautiful places in the country. We would like to thank the wonderful people at Lane’s End Farm for making all of this possible.
We’re so proud of our Queen!
-Team Z
P.S. Zenyatta may be taking a year off, but Zenyatta.com is not! We will be right here as your only official source for all things Zenyatta, Cozmic One, Ziconic, and 14Z.
My deepest gratitude to the Mosses and all of Team Z for reaching this decision in Zenyatta’s best interest. This is what my heart had hoped for as much from the standpoint of giving her a chance to have future foals at an earlier point in the calendar for their benefit, as well as giving her body a chance to replenish itself in all ways. She will be able to enjoy her mommy time with the new princess and then have a long while to simply enjoy being the Queen to take care of herself. Thank you so much for always keeping us informed. Thank you for sharing her with us!!!
Team Z,
Thank you so much for continuing to set an excellent example for the rest of the horse racing world. Putting your horses comfort and happiness should always be first rather than pushing them to the brink. Thanks again.
Can’t wait to see what the family of Z will bring us in years to come!!
I just want to say that Jerry and Ann have to be the best horse owners that God ever placed on this earth! Thank You for always thinking of Zenny’s well being before anything else. I am a cattleman and I know you have to make money or you can’t stay in business. But you also have to think of the animal. A lot of cattlemen breed heifers to have there first calf at 24 months. I have always bred my cattle to have there first calf at 30 months, just to give them more time to mature. Zenny has been lucky enough to always be surrounded by caring people. First her owners always think of her well being first, Then when she began her carrer she was placed with John and Dottie who gave her time to mature before she began racing, and her daily care was placed in the hands of Mario who loved her like a child. So Thanks Team Z for the excellent care you give the Queen. On a closing note has anyone seen any uptates on Ebby latley?
Peggy Buffington
Yes, she’s having steady works. Put her in your stable mail on Equibase.com and you’ll get an update whenever she does anything.
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
Ebby was scratched from the Santa Lucia Stakes Easter Sunday with a mild respiratory infection, but she has since had a work (about a week ago?). No word on her next race.
Ann NC
Judy B., loved the show photos. Looks like it was a fun day. Papa Charlie was all business awaiting his time to shine, he knew you were watching.
4 yrs. Old…. cutie, melt my heart.
Thanks for sharing your critters.
Max-read a tweet, something about making, Wise Dan behave for the jockey….hahahaha!
Oh and I do hope big bro Dan can get that win for trainer Lopresti, now that will be a bear hug!
Everyone have a great day, Princess, you are gorgeous!
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Ann:
So glad you enjoyed the photos. Hope Katie’s all settled back in and you both can get some needed rest and relaxation. Love Ya, JB
Ann NC. Dan might have the same reaction to seeing Uncle Johnny as our shirlee. He seems to relate better to Jose. I was interested in the comments of Moonshine Mullins’ trainer. Once he was allowed to run his own race, he won. Dan knows best. Go Danny!
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Good morning, all. To start your day on a positive note, here is a great story:
What in the word happened to Chelokee? Oh no! I looked back to try to find the post and couldn’t. I so remember his major surgery and thought he was ok. RIP, precious boy.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
The article in Blood Horse said that he had become increasingly tired and that his body just gave out. He was 10 years old.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Thanks, Sandy!
Jack Odom
So great to see all of the love shown to the mighty Z. I am so grateful to have seen both her and Black Caviar run in the flesh. Two queens that changed the way people think of females running against the boys. They both simply dominated.
marsha roliardi
thank you team Z for making this decision. she has had 3 beautiful babies, and especially happy that she foaled our PRINZESS! zenyatta looks wonderful, but it will be nice to have a rest. thank you for the updates and beautiful pictures of this precious family. whenever something is posted, it really makes my day. the mosses are very special owners. we certainly know that PETA is not lurking around the corner for them. wish others would follow their lead.
love and best wishes to all, marsha & joe roliardi
On this day in 1954 in Oxford Roger Bannister became the first man to run a sub-4 minute mile.Now 85 and suffering from Parkinson’s he will spend the anniversary quietly with his family.Hugs Sheena.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Thank you, Sheena, for helping us to commemorate this great achievement. Vale Roger Bannister, who (like Z) showed us how the impossible is done.
Dear Kathy.Great news about Zenyatta having a year off,is’nt the PrinZess so beautiful.those big ears and long legs!Still no egg at Dyfi,the DOP are worried Glesni might have absorbed it,don’t think blue 24 has been seen today she’s upset everything.It’s a pity she had’nt met up with Lady from Lowes she sees off any intruders male/female with no trouble.Fubu is not eating again that’s why he has to see the vet I do hope he can get help.Marty’s getting gifts and plates from Australia now,the world is his oyster!Lovely videos of Ray and Jack O play fighting.Boo is getting too cute!!Have a lovely day.Hugs to you,Kisses for Holly,Nikko and Sugar.Sheena.
Dear Sheena,
I’m so happy the Queen gets a year off. We can rest assured that Team Z loves her so and puts her well-being above all else. I’m bowled-over by the PrinZess’ knees! She’s so gorgeous. Sorry there’s no egg. You know all the stress hasn’t been good for Glesni. Such a shame. Poor Fubu. And his mom must be so worried. I have a very bad feeling about him. Who knows, though, his vet might be able to pull him through again. Marty’s bizness is going great. Makes you want to go out and get a rat, doesn’t it?!! Ray and his bruddahs are so cute. Love watching them play together. Boo looks like he’s smiling in his most recent pic. I wonder how long before he and Buddy hit 13M? Have a great day. Hugs from me, kisses from Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy
Trisha Veazey
I heard earlier she would not be bread this year. She really needs a rest from foaling.
the Mosses are wonderful owners and continually put the Queens health and welfare first.
They are so lucky to have such a wonderful horse. I hope all her foals will be healthy and good race horses.
Love to the Mosses , Lane’s End Farm and all connections who take care of our Queen.
Love hugs and kisses
Does this mean she will be able to have visitors?
I am so thankful that Ann & Jerry obviously care so much for Zenyatta — and she is certainly beautiful and even robust in all the pictures I’ve seen of her during her pregnancies. It seems like she enjoys carrying new life and being a mom, and this is a wonderful thing. Once she’s had a few months to relax and take care of 14Z, I’m sure she will go right back into the business of being a mom with the same health and talent she’s showed us so far. I just love this horse. :-) Deb
Kathryn Dube
So glad the Queen will enjoy just being a horse for a year, even though she excels at foaling and motherhood. Love all the photos. The offspring grow so fast, but I’m thrilled at seeing a little filly this time, 14Z.
Lorey Maurer
Happy that the Queen will be getting a well deserved rest. The newest foal is adorable! Looks so much like her beautiful mama.
Happy Mother’s Day Queen Zenyatta!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Happy birthday, Sally B! Here is a repeat presentation of your poem from two years ago. Love and hugZ, Trina
A Birthday Poem for Sally B.
(May 6, 2012)
Dearest Sally,
When you tally
Your blessings
On this birthday,
I’m guessing
You’ll say
Like many another
That family and close friends
(Human, canine and equine)
Top the list
Of what brings you bliss
And makes life for you fine.
In the family line,
Your kin
Includes two sisters (one a twin)
And a brother.
Before 2011
The latter’s health was in steep decline,
But his life was saved in the nick of time–
It may have been that your dear mother,
Already up in heaven
And thus in close proximity
To the Divinity,
Sought God’s help for your ailing brother.
Perhaps she stood right by God’s ear
And confided to Him her greatest fear —
That her son
From this earth would depart
Before his time here was done
For want of a healthy heart.
His own was failing–
Indeed he had only days left to live
Before he would breathe his last
When a matching donor to the next life passed
And was able to give
The life-saving bequest
That fulfilled a request
Made from desperation.
’Twas on the birthday
Of their mother
That Sally’s brother
Woke post-operation
With a new heart in his chest
And felt so deeply blessed.
Sally and her husband
Raised two sons
And now with two granddaughters
And one grandson
Have tons and tons
Of fun
Though those young ’uns
Recently caught her
Falling off a pogo stick!
Though it roused laughter
All around,
Sally found
It taught her
Her reflexes on that pogo stick
Might not be all that quick
As before,
And she’d like you to know
That thereafter
She chose to forego
Any more
Loyal readers here
Will recall
That Sally B and Sue Fredrick
Have been BFFs for many a year—
In fact they’ve been pals
Since they were both single gals.
Sally and Sue
Always found much to do,
Hiking, biking and riding,
Often with a dog along too.
Then both married
And yet their friendship forward carried,
First having great fun
As a young foursome,
Then raising families
With many joint activities.
Sally and her hubby
Remain to this date
Delightfully chummy
With Sue
And Sue’s wedded mate
Though now it’s a bit harder to do
Since the Fredricks did move
Ninety-some miles away.
Undaunted by distance, yesterday–
On the renowned
First Saturday
Of May—
The four, reunited, could be found
Where the Fredrick family now dwells
In the vicinity of Wisconsin Dells.
They all gathered ’round
The Derby to see,
Mint juleps in hand.
Each cheered of course
For their favorite horse
As the Thoroughbreds churned
Out of that final turn
And raced past the grandstand
To where Destiny
The winner awaited!
I’ll Have Another was fated
The roses to wear–
And indeed
He was one of the many
For whom Sally did care,
As she a week ago related.
Though she thought any
Of the entered twenty
Could carry the day,
Another of her stated picks
Was Mikie’s Bodemeister,
The gallant steed
Who for most of the race
Was on the lead
Setting the pace
And who gamely held on to place.
Surely this brought Sally a measure
Of pleasure,
But she had confessed
What she would truly like best:
Since she A P Indy does so treasure,
She was wishing
That the race might be won
By the A P Indy son
Who wound up finishing
Ahead of just one.
Jockey Calvin Borel
Had positioned Take Charge Indy well,
But when his pace
Began diminishing,
It became clear,
I fear,
That in this Derby race
He wasn’t on his game.
All the same,
Dear Sally, don’t dismay–
I feel confident to say
That this kin
Of your beloved A P Indy
Will return to win
Some other day.
Dear Sally,
You’ll be
Homeward bound
And along the way
Perhaps you’ll tally
This year’s probability
For a Triple Crown.
Once you’re again in town,
Your family will very soon
You surround,
And this afternoon
Your home will fill
With a happy sound
All around
As you your birthday celebrate–
We hope it’s the best to date!
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Trina:
Wonderful Birthday poem and Tribute to Sally B. Beautiful. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
My Dear Friend Sally:
Wishing you a Very Happy Birthday. Love and Hugs, JB
Terry Crow
Trina-It is always good to revisit one of your epics. All the best to Sally on her special day.
Happy birthday, Sally!!!!
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
♫•*¨*•♫•*¨*•.¸♥¸.•*¨*•♫ ░H░A░P░P░Y░ ♫•*¨*•.¸♥¸.•*¨*•♫
(¯”•.¸*♥*¸.•”¯) ░B░I░R░T░H░D░A░Y░ (¯”•.¸*♥*¸.•”¯)
♫•**•.¸♥¸.•**•♫ ░T░O░░░Y░O░U░!░ ♫•**•.¸♥¸.•**•♫
Happy Birthday Sally. We are all in awe of all the volunteer work you do with Sir and the other horses in addition to all of your other life accomplishments. Wishing you a good day and a great year!
Thanks, as always, to Trina for her eloquent tribute. Even the one’s we’ve read before always seem to hold some interesting new fact that might have been missed.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Sally have a wonderful Happy Birthday.
Sally Blank (cherish Z for my lifetime)
Thank you so much my friend Trina for thinking of my birthday. I recall this wonderful surprise poem two years ago. Try me another 5 years from now and I may think it is “a first”! hah, hah (fun of aging)
Your the sweetest,
love n hugs, Sally B
Bluegrass Girl
Happy Birthday and many more!
A lovely gift from our poet Trina. Superb!
Here’s a birthday hug ( )
Marshall (NC broad)
Dear Trina,
Thanks for the birthday poem for Sally B.! Great job!! Hugs
Dear Sally B.,
All the very Best Wishes on this your birthday and for many more wonderful birthdays to come! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Lots of Hugs
Just now catching up with all of you. Spent Monday at the hospital with my brother. He is doing a lot better. Saturday was a great, great day. Wise Dan was wonderful. It took a stellar performance to outshine the HOY but CALIFORNIA CHROME. Best of luck to CC and all his connections. NBC coverage was okay. The camera angles were excellent and the day was gorgeous. Bob Costas let SA slip through that interview without saying anything.. Dear, Dear Zenyatta enjoy your vacation. You deserve it and so much more.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Best wishes to your brother for a speedy recovery.
Sally Blank (cherish Z for my lifetime)
I sure wish the best for your brother.
Marshall (NC broad)
Dear Vicki,
Best Wishes to your brother for speedy healing. Get well soon!!
Take care!
Vicki, hope your brother continues to improve. Agree about the SA interview.
Best wishes for your brother! On NBC’s coverage I usually find other things to do when the fashion police come on, but I actually enjoyed the ice skaters! They were entertaining. I am such a Jerry Bailey fan!!!!
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Vicki:
Get well wishes to your brother. Love and Hugs, JB
Cynthia H.
Enjoy laZy pasture days, your Royal Highness! Your team always has your best interest at heart, for which we are all so grateful. ♥
Terry Crow
Cynthia-Always good to hear from you.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
I’ve been meaning to let people know that our eloquent Cynthia was honored at Santa Anita this past Sunday as the “employee of the week!” No surprise to any of us, of course, but three whinnies and congratulations are in order!! ♥♥♥
Trina Nagele in So Cal
All four hooves high for Lady Cynthia, not only the most gracious lady-in-waiting to the Queen when the Queen was in residence in Camelot, but also the champion troubadour singing the praises of the Queen’s loyal and stalwart attendant El Vino.. Thank you, Santa Anita, for bestowing this well-deserved honor on Cynthia. As Sandy says, anyone who has had the pleasure of meeting Cynthia will attest to the appropriateness of this recognition. Cynthia always has been and always will be our favorite person of all among the staff at Santa Anita. And thank you too to Sandy for spreading the good news. Love and hugZ, Trina
Terry Crow
Agree. Cynthia is a walking goodwill ambassador for Santa Anita, the great race place, and the human race in general.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Cynthia and Sandy:
Cynthia, Congratulations! Thank you Sandy for letting us know. Love and Hugs to both of you, JB
Sally Blank (cherish Z for my lifetime)
Congrats Cynthia!! There many here that know you and think so highly of you at Santa Anita. Way to go!
Sally B
Sandi Schlemmer
…good to hear that your champion mare is in good health and doing well. Though I grew up around T-bred horses, I am not familiar with giving them a mare a year off, especially when this young, unless she had a rough foaling. I do have the most respect for you and her connections for this consideration for her well being, despite losing a year for another foal. I am please to hear that Zenyatta is well, and hope the very best for all her foals, and human connections. Thank you for keeping us updated, as odd is it may be, this champion mare and her stunning foals are of keen interest to many…. I love seeing the wonderful pictures of her daily life.
Barbara Brayton
Sounds like a good idea, as it would be a late foal. She deserves the time off.
How blessed for Z to have such thoughtful caring owners.
Keep up the Z names!
IM so glad she is getting time to rest and to enjoy her retirement for a while!!! I love her so much. I would die to meet her one day
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Straight from the horse’s mouth—this greeting sent with three whinnies and horsey hugZ to Sally B from Sir and his pasture pals at the Cedar Valley Horse Sanctuary:
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Great card Trina!
Great card. I love that horse. Thank you, Trina, and many good wishes to Sally.
Ann NC
Happy Birthday Sally B. Hope you have a great one!
Trina, lovely poem and cute card.
Love his party hat.
Second that thought – Cheers from Downunder!
Marshall (NC broad)
Love this card, Trina!! Too cute!
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Trina:
This is too cute. Love and Hugs, JB
Terry Crow
Great card, Trina. If your poem had not been of such quality, this card would have been a show stopper. Happy Birthday, Sally!
Stella Bagwell in South Texas
Happy vacation, dear Queen. Enjoy your sweet princess while she still needs you. And have a wonderful Mother’s Day. You’re the best Mother of all!
Love to you and your family,
Well…..I was correct in my Sunday post about Queen Z having some time off either this year or next year. The Mosses were there to see Queen Z and as well as they know her decided to give her this year off. I am so happy for Queen Z that she is more important to them than the market value of her foal. All mares should be so lucky!
I continue to admire both Ann and Jerry for their care of Queen Z.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear quaterhossgal:
Very well said. Couldn’t agree more. Love and Hugs, JB
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
happy bday sally b
may god bless u richly & enjoy ur special day <3
hugs/prayers, vamp
Maryp NY
Dear Sally B, Here’s wishing you a very Happy Birthday and many more. God bless you.
Colleen Robbins
Wonderful news. I have said from the start that Anne and Jerry love Zenyatta and would do what was right for her. This time next year we will know that a 2016 foal is ” on board” I know Zenyatta will love kicking up her heels and enjoying hearing about how her two boys are training and what a looker her filly is.
With no baby due next year we can all focus our nervous energy on Coz and maybe his racing future. Gotta have something to worry about that time of year! We are all conditioned!
Barbara Wood (Texas)
@Sally B.–fondest wishes for the best birthday ever!
And thank you once again, dear Trina! Hugs to you both. We know someone else having a birthday this month…won’t way who…lol!