Zenyatta has given us three beautiful foals in three years. She excels at motherhood, a role she wholeheartedly enjoys.
From the start, Zenyatta’s happiness and well-being has been our top priority. Following the birth of her perfect new filly, we have decided to honor her by giving her a year off from foaling. She will not be bred this year.
Zenyatta continues to be in good health and excellent condition. She will have time to rest, mentally and physically, and to enjoy being a horse in one of the most beautiful places in the country. We would like to thank the wonderful people at Lane’s End Farm for making all of this possible.
We’re so proud of our Queen!
-Team Z
P.S. Zenyatta may be taking a year off, but Zenyatta.com is not! We will be right here as your only official source for all things Zenyatta, Cozmic One, Ziconic, and 14Z.
If all goes well , will Cozmic One run at a 2 year old or will he wait till a 3 year old ? When will he actually go to your trainer at a race track?
This is the Mosses reward for the Queen having a princess I’m sure the love the boy but the adore there girl. Good move
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
I can’t pretend to know anything about this (having a year off) one way or the other but have felt all along that the Mosses would do whatever was in her best interest. I’m sure that there are pros and cons and expect that she WILL miss having a foal at her side next spring, but am also sure that she will adapt as well as she has with everything else in her life. I must admit that, like others have said above, my first thought was “hmmmm . . . any chance she could have visitors?” It would be the thrill of a lifetime. Thanks so much, as always, to Team Z and everyone at Lane’s End for their continued devotion to her fans. So glad to know that this site will continue – would hate to think that I could be losing touch with my Z family. I’ve learned so much here and treasure the friends I have made.
PS – for ShirleeinIndiana, Ann, and others – my brain finally kicked in about Black Onyx. The race was moved off the turf and nearly every horse entered was scratched. Only a few “main track only” horses ran.
Rosemarie G Cola
So so happy for Zenyatta. Yes, we will miss having a baby to watch, but every mare should get a break from the breeding shed so that she can be just a horse again. Thank you Mr and Mrs Moss for doing what is right for your champion, and our love and our hero.
Carol Ross
She is a wonderful mommy. And this just shows how much we all love her. xoxoxo!!!
Leslie R.
I hope Zenyatta enjoys her year off! The Moss’ always do what is best for her and I’m so happy that this site will continue. It will be fun to follow her while she’s on vacation just having fun. Thanks Team Z! You are the best!
Hugs to all,
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Z Team, Lane’s End and Z Fans:
I’m happy for Z and all of you. Her babies are just gorgeous and she is the best Mom. Thank you for taking such wonderful care of her and them and, once again, thank you for letting us be a part of her life. Love and Hugs, JB
Alex Bowdoin
THANK YOU TEAM Z for the update. I agree giving her the year off is a good decision, the next foal would be born Very late in the foaling season. So Very PLEASED to read that you will continue the updates on her and her 3 beautiful babies!!! LOTS OF HUGS!
Not surprised by this decision. And Z does look wonderful. I hope this time next year she is okay with having no little one by her side.
Thank you LE’s for ALL you do for this lovely horse. Thank you Team Z for all you do not only for the fans but for Z.
I was so happy to hear that the great Zenyatta will be having a holiday. You guys are the best.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Sally B, Sue Fredrick, Peggy, Sheena, Max, Marshall, Bab W, Vicki B and Z Fans:
Here are some photos from the Barrel Racing Event yesterday. It was a long day for the horses and riders. We expected Hudson to be antsy, but much to our surprise, it was Charlie who was. Guess he was not too happy about waiting around for his turn in the ring. He settled down eventually and performed very well. He and Hudson competed in the Bending Pole competition and they both did very well. There were competitors of all ages, from 4 years old and up. Hope you like the photos.
Diamond is a very feisty little girl. She was jumping and kicking her back legs and having a ball playing in the round pen with her mom. I will try to get a video of that if I can. Too cute.
Love and Hugs, JB
http://www.dropshots.com/zoom.html?large=http://media501.dropshots.com/photos/1172026/20140504/b_121156.jpg Ruby and Diamond
http://www.dropshots.com/zoom.html?large=http://media501.dropshots.com/photos/1172026/20140504/b_135604.jpg This is the littlest rider, four years old.
http://www.dropshots.com/zoom.html?large=http://media502.dropshots.com/photos/1172026/20140504/b_122201.jpg Angela and Bentley
JudyB. Beautiful photos. Really enjoyed all of them.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Max:
So glad you liked the photos. Love and Hugs, JB
Sue Fredrick Happy as a lark
Thanks for sharing, the baby is darling would just love to throw my arms around that little neck. The 4 yr old girl is amazing on that big horse……she’s a little peanut. Charlie sure looks handsome all decked out for dressage. I’m so happy you can continuously keep in touch with this handsome guy you rescued. Love and hugs
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Sue:
I’m going to try to take a video of Diamond when she is joyfully running and jumping in the paddock. So wonderful to watch a foal having so much fun. I have to admit, I was holding my breath when I saw that very little one on a regular size horse and not a pony. Just fearless.
I am thrilled to be able to be around Charlie and the other horses so much. Never thought, at my age, my dream would come true. Love and Hugs, JB
Sally Blank (cherish Z for my lifetime)
Dear Judy berube, I am so disappointed that my computer will not get these pics.
I can not imagine why not. The day sounded fantastic having Hudson and Charlie competing like that and doing so well! Congrats Charlie(antsy in the pantsy) and Hudson. I am really tickled for you to enjoy all this with Charlie and others too.
love n hugs, Sally B
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
My Dear Sally:
I will send the photos to your email. Love (antsy in the pantsy). Hope your beloved Sir is doing well. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC broad)
Dear Judy B.,
Thanks for the photos! Love them! The four year old rider looks right at home astride the paint.
Have a good week! Lots of Hugs and Love
Marshall (NC broad)
Oops! I just saw the other photos, Judy. These are great! Charlie looks quite handsome and so does Hudson T. Alex and Flash appear to be zipping along in the barrel race!
Thanks again for providing the pictures. Hugs and Love
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Marshall:
Glad you enjoyed the photos. Wishing you a great week too. Love and Hugs, JB
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Dear Judy
Loved the pictures. Thank You
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Peggy:
Glad you liked the photos. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
http://www.dropshots.com/zoom.html?large=http://media500.dropshots.com/photos/1172026/20140504/b_135819.jpg Charlie and Deb waiting to go into the ring.
http://www.dropshots.com/zoom.html?large=http://media501.dropshots.com/photos/1172026/20140504/b_130618.jpg Charlie in the Bending Pole competition.
http://www.dropshots.com/zoom.html?large=http://media501.dropshots.com/photos/1172026/20140504/b_132142.jpg Hudson in the Bending Pole competion; she looked like a Dressage horse going in and out of the poles; joyful hops.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Forgot to say that’s Amanda riding Hudson. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
http://www.dropshots.com/zoom.html?large=http://media501.dropshots.com/photos/1172026/20140504/b_140506.jpg Alex (Angela’s daughter) and Flash going around the barrels.
http://www.dropshots.com/zoom.html?large=http://media501.dropshots.com/photos/1172026/20140504/b_140509.jpg Alex and Flash again.
http://www.dropshots.com/zoom.html?large=http://media502.dropshots.com/photos/1172026/20140504/b_142205.jpg Took this one of Charlie as I was leaving. He was so happy to be back in the paddock racing along the fence with his buds.
Dear Judy:
Loved the photo gallery – it looked like the weather was pleasant which just adds to the enjoyment for everyone. Very impressed with the 4 year old! Hugs KathyR.
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Barb W:
You know, I’m never happy when the circus comes to town. I always worry about the animals and now this terrible accident with the aerialists; nine badly hurt. Prayers for all.
Glad you liked the photos. Love and Hugs, JB
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Kathy R:
Glad you enjoyed the photos. Yes, it was a mild day with little wind. Love and Hugs, JB
Sue Fredrick Happy as a lark
Looks like that gal really had a good time. I rode a barrel horse once and it’s a real thrill when they lean into those turns and you can grab sand off the ground. Charlie has a cute butt. love and hugs
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Sue Fredrick:
Yes, Alex loves the barrel racing. Charlie does have a cute “caboose”. I loved your last post in Z’s previous Blog. Your posts always make me smile. Love and Hugs, JB
We have all known that the Mosses are some of the best owners in the business. I think this is proof that it is the truth. loving their girl and of course ours as much we all do. It is so good of them to care about her health so much. Thank you I think it is a great and loving thing to do. Love Zen, all her kids and connections sooo much. Take care all.
Judy in South Carolina
I have mixed feelings on this but trust that this is the right decision. There is something to be said for her psychological well being when all of the other mares will have foals by their sides next year but also to breed her again would mean she would continue to have a late foal year after year after year.
The way I see it, this way she will finally be able to be bred in a timely fashion so that she can have a foal early enough in the year that he or she won’t be technically behind in age because of the Jan. 1st birthday of all Thoroughbreds.
All of us only want the very best for her — no matter what it entails. SHE is the most important thing to us; our love for her wouldn’t diminish if she, for some reason, was never able to have another foal (i.e. what we all hope is in Rachel’s future).
Thank you Zenyatta.com for promising to stay current and on line with us so that we can stay up to date with her! And thank you to everyone at Lane’s End for taking SUCH loving good care of Our Queen!
I totally understand, and agree with your concerns about Zenyatta seeing other mares with their foals next spring. I used to have an awesome mare who got quite upset the one year she didn’t have a foal. The perks of a big stud farm is that they can keep barren mares away from mares with foals, so they will probably see them only from far far away. Zenyatta will be happy with all her other gals with no foals, so no worries there =)
Awesome decision. I’m sure she will enjoy her vacation.
Lisa Myers
Excellent decision!! It’s good for the mares to take a year off, no matter how much we love Z’s babies! =) It will be great for Zenyatta to have a year to be Zenyatta… plus it is getting later in the breeding year. If she was bred this year her foal would not arrive until sometime in May or later. From what I’ve heard from people at the farm they want to get her back on an earlier cycle.
patricia jones
8 foals seems to the limit most mares have so it doesn’t seems to matter
Barbara Wood (Texas)
@Judy Berube–thanks for the photos. We always enjoy them. Prayers for those injured in the circus accident in Providence.
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
ditto. thx for sharing judy
hugs, vamp
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Vamp Sue:
You’re so welcome. Hope you’re feeling better. Love and Hugs, JB
Karen Line
This is great to hear! Team Z excels at responsible and compassionate judgment. Thrilled that Zenyatta will be free to be . . . You guys are the best!!!
katherine dillard
Thank you! You always take good care of her!
Wonderful!!!! She has given so much already! Z has great parents..
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Mama Z, COZ, ZI and Princess Z:
Z, enjoy your little Princess and your well deserved respite. Stay comfy and cozy. Love all of you so much. Hugs, JB
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Ruby, Diamond and all the Sweeties
So excited to read this. She is the Queen and she’ll certainly find happiness in whatever she is doing, whether it’s racing, being mom or running in the fields. She is just that kind of being. Love to Z!
Bluegrass Girl
Rosario gets Preakness mount
By Claire Novak | Bloodhorse.com Updated: May 5, 2014
Joel Rosario, who finished 11th in the Kentucky Derby aboard General a Rod, will have the Preakness Stakes mount aboard Daniel Dougherty’s Ride On Curlin in the May 17 race at Pimlico Race Course.
Trainer Billy Gowan was not happy with the ride Hall of Fame jockey Calvin Borel gave the colt during his seventh-place finish in the Kentucky Derby May 3 at Churchill Downs. Ride On Curlin broke from the No. 19 post and dropped back to last as Borel took the colt straight to the rail.
“I told him before the race that he had three-eighths of a mile to work his way over,” Gowan said.
Gowan said Ride On Curlin is doing well and would return to the track Wednesday.
“He was not tired at all after the Derby. He only ran three-eighths of a mile,” Gowan said. “He was more tired after his seven-eighths work [April 27].”
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear BGG:
Ride On Curlin had a tough post in the Derby. Like him; hope he does better in the Preakness if he goes. I am rooting for CC for his Triple Crown bid. Thank you for all the great links and info you post. Love and Hugs, JB
Bluegrass Girl
Hoppertunity Off Triple Crown Trail
By Claire Novak The Blood-Horse May 5 2014
Rebel Stakes (gr. II) winner Hoppertunity is off the Triple Crown trail after undergoing minor surgery at Rood & Riddle Equine Hospital near Lexington, Hall of Fame trainer Bob Baffert confirmed May 5.
“It was a combination; his foot had a bruise but when they X-rayed him they saw he had a spur in the fetlock,” Baffert said. “It was small but as long as we were going to stop on him, they went ahead and took it out.”
Read more on BloodHorse.com: http://www.bloodhorse.com/horse-racing/articles/84896/hoppertunity-off-triple-crown-trail#ixzz30ssSfbR5
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear BGG:
Thanks for this update on Hoppertunity. Power Up beautiful boy. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy.Always love your stories and lovely photos from the farm.Charlie must have been glad to get back to his paddock.Alex is a good rider.Saw that dreadful accident at the circus in Providence.Prayers for all the injured.Goodnight God bless you,LM PC HT Captain Hercules Ruby Diamond and all the Sweeties.Love and hugs Sheena.X
Judy Berube From Rhode Island
Dear Sheena:
Love and Hugs, JB, LM, PC, HT, Cap, Herc, Ruby, Diamond and all the Sweeties
I know the Mosses have made the decision that they feel is best for Zenny. This will also be good to have her bred in February of next year and she will start foaling again early instead of so late.
Thank you for keeping Zenyatta.com open and giving us all information on Zenny and her babies. Whether she is being a mom and waiting for early 2015 breeding season, or just being a well loved horse for the fall and winter, we all love everything we read about her.
thank you for being such special owners
Judith Ochs
As someone has said – awesome decision. Humanity and class. I understand from talking to more knowledgeable people that mares who love their foals miss having them when other mares have theirs. On the other hand no matter how well it is done – pregnancy takes a toll on mother’s body. It just does. One e-mail from a breeder with 40 yr experience talked about the toll on the mares – and that no matter what others say it is profound. Zenyatta is the key for all of us. Love the foals but it is Zenyatta who is the one who won races and captured our hearts by who and what she is. SHE is unique and irreplaceable and not a commodity. Fortunately, the Mosses not only have enough money but the ability to recognize they actually do have enough and are the only ones who are capable of making this sort of decision without being influenced by money as all others have to be to varying degrees, consciously or unconsciously.