We’re excited to announce the long awaited release of Zenyatta – Queen of Racing on DVD!
This full-length, 87-minute documentary is complimented by over 90 minutes of bonus features, including all 20 of her races, back to back and wire to wire. Over 3 hours of unbelievable footage of Zenyatta – Queen of Racing.
Order your copy from the Zenyatta Shop today.
Terry Crow
Here is one of my old favorites. An elementary school teacher had, as part of a lesson plan, been bringing in various types of meat for the students to taste and identify. The students successfully identified buffalo, turkey and pheasant. One day the teacher brought in venison. The students ate it, but could not identify it. The teacher then said, “I’ll give you a .hint. It;s what your mother sometimes calls your father. A little boy then started screaming. “don’t eai it. It’s jackass.”
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Terry C.,
Thanks for the giggles! It’s always great to see a post from you since you bring smiles and laughter to brighten the day. Thanks a million! ?
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear TC GP:
I remember that one; still funny. So good to hear from
you. Love and Hugs, JB
Good to see you back posting terry Hugs.
The most expensive yearling in the world this year.
judy berube
Dear Sheena:
Wow, what a beautiful girl. I looked up the meaning of her name, Gloam. One definition that came up was Twilight. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Ah yes, “. . . roaming in the gloaming. . .” (very old song).
She is quite lovely.
Thanks for posting, Sheena.
Hugs and Love
Marshall (NC Broad)
“Roaming in the Gloaming” (on the bonnie banks of Clyde), 1911. Very lively, done by Sir Harry Lauder.
“In the Gloaming” from 1877 — a very beautiful, bittersweet love song done by many fine singers including Gracie Fields, Robert Merrill, Patricia Hammond, Jo Stafford & Gordon McRae, and Louis Armstrong to name a few. I love this old song.
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
I remember that song. Scottish origin? Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy B.,
Yes, “In the Gloaming” is of Scottish origin. Both Meta Orred who wrote the poem and Annie F. Harrison, composer, were Scots.
It really is a lovely wistful song.
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
Yes, lovely. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy.Have you heard Ken and Sarah Ramsey have sold 50% of Kitten’s Joy to Hill’n’Dale and he will relocate there for 2018.A lot are explaining to Karen that animals adapt more quickly than us to disabilities.There is a totally blind horse in Oregon who takes part in dressage.He is called Endo so there is always hope for Hovis.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT and all the sweeties.Love and Hugs SheenaX
Roberta Gonzalez
Thank-you Donna!!
judy berube
Dear Sheena:
No, I didn’t know about KJ. Surprised.
Yes, continued prayers for Hovis and Karen. Endo is proof miracles happen; praying to St. Francis. Love and Hugs, JB
I know I haven’t posted Hovis in awhile but here is his take on the week.He is such a brave soldier.Continued prayers for the big guy and his mum.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sheena,
Thanks for posting the Hovis diary. I will certainly keep everything crossed for a good surgical outcome. Poor baby hasn’t lost his sense of humor and neither has his mum.
Positive vibes and prayers in abundance all for you, Hovis, and for Karen, too.
God bless you, and St. Francis keep watch, please.
Hugs and Love
Darlene Daniels
Dear Ziconic,
I am thinking of you today and wishing you good luck in your race. Run fast, stay safe and have fun! You can do this sweetheart. Love and hugz, Darlene
William Buick returns on Saturday after 8 weeks on the sidelines after his fall on the ill-fated Permian in the Secretariat.He is due to ride Blue Point.
Delrene from Carlsbad
Many prayers and good wishes for darling Hovis and his Mum. Lots to catch up on but Hovis is a priority.
Best to everyone this Friday
judy berube
Dear Sheena:
Good luck to WB on his return. Prayers for Hovis and Karen. Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB, LM and all the Sweeties
judy berube
Dear Mama Z, COZ, ZI, BBG and DC:
Goodnight and Happy Dreams. Stay comfy and cozy. Love You. Hugs, JB
Z Princess, Dubai, Baby Z, will always love you.
Terry Crow
A follow-up to my last post. A rather obnoxious gentleman came into a diner and asked that waitress what the specialty of the house was. The waitress replied “tongue.” “Tongue,” the guy said, “I couldn’t eat anything that came out of an animal’s mouth.” THe waitress the said, “How about some eggs?”
judy berube
Dear TC GP:
Needed a good laugh. Thank you. Love and Hugs, JB
Ann Hubbs
Yea Ziconic! Nice closing move ?
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
ZI finished strong for 3rd. Got nervous when he brushed another horse trying to come through. Love and Hugs, JB
Ziconic 3rd yet to see the race.
Enable is officially 3rd in the world ratings behind Arrogate and Winx.Winx visits Flemington for the first time tomorrow in pursuit of her 21st win.The Duke of Roxburghe says his mare Attraction is in good order she has a filly by Invincible Spirit and her name is Motion.Attraction is also carrying a colt by Frankel.
Ingrid Arnone
Ziconic, great race you getting closer to win…..!!!
I love you, hugs and kisses !!!
Martha Fosdick
Best Wishes to Hovis!! It was wonderful to hear from him again. Please keep us posted. I haven’t been able to see Ziconic’s race yet, but I understand he got 3rd. Even though he hasn’t won yet, he still manages to be in the money more often than not. His day is coming. I saw that Coz had worked out recently. Maybe his day is coming too. Hopefully, we’ll be getting some info or pictures of Z17 sometime soon. May everyone have a safe and glorious weekend.
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Here’s ZI’s replay. Love and Hugs, JB
Sadly does not possess his mum’s late finishing burst of speed.He may get there one day.He always tries his best.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy B.,
Wow, Ziconic sure came on strong at the end — he was almost 2nd! I think he would have made “place” if he and the other horse hadn’t brushed each other a bit. A very good effort though I wish he wouldn’t stay so far in back.
Thanks for posting the replay. Congrats to the Redhead, VE and all connections.
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
Yes, it would help if he could be positioned mid pack maybe approaching the stretch and then make his run. He always closes so well and full of run. That little brush slowed his momentum a bit too I think. The winner, Liberty Park, is a Tapit also. Congrats to him. Love and Hugs, JB
Marilyn Braudrick
I was there . met JAG. My opinion. Victor did not start him soon enough. A few seconds earlier and he wins the race. He was running fast enough at he end if he had been started earlier, to WIN!! C’mon, let’s get someone who really knows how to ride a horse who does one late rung. Just like his mother, Zenyatta. Pissd off!!! Misspelling on purpose.
Ann NC
It is no small feat pressing a horse between two others.
Dear Judy.Thank you for sharing Ziconic’s race.I was amazed Karen could write such a witty blog but then Hovis wouldn’t have it any other way.Winx mania has hit Flemington lovely video of her rolling in her box.A lot are surprised Balance is to be sold and in foal to Uncle Mo.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
judy berube
Dear Sheena:
Maybe it’s Karen’s way of dealing with her anxiety and concern for Hovis.
So many of these beautiful mares have been sold lately. Hope she does well in her new home. Love and Hugs, JB
Bluegrass Girl
Darley @DarleyStallions Friday, 6 October, 2017
More Darley Retweeted 7HorseRacing ?
Wonder mare #Winx (#StreetCry) makes it 21 straight winning the G1 Turnbull Stakes @FlemingtonVRC #GoWinx
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear BGG,
Thanks for posting the replay of the Turnbull Stakes. Winx is simply phenomenal!! What a champion she is! Amazing finish. WOW!!!
Hugs and Love
Simply breaktaking!!!!The Cox’splate should be a hell of a race in 3weeks Girls rule the world.Huge congratulations to Winx Hugh Chris and her owners.
Breathtaking I was excited!!
judy berube
Dear BGG:
Thank you for posting Winx’s replay. Wow, and around five horses yet. Great ride too! Fantastic girl Love and Hugs, JB
Thank you for sharing g the link. She is spectacular!
Roberta Gonzalez
I’m proud of his courage going between horses like that, in tight quarters! He does have a closing kick, always tries his best, and shows courage. He can’t be as far back as his mother, because he isn’t as big as her, and his stride isn’t as long. He will never win, being so far back; I’m afraid that after a while he will lose confidence. I know I’m not a trainer, but they need to do something different to help him with his running style; I believe he has the talent, and once he wins, there will be no stopping him. I wish they would please, please try blinkers on him, to get him into the race sooner!! He almost got second, even after brushing another horse, and changing course after that; I really believe blinkers could make the difference; it wouldn’t hurt to try!!
Roberta Gonzalez
What a great race by Winx, and it was a hand ride, she did it all herself!!
A 23rd group one for Aidan as the tough filly Roly-Poly wins the Sun Chariot.The record is in his sights.
judy berube
Congrats Roly Poly and AO’B. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sheena,
I love the name! :-)
Congrats to Roly-Poly and all connections!!
Hugs and Love
A winning return for William Buick as Blue Point wins.
The day Winx came to Flemington she came she saw she conquered.You will have to scroll down.
judy berube
Congrats WB; well done. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Ditto what JB posted.
Great to have Wm. B. back in the race! Congrats to Blue Point, WB and all connections.
Hugs and Love
Peggy (N) South Georgia
For everyone here that love and remember “Its Tricky” including me. She has a 2 year old juvenile running today in the Champaign. Madallio D’Oro is the dad. Judy sent me the video of his September race so I could see him and everyone he is “Gorgeous” and very talented. I was blown away. He is the bomb. Just love him already. beautiful baby. Curlin has a juvenile in there as well. The Tricky and D’Oro baby’s name is Enticed.
Sorry, I still do call the 2 year olds baby’s. He is a big baby, though. Lots O Love
Enticed is # 4. Race 8 Belmont.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Peggy,
Thanks for the heads-up. Best wishes to the “baby”! Safe, sound and successful racing to Enticed at Belmont!
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Peggy:
Enticed is gorgeous; almost true Black. We have to keep track of him. Love his Mama. Remember at Saratoga when they threw a bucket of water on her to cool her down; she dumped her jock.
Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy:Lovely photo of Hovis trying to nibble mini-mother’s pretty wellies His excuse he cannot see!Seeing him with Lily is such a joy and tugs at the heartstrings.Gloam has a full sister and will visit Galileo again.Winx was amazing today.Plans are afoot for her visit to RA.They think the Queen Anne(a mile) would suit her there.Goodnight God bless you LM PC HT and all the sweeties.Love and hugs SheenaX
judy berube
Dear Sheena:
Mini Mother is adorable. Praying hard for Hovey. Winx is AMAZING. Love and Hugs, JB
Rivers lost today
from summery I think it was by a head bob
looking for a replay
it was at Belterra
judy berube
Dear Carol:
Oh, tough loss. He’s a warrior; always tries. Love and Hugs, JB