
Happy Friday!
We are proud to announce that, as of today, Zenyatta is confirmed thirty-seven days in foal.
She was bred earlier this year to the Claiborne Farm stallion War Front. Zenyatta was examined by Dr. Holder this week, and checks out to be happily in foal and in excellent health!
Wishing sunny weather and a happy Father’s Day everyone this weekend!
-Team Z
Brenda S. Fort Erie, Canada
Happy news, so glad that Zenny went on a nice drive to Paris and I second Abigail’s comments, there’ll be a little bit of the Dancer’s Canadian blood in Z14. Hopefully, Zenny’s happy disposition will prevail, scarey to think of a horse Zenny’s size with the Dancer’s bad temper.
Katharine Hay
With all due respect, and only because I have huge affection and admiration for this mare, I hope that you won’t compromise her quality of life to a nonstop reproductive cycle.
zenyatta loves being a mom to her foals and it shows everytime we get pictures of her with her foals. as long as zenyatta is happy and healthy there should be no reason not to breed her every year. her body will tell her when she needs a break and her caretakers will know when to stop. she is in great hands at Lanes End :)
Heidi Kreizinger
I think they would take a chance if there was any question of her health. Look how long they kept Barbaro alive trying to fix him when it was impossible… She needs a break and the owners will reap their rewards with her first two colts.
totally not true. the owners of barbaro tried to save him because they loved him. zenyatta is in no danger. they arent doing this for the money they are doing it cuz they love zenyatta. zennys body will tell them when she doesnt want to become pregnant anymore, her body wont take. and they will give her a year off and try again. she is in good hands. enough with the negativity
There is no way the Mosses would put Zenyatta’s health in jeopardy. I believe this is the normal way of things in the horse world. If she were running wild with a herd, she would be bred every year.
Glad it was a Claiborne stallion. I know she enjoyed her little time there. It is one of the most remarkable farms I have ever been on.
Don’t know much about War Front other than he is an up and coming young stallion.
Actually, if she was a wild horse he first son, Coz, would have just been weaned. We wean coals early so their mother is free to produce another. I know speak ing thoroughbred wise, she’s in better hands then Rachel. People would just not lito see her get worn out from over breeding. Which sadly, happens all too often to mares.
Kathleen WImmer
I do also share some concern about another pregnancy for Zenyatta. I know the Mosses do love her, but since she is such a great Mom perhaps they may not think abut slowing down a but. I hope they give her a rest after this baby.
Bobbie --- Elkhorn WI
I don’t think you are showing due respect to her owners. We don’t even rate an opinion and that is as it should be.
Obsidian Dragon
They answered this in Aks the Experts #7.
“Since the mares’ gestation is more than eleven months, and we don’t breed until 30 days after foaling, they tend to foal a little later each year. Consequently it is difficult for a mare to have a foal every year. Usually, if everything goes normally a mare will have four or five foals and then take, or have, a year off. Occasionally a mare will foal 12 or 13 years in a row, but that is unusual. These mares seem to flourish in a pregnant state. “
Excellent answer!
Love your name.
Ann Maree / Tennessee
To Katharine Hay: May I suggest that you move your concerns and discussion to the Forum. The blog is like being in the Moss’ living room. We are merely guests here and to accuse them of any mismanagement of their horses is just plain rude and unthinking, and totally out of place. They have been gracious to give us so much information, access, not to mention photos/videos. This is a “fan” site and not a place to debate. If you have specific questions and would like for someone to enlighten you, a poilite question will get you many here who are more than happy to share their knowledge, and there are many regulars at the blog who have actual experience in all areas of the horse racing industry. Framed the way you did is insulting and accusatory. Again, not appropriate at Zenny’s fan site. JMHO
Yay!!! Very exciting news! Congrats. Glad Z is doing so well. She makes lovely babies. And thank you all for keeping her fans so informed!
Sandra Frey
CONGRATULATIONS! I was just talking to a friend this morning wondering if you had been bred this year! Sure do hope that I will be able to personally lay eyes on you one day again…
Team Z – thank you for sharing his news and for keeping her fans updated. She is one in a million!
Much love,
Hi Katharine: This has been discussed many times here. In the wild, mares are in foal every year; it is natural for them. It was said earlier that if her body isn’t ready for this, she would either not get pregnant, reabsorb the foal or abort. It is actually safer to be pregnant year after year than to wait several years for another foal. I doubt the Mosses are going to “compromise her quality of life,” they love her too much. I would anticipate that after this foal, they might take a year off.
You are so correct! I am a breeder of Appaloosas. People think it is abuse to foal them out year after year. It is perfectly natural and healthy for them to be in foal. A horse is in more danger on the race track then they are having a foal every year.
Patty Smith
Bravo, LeslieA! I think if there is one thing that is certain in this life it is that our Queen Zenyatta is VERY well taken of and Jerry and Ann Moss would NEVER “compromise her quality of life.” She is now a VERY well taken care of BROOD MARE and what a wonderful mother she is! The Mosses are being given the very best advice about this amazing horse and as you say, “they love her too much” to treat her any other way!! <3
Heidi Kreizinger
Maryp NY
Horse feathers!!!
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
You do know the Mosses are billionaires and breed to race, don’t you? They adore Zenyatta; she is Ann Moss’s big pet. They won’t do anything to jeopardize her health. She gets the very best of care. She is young and healthy. Her pregnancies and deliveries have been smooth. She loves being a mother. She is a horse, not a human. She does not need a break at this point in her cxareer as a broodmare. She will get a break next year or the year after when they reset her breeding cycle.
Jackie in Maryland
Big congrats to our beautiful Z and her team! What great news this is :-) Best wishes for a happy, healthy foal :-) I know that baby will be just as perfect as the other 2 are! Lotsa love and hugs from Maryland <3
sharon in seattle
happy father’s day to War Front!! And happy being in foal to Zenny! congrats to all the connections. I was thinking it was about time for more happy baby news – fingers crossed for a filly : )
I’m so excited about this cross! I have been saying a War Front cross would be great ever since she retired. Can’t wait to see what “World War Z” will look like (what I am now calling Z14).
Also, don’t worry everyone about Z’s breeding health. The Mosses have invested a lot of money and love into her and wouldn’t breed her if it was risky to her health. Furthermore, it’s likely that she’ll get a year off next year so they can reset her cycle and back up the birth date of her foals again as it’s generally a racing disadvantage to have a late birth date.
Best of luck to Z and her team – praying for a healthy baby with daddy’s speed and mommy’s endurance.
Louise Castello
Woohoo!! I love World War Z! Great name.
Sharon Quick
That was my immediate thought too Katharine, “wow, she’s already pregnant again?!” I hope she gets a break. The argument that mares in the wild are always in foal is not a good one in my book as there are a lot of things horses in the wild can handle, and those traits were bred out of them long ago. My prayers are with this mare and that she has another easy pregnancy and a healthy foal.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Oh, Zenny, I am so happy and surprised as well. I just knew it was going to be Malibu Moon, but I was fooled. (I don’t know anything about crosses, and I know it takes certain bloodlines for a “fit”). Praying you will stay healthy and serene. We would love another little “Dancing Queen”–hint, hint……Love you always.
I am so glad we settled the breeding question once again.
Amen Barbara. Need a girl to follow in mom’s dancing steps.
Barbara & shirlee
Think pink again. Didn’t do a lot of good last time.
But, what a wonderful chestnut surprise arrived!
A Dancing Princess would be nice.
Hugs, Keta
pam homeier
Just curious. In humans the guy decides the sex of the baby. Does that go for horses, too? When breeding dogs you usually get some of both so never really thought about it. Congrats, Zenny! Can’t wait for the babies to get to the track!
Sue MacGray
Great news!! Thanks for letting us know as we were getting a bit Auntsy :):) Zennie makes a great mom. Looking forward to Z14!
Perky Green
Great News Here’s hoping all goes well with her and , gosh I hope for a filly, just like our Beautiful Z. I know she has the best of care and she is so loved by so many, just knowing she is happy and healthy means the world to me.
The Kennedys in San Diego
BRAVA, ZENYATTA! How wonderful!
Delrene in Carlsbad, Ca
Thank you for sharing the new Mommy track news about our beautiful Zenyatta. We appreciate all the great pictures and information re: Zenyatta and her ever expanding family.
Time will tell if we get another dancing queen. We can always hope. Your boys are very handsome.
Have a wonderful weekend one and all Z fans, Zenyatta connections and to all the Dad’s Happy Father’s Day.
Nancy Munk
People complaining for her to take a year off in the breeding shed don’t know what they are talking about. Look at the Champion Serena’s Song. She is now 20 years old and has a foal year after year, like so many good retired race mares. She did not get in foal last year, so it was mother nature saying “I need a break”. She got right back in foal this year. Equines are reproductively made to reproduce year after year. If something is not right with them, then they will not get in foal, will absorb or will abort. I’ve been a breeder for 25 years.
Queen Z is in the highlight is her breeding career, and in no way, shape or form does she need to take a year off !!
Judy in South Carolina
Thank you Nancy! No need to add anything to your most CORRECT, factual comment!
I am SO excited to hear this news! I am by far no pedigree expert but I know Dottie is and can’t wait until we see the result of this mating.
Have a safe and happy pregnancy, Queen Z! You know we will all be with you every step of the way (as always!)
Heidi Kreizinger
Excuse me, but I do know what I am talking about.
If you did, then you would know that a mare in foal is generally healthier and happier than an open mare and there is no harm in rebreeding if the mare is in good general and reproductive health.. And instead of making comments about how rebreeding Z is all for profits, you would be wishing her and the team good luck.
then why dont you write to the mosses and explain why you think she should be given a year off. id like to see how that goes
Diana Stuart - Pensioning Older Mares
I for one have always wished older mares were pensioned instead of being bred in their late teens and 20s. I am always concerned about the dreaded “died from foaling complications” outcome with senior mares. After a life of racing and producing for their owners, I think they deserve to be pensioned, even if they are capable of producing one or two more foals. Additionally, while it certainly doesn’t apply to Zenny and her family, there are too many unwanted horses in the world today.
diastu in tempe
pam homeier
Good grief! I can’t believe Serena”s Song is that old! I must be getting old!
Ann NC
Good news,thanks Team Z!
Kyle, beautiful pic of Z. You are gorgeous Z.
Ingrid Arnone
Friends…. I am so, so sad!! my favorite jockey retired.
I always hope for a safe delivery and healthy foal – but I really wish it would be a filly this time with all of it’s mother’s traits. To me, we really haven’t had a hero on the track since she left. I’d love to see that again.
a filly would be lovely
Congratulations, Zenyatta. WOW! Sprinter and Deep Closer. Oh, this one is going to be extra special. Stay healthy and strong, Zen. Love Ya.
Mazel ton Team Z! I’m still hoping on a date with Sea the Stars … Or… The mighty Frankel …. A little Franyatta? Oh the possibilities…
Frankel is a great horse, but his stud book is full for at least the next 2 to 3 years. War Front however is just as handsome and a little closer to home. If the Mosses were to breed Zenyatta to Frankel, Zenny would have to travel overseas for the breeding, and a plane ride could be very stressful on a pregnant mare.
Or they could do the realistic thing in that case and just have semen shipped over then have her AI’d.
The jockey club does not allow AI,only well documented live coverings.
The Kennedys in San Diego
A delightful article on Green Cat – Zenyatta’s former sparing partner. We watched them work together several times at Hollywood Park.
Thank you for the link. He is quite the mover and looker! I think dressage would challenge him. I pray he get’s a good home soon. Beautiful boy.
Sue Noel/Sun Valley,ID
Woo Hoo!!! Congratulations,Beautiful Girl!!! Mind the good Doctor and eat all your vitamins!!
And–a Happy Father’s Day to War Front—and Bernie and Tapit too!!!
What wonderful,exciting news with which to start the weekend!!!
A belated Happy Birthday–and Happy Graduation to our dear Pati!!! You’re coming out of the starting gate clean and out in front—on,on to victory!! Always just love your posts and will look forward to hearing about your collegiate adventures! It is so wonderful when a young person knows what they want to do early in life and can go after it!!!
A belated Happy Birthday to Cynthia too! Surely hope that she and Susan will surface again,as well as dear Kathy R. I miss them all so much!!I know we all do!!
Was SO sad to read about Faith’s passing. Thank goodness she was able to bring her two babies to a safe harbor and that she,herself,was able to know she was much loved in her last times on earth. I will send something to her rescuers this week. I am so very grateful for all of the angels who rescue horses!!! So is Barnaby,having had several angels having had a hand in bringing us together!!!
Speaking of the “Big Man (as I often call him) himself–last weekend,we went out to see them really early,as Boss Mare Sue had a job interview at 9AM! We left my place at 6:i5!! After I got Barnaby groomed,since we weren’t going to have much time to ride,I decided to experiment with just standing on the mounting block and putting weight on him with no saddle on,to prepare him for riding him bareback. He stood like a rock for about ten minutes with all of my weight against him. Tomorrow,I plan to do that again and then to get on and ride a bit bareback. I have been dying to do that. I love riding bareback because of the contact you get with them. I plan to take off my paddock boots just before I get on so that I don’t have anything harsh on my feet. It would make a funny picture,seeing me mount,I’m sure,as I’m sure I will have to do a sort of “fish flop” to throw myself up on him and then scramble to get upright. I plan to ask Sue to hold him so that,if he is startled by my lovely technique he won’t bolt into the next county! Will let you know how it all turns out. The weather here now has finally turned just perfect. I’ve been planting flowers and getting things spruced up for summer. Wish I was a whiz with computers so I could link to pictures of this gorgeous valley so you could all share. Maybe someday!!
I’m still so excited about the Belmont–how great for all of the three top horses and jockeys–Yay!!
Hope all here have a lovely weekend—prayers for all in Colorado–what horrible fires!! May they be controlled soon!l
Diana Stuart - Bareback for Hoot
Oh Sue! You have just done what I will be doing with Hoot soon! Bringing him to a mounting block and laying across his back to see what happens! If “mom diastu” isn’t face down in the pasture in 3 seconds, we’ll progress to bareback riding with a pad. He is such a sweet tempered boy, I actually don’t expect a war, but – – – I’ll report back either way. Thanks for the encouragement!
diastu in tempe
It is sad and frustrating to see all the “know-it-alls” and judgmental people here. Do you not realize Z and other famous horses are here because of breeding and rebreeding? It also COSTS to keep a horse, so it is necessary to have foals to sell. What’s more, it is NATURAL for a mare to foal every year, it is not abuse. If you have ever seen a mare running a fence-line screaming at other mare’s foals because she did not have one of her own, you just might understand. It is what they “do”, work & reproduce. Anyone who wants to argue this must tell God He was wrong when He created them!
Dear Linda,
And the “know it all” don’t know anything, have never owned horses,
post ficitious information, never owned or even been around a horse
or been to a race track. So very true !!
Congrats Z, knew you were in foal could only tell :) Looking forward to the next baby, you are sure showing what a great Mom you have become.
Bobbie --- Elkhorn WI
Wonderful news! Congrats to all Zenny’s connections. She is SuperMare!
Happy Father’s Day to Bernie, Tapit and now War Front!
Louise Castello
I, for one, am very, very excited for this news. Everyone has a right to their opinions and we knew there would be many not happy about this, but we know that this is the right decision for this mare, beautiful Zenyatta. I encourage all the folks who are not happy to PLEASE do some reading on the subject before you start bashing and realize how much her owners love her and would never do anything to hurt her. She loves being a mother and she does it all perfectly. I am so excited for her and cannot wait for “foal watch”!
I am adding this to Zenny’s blog again because the post updated.
I hope we can add light for each step Paynter takes today. :) PUP
With the name War Front, does his bloodlines go back to the Great Man O War? if so, that is going to be a awesome foal!!
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
War Front goes back to Man O’War on both sides of his pedigree. He is way back, though.
Mary Margaret in Georgia
Congrats Zenyatta and your team. WF is a great choice. Many blessings are heading your way. ND was my first TB love when I was 13. Stay safe & healthy my Queen. Happy Father’s Day to all the dads.
I wish all the people who know nothing about equine reproduction would keep their ignorant comments to themselves. Lanes End personnel are experts in equine reproduction—so please stop second guessing them and let the experts continue to to their excellent work.
♥ Auntie Judy aka JAG - So Calif ♥
Thank you, Anne! Brief and to the point :-)