Happy Wednesday!
We’re so happy to share the news that Zenyatta is 36 days in foal to War Front. She was given a full year off following her last pregnancy and was bred in April so that her 2016 foal, her fourth, will be born in the spring.
For everyone as excited as we are, we’ll have plenty of updates to share along the way.
-Team Z
You go Girl . We all love you so much .Good Luck on your new adventure as a new mom . This is the best news i have hurd in a long time . You are in our Heart and prayers . Love you From a Disable Jockey Steve MR and MRS Moss plesae Keep our Little Girl Safe . Our NO 1
Dear Kathy.Such exciting news about Zenyatta and covered on your birthday,also,of course, Our Queen’s birthday.Judy must be at the surgeon now it’s 2 .20pm over here about 9.20pm on the East Coast.The chick hatching competition has begun at the Dyfi.Anyday now hope it stays dry for their 1st few days.The Manton Bay trio are growing so fast and 33(11) is captivated by them.He’s turning out to be a wonderful partner.It’s quite sunny but coolish here.I hear they are having a heatwave in parts of India over a 1000 have died.The bring Chromie home FB are critical of our climate.I prefer to anybodies!Poor Blue has the cone of shame!The Mcgoose family are confusing me Is Zoey Love their Zoey because she has to give up her FB Her health is in serious decline.Now Max and Mia are going to get their own page!!Larry used to love the garden too.I put a message in to get another cat!Oh,Joey would be so happy.Did you see Marty’s little joke?Have’nt had time to visit Zoe yet.Mango was having problems with their internet and she had hiccups!Skye the horse who was attacked has returned home and Gizmo is preparing for his open day!Have a wonderful Friday.Love and hugs to you,Kisses for Holly,Nikko and Sugar.SheenaXOXO
Dear Sheena,
I’m hurrying around this morning. We have an employee appreciation breakfast this morning. Yes, I was so thrilled to find that Zenyatta was covered on Queen Elizabeth’s and my birthday! Praying for Lola Mae and Judy. Lots going on at the Dyfi. Wow…1000 dead in India. That’s terrible! I don’t understand why people are upset about your weather. Looks to me like Chromie is very happy. I guess Blue must have been trying to remove his bandages. I don’t know what is going on with the McGoose’s. I thought Zoey Love was a different dog but I could be totally wrong. Who knows??? Yes, Larry loved the garden too. And yes, they need a new garden cat! I saw Marty’s joke. Funny! I visited Zoe. She has won the calendar contest from the looks of it. I haven’t visited Mango yet. So glad Skye has returned home. Hope Gizmo has a good open day. Have a wonderful Friday Eve. Love and hugs from me, kisses from Holly, Nikko and Sugar. Kathy XOXO.
Wow, such exciting news! I congratulate Zenyatta, Ann and Jerry and Team Zenyatta, and War Fronts Connections.
This news is the best I have heard in a very long time, made my entire day joyful. (I have been ill for awhile) So THANK YOU for announcing this blessed news.
Now I have something to be excited about for the spring.
Ann, Jerry you have no idea what your Zenny brings me. Each time I see her, it gives me such happiness. How is it that you can love a horse so much, and never meet her/him.
THANK YOU again for all that you do for your loyal fans.
Stay Well and Stay Safe. Sending Love to all.
Elizabeth in NM
Cathi, Agree with you that it is such exciting news about Zenny! And also how much the Moss’s have done for all of us (and are doing). I sure hope you have better days and your health will improve. Keeping you in my prayers. with love, Elizabeth
Another beautiful creation going to arrive…congrats Queen Z and everyone!!
Carole Klumb #42
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! – Zenyatta and team.
carol in arkansas
Rivers is back on dirt….posted a 5f bullet work at Churchill this am…..right on 1 min….12 sec per f….this is his “wheelhouse”…
Hope he races at Churchill. Thanks for the update. What is so great about this blog is we hear about and become fans of horses we would not have known otherwise.
Good luck and good health to Rivers, Beatie and Night Prowler.
Shari Voltz
Zenyatta I told the children you are pregnant and they cheered. I wish you could have heard them. They also are enjoying the picture of Coz and his video : ) We love you and Coz very much. Mrs. Voltz and the entire 5th Grade
♥Auntie Judy aka JAG So. California
♥ AWWW how sweet!
I also teach school – 4th grade in Michigan, and Zenyatta has been a part of our class too! (and American Pharoah!)
Elizabeth in NM
Shari and Jennifer,
It’s so wonderful that the children in your class are involved in following Zenyatta. The wild horses here in New Mexico are disappearing so quickly. It warms my heart to see the young ones grow up loving horses. Many of God’s blessings to you and the children. with love, Elizabeth
judy Berube from Rhode Island
Dear Lola’s Aunties:
I’m taking Lola in for surgery at 7:30 AM tomorrow. Dr. Sweet (Ortho surgeon)
said she is not a candidate for reconstructive hip surgery because she has the
deteriorating bone disease, so he is going to do a Femoral Head Osteotomy. They
reshape the femur to fit into the deformed hip socket. He said the procedure
should make Lola pain free and able to walk. The surgery, as with us, is not
without risk and there remains a strong possibility that the left hip will
require the same surgery later on. Can’t let myself think about that right now.
Lola will need PT afterwards as the leg will be in a different position and she
will have to adapt. I am only putting her through this because the alternative
is euthanasia and I’m not ready to let her go. I asked him if he would do this
procedure if Lola was his dog and he he said yes. She’s only seven and in good
health otherwise. He said he wouldn’t do it if he didn’t believe she has a very
good chance of success.
I want to thank all of you for your prayers and continued prayers and also, for
offering to help financially. My dear nephew is giving me the necessary funds
for the surgery and the follow up PT. Love all of you. Hugs, JB and LM
Prayers to Lola and Judy for the surgery to work.
♥Auntie Judy aka JAG So. California
♥ Sending {{hugs}} and well wishes that everything goes well!
Auntie Judy aka AJ :-)
Many prayers being said that everything will go well for sweet Lola Mae. Prayers for Mama’s nerves, too! God bless you both.
Hugs, Kathy
Terry Crow
Judy–Bless you and Lola Mae. I wanted to inform you that I was able to recite Russ’s name at the Memorial Day ceremonies. You (and he) would have been proud. When I do something like this, I never forget that Russ was a hero and he was treated as such..
You and Lola Mae will be in my prayers tonight and tomorrow. God guide the hands of the surgeon. Peace for you and try to get some sleep tonight.
Elizabeth in NM
Judy, Praying for you and Lola Mae and Dr. Sweet (what a wonderful name). Hope you and Lola get good sleep in the next few days after and that her surgery is a success. with love, Elizabeth
Carol Hoffine
Wonderful news! Thank you so much, Team Z, for permitting us to share in Zenyatta’s life. Like Cathi, I too care deeply for a horse I have never personally met or seen, and for everyone connected with our magnificent Queen Z.
Linda Shull
Congratulations!!! Wish her well.
Dear Judy.Thank you for the news about Lola and I pray the surgery will be successful.Take everything one day at a time.She is a young,healthy dog and should recover well.I am so glad your nephew is helping towards the cost.We are always here when you need us God bless you both.Love and hugs.SheenaXOXO
Was disappointed to learn that Simenon got a 4th in the Henry II today. Moore was riding. Mullins says that Simenon is still on track for Royal Ascot. Hope that he comes out of the race in good shape.
Best to JudyB and little Lola for a successful surgery and a quick recovery. For years I had thought that Lola is Judy’s sister. Only recently clued in when JudyB posted her photos. Power up Miss Lola.
Mary Margaret in Georgia
Many prayers for you Lola and Judy. I would do the same for my little companion, considering her middle age. Lola has a lot of living to do.
Glad to read beautiful Skye will heal. It is disgusting what happened to sweet Skye. I do hope the insane perverts are caught. However, there is no punishment severe enough for these sick people.
Good News. Check my calculations. If I added and subtracted the days correctly, with a leap year, I believe Zenyatta will foal on March 29th. Too exciting.
Congratulations to Zenyatta and the entire Team Z.
Thank you for sharing this wonderful, exciting news. I can’t help but wish for a filly.
Prayers to keep Zenyatta and foal safe. Love you all,
Debbie S.
Dear Judy,I will be saying a prayer that all goes well with Lola Mae’s surgery in the morning and also pray that she will make a wonderful recovery and have more good times ahead with her sweet Mom. Big hugs,Debbie
Dear Judy, I have been catching up on the posts and see that Lola Mae is having surgery. Please know that I am praying for you both and that God guides the surgeon’s hands to perform the procedure and to make her as good as she can be.
Dear Judy.Try and get some sleep tonight.Praying all goes well tomorrow for Lola Mae a little dog with a huge heart.God bless you both and all the Sweeties PC HT Cap Hercules and Frank.Love and hugs SheenaXX
carol in arkansas
PU Lola Mae…..hang in there Judy
Louise Spadafora
Congratulations to Team Z and Zenyatta. Can hardly wait for Spring 2016 when the new baby arrives! Thank you for sharing the joyous news with all of Zenyatta’s fans.
maureen ph[llips
Dearest Judy B from Rhodes and Lola,
May the good Lord guide the hands of the surgeon for a successful tomorrow and may he grant you Judy the Peace you so greatly need, it is well and all will go swimmingly well tomorrow and Lola’s recovery will also be as amazing as the surgery.
My heart overflows with joy reading all the positive thoughts and heart felt Prayers going out to you and miss Lola. Z Nation family are the Bestest and I continue to thank the Lord that I am a part of all this love.
Many thanks to your Nephew for his generosity and may the Lord Bless him even more than that he can imagine, I agree with Sheena from Wales, we are all here for you if you need us. Praying for a restful night for you and Lola. The Queen also sends her Heart felt Prayers and Peace.
Thank you to all my Z Nation family for be so amazing, I feel Blessed and fortunate to be a part of you all.
maureen ph[llips
I am excited beyond words at the news of the Queen’s recent news, May the Lord grant her excellent health throughout this pregnancy for a safe foaling. If I were to add my 2 pennies, I am asking for another Princess but we will be as happy for whom ever the good Lord sends,
Sending a big congratulations to all the Queens human connections especially Ann Moss.
It is well always at Z Nation and we are all so Blessed and lucky to be here. Thank you all,
DeaMax.Sorry to hear about Simenon.Hopefully do better at RA.You must be thrilled with the news of Wise Dan!Yes,we are all concerned about Lola Mae she has many aunties praying for her.Judy’s sister is called Allee.Sheena.
Should be Dear Max!!!!Sheena.
Congrats to the Queen!!!
Ingrid Arnone
Dear Team Z,
I want to say that I am happy for the news, but I am not. Because War Front reminds me of Z Princess, the only thing that will make me fill better is, that I hope is a filly.
In addition, to Zenny, wish you the best, be save and happy, I love you.
Hugs and Kisses.
marilyn braudrick
I am so happy for all team Z so should i pray for a filly?? Princess Z was the most beautiful filly i ever saw!!! She was the filly of my dreams But all Zenny’s foals are gorgeous dream babies!!! Cannot wait for this new miracle and miracle she/he will be. Thank you agin for keeping us all informed. I saw that broodmare brass tag on her since March so I knew but not when again Thanks
Donna Z
Dear Judy,
I will be there with you in spirit for Lola Mae’s surgery tomorrow since I can’t be with you in reality. Try to think positive thoughts because it is amazing what the doctors can do today to help our pets. My Cappy arrived in NY from GA with 2 broken hips & a broken right hind leg from a motor vehicle hitting him & the ortho surgeon here fixed everything so that Cappy does everything as well as if he was never hurt!
Please give your nephew a hug from me to thank him for the $ to pay for Lola Mae’s surgery & therapy.
I will be praying for Lola Mae & you until I am able to check in here tomorrow to hear that Lola Mae made it through the surgery with flying colors & is resting comfortably.
Thinking good thoughts, Donna, Amy & Cappy
Dear Judy,
So glad that you received some good news from Dr. Sweet and there
is a good possibility Lola Mae will have a good recovery from this surgey
You are so right she is only 7 and a small dog so recovery is easier for
them. Dr Sweet sounds like a very special person so I know that she is in good hands.
Thoughts and prayers for both of you tomorrow and a very special thank
you to your nephew
Love and hugs
Anita in SoCal
Congratulations Zenyatta and Team
Z. Very wonderful and exciting news. Though there can never be a replacement for the special baby, Z Princess, whom we lost, I do hope she has another baby girl to bring joy to all who were so devastated by the loss. Thank you for sharing and for doing the very best for Zen and all her foals. God bless.
May 30 Cherokee Devotional
Life will not fail us if we do not fail it. It is like a fresh flow from a spring that starts so strong but puddles in those hard-to-cross places. We are open to catch debris and easily riled, but we can cleanse ourselves and move on.
We are life, and we can feed it or starve it. Regret starves-but peace and rest can restore. Look at sunlight and shadow playing across the plains, see the rose-colored patches that lie like swatches of fabric over the hills. Life is there, stir it up and give it a place. It is the way of the Tsa la gi.
Always changing; everything for good; nothing for nothing.
Flying Hawk
Sioux Chief