Zenyatta delivered a healthy filly by Medaglia d’Oro. Photo by Alys Emson/Lane’s End Farm
It’s a girl!
We couldn’t be more excited to announce that Zenyatta delivered a filly by Medaglia d’Oro tonight at 8:50 pm. Both mare and filly are in excellent health.
Check back soon for more photos of Zenyatta and her little girl.
Congratulations to ALL on another Z baby. My heart is spilling over with thanks for the years of sharing that everyone involved with our Queen has given us. It takes special owners, trainers, vets, Lands Ends employees to see and “feed” the need of Z’s followers. May the compassion you have shown us be returned to you all in spades.
Thank you Zenyatta, Team Z, and Lane’s End! This is such a blessing to share with us. Congratulations to everyone, and including all the aunties and uncles. She’s just so precious!!!
❍ Our Queen delivers another full-moon foal! I would have been more than happy with a colt or filly, as long as it was healthy. But in my heart of hearts, I prayed so hard for Zenyatta to have another filly. She is so girly gorgeous, with her curly mane and long lashes. A huge thank you, Team Z, for including us in this very special moment in our Queen’s life. Congratulations to everyone, and that includes Medaglia d’Oro!
So happy and excited for our Queen and this gorgeous new filly. Many, many prayers have been answered!
Cannot wait for more photos. Thank you so much, Team Z for sharing with us.
Annie B in MA
Congratulations to all connections, Team Zenyatta and Lane’s End. So many emotions, happy, overjoyed, thrilled and relieved! So happy Zenyatta has a beautiful filly to love — she is just so beautiful! More pictures soon, please.
Congrats to Zenyatta and all of Team Z! I’m so happy it is a filly and more importantly, that she is healthy. She’s gorgeous! I can’t wait to see more pix! Thank you!
Congratulations to the Mosses and Team Z! They must be thrilled.
What a precious picture of Zenyatta and her baby girl. You can see the love Zenyatta has for her babies. It is going to be so much fun watching her grow. I cannot wait for some new pictures.
Dear Zenyatta, Mr. and Mrs. Moss, Team Z and Lane’s End,
Big Congratulations on this blessed event! Mama Z, your little girl is gorgeous, but then how could she not be? Congratulations to Papa Md’Oro, too!
Thanks to Team Z and LE for letting us know that the precious bundle had arrived. She is a gift to us all — sent with love from ZPrincess and Baby 16Z. Always remembered.
Ann Maree / Tennessee
Tears of joy!!! Can’t wait for more details and photos!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations to ALL on another Z baby. My heart is spilling over with thanks for the years of sharing that everyone involved with our Queen has given us. It takes special owners, trainers, vets, Lands Ends employees to see and “feed” the need of Z’s followers. May the compassion you have shown us be returned to you all in spades.
Wendy Treadaway
Kathy Dube
Bless this pair with good health!
Barbara Wilson
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Divine blessings on this little one!
Thank you Zenyatta, Team Z, and Lane’s End! This is such a blessing to share with us. Congratulations to everyone, and including all the aunties and uncles. She’s just so precious!!!
LoriW (So.Cal)
OMG!!! What a joyful event!! Congratulations Mama Z…..she is just so precious :) Can’t wait to see more pictures!
Congratulations Zenyatta and Team Z. She is beautiful !!! Her two big brothers will be able to spoil her.
❍ Our Queen delivers another full-moon foal! I would have been more than happy with a colt or filly, as long as it was healthy. But in my heart of hearts, I prayed so hard for Zenyatta to have another filly. She is so girly gorgeous, with her curly mane and long lashes. A huge thank you, Team Z, for including us in this very special moment in our Queen’s life. Congratulations to everyone, and that includes Medaglia d’Oro!
D slater
Thank you!
KJ Bailey
Beautiful, so glad they’re both healthy. Congrats to Team Z and Lane’s End.
Jud Wucherer
Beautiful baby, you are so loved ♡ Congratulations, proud Mama and team Z. My favorite girl has a favorite girl!!! Much love ♡♡
Annie B.
So happy and excited for our Queen and this gorgeous new filly. Many, many prayers have been answered!
Cannot wait for more photos. Thank you so much, Team Z for sharing with us.
Annie B in MA
Barbara Brayton
Awesome, its a girl! What a cutie. Best to mother and baby.
Betty in Tampa
Congratulations to all connections, Team Zenyatta and Lane’s End. So many emotions, happy, overjoyed, thrilled and relieved! So happy Zenyatta has a beautiful filly to love — she is just so beautiful! More pictures soon, please.
Leslie R.
Congrats to Zenyatta and all of Team Z! I’m so happy it is a filly and more importantly, that she is healthy. She’s gorgeous! I can’t wait to see more pix! Thank you!
Hugs to all,
Kate Tait
What a wonderful Mothers Day gift. Congratulation Mama, and welcome to your special world little one. So happy all is well with them both.
How wonderful! I’m so touched! God Bless you both!
Philip Lawrence
I see both parents in this little girl: she has her daddy’s white star.
Ann Johnson
Congrats to Zenyatta and her owners!!!! So happy for all and she is ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!
So happy your baby girl arrived and is doing well. She is beautiful just like you.
Bev Airehart
This baby is so beautiful. I love Magdalia d’Oro fily’s. Can’t wait for pictures running with her Mama
pam homeier
Congrats to Zenny and all her peeps! What a wonderful surprise! And a filly! Wow! Hope Ann was able to be there with her. Can’t wait to see pictures!
She is as beautiful as her mom. Hope she can also run as fast when she grows up!
I can’t wait to see if she has leg markings like her momma.
Martha Fosdick
Another member of the “Too Cute” Club to be sure. Looking forward to see our little girl standing up and showing off to all us Zsters.
Congratulations to the Mosses and Team Z! They must be thrilled.
What a precious picture of Zenyatta and her baby girl. You can see the love Zenyatta has for her babies. It is going to be so much fun watching her grow. I cannot wait for some new pictures.
Thank you so much for sharing Zenyatta with us.
Mary Beth Mullen
I am so happy for Zenyatta…was hoping for a filly!!! Jerry and Ann should keep the Sting thing going and name her Roxanne…..lol
Given the naming convention they seem to be using for Zenyatta’s foals, it would be more like RoxZanne.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Z13Rulz,
RoxZanne — I like it!
Hugs and Cheers
Mary Beth Mullen
I LOVE IT Z13Ruiz……perfect for Zenny’s baby girl!
pam homeier
I like that name, too!
Sherry Fogle
As far as names go, we can always push for Zenchronicity (The Police’s Synchronicity).
Lori Stein
Mary M
Like the Zen D’ora or D’oro
William Wallner
Long live Z Queen. Unfortunately, Roxanne is already taken.
So glad she had a safe delivery. Her little girl is so pretty. Of course, with Queen Z the mom what else wiuld you get.
Happy Mothers Day, Zenyatta!!
Glad to know that Zenyatta and this beautiful filly are doing well.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Zenyatta, Mr. and Mrs. Moss, Team Z and Lane’s End,
Big Congratulations on this blessed event! Mama Z, your little girl is gorgeous, but then how could she not be? Congratulations to Papa Md’Oro, too!
Thanks to Team Z and LE for letting us know that the precious bundle had arrived. She is a gift to us all — sent with love from ZPrincess and Baby 16Z. Always remembered.
May they always be happy, healthy and safe. :-)
Big Hugs and Lots of Love